Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_incentive_process_k(lim=1e-14):
    Compare stationary distribution computations to known analytic form for
    neutral landscape for the Moran process.
    for k in [1, 2, 10,]:
        for n, N in [(2, 20), (2, 50), (3, 10), (3, 20)]:
            mu = (n-1.)/n * 1./(N+1)
            m = numpy.ones((n, n)) # neutral landscape
            fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
            incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)

            # Neutral landscape is the default
            edges = incentive_process.k_fold_incentive_transitions(
                N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu, k=k)
            stationary_1 = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=lim)

            # Check that the stationary distribution satisfies balance
            # conditions
            check_detailed_balance(edges, stationary_1)
            check_global_balance(edges, stationary_1)
            check_eigenvalue(edges, stationary_1)

            # Also check edge_func calculation
            edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(
                N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu)
            states = states_from_edges(edges)
            edge_func = power_transitions(edges, k)
            stationary_2 = stationary_distribution(
                edge_func, states=states, lim=lim)

            for key in stationary_1.keys():
                    stationary_1[key], stationary_2[key], places=5)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_extrema_moran_5(lim=1e-16):
    Test for extrema of the stationary distribution.
    n = 3
    N = 60
    mu = (3. / 2) * 1. / N
    m = [[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]
    maxes = set([(20, 20, 20), (0, 0, 60), (0, 60, 0), (60, 0, 0), (30, 0, 30),
                 (0, 30, 30), (30, 30, 0)])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=0.1)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,

    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=lim)
    s2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    flow = inflow_outflow(edges)

    # These sets should all correspond
    assert_equal(find_local_maxima(s), set(maxes))
    assert_equal(find_local_minima(s2), set(maxes))
    assert_equal(find_local_minima(flow), set(maxes))

    # The minima are pathological
    assert_equal(find_local_minima(s), set([(3, 3, 54), (3, 54, 3),
                                            (54, 3, 3)]))
                 set([(4, 52, 4), (4, 4, 52), (52, 4, 4)]))
                 set([(1, 58, 1), (1, 1, 58), (58, 1, 1)]))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_extrema_moran_3(lim=1e-12):
    Test for extrema of the stationary distribution.
    n = 2
    N = 100
    mu = 6. / 25
    m = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
    maxes = set([(38, 62), (62, 38)])
    mins = set([(50, 50), (100, 0), (0, 100)])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=lim)
    flow = inflow_outflow(edges)

    for q_d in [0, 1]:
        s2 = incentive_process.kl(edges, q_d=1)
        assert_equal(find_local_maxima(s), set(maxes))
        assert_equal(find_local_minima(s), set(mins))
        assert_equal(find_local_minima(s2), set([(50, 50), (40, 60),
                                                 (60, 40)]))
        assert_equal(find_local_maxima(flow), set(mins))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_incentive_process(lim=1e-14):
    Compare stationary distribution computations to known analytic form for
    neutral landscape for the Moran process.

    for n, N in [(2, 10), (2, 40), (3, 10), (3, 20), (4, 10)]:
        mu = (n - 1.) / n * 1./ (N + 1)
        alpha = N * mu / (n - 1. - n * mu)

        # Neutral landscape is the default
        edges = incentive_process.compute_edges(N, num_types=n,
                                                incentive_func=replicator, mu=mu)
        for logspace in [False, True]:
            stationary_1 = incentive_process.neutral_stationary(
                N, alpha, n, logspace=logspace)
            for exact in [False, True]:
                stationary_2 = stationary_distribution(
                    edges, lim=lim, logspace=logspace, exact=exact)
                for key in stationary_1.keys():
                        stationary_1[key], stationary_2[key], places=4)

        # Check that the stationary distribution satisfies balance conditions
        check_detailed_balance(edges, stationary_1)
        check_global_balance(edges, stationary_1)
        check_eigenvalue(edges, stationary_1)

        # Test Entropy Rate bounds
        er = entropy_rate(edges, stationary_1)
        h = (2. * n - 1) / n * numpy.log(n)
        assert_less_equal(er, h)
        assert_greater_equal(er, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def two_dim_transitions_figure(N, m, mu=0.01, incentive_func=replicator):
    Plot transition entropies and stationary distributions.

