Ejemplo n.º 1
    def purchase_ncf_validate(self):
        if not self.journal_id.purchase_type == 'normal':

        number = self.move_name if self.move_name else None

        if not ncf.is_valid(number):
            raise UserError(
                _("NCF mal digitado\n\n"
                  "El comprobante *{}* no tiene la estructura correcta "
                  "valide si lo ha digitado correctamente".format(number)))

        if number[-10:-8] not in ('01', '03', '04', '11', '12', '13', '14',
            raise ValidationError(
                _("NCF *{}* NO corresponde con el tipo de documento\n\n"
                  "Verifique lo ha digitado correctamente y que no sea un "
                  "Comprobante Consumidor Final (02)".format(number)))

        if self.id:
            ncf_in_draft = self.search_count([
                ('id', '!=', self.id), ('partner_id', '=', self.partner_id.id),
                ('move_name', '=', number),
                ('state', 'in', ('draft', 'cancel'))

            ncf_in_draft = self.search_count([
                ('partner_id', '=', self.partner_id.id),
                ('move_name', '=', number),
                ('state', 'in', ('draft', 'cancel'))

        if ncf_in_draft:
            raise UserError(
                _("NCF en Factura Borrador o Cancelada\n\n"
                  "El comprobante *{}* ya se encuentra "
                  "registrado con este mismo proveedor en una factura "
                  "en borrador o cancelada".format(number)))

        ncf_exist = self.search_count([('partner_id', '=', self.partner_id.id),
                                       ('number', '=', number),
                                       ('state', 'in', ('open', 'paid'))])
        if ncf_exist:
            raise UserError(
                _("NCF Duplicado\n\n"
                  "El comprobante *{}* ya se encuentra registrado con el"
                  " mismo proveedor en otra factura".format(number)))

        if self.journal_id.ncf_remote_validation and not ncf.check_dgii(
                self.partner_id.vat, number):
            raise UserError(
                _(u"NCF NO pasó validación en DGII\n\n"
                  u"¡El número de comprobante *{}* del proveedor "
                  u"*{}* no pasó la validación en "
                  "DGII! Verifique que el NCF y el RNC del "
                  u"proveedor estén correctamente "
                  u"digitados, o si los números de ese NCF se "
                  "le agotaron al proveedor".format(number,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def invoice_ncf_validation(self, invoice):
        if not invoice.journal_id.ncf_remote_validation:
            return True

        elif not invoice.journal_id.purchase_type in ['exterior', 'import',
                                                      'others'] and invoice.journal_id.type == "purchase":

            if invoice.id:
                inv_in_draft = self.env["account.invoice"].search_count([('id', '!=', invoice.id),
                                                                         ('partner_id', '=', invoice.partner_id.id),
                                                                         ('move_name', '=', invoice.move_name),
                                                                         ('state', 'in', ('draft', 'cancel'))])
                inv_in_draft = self.env["account.invoice"].search_count([('partner_id', '=', invoice.partner_id.id),
                                                                         ('move_name', '=', invoice.move_name),
                                                                         ('state', 'in', ('draft', 'cancel'))])

            if inv_in_draft:
                return (200, u"Ncf duplicado", u"El número de comprobante fiscal digitado para este proveedor \n"
                                               u"ya se encuentra en una factura en borrador o cancelada.")

            inv_exist = self.env["account.invoice"].search_count(
                [('partner_id', '=', invoice.partner_id.id), ('number', '=', invoice.move_name),
                 ('state', 'in', ('open', 'paid'))])
            if inv_exist:
                return (300, u"Ncf duplicado", u"Este número de comprobante ya fue registrado para este proveedor!")

            if not ncf.is_valid(invoice.move_name):
                return (500, u"Ncf invalido", u"El numero de comprobante fiscal no es valido! "
                                              u"no paso la validacion en DGII, Verifique que el NCF y el RNC del "
                                              u"proveedor esten correctamente digitados, si es de proveedor informal o de "
                                              u"gasto menor vefifique si debe solicitar nuevos numero.")

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def validate_fiscal_purchase(self):
        for inv in self.filtered(
                lambda i: i.type == "in_invoice" and i.state == "draft"):
            ncf = inv.reference if inv.reference else None
            if ncf and ncf_dict.get(inv.fiscal_type_id.prefix) == "fiscal":
                if ncf[-10:-8] == "02" or ncf[1:3] == "32":
                    raise ValidationError(
                        _("NCF *{}* does not correspond with the fiscal type\n\n"
                          "You cannot register Consumo (02 or 32) for purchases"

                elif inv.fiscal_type_id.requires_document and not inv.partner_id.vat:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        _("Partner [{}] {} doesn't have RNC/Céd, "
                          "is required for NCF type {}").format(

                elif not ncf_validation.is_valid(ncf):
                    raise UserError(
                        _("NCF wrongly typed\n\n"
                          "This NCF *{}* does not have the proper structure, "
                          "please validate if you have typed it correctly.").

