Ejemplo n.º 1
    def predict(self, prev_data, period, model_name='p'):

        # stime = time.time()

        model = SARIMAX(prev_data,
        if model_name == 'r':
            model_fit = model.filter(self.model_params_r)
        elif model_name == 's':
            model_fit = model.filter(self.model_params_s)
            model_fit = model.filter(self.model_params_p)

        yhat = model_fit.forecast(period)

        if self.pos:
            yhat = yhat.clip(
            )  # do not allow it to predict negative values for demand or solar

        # print 'pred time', time.time()-stime

        return yhat
    def model_predict(y):
        Predict using the SARIMAX Model (Multi-step ahead Forecasting)
        n_y = y.shape[0]

        y_pred = np.zeros(n_y)

        n_iter = int(np.floor(n_y / steps_ahead))
        L_last_window = n_y % steps_ahead

        # Multi-step ahead Forecasting of all the full windows
        window_start = steps_ahead
        window_end = window_start + steps_ahead - 1
        for i in range(1, n_iter):
            pred_start = i * steps_ahead
            pred_end = pred_start + steps_ahead - 1
            pred_outliers = np.zeros((steps_ahead, 1))
            x = y[pred_start - steps_ahead:pred_start]
            pred_model = SARIMAX(x,
            y_pred[pred_start:pred_end +
                   1] = pred_model.filter(fitted_params).get_prediction(
                       start=window_start, end=window_end,

        if L_last_window > 0:
            # Multi-step ahead Forecasting of the last window
            window_start = steps_ahead
            window_end = window_start + L_last_window - 1
            pred_start = n_y - L_last_window
            pred_end = n_y
            pred_outliers = np.zeros((steps_ahead, 1))
            x = y[pred_start - steps_ahead:pred_start]
            pred_model = SARIMAX(x,
            pred_outliers = np.zeros((L_last_window, 1))
            y_pred[pred_start:pred_end +
                   1] = pred_model.filter(fitted_params).get_prediction(
                       start=window_start, end=window_end,

        return y_pred
def test_innovations_algo_direct_filter_kalman_filter(ar_params, ma_params,
    # Test the innovations algorithm and filter against the Kalman filter
    # for exact likelihood evaluation of an ARMA process, using the direct
    # function.

    endog = np.random.normal(size=10)

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    u, r = arma_innovations.arma_innovations(endog, ar_params, ma_params,

    v = np.array(r) * sigma2
    u = np.array(u)

    llf_obs = -0.5 * u**2 / v - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * v)

    # Kalman filter apparoach
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    assert_allclose(u, res.forecasts_error[0])
    # assert_allclose(theta[1:, 0], res.filter_results.kalman_gain[0, 0, :-1])
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs)

    # Get llf_obs directly
    llf_obs2 = _arma_innovations.darma_loglikeobs_fast(
        endog, ar_params, ma_params, sigma2)

    assert_allclose(llf_obs2, res.llf_obs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_innovations_algo_filter_kalman_filter(reset_randomstate):
    # Test the innovations algorithm and filter against the Kalman filter
    # for exact likelihood evaluation of an ARMA process
    ar_params = np.array([0.5])
    ma_params = np.array([0.2])
    # TODO could generalize to sigma2 != 1, if desired, after #5324 is merged
    # and there is a sigma2 argument to arma_acovf
    # (but maybe this is not really necessary for the point of this test)
    sigma2 = 1

    endog = np.random.normal(size=10)

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    acovf = arma_acovf(np.r_[1, -ar_params], np.r_[1, ma_params],

    theta, v = innovations_algo(acovf)
    u = innovations_filter(endog, theta)
    llf_obs = -0.5 * u ** 2 / (sigma2 * v) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * v)

    # Kalman filter apparoach
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    atol = 1e-6 if PLATFORM_WIN else 0.0
    assert_allclose(u, res.forecasts_error[0], rtol=1e-6, atol=atol)
    assert_allclose(theta[1:, 0], res.filter_results.kalman_gain[0, 0, :-1],
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs, atol=atol)
def test_innovations_algo_direct_filter_kalman_filter(ar_params, ma_params,
    # Test the innovations algorithm and filter against the Kalman filter
    # for exact likelihood evaluation of an ARMA process, using the direct
    # function.

    endog = np.random.normal(size=10)

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    u, r = arma_innovations.arma_innovations(endog, ar_params, ma_params,

    v = np.array(r) * sigma2
    u = np.array(u)

    llf_obs = -0.5 * u**2 / v - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * v)