    n = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape)
    if not mu:
        mu = 1./ N
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu)

    s = stationary_distribution(edges, exact=True)
    d = edges_to_edge_dict(edges)

    # Set up plots
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1)
    ax1 = pyplot.subplot(gs[0, 0])
    ax1.set_title("Transition Probabilities")
    ups, downs, _ = two_dim_transitions(edges)
    xs = range(0, N+1)
    ax1.plot(xs, ups)
    ax1.plot(xs, downs)

    ax2 = pyplot.subplot(gs[1, 0])
    ax2.set_title("Relative Entropy")
    divs1 = expected_divergence(edges)
    divs2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    plot_dictionary(divs1, ax=ax2)
    plot_dictionary(divs2, ax=ax2)

    ax3 = pyplot.subplot(gs[2, 0])
    ax3.set_title("Stationary Distribution")
    plot_dictionary(s, ax=ax3)
    ax3.set_xlabel("Number of A individuals (i)")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def two_dim_wright_fisher_figure(N, m, mu=0.01, incentive_func=replicator):
    Plot relative entropies and stationary distribution for the Wright-Fisher

    n = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape)
    if not mu:
        mu = 1./ N

    edge_func = wright_fisher.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, mu=mu, num_types=n)
    states = list(simplex_generator(N, d=n-1))
    s = stationary_distribution(edge_func, states=states, iterations=4*N)
    s0 = expected_divergence(edge_func, states=states, q_d=0)
    s1 = expected_divergence(edge_func, states=states, q_d=1)

    # Set up plots
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1)

    ax2 = pyplot.subplot(gs[0, 0])
    ax2.set_title("Relative Entropy")
    plot_dictionary(s0, ax=ax2)
    plot_dictionary(s1, ax=ax2)

    ax3 = pyplot.subplot(gs[1, 0])
    ax3.set_title("Stationary Distribution")
    plot_dictionary(s, ax=ax3)
    ax3.set_xlabel("Number of A individuals (i)")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def bomze_figures(N=60, beta=1, process="incentive", directory=None):
    Makes plots of the stationary distribution and expected divergence for each
    of the plots in Bomze's classification.

    if not directory:
        directory = "bomze_paper_figures_%s" % process
    for i, m in enumerate(bomze_matrices()):
        mu = 3./2 * 1./N
        fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
        incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=beta)
        edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive,
                                                           num_types=3, mu=mu)
        d1 = stationary_distribution(edges)

        filename = os.path.join(directory, "%s_%s_stationary.eps" % (i, N))
        figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale = N)

        for q_d in [0., 1.]:
            d2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=q_d)
            filename = os.path.join(directory, "%s_%s_%s.eps"  % (i, N, q_d))
            figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale = N)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_stationary_2():
    Test the stationary distribution computations a simple Markov process.

    edges = [
        (0, 0, 1. / 3),
        (0, 1, 1. / 3),
        (0, 2, 1. / 3),
        (1, 0, 1. / 4),
        (1, 1, 1. / 2),
        (1, 2, 1. / 4),
        (2, 0, 1. / 6),
        (2, 1, 1. / 3),
        (2, 2, 1. / 2),
    exact_stationary = {0: 6. / 25, 1: 10. / 25, 2: 9. / 25}

    for logspace in [True, False]:
        s = stationary_distribution(edges, logspace=logspace)
        # Check that the stationary distribution satisfies balance conditions
        #check_detailed_balance(edges, s)
        check_global_balance(edges, s)
        check_eigenvalue(edges, s)
        # Check that the approximation converged to the exact distribution
        for key in s.keys():
            assert_almost_equal(exact_stationary[key], s[key])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_extrema_moran_5(lim=1e-16):
    Test for extrema of the stationary distribution.
    n = 3
    N = 60
    mu = (3./2) * 1./N
    m = [[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]
    maxes = set([(20, 20, 20), (0, 0, 60), (0, 60, 0), (60, 0, 0),
                 (30, 0, 30), (0, 30, 30), (30, 30, 0)])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=0.1)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(
        N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu)