                # TODO move this to l10n_do_external_validation_ncf
                elif (self.journal_id.l10n_do_ncf_remote_validation and
                      not ncf_validation.check_dgii(self.partner_id.vat, ncf)):
                    raise ValidationError(
                        _("NCF rejected by DGII\n\n"
                          "NCF *{}* of supplier *{}* was rejected by DGII's "
                          "validation service. Please validate if the NCF and "
                          "the supplier RNC are type correctly. Otherwhise "
                          "your supplier might not have this sequence approved "
                          "yet.").format(ncf, self.partner_id.name))

                ncf_in_invoice = (inv.search_count([
                    ("id", "!=", inv.id),
                    ("company_id", "=", inv.company_id.id),
                    ("partner_id", "=", inv.partner_id.id),
                    ("reference", "=", ncf),
                    ("state", "in", ("draft", "open", "paid", "cancel")),
                    ("type", "in", ("in_invoice", "in_refund")),
                ]) if inv.id else inv.search_count([
                    ("partner_id", "=", inv.partner_id.id),
                    ("company_id", "=", inv.company_id.id),
                    ("reference", "=", ncf),
                    ("state", "in", ("draft", "open", "paid", "cancel")),
                    ("type", "in", ("in_invoice", "in_refund")),

                if ncf_in_invoice:
                    raise ValidationError(
                        _("NCF already used in another invoice\n\n"
                          "The NCF *{}* has already been registered in another "
                          "invoice with the same supplier. Look for it in "
                          "invoices with canceled or draft states").format(
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def validate_fiscal_purchase(self):
        NCF = self.reference if self.reference else None
        if NCF and self.journal_id.purchase_type == 'normal':
            if NCF[-10:-8] == '02':
                raise ValidationError(
                    _("NCF *{}* NO corresponde con el tipo de documento\n\n"
                      "No puede registrar Comprobantes Consumidor Final (02)").

            elif not ncf_validation.is_valid(NCF):
                raise UserError(
                    _("NCF mal digitado\n\n"
                      "El comprobante *{}* no tiene la estructura correcta "
                      "valide si lo ha digitado correctamente").format(NCF))

            elif not self.partner_id.vat:
                raise ValidationError(
                    _(u"Proveedor sin RNC/Céd\n\n"
                      u"El proveedor *{}* no tiene RNC o Cédula y es requerido "
                      u"para registrar compras Fiscales").format(

            elif (self.journal_id.ncf_remote_validation
                  and not ncf_validation.check_dgii(self.partner_id.vat, NCF)):
                raise ValidationError(
                    _(u"NCF NO pasó validación en DGII\n\n"
                      u"¡El número de comprobante *{}* del proveedor "
                      u"*{}* no pasó la validación en "
                      "DGII! Verifique que el NCF y el RNC del "
                      u"proveedor estén correctamente "
                      u"digitados, o si los números de ese NCF se "
                      "le agotaron al proveedor").format(
                          NCF, self.partner_id.name))

            ncf_in_invoice = self.search_count([
                ('id', '!=', self.id), ('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id),
                ('partner_id', '=', self.partner_id.id),
                ('reference', '=', NCF),
                ('state', 'in', ('draft', 'open', 'paid', 'cancel')),
                ('type', 'in', ('in_invoice', 'in_refund'))
            ]) if self.id else self.search_count([('partner_id', '=',
                                                  ('company_id', '=',
                                                  ('reference', '=', NCF),
                                                  ('state', 'in',
                                                   ('draft', 'open',
                                                    'paid', 'cancel')),
                                                   'in', ('in_invoice',

            if ncf_in_invoice:
                raise ValidationError(
                    _("NCF Duplicado en otra Factura\n\n"
                      "El comprobante *{}* ya se encuentra "
                      "registrado con este mismo proveedor en una factura "
                      "en borrador o cancelada").format(NCF))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def onchange_ncf(self):
        if self.journal_id.purchase_type in ('normal', 'informal', 'minor'):

        if self.origin_out and (self.type == 'out_refund' or
                                self.type == 'in_refund'):
            if self.journal_id.purchase_type in (
                    'normal', 'informal',
                    'minor') or self.journal_id.ncf_control:
                ncf = self.origin_out
                if not ncf_validation.is_valid(ncf) and ncf[-10:-8] != '04':
                    raise UserError(_(
                        "NCF mal digitado\n\n"
                        "El comprobante *{}* no tiene la estructura correcta "
                        "valide si lo ha digitado correctamente").format(ncf))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _format_document_number(self, document_number):
        """ Make validation of Import Dispatch Number
          * making validations on the document_number.
          * format the document_number against a pattern and return it
        if self.country_id != self.env.ref("base.do"):
            return super()._format_document_number(document_number)

        if not document_number:
            return False

        msg = "'%s' " + _("is not a valid value for") + " '%s'.<br/>%s"

        # Import NCF Number Validator
        if not is_valid(document_number):
            raise UserError(msg % (
                _("Please check the number and try again"),
        return document_number