    # Kalman filter apparoach
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    assert_allclose(u, res.forecasts_error[0])
    # assert_allclose(theta[1:, 0], res.filter_results.kalman_gain[0, 0, :-1])
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs)

    # Get llf_obs directly
    llf_obs2 = _arma_innovations.darma_loglikeobs_fast(
        endog, ar_params, ma_params, sigma2)

    assert_allclose(llf_obs2, res.llf_obs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_innovations_algo_filter_kalman_filter(reset_randomstate):
    # Test the innovations algorithm and filter against the Kalman filter
    # for exact likelihood evaluation of an ARMA process
    ar_params = np.array([0.5])
    ma_params = np.array([0.2])
    # TODO could generalize to sigma2 != 1, if desired, after #5324 is merged
    # and there is a sigma2 argument to arma_acovf
    # (but maybe this is not really necessary for the point of this test)
    sigma2 = 1

    endog = np.random.normal(size=10)

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    acovf = arma_acovf(np.r_[1, -ar_params], np.r_[1, ma_params],

    theta, v = innovations_algo(acovf)
    u = innovations_filter(endog, theta)
    llf_obs = -0.5 * u**2 / (sigma2 * v) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * v)

    # Kalman filter apparoach
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    atol = 1e-6 if PLATFORM_WIN else 0.0
    assert_allclose(u, res.forecasts_error[0], atol=atol)
    assert_allclose(theta[1:, 0], res.filter_results.kalman_gain[0, 0, :-1],
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs, atol=atol)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def arima_forecast(dataset_series, dateset, start_index, end_index):
    # define the model
    #dataset_series.to_csv('train.csv', index=False)
    res = pd.Series(dataset_series, index=dateset)
    exogx = np.array(range(1, 5))
    model = SARIMA(res,
                   order=(3, 0, 0),
                   seasonal_order=(3, 0, 0, 20),
                   )  #ARIMA:(Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)
    # fit the model
    model_fit = model.filter(model.start_params)
    # make forecast
    forecast = model_fit.predict(start=len(dataset_series),
                                 end=len(dataset_series) + 300)
    #forecast = model_fit.predict(len(dataset_series), len(dataset_series))

    #pyplot.title("Mean Square Error")
    pyplot.plot(forecast, marker='o', label="forecast")
    return forecast[0]
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def predict_with_sarima(self, order=(1, 0, 0), seasonal_order=(1, 0, 0, 24)):
     # seasonal_order=(1, 1, 1, 24),
     saved_model = SARIMAXResults.load('{}{}{}.pkl'.format(self.model_dir, self.name, self.sarima_models_suffix))
     data_used_for_prediction = self.train[-48:]
     model = SARIMAX(endog=data_used_for_prediction, order=order, seasonal_order=seasonal_order)
     fitted_model = model.filter(params=saved_model.params)
     self.prediction = fitted_model.predict(start=len(data_used_for_prediction), end=len(data_used_for_prediction) + self.prediction_length - 1)
     return self.prediction
Ejemplo n.º 9
def arima_forecast(dataset_series):
    # define the model
    model = SARIMA(dataset_series,
                   order=(2, 0, 0),
                   seasonal_order=(2, 0, 0, 7),
                   )  #ARIMA:(Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)
    # fit the model
    model_fit = model.filter(model.start_params)
    # make forecast
    forecast = model_fit.predict(len(dataset_series), len(dataset_series) + 5)
    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 10
def evaluate(md_path, flat_path_ts, flat_path_out):
    prs = pk.load(open(md_path, "rb"))
    ts = [vl for vl in load_flat(flat_path_ts)]
    md2 = SARIMAX(ts,
                  order=(AR, 1 if D else 0, MA),
    rs = md2.filter(prs)
    # assembling the results
    with open(flat_path_out, "w") as oh:
        for i in xrange(len(ts)):
            oh.write(str(rs.predict(i, i)[-1]) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 11
def arima_forecast(dataset):
    # converting dataset into series
    dataset_series = dataset
    model = SARIMA(dataset,
                   order=(3, 0, 0),
                   seasonal_order=(3, 0, 0, 7),
                   )  #ARIMA:(Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)
    # fit the model
    model_fit = model.filter(model.start_params)
    # make forecast
    forecast = model_fit.predict(start=len(dataset_series),
                                 end=len(dataset_series) + 23)
    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 12
def arima_forecast(dataset_series,dateset,start_index,end_index):
	# define the model
	#dataset_series.to_csv('train.csv', index=False)
	res = pd.Series(dataset_series, index=dateset)
	model = SARIMA(res, order=(3, 0, 0), seasonal_order=(3, 0, 0,7),
                          simple_differencing=True) #ARIMA:(Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)
	# fit the model
	model_fit = model.filter(model.start_params)
	# make forecast
	forecast= model_fit.predict(end=end_index)
	#forecast = model_fit.predict(len(dataset_series), len(dataset_series))
	return forecast[end_index:end_index]
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def model_predict(y):
        Predict using the SARIMAX Model (One-step ahead Forecasting)
        n_y = y.shape[0]