    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=lim)
    s2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    flow = inflow_outflow(edges)

    # These sets should all correspond
    assert_equal(find_local_maxima(s), set(maxes))
    assert_equal(find_local_minima(s2), set(maxes))
    assert_equal(find_local_minima(flow), set(maxes))

    # The minima are pathological
                 set([(3, 3, 54), (3, 54, 3), (54, 3, 3)]))
                 set([(4, 52, 4), (4, 4, 52), (52, 4, 4)]))
                 set([(1, 58, 1), (1, 1, 58), (58, 1, 1)]))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def graphical_abstract_figures(N=60, q=1, beta=0.1):
    Three dimensional process examples.

    a = 0
    b = 1
    m = [[a, b, b], [b, a, b], [b, b, a]]
    mu = (3. / 2 ) * 1. / N
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=beta, q=q)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=3, mu=mu)
    d = stationary_distribution(edges, iterations=None)

    figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
    tax.heatmap(d, scale=N)
    tax.savefig(filename="ga_stationary.eps", dpi=600)

    d = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
    tax.heatmap(d, scale=N)
    tax.savefig(filename="ga_d_0.eps", dpi=600)

    d = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=1)
    figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
    tax.heatmap(d, scale=N)
    tax.savefig(filename="ga_d_1.eps", dpi=600)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def two_dim_wright_fisher_figure(N, m, mu=0.01, incentive_func=replicator):
    Plot relative entropies and stationary distribution for the Wright-Fisher

    n = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape)
    if not mu:
        mu = 1. / N

    edge_func = wright_fisher.multivariate_transitions(N,
    states = list(simplex_generator(N, d=n - 1))
    s = stationary_distribution(edge_func, states=states, iterations=4 * N)
    s0 = expected_divergence(edge_func, states=states, q_d=0)
    s1 = expected_divergence(edge_func, states=states, q_d=1)

    # Set up plots
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1)

    ax2 = pyplot.subplot(gs[0, 0])
    ax2.set_title("Relative Entropy")
    plot_dictionary(s0, ax=ax2)
    plot_dictionary(s1, ax=ax2)

    ax3 = pyplot.subplot(gs[1, 0])
    ax3.set_title("Stationary Distribution")
    plot_dictionary(s, ax=ax3)
    ax3.set_xlabel("Number of A individuals (i)")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def bomze_figures(N=60, beta=1, process="incentive", directory=None):
    Makes plots of the stationary distribution and expected divergence for each
    of the plots in Bomze's classification.

    if not directory:
        directory = "bomze_paper_figures_%s" % process
    for i, m in enumerate(bomze_matrices()):
        mu = 3. / 2 * 1. / N
        fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
        incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=beta)
        edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,
        d1 = stationary_distribution(edges)

        filename = os.path.join(directory, "%s_%s_stationary.eps" % (i, N))
        figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)

        for q_d in [0., 1.]:
            d2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=q_d)
            filename = os.path.join(directory, "%s_%s_%s.eps" % (i, N, q_d))
            figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def four_dim_figures(N=30, beta=1., q=1.):
    Four dimensional example. Three dimensional slices are plotted
    for illustation.

    m = [[0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
    num_types = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    mu = 4. / 3 * 1. / N

    incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=beta, q=q)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,

    d1 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0, boundary=True)
    d2 = stationary_distribution(edges)

    # We need to slice the 4dim dictionary into three-dim slices for plotting.
    for slice_index in range(4):
        for d in [d1, d2]:
            slice_dict = slice_dictionary(d, N, slice_index=3)
            figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
            tax.heatmap(slice_dict, style="d")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def graphical_abstract_figures(N=60, q=1, beta=0.1):
    Three dimensional process examples.

