Ejemplo n.º 1
def _train(model, optimizer, scheduler, checkpointer, epochs, train_loader,
           test_loader, stat_tracker, log_dir, device):
    Training loop to train classifiers on top of an encoder with fixed weights.
    -- e.g., use this for eval or running on new data
    # If mixed precision is on, will add the necessary hooks into the model and
    # optimizer for half precision conversions
    model, optimizer = mixed_precision.initialize(model, optimizer)
    # ...
    time_start = time.time()
    total_updates = 0
    next_epoch, total_updates = checkpointer.get_current_position(
    for epoch in range(next_epoch, epochs):
        epoch_updates = 0
        epoch_stats = AverageMeterSet()
        for _, ((images1, images2), labels) in enumerate(train_loader):
            # get data and info about this minibatch
            images1 = images1.to(device)
            images2 = images2.to(device)
            labels = labels.to(device)
            # run forward pass through model and collect activations
            res_dict = model(x1=images1, x2=images2, class_only=True)
            lgt_glb_mlp, lgt_glb_lin = res_dict['class']
            # compute total loss for optimization
            loss = (loss_xent(lgt_glb_mlp, labels) +
                    loss_xent(lgt_glb_lin, labels))
            # do optimizer step for encoder
                loss, optimizer)  # special mixed precision stuff
            # record loss and accuracy on minibatch
            epoch_stats.update('loss', loss.item(), n=1)
            update_train_accuracies(epoch_stats, labels, lgt_glb_mlp,
            # shortcut diagnostics to deal with long epochs
            total_updates += 1
            epoch_updates += 1
            if (total_updates % 100) == 0:
                time_stop = time.time()
                spu = (time_stop - time_start) / 100.
                    'Epoch {0:d}, {1:d} updates -- {2:.4f} sec/update'.format(
                        epoch, epoch_updates, spu))
                time_start = time.time()

        # step learning rate scheduler
        # record diagnostics
        test_model(model, test_loader, device, epoch_stats, max_evals=500000)
        epoch_str = epoch_stats.pretty_string(ignore=model.tasks)
        diag_str = '{0:d}: {1:s}'.format(epoch, epoch_str)
        stat_tracker.record_stats(epoch_stats.averages(epoch, prefix='eval/'))
        checkpointer.update(epoch + 1, total_updates, classifier=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _train(model, optimizer, scheduler, checkpointer, epochs, train_loader,
           test_loader, stat_tracker, log_dir, device):
    Training loop to train classifiers on top of an encoder with fixed weights.
    -- e.g., use this for eval or running on new data
    # If mixed precision is on, will add the necessary hooks into the model and
    # optimizer for half precision conversions
    model, optimizer = mixed_precision.initialize(model, optimizer)
    # ...
    time_start = time.time()
    total_updates = 0
    next_epoch, total_updates = checkpointer.get_current_position(
    )  # Nawid - I think if I am continuing training, then it finds the current epoch it is on
    for epoch in range(next_epoch, epochs):
        epoch_updates = 0
        epoch_stats = AverageMeterSet()
        #for _, ((images1, images2), labels) in enumerate(test_loader): # Nawid - loads the two different images
        for _, ((images1, images2), labels) in enumerate(
                train_loader):  # Nawid - loads the two different images
            # get data and info about this minibatch
            images1 = images1.to(device)
            images2 = images2.to(device)
            labels = labels.to(device)
            # run forward pass through model and collect activations
            res_dict = model(
                x1=images1, x2=images2, decoder_only=True
            )  # Nawid - Only requires the first input, produces the dictionary of outputs which should be the encoder value and a decoded output

            image_reconstructions = res_dict[
                'decoder_output']  # Nawid-  Obtains the logits from the mlp and the linear

            # compute total loss for optimization
            loss = loss_MSE(
                images1, image_reconstructions
            )  # Nawid-  Compute the loss using the mlp and the linear layer - there is no loss term related to the encoder and the input to the loss term is the logits which

            # do optimizer step for encoder
                loss, optimizer)  # special mixed precision stuff
            optimizer.step()  # Nawid - Gradient step
            # record loss and accuracy on minibatch
            epoch_stats.update('loss', loss.item(), n=1)
            # - NEED TO  CHANGE THIS FOR THE DECODER update_train_accuracies(epoch_stats, labels, lgt_glb_mlp, lgt_glb_lin) # Nawid -  updates the accuracies

            # shortcut diagnostics to deal with long epochs
            total_updates += 1
            epoch_updates += 1
            if (total_updates % 100) == 0:
                save_reconstructions(images1, image_reconstructions)

                time_stop = time.time()
                spu = (time_stop - time_start) / 100.

                    'Epoch {0:d}, {1:d} updates -- {2:.4f} sec/update'.format(
                        epoch, epoch_updates, spu))
                time_start = time.time()

        # step learning rate scheduler
        # record diagnostics
            model, test_loader, device, epoch_stats,
            max_evals=500000)  # Nawid - NEED TO CHANGE FOR DECODER I BELIEVE
        epoch_str = epoch_stats.pretty_string(ignore=model.tasks)
        diag_str = '{0:d}: {1:s}'.format(epoch, epoch_str)
                prefix='decoder/'))  # NAWID - NEED TO CHANGE FOR DECODER
        checkpointer.update(epoch + 1, total_updates,
                            decoder=True)  # Nawid - Updates the decoder