        pred_outliers = np.zeros(n_y)
        pred_model = SARIMAX(y,
        y_pred = pred_model.filter(

        return y_pred
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def predict_with_trained_SARIMA_model(self, df, game_id, dep_var, indep_var, X_out_of_sample, target, type, model_type):
        # might be mistakes here!
        save_path = util.build_model_save_path(game_id, target, type, model_type)

        if not util.check_for_model_existence(save_path):
            print("Cannot predict for {}. No model has been trained yet.".format(dep_var))

        saved_model = SARIMAXResults.load(save_path)

        Y = df[dep_var]
        X = df[indep_var]
        X_out_of_sample.index = range(max(Y.index) + 1, max(Y.index) + 24 + 1)
        latest_index = max(Y.index)

        latest_timeslot = df.iloc[latest_index]['timeslot']

        if self.seasonal_order is None:
            model = SARIMAX(endog=Y, exog=X, order=self.order)
            model = SARIMAX(endog=Y, exog=X, order=self.order, seasonal_order=self.seasonal_order)

        fitted_model = model.filter(params=saved_model.params)
        prediction = fitted_model.predict(exog=X_out_of_sample, start=latest_index + 1,
                                          end=latest_index + 1 + self.forecast_length - 1)
        df_prediction = pd.DataFrame(
            {'target_timeslot': range(latest_timeslot + 1, latest_timeslot + 1 + self.forecast_length),
             'prediction': prediction})

        # set lower and upper bound for prediction

        tolerance = 0.2

        prediction_upper_bound = max(Y) * (1 + tolerance) if max(Y) > 0 else max(Y) * (1 - tolerance)
        prediction_lower_bound = min(Y) * (1 - tolerance) if min(Y) > 0 else min(Y) * (1 + tolerance)
        # restrict prediction in lower and upper bound
        df_prediction['prediction'] = df_prediction['prediction'].apply(
            lambda x: max([min([x, prediction_upper_bound]), prediction_lower_bound]))

        df_prediction['prediction_timeslot'] = latest_timeslot
        df_prediction['proximity'] = df_prediction['target_timeslot'] - df_prediction['prediction_timeslot']
        df_prediction['game_id'] = game_id

        df_prediction['target'] = target
        df_prediction['type'] = type
        return df_prediction
Ejemplo n.º 15
def fit_arima(training_set, validation_set):
    training_set = clean_data(training_set, [])
    validation_set = clean_data(validation_set, [])
    training_set.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    validation_set.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

    target_variable = "Wind average [m/s]"
    history = [x for x in training_set[target_variable]]
    #test_set = test_set[target_variable]
    validation_set = validation_set[target_variable]

    model = SARIMAX(history, order=(9, 1, 1))
    model_fit = model.fit(disp=0)

    real_model = SARIMAX(validation_set, order=(9, 1, 1))
    res = real_model.filter(model_fit.params)

    config = get_config(None, None)

    predictions = []
    observations = []
    for n in range((len(validation_set) - config["forecast_steps"]) //
        output = res.get_prediction(start=n * config["skip_steps"],
                                    end=n * config["skip_steps"] +
                                    config["forecast_steps"] -

        for t in range(config["forecast_steps"]):
            yhat = output[t]
            obs = validation_set[n * config["skip_steps"] + t]
    # print('predicted=%f, expected=%f' % (yhat, obs))

    error = mean_squared_error(observations, predictions)
    print('Test MSE: %.3f' % error)
    mae = mean_absolute_error(observations, predictions)
    print('Test MAE: %.3f' % mae)
    order = abs((mae / validation_set.mean()) * 100)
    print("Error of order : %d%%" % order)
    idx = randrange(len(observations))
    #plot_predicted_vs_truth(predictions[idx:idx + 72], observations[idx:idx + 72], validation_set.min(),
    return predictions[17434:17434 + 72]
def test_integrated_process(ar_params, diff, ma_params, sigma2):
    # Test loglikelihood computation when model has integration

    nobs = 100

    endog = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(size=nobs))

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    llf_obs = arma_innovations.arma_loglikeobs(
        np.diff(endog, diff), ar_params, ma_params, sigma2)