    a = 0
    b = 1
    m = [[a, b, b], [b, a, b], [b, b, a]]
    mu = (3. / 2) * 1. / N
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=beta, q=q)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,
    d = stationary_distribution(edges, iterations=None)

    figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
    tax.heatmap(d, scale=N)
    tax.savefig(filename="ga_stationary.eps", dpi=600)

    d = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
    tax.heatmap(d, scale=N)
    tax.savefig(filename="ga_d_0.eps", dpi=600)

    d = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=1)
    figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
    tax.heatmap(d, scale=N)
    tax.savefig(filename="ga_d_1.eps", dpi=600)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_wright_fisher(N=20, lim=1e-10, n=2):
    """Test 2 dimensional Wright-Fisher process."""
    for n in [2, 3]:
        mu = (n - 1.) / n * 1. / (N + 1)
        m = numpy.ones((n, n))  # neutral landscape
        fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
        incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)

        # Wright-Fisher
        for low_memory in [True, False]:
            edge_func = wright_fisher.multivariate_transitions(
                N, incentive, mu=mu, num_types=n, low_memory=low_memory)
            states = list(simplex_generator(N, d=n - 1))
            for logspace in [False, True]:
                s = stationary_distribution(edge_func,
                wf_edges = edge_func_to_edges(edge_func, states)

                er = entropy_rate(wf_edges, s)
                assert_greater_equal(er, 0)

                # Check that the stationary distribution satistifies balance conditions
                check_detailed_balance(wf_edges, s, places=2)
                check_global_balance(wf_edges, s, places=4)
                check_eigenvalue(wf_edges, s, places=2)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_wright_fisher(N=20, lim=1e-10, n=2):
    """Test 2 dimensional Wright-Fisher process."""
    for n in [2, 3]:
        mu = (n - 1.) / n * 1. / (N + 1)
        m = numpy.ones((n, n)) # neutral landscape
        fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
        incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)

        # Wright-Fisher
        for low_memory in [True, False]:
            edge_func = wright_fisher.multivariate_transitions(
                N, incentive, mu=mu, num_types=n, low_memory=low_memory)
            states = list(simplex_generator(N, d=n-1))
            for logspace in [False, True]:
                s = stationary_distribution(
                    edge_func, states=states, iterations=200, lim=lim,
                wf_edges = edge_func_to_edges(edge_func, states)

                er = entropy_rate(wf_edges, s)
                assert_greater_equal(er, 0)

                # Check that the stationary distribution satistifies balance
                # conditions
                check_detailed_balance(wf_edges, s, places=2)
                check_global_balance(wf_edges, s, places=4)
                check_eigenvalue(wf_edges, s, places=2)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_extrema_wf(lim=1e-10):
    For small mu, the Wright-Fisher process is minimal in the center.
    Test that this happens.

    for n, N, mins in [(2, 40, [(20, 20)]), (3, 30, [(10, 10, 10)])]:
        mu = 1. / N**3
        m = numpy.ones((n, n))  # neutral landscape
        fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
        incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)

        edge_func = wright_fisher.multivariate_transitions(N,
        states = list(simplex_generator(N, d=n - 1))
        s = stationary_distribution(edge_func,
                                    iterations=4 * N,
        s2 = expected_divergence(edge_func, states=states, q_d=0)

        assert_equal(find_local_minima(s), set(mins))

        er = entropy_rate(edge_func, s, states=states)
        assert_greater_equal(er, 0)
def compute_entropy_rate(N=30,
    if not m:
        m = np.ones((n, n))
    if not incentive_func:
        incentive_func = incentives.fermi
    if not mu:
        # mu = (n-1.)/n * 1./(N+1)
        mu = 1. / N

    fitness_landscape = incentives.linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape, beta=beta, q=1)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,
    s = stationary.stationary_distribution(edges,
    e = stationary.entropy_rate(edges, s)
    return e, s
Ejemplo n.º 19
def cycle_stationary_example(N, m, mu, incentive_func=replicator):
    graph = cycle(N)
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape)

    edge_dict = multivariate_graph_transitions(N, graph, incentive, num_types=2, mu=mu)
    print "There are %s configurations and %s transitions" % (len(set([x[0] for x in edge_dict.keys()])), len(edge_dict))

