def prev(self, event):
            ax = linear_curve_fitting_and_plotting(ind_filename2, dep_filename)

            x_vals = df2[df2.columns[0]].values.tolist()
            y_vals = df2['Global Mean Sea Levels'].values.tolist()

            line_equation = stats_analysis.best_fit_regression_equation(x_vals, y_vals)
            correlation = str(stats_analysis.correlation(x_vals, y_vals))
            r_squared = str(stats_analysis.r_squared(x_vals, y_vals))

            ax.set_xlabel(df2.columns[0] + '\nCorrelation of Data: ' + correlation +
                          '\nEquation of line fit: ' + line_equation +
                          '\nR Squared Value: ' + r_squared)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def line1(self, _: Event) -> None:
        """Plot the scatter plot and line of best fit for the data in df1."""
        ax = linear_curve_fitting_and_plotting(self._ind_filename1,

        x_vals = self._df1[self._df1.columns[0]].values.tolist()
        y_vals = self._df1['Global Mean Sea Levels'].values.tolist()
        line_equation = stats_analysis.best_fit_regression_equation(
            x_vals, y_vals)
        correlation = str(stats_analysis.correlation(x_vals, y_vals))
        r_squared = str(stats_analysis.r_squared(x_vals, y_vals))

        ax.set_xlabel(self._df1.columns[0] + '\nCorrelation of Data: ' +
                      correlation + '\nEquation of line fit: ' +
                      line_equation + '\nR Squared Value: ' + r_squared)
def plot_graphs(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame, df3: DataFrame) -> None:
    """Plotting the graphs using Plotly."""

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, right=0.8)

    ax.set_title(df1.columns[0] + '\nClick on legend line to toggle line on/off')
    line1, = ax.plot(df1[df1.columns[0]], df1['Global Mean Sea Levels'],
                     lw=2, color='blue', label=df1.columns[0])

    # stats analysis
    y_vals = df1[df1.columns[0]].values.tolist()
    x_vals = df1['Global Mean Sea Levels'].values.tolist()
    line_equation = stats_analysis.best_fit_regression_equation(x_vals, y_vals)
    correlation = str(stats_analysis.correlation(x_vals, y_vals))
    r_squared = str(stats_analysis.r_squared(x_vals, y_vals))
    ax.set_xlabel('Correlation of Data: ' + correlation + '\nEquation of line fit: ' + line_equation +
                  '\nR Squared Value: ' + r_squared)

    # equation = stats_analysis.best_fit_regression_equation(x_vals, y_vals)[3:]
    # y_int = stats_analysis.y_intercept_of_best_fit(x_vals, y_vals)
    # slope = stats_analysis.slope_of_best_fit(x_vals, y_vals)
    # y_vals_act = [slope * x + y_int for x in x_vals]

    # line_reg = ax.plot(df1[df1.columns[0]], y_vals_act, lw=2, color='red')

    # line2, = ax.plot(df2[df2.columns[0]], df2['Global Mean Sea Levels'],
    #                  lw=2, color='red', label=df2.columns[0])
    # line3, = ax.plot(df3[df3.columns[0]], df3['Global Mean Sea Levels'],
    #                  lw=2, color='green', label=df3.columns[0])

    # positioning the legend
    leg = ax.legend(loc='lower right', fancybox=True, shadow=True, title='Legend')
    leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)  # sets opacity of the legend -- todo: could perhaps make
    # it so that it goes transparent when you're not hovering over it?
    # higher value in the brackets means less transparent

    # TODO: there's a better way to do this
    leg_line = leg.get_lines()[0]
    leg_line = line1

    def onpick(event) -> None:  # TODO: move this outside the function
        It's getting mad at me for not having a docstring but i honestly don't understand
        why the tutorials are saying to have this function in here
        # on the pick event, find the orig line corresponding to the
        # legend proxy line, and toggle the visibility
        legend_line = event.artist
        # original_line = lined[legend_line]
        original_line = line1
        vis = not original_line.get_visible()

        # Change the alpha on the line in the legend so we can see what lines
        # have been toggled
        if vis:


    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick)