    # Kalman filter apparoach
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), diff, len(ma_params)),
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs)
def test_integrated_process(ar_params, diff, ma_params, sigma2):
    # Test loglikelihood computation when model has integration

    nobs = 100

    endog = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(size=nobs))

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    llf_obs = arma_innovations.arma_loglikeobs(
        np.diff(endog, diff), ar_params, ma_params, sigma2)

    # Kalman filter apparoach
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), diff, len(ma_params)),
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def predictS(train_signal,

    history = list(train_signal)
    predictions = []

    model_1 = SARIMAX(history,
                      order=(model_p, 0, model_q),
    res = model_1.fit()
    i = 0
    for t in test_signal:
        # model_2 = SARIMAX(history, order=(model_p, 0, model_q))
        model_2 = SARIMAX(test_signal[:i],
                          order=(model_p, 0, model_q),
        res2 = model_2.filter(res.params)
        pred = res2.forecast(1)

        if print_output:
                f"Actual value: {t}, predicted: {pred}, abs: {np.abs(t-pred)}")
        i = i + 1
    predictions = np.array([x for sublist in predictions for x in sublist])

    # Evaluate the predictions
    resid = test_signal - predictions
    MFE = np.mean(resid)
    MAE = np.mean(np.abs(resid))
    MAPE = np.round(np.mean(np.abs(resid / (test_signal + 1e-16))), 5)

    if file != None:
        np.save(file, predictions)
    return predictions, MFE, MAE, MAPE
def test_innovations_algo_filter_kalman_filter(ar_params, ma_params, sigma2):
    # Test the innovations algorithm and filter against the Kalman filter
    # for exact likelihood evaluation of an ARMA process

    ar = np.r_[1, -ar_params]
    ma = np.r_[1, ma_params]

    endog = np.random.normal(size=10)
    nobs = len(endog)

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    arma_process_acovf = arma_acovf(ar, ma, nobs=nobs, sigma2=sigma2)
    transformed_acov = _arma_innovations.darma_transformed_acovf_fast(
        ar, ma, arma_process_acovf / sigma2)
    acovf, acovf2 = (np.array(mv) for mv in transformed_acov)
    theta, r = _arma_innovations.darma_innovations_algo_fast(
        nobs, ar_params, ma_params, acovf, acovf2)
    u = _arma_innovations.darma_innovations_filter(endog, ar_params, ma_params,

    v = np.array(r) * sigma2
    u = np.array(u)

    llf_obs = -0.5 * u**2 / v - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * v)

    # Kalman filter apparoach
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    assert_allclose(u, res.forecasts_error[0])
    # assert_allclose(theta[1:, 0], res.filter_results.kalman_gain[0, 0, :-1])
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs)

    # Get llf_obs directly
    llf_obs2 = _arma_innovations.darma_loglikeobs_fast(
        endog, ar_params, ma_params, sigma2)

    assert_allclose(llf_obs2, res.llf_obs)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def predict_sequence(save_path, eval_data, order, input_start, input_size, output_size, 
    x_coord, y_coord):
    # start = time.time()
    trained_model = sm.load(f"{save_path}/{x_coord}_{y_coord}.pickle")
    # post_load = time.time()
    model = SARIMAX(eval_data[input_start:input_start+input_size, x_coord, y_coord], order=order)
    # post_create = time.time()
    model_fit = model.filter(trained_model.params)
    # post_filter = time.time()
    prediction_wrapper = model_fit.get_prediction(start=0, 
                             end= input_size + output_size - 1, dynamic=input_size)

    post_predict = time.time()

    # print(f"loading time: {post_load - start}")
    # print(f"create time: {post_create - post_load}")
    # print(f"filter time: {post_filter - post_create}")
    # print(f"predict time: {post_predict - post_filter}")
    # print(f"full time: {post_predict - start}") 

    return prediction_wrapper.predicted_mean[-output_size:]
def test_innovations_algo_filter_kalman_filter(ar_params, ma_params, sigma2):
    # Test the innovations algorithm and filter against the Kalman filter
    # for exact likelihood evaluation of an ARMA process

    ar = np.r_[1, -ar_params]
    ma = np.r_[1, ma_params]

    endog = np.random.normal(size=10)
    nobs = len(endog)

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    arma_process_acovf = arma_acovf(ar, ma, nobs=nobs, sigma2=sigma2)
    acovf, acovf2 = np.array(_arma_innovations.darma_transformed_acovf_fast(
                     ar, ma, arma_process_acovf / sigma2))
    theta, r = _arma_innovations.darma_innovations_algo_fast(
        nobs, ar_params, ma_params, acovf, acovf2)
    u = _arma_innovations.darma_innovations_filter(endog, ar_params, ma_params,

    v = np.array(r) * sigma2
    u = np.array(u)

    llf_obs = -0.5 * u**2 / v - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * v)