    # Compute stationary distribution
    edges = [(v1, v2, t) for ((v1,v2),t) in edge_dict.items()]
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=1e-8)
    return s
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_extrema_moran(lim=1e-16):
    Test for extrema of the stationary distribution.
    n = 2
    for N, maxes, mins in [(60, [(30, 30)], [(60, 0), (0, 60)]),
                           (100, [(50, 50)], [(100, 0), (0, 100)])]:
        mu = 1. / N
        edges = incentive_process.compute_edges(N, num_types=n,
                                                incentive_func=replicator, mu=mu)

        s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=lim)
        assert_equal(find_local_maxima(s), set(maxes))
        assert_equal(find_local_minima(s), set(mins))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_extrema_moran_2(lim=1e-16):
    Test for extrema of the stationary distribution.
    n = 2
    N = 100
    mu = 1. / 1000
    m = [[1, 2], [3, 1]]
    maxes = set([(33, 67), (100,0), (0, 100)])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu)
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=lim)
    s2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)

    assert_equal(find_local_maxima(s), set(maxes))
    assert_equal(find_local_minima(s2), set(maxes))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def tournament_stationary_3(N, mu=None):
    Example for a tournament selection matrix.

    if not mu:
        mu = 3./2 * 1./N
    m = [[1,1,1], [0,1,1], [0,0,1]]
    num_types = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=num_types, mu=mu)
    s = stationary_distribution(edges)
    ternary.heatmap(s, scale=N, scientific=True)
    d = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    ternary.heatmap(d, scale=N, scientific=True)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_stationary(t1=0.4, t2=0.6):
    Test the stationary distribution computations a simple Markov process.

    edges = [(0, 1, t1), (0, 0, 1. - t1), (1, 0, t2), (1, 1, 1. - t2)]
    s_0 = 1. / (1. + t1 / t2)
    exact_stationary = {0: s_0, 1: 1 - s_0}

    for logspace in [True, False]:
        s = stationary_distribution(edges, logspace=logspace)
        # Check that the stationary distribution satisfies balance conditions
        check_detailed_balance(edges, s)
        check_global_balance(edges, s)
        check_eigenvalue(edges, s)
        # Check that the approximation converged to the exact distribution
        for key in s.keys():
            assert_almost_equal(exact_stationary[key], s[key])
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_stationary_2():
    Test the stationary distribution computations a simple Markov process.

    edges = [(0, 0, 1./3), (0, 1, 1./3), (0, 2, 1./3),
             (1, 0, 1./4), (1, 1, 1./2), (1, 2, 1./4),
             (2, 0, 1./6), (2, 1, 1./3), (2, 2, 1./2),]
    exact_stationary = {0: 6./25, 1: 10./25, 2:9./25}

    for logspace in [True, False]:
        s = stationary_distribution(edges, logspace=logspace)
        # Check that the stationary distribution satisfies balance conditions
        check_global_balance(edges, s)
        check_eigenvalue(edges, s)
        # Check that the approximation converged to the exact distribution
        for key in s.keys():
            assert_almost_equal(exact_stationary[key], s[key])
Ejemplo n.º 25
def rps_figures(N=60, q=1, beta=1.):
    Three rock-paper-scissors examples.

    m = [[0, -1, 1], [1, 0, -1], [-1, 1, 0]]
    num_types = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    for i, mu in enumerate([1./math.sqrt(N), 1./N, 1./N**(3./2)]):
        # Approximate calculation
        mu = 3/2. * mu
        incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=beta, q=q)
        edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=num_types, mu=mu)
        d = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=1e-10)

        figure, tax = ternary.figure()
        tax.heatmap(d, scale=N)
        tax.savefig(filename="rsp_mu_" + str(i) + ".eps", dpi=600)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_stationary(t1=0.4, t2=0.6):
    Test the stationary distribution computations a simple Markov process.