    # Kalman filter apparoach
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    assert_allclose(u, res.forecasts_error[0])
    # assert_allclose(theta[1:, 0], res.filter_results.kalman_gain[0, 0, :-1])
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs)

    # Get llf_obs directly
    llf_obs2 = _arma_innovations.darma_loglikeobs_fast(
        endog, ar_params, ma_params, sigma2)

    assert_allclose(llf_obs2, res.llf_obs)
def test_regression_with_arma_errors(ar_params, ma_params, sigma2):
    # Test loglikelihood computation when model has regressors
    nobs = 100

    eps = np.random.normal(nobs)
    exog = np.c_[np.ones(nobs), np.random.uniform(size=nobs)]
    beta = [5, -0.2]
    endog = np.dot(exog, beta) + eps

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    beta_hat = np.squeeze(np.linalg.pinv(exog).dot(endog))
    demeaned = endog - np.dot(exog, beta_hat)
    llf_obs = arma_innovations.arma_loglikeobs(
        demeaned, ar_params, ma_params, sigma2)

    # Kalman filter approach
    # (this works since we impose here that the regression coefficients are
    # beta_hat - in practice, the MLE estimates will not necessarily match
    # the OLS estimates beta_hat)
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, exog=exog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[beta_hat, ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test(self, test=None):
     if test is None:
         sunny_test = self.df.loc['2015-08-15']['total_power']
         cloudy_test = self.df.loc['2015-10-18']['total_power']
         test = pd.concat([sunny_test, cloudy_test], axis=0)
         start = test.index[0]
         ts = pd.date_range(start.date(), periods=len(test), freq='5min')
         test.index = ts
     elif isinstance(test, str):
         test = self.df.loc[test]['total_power']
     elif isinstance(test, tuple):
         test = self.df.loc[test[0]:test[1]]['total_power']
     forecasts = []
     N = len(test) / 12
     for i in xrange(N - 1):
         next_batch = test.iloc[0:12 * (i + 1)]
         mod2 = SARIMAX(next_batch, order=self.order)
         test2 = mod2.filter(self.model_fit.params)
         forecast = test2.forecast(36)
     self.forecasts = forecasts
     self.test_set = test
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def model_predict(y):
        Predict using the SARIMAX Model (Dynamic Forecasting)
        n_y = y.shape[0]

        y_pred = np.zeros(n_y)

        pred_start = s
        pred_end = n_y - 1
        pred_outliers = np.zeros(n_y)
        pred_model = SARIMAX(y,
        y_pred[pred_start:pred_end +
               1] = pred_model.filter(fitted_params).get_prediction(

        return y_pred
def test_regression_with_arma_errors(ar_params, ma_params, sigma2):
    # Test loglikelihood computation when model has regressors
    nobs = 100

    eps = np.random.normal(nobs)
    exog = np.c_[np.ones(nobs), np.random.uniform(size=nobs)]
    beta = [5, -0.2]
    endog = np.dot(exog, beta) + eps

    # Innovations algorithm approach
    beta_hat = np.squeeze(np.linalg.pinv(exog).dot(endog))
    demeaned = endog - np.dot(exog, beta_hat)
    llf_obs = arma_innovations.arma_loglikeobs(
        demeaned, ar_params, ma_params, sigma2)

    # Kalman filter approach
    # (this works since we impose here that the regression coefficients are
    # beta_hat - in practice, the MLE estimates will not necessarily match
    # the OLS estimates beta_hat)
    mod = SARIMAX(endog, exog=exog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
    res = mod.filter(np.r_[beta_hat, ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])

    # Test that the two approaches are identical
    assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs)
Ejemplo n.º 26
# evaluate parameters
p_values = [0, 1, 2]
d_values = [0, 1]
q_values = range(0, 2)
evaluate_models(tsv_log, p_values, d_values, q_values)

# In[76]:

from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX

mod1 = SARIMAX(tsv_log, order=(2, 1, 1))
res1 = mod1.fit()

mod2 = SARIMAX(tsv_log, order=(2, 1, 1))
res2 = mod2.filter(res1.params)
pred_v = res2.forecast(91)

# In[77]:

pred_v = np.exp(pred_v)

# In[80]:

pred_v = np.round_(pred_v)

# In[38]:

p_values = [0, 1, 2]
d_values = [0, 1]
q_values = range(0, 2)