    edges = [(0, 1, t1), (0, 0, 1. - t1), (1, 0, t2), (1, 1, 1. - t2)]
    s_0 = 1./(1. + t1 / t2)
    exact_stationary = {0: s_0, 1: 1 - s_0}

    for logspace in [True, False]:
        s = stationary_distribution(edges, logspace=logspace)
        # Check that the stationary distribution satisfies balance conditions
        check_detailed_balance(edges, s)
        check_global_balance(edges, s)
        check_eigenvalue(edges, s)
        # Check that the approximation converged to the exact distribution
        for key in s.keys():
            assert_almost_equal(exact_stationary[key], s[key])
def compute_entropy_rate(N=30, n=2, m=None, incentive_func=None, beta=1.,
                         mu=None, exact=False, lim=1e-13, logspace=False):
    if not m:
        m = np.ones((n, n))
    if not incentive_func:
        incentive_func = incentives.fermi
    if not mu:
        # mu = (n-1.)/n * 1./(N+1)
        mu = 1. / N

    fitness_landscape = incentives.linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape, beta=beta, q=1)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(
        N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu)
    s = stationary.stationary_distribution(edges, exact=exact, lim=lim,
    e = stationary.entropy_rate(edges, s)
    return e, s
Ejemplo n.º 28
def wright_fisher(N, game_matrix=None, mu=None, incentive_func=replicator,
    A convenience function for the Moran process with mutation. Computes the
    transition probabilities and the stationary distribution.

    The number of types is determined from the dimensions of the game_matrix.

    N: int
        The population size
    game_matrix: list of lists or numpy matrix, None
        The game matrix of the process, e.g. [[1, 2], [2, 1]] for the two-type
        Hawk-Dove game. If not specified, the 2-type neutral landscape is used.
    mu: float, None
        The mutation rate, if None then `mu` is set to 1 / N
    incentive_func: function, replicator
        A function defining the process, e.g. the Moran process, logit, Fermi,
        Incentives functions are in stationary.processes.incentives
    logspace: bool, False
        Compute in log-space or not

    edges, s, er: the list of transitions, the stationary distribution, and the
    entropy rate.

    if not game_matrix:
        game_matrix = [[1, 1], [1, 1]]
    if not mu:
        mu = 1. / N
    num_types = len(game_matrix[0])

    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(game_matrix)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape)
    edge_func = wright_fisher.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, mu=mu,
    states = list(simplex_generator(N, d=num_types-1))
    s = stationary_distribution(edge_func, states=states, iterations=4*N,
    er = entropy_rate(edge_func, s)
    return edge_func, s, er
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_extrema_wf(lim=1e-10):
    For small mu, the Wright-Fisher process is minimal in the center.
    Test that this happens.

    for n, N, mins in [(2, 40, [(20, 20)]), (3, 30, [(10, 10, 10)])]:
        mu = 1. / N ** 3
        m = numpy.ones((n, n)) # neutral landscape
        fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
        incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)

        edge_func = wright_fisher.multivariate_transitions(
            N, incentive, mu=mu, num_types=n)
        states = list(simplex_generator(N, d=n-1))
        s = stationary_distribution(
            edge_func, states=states, iterations=4*N, lim=lim)
        assert_equal(find_local_minima(s), set(mins))
        er = entropy_rate(edge_func, s, states=states)
        assert_greater_equal(er, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_stationary_3():
    Test the stationary distribution computations a simple Markov process.

    edges = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 2, 0), (0, 3, 0),
             (1, 0, 1./3), (1, 1, 0), (1, 2, 2./3), (1, 3, 0),
             (2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2./3), (2, 2, 0), (2, 3, 1./3),
             (3, 0, 0), (3, 1, 0), (3, 2, 1), (3, 3, 0)]
    exact_stationary = {0: 1./8, 1: 3./8, 2: 3./8, 3: 1./8}

    for logspace in [True, False]:
        s = stationary_distribution(edges, logspace=logspace)
        # Check that the stationary distribution satisfies balance conditions
        check_detailed_balance(edges, s)
        check_global_balance(edges, s)
        check_eigenvalue(edges, s)
        # Check that the approximation converged to the exact distribution
        for key in s.keys():
            assert_almost_equal(exact_stationary[key], s[key])
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_extrema_moran_4(lim=1e-16):
    Test for extrema of the stationary distribution.
    n = 3
    N = 60
    mu = 3./ (2 * N)
    m = [[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]
    maxes = set([(20,20,20)])
    mins = set([(0, 0, 60), (0, 60, 0), (60, 0, 0)])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = logit(fitness_landscape, beta=0.1)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu)
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=lim)
    s2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)

    assert_equal(find_local_maxima(s), set(maxes))
    assert_equal(find_local_minima(s), set(mins))
    assert_equal(find_local_minima(s2), set(maxes))
    assert_equal(find_local_maxima(s2), set(mins))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def tournament_stationary_3(N, mu=None):
    Example for a tournament selection matrix.

    if not mu:
        mu = 3. / 2 * 1. / N
    m = [[1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1]]
    num_types = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,
    s = stationary_distribution(edges)
    ternary.heatmap(s, scale=N, scientific=True)
    d = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    ternary.heatmap(d, scale=N, scientific=True)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def rps_figures(N=60, q=1, beta=1.):
    Three rock-paper-scissors examples.

    m = [[0, -1, 1], [1, 0, -1], [-1, 1, 0]]
    num_types = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    for i, mu in enumerate([1. / math.sqrt(N), 1. / N, 1. / N**(3. / 2)]):
        # Approximate calculation
        mu = 3 / 2. * mu
        incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=beta, q=q)
        edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,
        d = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=1e-10)

        figure, tax = ternary.figure()
        tax.heatmap(d, scale=N)
        tax.savefig(filename="rsp_mu_" + str(i) + ".eps", dpi=600)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_extrema_moran_3(lim=1e-12):
    Test for extrema of the stationary distribution.
    n = 2
    N = 100
    mu = 6./ 25
    m = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
    maxes = set([(38, 62), (62, 38)])
    mins = set([(50, 50), (100, 0), (0, 100)])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=n, mu=mu)
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=lim)
    flow = inflow_outflow(edges)

    for q_d in [0, 1]:
        s2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=1)
        assert_equal(find_local_maxima(s), set(maxes))
        assert_equal(find_local_minima(s), set(mins))
        assert_equal(find_local_minima(s2), set([(50,50), (40, 60), (60, 40)]))
        assert_equal(find_local_maxima(flow), set(mins))
Ejemplo n.º 35
def two_dim_transitions_figure(N, m, mu=0.01, incentive_func=replicator):
    Plot transition entropies and stationary distributions.

    n = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = incentive_func(fitness_landscape)
    if not mu:
        mu = 1. / N
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N,

    s = stationary_distribution(edges, exact=True)
    d = edges_to_edge_dict(edges)

    # Set up plots
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1)
    ax1 = pyplot.subplot(gs[0, 0])
    ax1.set_title("Transition Probabilities")
    ups, downs, _ = two_dim_transitions(edges)
    xs = range(0, N + 1)
    ax1.plot(xs, ups)
    ax1.plot(xs, downs)

    ax2 = pyplot.subplot(gs[1, 0])
    ax2.set_title("Relative Entropy")
    divs1 = expected_divergence(edges)
    divs2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    plot_dictionary(divs1, ax=ax2)
    plot_dictionary(divs2, ax=ax2)

    ax3 = pyplot.subplot(gs[2, 0])
    ax3.set_title("Stationary Distribution")
    plot_dictionary(s, ax=ax3)
    ax3.set_xlabel("Number of A individuals (i)")
Ejemplo n.º 36
def four_dim_figures(N=30, beta=1., q=1.):
    Four dimensional example. Three dimensional slices are plotted
    for illustation.

    m = [[0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
    num_types = len(m[0])
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    mu = 4. / 3 * 1. / N

    incentive = fermi(fitness_landscape, beta=beta, q=q)
    edges = incentive_process.multivariate_transitions(N, incentive, num_types=num_types, mu=mu)

    d1 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0, boundary=True)
    d2 = stationary_distribution(edges)

    # We need to slice the 4dim dictionary into three-dim slices for plotting.
    for slice_index in range(4):
        for d in [d1, d2]:
            slice_dict = slice_dictionary(d, N, slice_index=3)
            figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)
            tax.heatmap(slice_dict, style="d")
    linear_fitness_landscape, replicator)
from stationary.utils import expected_divergence
from stationary import stationary_distribution

if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 40
    mu = 3./2. * 1./N
    m = [[1, 2], [2, 1]]
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m, normalize=False)
    incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)
    death_probabilities = even_death(N)

    edges = variable_population_transitions(
        N, fitness_landscape, death_probabilities, incentive=incentive, mu=mu)
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, iterations=10000)

    # Print out the states with the highest stationary probabilities
    vs = [(v, k) for (k, v) in s.items()]

    # Plot the stationary distribution and expected divergence
    figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)

    d2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    d = dict()
    for k, v in d2.items():
        d[k] = math.sqrt(v)
from stationary.processes.incentive_process import linear_fitness_landscape, replicator
from stationary.utils import expected_divergence

from stationary import stationary_distribution

if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 40
    mu = 3./2. * 1./N
    m = [[1, 2], [2, 1]]
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m, normalize=False)
    incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)
    death_probabilities = even_death(N)

    edges = variable_population_transitions(N, fitness_landscape, death_probabilities, incentive=incentive, mu=mu)
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, iterations=10000)

    # Print out the states with the highest stationary probabilities
    vs = [(v,k) for (k,v) in s.items()]
    print vs[:10]

    # Plot the stationary distributoin and expected divergence

    figure, tax = ternary.figure(scale=N)

    d2 = expected_divergence(edges, q_d=0)
    d = dict()
    for k, v in d2.items():
        d[k] = math.sqrt(v)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    edges = [(v1, v2, t) for ((v1, v2), t) in edge_dict.items()]
    g = Graph(edges)

    print("There are %s configurations and %s transitions" %
          (len(set([x[0] for x in edge_dict.keys()])), len(edge_dict)))

    print("Local Maxima:", len(find_extrema_yen(g, extrema="max")))
    print("Local Minima:", len(find_extrema_yen(g, extrema="min")))
    print("Total States:", 2**N)

    print("Computing stationary")
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=1e-8, iterations=1000)
    print("Local Maxima:", len(find_extrema_stationary(s, g, extrema="max")))
    print("Local Minima:", len(find_extrema_stationary(s, g, extrema="min")))

    # Print stationary distribution top 20
    for k, v in sorted(s.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:20]:
        print(k, v)

    print(len([v for v in s.values() if v > 0.001]),
          sum([v for v in s.values() if v > 0.001]))

    # Consolidate states
    s, inverse_mapper = consolidate_stationary(s, N)
    # Print stationary distribution top 20
    print("Consolidated Stationary")
Ejemplo n.º 40
    graph = cycle(N)
    fitness_landscape = linear_fitness_landscape(m)
    incentive = replicator(fitness_landscape)
    edge_dict = multivariate_graph_transitions(N, graph, incentive, num_types=2, mu=mu)
    edges = [(v1, v2, t) for ((v1, v2), t) in edge_dict.items()]
    g = Graph(edges)

    print("There are %s configurations and %s transitions" % (len(set([x[0] for x in edge_dict.keys()])), len(edge_dict)))

    print("Local Maxima:", len(find_extrema_yen(g, extrema="max")))
    print("Local Minima:", len(find_extrema_yen(g, extrema="min")))
    print("Total States:", 2**N)

    print("Computing stationary")
    s = stationary_distribution(edges, lim=1e-8, iterations=1000)
    print("Local Maxima:", len(find_extrema_stationary(s, g, extrema="max")))
    print("Local Minima:", len(find_extrema_stationary(s, g, extrema="min")))

    # Print stationary distribution top 20
    for k, v in sorted(s.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:20]:
        print(k, v)

    print(len([v for v in s.values() if v > 0.001]), sum([v for v in s.values() if v > 0.001]))

    # Consolidate states
    s, inverse_mapper = consolidate_stationary(s, N)
    # Print stationary distribution top 20
    print("Consolidated Stationary")
    for k,v in sorted(s.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:20]: