Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
        BaseClass.__init__(self, logger=logger)
        self.trace(overrides={'password': '******'})

        # data
        self.address = server
        self.port = port
        self.nick = nick
        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        self.ssl = ssl
        self.chans = chans
        self.callback_pubmsg = callback_pubmsg

        # configuration
        irclib.DEBUG = debug
        self.default_quit_reason = default_quit_reason
        self.default_reset_reason = default_reset_reason
        self.max_message_size = max_message_size
        self.throttle = throttle_seconds

        # throttled message queuing
        self.queue = []  # list of messages to send
        self.next_send = time.time(
        )  # minimum epoch time when next message can be sent
        self.last_size = 0  # size of last message sent (used to increase wait time for long messages)

        # IRC backend
        self.irc = irclib.IRC()
        self.irc.add_global_handler('pubmsg', self.onPublicMessage)
        self.server = self.irc.server()
        self.server.add_global_handler('welcome', self.onConnect)
        self.server.add_global_handler('disconnect', self.onDisonnect)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def __init__( self,
		chans = None,
		debug = False,
		default_quit_reason = '*poof*',
		default_reset_reason = 'reset',
		max_message_size = 420,
		callback_pubmsg = None,
		throttle_seconds = 1.6,
		logger = None
		BaseClass.__init__( self, logger = logger )
		self.trace(overrides = {'password':'******'})

		# data
		self.address = server
		self.port    = port
		self.nick    = nick
		self.user    = user
		self.password= password
		self.ssl = ssl
		self.chans   = chans
		self.callback_pubmsg = callback_pubmsg

		# configuration
		irclib.DEBUG              = debug
		self.default_quit_reason  = default_quit_reason
		self.default_reset_reason = default_reset_reason
		self.max_message_size     = max_message_size
		self.throttle             = throttle_seconds

		# throttled message queuing
		self.queue     = []          # list of messages to send
		self.next_send = time.time() # minimum epoch time when next message can be sent
		self.last_size = 0           # size of last message sent (used to increase wait time for long messages)

		# IRC backend
		self.irc = irclib.IRC()
		self.irc.add_global_handler( 'pubmsg', self.onPublicMessage )
		self.server = self.irc.server()
		self.server.add_global_handler( 'welcome', self.onConnect )
		self.server.add_global_handler( 'disconnect', self.onDisonnect )
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
        BaseClass.__init__(self, logger=logger)
        self.trace(overrides={'password': '******'})

        # configuration
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.max_api_items = max_api_items

        # browser
        self.browser = mechanize.Browser(factory=mechanize.RobustFactory())
        self.browser.addheaders = [('User-agent', user_agent)]

        # variables
        self.path_article = None
        self.path_index = None
        self.path_api = None
        self.url_base = None
        self.url_article = None
        self.url_index = None
        self.url_api = None

        self.def_path_article = None
        self.def_path_index = None
        self.def_path_api = None
        self.def_url_base = None
        self.def_url_article = None
        self.def_url_index = None
        self.def_url_api = None

        # tracking
        self.sessions = {
        }  # data for each session: { base_url:{logged_in:NAME, tokens:{edit:..., protect:..., ...}} }
        self.response = None  # response, created by load()
        self.last_url = None  # last URL loaded, dumped on exception
        self.text = None  # text of last page fetched
        self.parsed = None  # result of parsing text (if asked to), either data structure or parser
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def __init__( self, username, password, user_agent, obey_robot_rules = False, max_api_items = 200, logger = None ):
		BaseClass.__init__( self, logger = logger )
		self.trace(overrides = {'password':'******'})

		# configuration
		self.username      = username
		self.password      = password
		self.max_api_items = max_api_items

		# browser
		self.browser = mechanize.Browser(factory=mechanize.RobustFactory())
		self.browser.addheaders = [('User-agent', user_agent)]
		self.browser.set_handle_robots( obey_robot_rules )

		# variables
		self.path_article = None
		self.path_index = None
		self.path_api = None
		self.url_base = None
		self.url_article = None
		self.url_index = None
		self.url_api = None

		self.def_path_article = None
		self.def_path_index = None
		self.def_path_api = None
		self.def_url_base = None
		self.def_url_article = None
		self.def_url_index = None
		self.def_url_api = None

		# tracking
		self.sessions = {}   # data for each session: { base_url:{logged_in:NAME, tokens:{edit:..., protect:..., ...}} }
		self.response = None # response, created by load()
		self.last_url = None # last URL loaded, dumped on exception
		self.text     = None # text of last page fetched
		self.parsed   = None # result of parsing text (if asked to), either data structure or parser
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, tree, logger, default=None):
     BaseClass.__init__(self, logger=logger)
     self.tree = copy(tree)
     self.default = default
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, logger):
        BaseClass.__init__(self, logger=logger)


        self.new = [
            # direct quotes
            '<Pathoschild> You can do tabs in Python, but you can\'t mix tab and space indenting.   * Mike_lifeguard weeps   <Mike_lifeguard> why did nobody tell me?',
            '<Prodego> Razorflame: btw, there are no quotes of me because I am a non-funny person',
            ' <DerHexer> where have all the stewbots gone | long time passing | where have all the stewbots gone | long time ago | where have all the stewbots gone | *poof* picked them everyone | when will he ever come back | when will he ever come back',

            # <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Bash>
            '<Werdna> When all is said and done on Wikipedia, a hell of a lot more is said than done.',
            '<chowbok> What\'s an "almost monopoly"? Is that like "slightly pregnant"?',
            '<Nilfanion> {{PD-Magic}}: This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information created by magic.',
            '<ElNino^> Why the f**k is Bambi a male in the cartoon but a female in porno?',
            '<Warm_fuzzies> I for one welcome our new sexually transmitted overlords',
            '<Gwern> when I was working on Helpdesk-l, we literally got emails telling us that we accidentally left our articles publicly editable.',
            '<kaiti> lmao, if you search for "p**n" in Windows XP\'s Help and Support program, it recommends the article on how to use Internet Explorer.',
            '<DavidGerard> personally, I agree with everything DavidGerard says and think you should all stfu. <DavidGerard> we can vote on it. <DavidGerard> I agree too.',
            '<Lunaway> You know you\'ve got too many tabs open when you manage to edit-conflict yourself.',
            '<Zero1328> I\'ve had one dream about editing Wikipedia, and it was pretty scary. Every time I made an edit I got an edit conflict. I couldn\'t make any changes at all.',
            '<Shadow42> bastique: They\'re raping my sprinklers!',
            '<TehKewl1> omgwtfbbqlolaslsendpixd00dipwntj00andj00arenolonger1337lolroflmaopwntpwnt. <TehKewl1> I mean.... hi.',
            '<01:46> TehKewl1 has left #wikipedia ("/me has been on irc too long"). <01:46> TehKewl1 has joined #wikipedia.',
            '<wmarsh> Heh, I apparently violated the established protocol for editting a page, established by editors of that page. The thing is, the page is in my own userspace.',
            '<ice_cream> ok ok i\'ll chill.',
            '<Luna-San> I heard a rumor that Wikipedia\'s server farm is powered by setting a bunch of kids up with giant hampster wheels and telling them their garage band\'s article is up for AfD.',
            '<Luna-San> I\'ve just run into a gang logo that is now officially available under the terms of the GFDL.   <Luna-San> ...they don\'t seem very thuggish anymore',
            '<kaiti> i went to read about chatzilla bugs <kaiti> and firefox crashed.',
            '<NiklasNordblad> editing is life. :D   <GerardM> well then I have a life.',
            '<SushiGeek> Dmcsleep needs to have a lanyard that he can wear around his neck that beeps loudly when somebody needs a checkuser.   <SushiGeek> so when he\'s sleeping somebody can go "BEEP BEEP CHECKUSER".',
            '* helix84 still wonders if someone is still messing with his patch.   <RealGrouchy> nicotine not flowing?',
            '* brion needs a dual-core oven',
            '<brion> it\'s xmas, so i\'m going to be nice and not WONTFIX this feature request just yet',
            '<brion> http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42 ... appropriate somehow',
            '<gmaxwell> Sorry. The wikimedia orbital space laser is controlled by toolserver, as a result it seldom works.',
            '<barklund> you say there are more than 1 db request at a time? :)   <intgr> Nah, Wikipedia can\'t be that popular.',
            '<Simetrical> Now, why do we have wikis for extinct languages again?   <larne> Simetrical: because the foundation\'s mission is to distribute knowledge to dead people.',
            '<VoiceOfAll> yes, all straight socks   <VoiceOfAll> (as opposed to gay socks)',
            '<flyingparchment> when official people are saying the same things as me trolling on irc, i think we might have operational issues',
            '<gwern> what viagra spam would cats get? \'is ur d1ck not spiny enuff? does she only mewl and not yowl when you pull backwards? get premium V I A G R A now, meow!\'',
            '<Aviator> i wonder why the stable server is such an unstable server',
            '<[21655]> it\'s called Sense of Humour. Your copy must have expired... <[21655]> ...may I recommend version 2.0 w/ added sarcasm?',
            '* drini has some theory about the vandalbots on enwiki a few years ago, you know  those "OMG SHANEL HAS HUGE BOOBS" thing.   <drini> I think the bot master was pathoschild hitting on shanel',
            '<Species8472> Jimbo? Isn\'t that the guy banned for editting articles about himself?',
            '* kylu hms... kylu\'s bedroom is oddly enough nearly all browns and tans.   * kylu supposes that\'s why kylu\'s so boring. ;.;   <harej> kylu has an ubunturoom',
            '<_mary_kate_> something is wrong with the fi.wikipedia. instead of being written in a human language, it\'s just full of weird letters.',
            '<mattbuck> The following is an announcement on behalf of Wikimedia Commons: People of wikipedia, if you don\'t want to see a penis, DON\'T SEARCH FOR PENIS. Thankyou, that is all.',
            '<Until_It_Sleeps> .count I really suck, because my penis   <SoxBot> I really suck, because my penis has 7 contributions. For more info, see http://toolserver.org/~soxred93/ec/I_really_suck%2C_because_my_penis',
            '<NuclearWarfare> !delete [[zh-yue:??????]] r=Vandalism.   <Dellieplagiat> NuclearWarfare: [[zh-yue:??????]] has been scheduled for termination.   <kylu> y\'know, there\'s something kinda ominous about "NuclearWarfare: [[zh-yue:(something in chinese)]] has been scheduled for termination".',
            '<Ironholds> right, what general subject should I write an article on  <Neurolysis> my enormous member  <Ironholds> isn\'t that a stub?',
            '<slakr> "You\'re such an idiot for thinking I violated WP:CIVIL and WP:NPA. You\'re clearly an asshole for even making that assumption"',
            '<Thrawn> if you\'re hated by WR, that means you\'re probably doing an excellent job',
            '<La_Pianista> Did you know that Debussy once wrote a piece called, "Jimbo\'s Lullaby"?  <Freudian|Sleep> was it then renamed to "Sagner\'s Co-Lullaby"?',

            # <https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/quips.cgi?action=show>
            '[quip] I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident. I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?"',
            '<jwales> What good is having a war mongering President if we can\'t invade Estonia to kill spammers? I AM JOKING DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THAT. :-)',
            '<Raul654> come on, isn\'t anyone here an admin on meta?   <BillyH> I think Raul654 is.',
            '<AlexS> Dear diary: No wikipedia today. Had to go outside and see real people again.',
            '<ilya> I don\'t know what to do and where to go. Outer world seems uneditable.',
            '<snoyes> looking for NPOV female; 5k - 10k edits, to edit together, nothing long-term just a couple of one-night contributions.',
            '<TimShell> Is there an IRC client that has a command that will allow me to physically hurt another user, because I would find that useful',
            '<TimStarling> It was a bad idea. The users made me do it.',
            '<TimStarling> I know how the MediaWiki namespace works, I invented it.',
            '<TimStarling> globals are magical structures, like little winged monkeys that fly your data from wherever it is generated to wherever it is needed.',
            '<TimStarling> temporary solutions have a terrible habit of becoming permanent, around here.',
            '<brion> well breaking wikipedia gets real f*****g old :)',
            '<kylu> I suspect wikipedia has resulted in more than one broken human husk staring vacantly at flickering screens in darkened basement rooms somewhere, the eyeless sockets of the long-departed locked onto some imperceptible virtual distance, where a lost soul travels the lonely off-roads away from the information superhighway. the smell of ozone and Dorito crumbs the only comfort to that former person\'s parents, the Diet Coke long ago having gone flat.',
        self.old = []

        self.chloe_new = [
            'Moosh!', 'Jesse tinky!', 'Where Jessenel? :(',
            'So sad, so lost. :(', 'Noooo, Chlo� perfect! :D', '*pout*',
            'Dat gwandad, a pain!', 'Chlo� hungwy!', 'Where Michael be?',
            'Chlo� 5 years old. Chlo� go school!', 'Germs-a-gone',
            'Germs est parti!', 'No naughty chair! >:(',
            'Chloe play game! >:(', 'Mommy come get me? :(',
            'Look nel! Look nel!', 'Opsicle, opsicle! :o',
            'Play fish game! >:(', 'Hmph. Not fair!'
        self.chloe_old = []

        self.exit_new = [
            'Laaaaze. :D', 'Wai so srs? ._.', ':(', 'I\'ll remember this.',
            'Acknowledged. Safely putting away knives... done.',
            'So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.'
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, logger):
        BaseClass.__init__(self, logger=logger)


        # Directly collects bash quotations from [[:m:IRC/Quotes]]
        f = urllib.urlopen("http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=IRC/Quotes&export")
        text = f.read()
        text = unescape(unescape(text))
        text = unescape(text, {"&quot;": '"'})
        text = text.replace("Please leave the </nowiki></pre> above as-is", "")
        text = text[text.rindex("<pre><nowiki>") + len("<pre><nowiki>") : text.rindex("</nowiki></pre>")]
        text = re.sub(u'<a href=".+">', "", text)
        text = text.replace("</a>", "")
        text = re.sub("\n%( |\t)*\n", "{[$MARKER$]}", text)
        text = text.replace("\n", " ")
        self.new = text.split("{[$MARKER$]}")[1:-1]

        # 	self.new = [
        # 		# direct quotes
        # 		'<Pathoschild> You can do tabs in Python, but you can\'t mix tab and space indenting.   * Mike_lifeguard weeps   <Mike_lifeguard> why did nobody tell me?',
        # 		'<Prodego> Razorflame: btw, there are no quotes of me because I am a non-funny person',
        # 		' <DerHexer> where have all the stewbots gone | long time passing | where have all the stewbots gone | long time ago | where have all the stewbots gone | *poof* picked them everyone | when will he ever come back | when will he ever come back',

        # <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Bash>
        # 		'<Werdna> When all is said and done on Wikipedia, a hell of a lot more is said than done.',
        # 		'<chowbok> What\'s an "almost monopoly"? Is that like "slightly pregnant"?',
        # 		'<Nilfanion> {{PD-Magic}}: This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information created by magic.',
        # 		'<ElNino^> Why the f**k is Bambi a male in the cartoon but a female in porno?',
        # 		'<Warm_fuzzies> I for one welcome our new sexually transmitted overlords',
        # 		'<Gwern> when I was working on Helpdesk-l, we literally got emails telling us that we accidentally left our articles publicly editable.',
        # 		'<kaiti> lmao, if you search for "p**n" in Windows XP\'s Help and Support program, it recommends the article on how to use Internet Explorer.',
        # 		'<DavidGerard> personally, I agree with everything DavidGerard says and think you should all stfu. <DavidGerard> we can vote on it. <DavidGerard> I agree too.',
        # 		'<Lunaway> You know you\'ve got too many tabs open when you manage to edit-conflict yourself.',
        # 		'<Zero1328> I\'ve had one dream about editing Wikipedia, and it was pretty scary. Every time I made an edit I got an edit conflict. I couldn\'t make any changes at all.',
        # 		'<Shadow42> bastique: They\'re raping my sprinklers!',
        # 		'<TehKewl1> omgwtfbbqlolaslsendpixd00dipwntj00andj00arenolonger1337lolroflmaopwntpwnt. <TehKewl1> I mean.... hi.',
        # 		'<01:46> TehKewl1 has left #wikipedia ("/me has been on irc too long"). <01:46> TehKewl1 has joined #wikipedia.',
        # 		'<wmarsh> Heh, I apparently violated the established protocol for editting a page, established by editors of that page. The thing is, the page is in my own userspace.',
        # 		'<ice_cream> ok ok i\'ll chill.',
        # 		'<Luna-San> I heard a rumor that Wikipedia\'s server farm is powered by setting a bunch of kids up with giant hampster wheels and telling them their garage band\'s article is up for AfD.',
        # 		'<Luna-San> I\'ve just run into a gang logo that is now officially available under the terms of the GFDL.   <Luna-San> ...they don\'t seem very thuggish anymore',
        # 		'<kaiti> i went to read about chatzilla bugs <kaiti> and firefox crashed.',
        # 		'<NiklasNordblad> editing is life. :D   <GerardM> well then I have a life.',
        # 		'<SushiGeek> Dmcsleep needs to have a lanyard that he can wear around his neck that beeps loudly when somebody needs a checkuser.   <SushiGeek> so when he\'s sleeping somebody can go "BEEP BEEP CHECKUSER".',
        # 		'* helix84 still wonders if someone is still messing with his patch.   <RealGrouchy> nicotine not flowing?',
        # 		'* brion needs a dual-core oven',
        # 		'<brion> it\'s xmas, so i\'m going to be nice and not WONTFIX this feature request just yet',
        # 		'<brion> http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42 ... appropriate somehow',
        # 		'<gmaxwell> Sorry. The wikimedia orbital space laser is controlled by toolserver, as a result it seldom works.',
        # 		'<barklund> you say there are more than 1 db request at a time? :)   <intgr> Nah, Wikipedia can\'t be that popular.',
        # 		'<Simetrical> Now, why do we have wikis for extinct languages again?   <larne> Simetrical: because the foundation\'s mission is to distribute knowledge to dead people.',
        # 		'<VoiceOfAll> yes, all straight socks   <VoiceOfAll> (as opposed to gay socks)',
        # 		'<flyingparchment> when official people are saying the same things as me trolling on irc, i think we might have operational issues',
        # 		'<gwern> what viagra spam would cats get? \'is ur d1ck not spiny enuff? does she only mewl and not yowl when you pull backwards? get premium V I A G R A now, meow!\'',
        # 		'<Aviator> i wonder why the stable server is such an unstable server',
        # 		'<[21655]> it\'s called Sense of Humour. Your copy must have expired... <[21655]> ...may I recommend version 2.0 w/ added sarcasm?',
        # 		'* drini has some theory about the vandalbots on enwiki a few years ago, you know  those "OMG SHANEL HAS HUGE BOOBS" thing.   <drini> I think the bot master was pathoschild hitting on shanel',
        # 		'<Species8472> Jimbo? Isn\'t that the guy banned for editting articles about himself?',
        # 		'* kylu hms... kylu\'s bedroom is oddly enough nearly all browns and tans.   * kylu supposes that\'s why kylu\'s so boring. ;.;   <harej> kylu has an ubunturoom',
        # 		'<_mary_kate_> something is wrong with the fi.wikipedia. instead of being written in a human language, it\'s just full of weird letters.',
        # 		'<mattbuck> The following is an announcement on behalf of Wikimedia Commons: People of wikipedia, if you don\'t want to see a penis, DON\'T SEARCH FOR PENIS. Thankyou, that is all.',
        # 		'<Until_It_Sleeps> .count I really suck, because my penis   <SoxBot> I really suck, because my penis has 7 contributions. For more info, see http://toolserver.org/~soxred93/ec/I_really_suck%2C_because_my_penis',
        # 		'<NuclearWarfare> !delete [[zh-yue:??????]] r=Vandalism.   <Dellieplagiat> NuclearWarfare: [[zh-yue:??????]] has been scheduled for termination.   <kylu> y\'know, there\'s something kinda ominous about "NuclearWarfare: [[zh-yue:(something in chinese)]] has been scheduled for termination".',
        # 		'<Ironholds> right, what general subject should I write an article on  <Neurolysis> my enormous member  <Ironholds> isn\'t that a stub?',
        # 		'<slakr> "You\'re such an idiot for thinking I violated WP:CIVIL and WP:NPA. You\'re clearly an asshole for even making that assumption"',
        # 		'<Thrawn> if you\'re hated by WR, that means you\'re probably doing an excellent job',
        # 		'<La_Pianista> Did you know that Debussy once wrote a piece called, "Jimbo\'s Lullaby"?  <Freudian|Sleep> was it then renamed to "Sagner\'s Co-Lullaby"?',

        # <https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/quips.cgi?action=show>
        # 		'[quip] I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident. I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?"',
        # 		'<jwales> What good is having a war mongering President if we can\'t invade Estonia to kill spammers? I AM JOKING DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THAT. :-)',
        # 		'<Raul654> come on, isn\'t anyone here an admin on meta?   <BillyH> I think Raul654 is.',
        # 		'<AlexS> Dear diary: No wikipedia today. Had to go outside and see real people again.',
        # 		'<ilya> I don\'t know what to do and where to go. Outer world seems uneditable.',
        # 		'<snoyes> looking for NPOV female; 5k - 10k edits, to edit together, nothing long-term just a couple of one-night contributions.',
        # 		'<TimShell> Is there an IRC client that has a command that will allow me to physically hurt another user, because I would find that useful',
        # 		'<TimStarling> It was a bad idea. The users made me do it.',
        # 		'<TimStarling> I know how the MediaWiki namespace works, I invented it.',
        # 		'<TimStarling> globals are magical structures, like little winged monkeys that fly your data from wherever it is generated to wherever it is needed.',
        # 		'<TimStarling> temporary solutions have a terrible habit of becoming permanent, around here.',
        # 		'<brion> well breaking wikipedia gets real f*****g old :)',
        # 		'<kylu> I suspect wikipedia has resulted in more than one broken human husk staring vacantly at flickering screens in darkened basement rooms somewhere, the eyeless sockets of the long-departed locked onto some imperceptible virtual distance, where a lost soul travels the lonely off-roads away from the information superhighway. the smell of ozone and Dorito crumbs the only comfort to that former person\'s parents, the Diet Coke long ago having gone flat.',
        # 	]

        self.old = []

        self.chloe_new = [
            "Jesse tinky!",
            "Where Jessenel? :(",
            "So sad, so lost. :(",
            "Noooo, Chlo� perfect! :D",
            "Dat gwandad, a pain!",
            "Chlo� hungwy!",
            "Where Michael be?",
            "Chlo� 5 years old. Chlo� go school!",
            "Germs est parti!",
            "No naughty chair! >:(",
            "Chloe play game! >:(",
            "Mommy come get me? :(",
            "Look nel! Look nel!",
            "Opsicle, opsicle! :o",
            "Play fish game! >:(",
            "Hmph. Not fair!",
        self.chloe_old = []

        self.exit_new = [
            "Laaaaze. :D",
            "Wai so srs? ._.",
            "I'll remember this.",
            "Acknowledged. Safely putting away knives... done.",
            "So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.",
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def __init__( self, tree, logger, default = None ):
		BaseClass.__init__( self, logger = logger )
		self.tree    = copy( tree )
		self.default = default
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def __init__( self,
		commands,                   # hash of levels and commands: {0:['foo',...], 1:[...]}
		users,                      # hash of levels and users: {1:['person',...], 2:[...]}
		logger,                     # an ILogger implementation to send log messages to
		callback = None,            # an instance; if not None, it will call:
		                            # - handle_<command> for valid commands;
		                            # - handle_None for valid command if handle_<command> not defined;
		                            # - handle_Error for errors;
		                            # - handle_Commit for commit command, with queued command as data.queued (else calls queued command's handler)
		                            # - handle_Queued if command queued for commit.
		banned = None,              # array of regexes to match against the hostmask, for ignored users
		command_prefix = '!~',      # characters to recognize as the start of a command at beginning of line
		command_delimiter = '<>',   # characters to recognize as delimiters between arguments
		handle_commit = True,       # handle !commit and !cancel?
		no_commit_commands = None,  # array of commands that cannot be !commit'd
		commit_req_user_level = 1,  # access level required to queue a command for !commit
		commit_imp_user_level = 2,   # access level required to !commit a queued command
		BaseClass.__init__( self, logger = logger )

		# constants
		self.ERROR         = 0
		self.IGNORED       = 1
		self.OKAY          = 2
		self.COMMIT        = 3

		self.USER_BANNED   = -9
		self.NOT_COMMAND   = -8
		self.BLANK_ARGS    = -7
		self.NO_COMMIT_ID_GIVEN = -6
		self.NO_SUCH_COMMIT_ID  = -5
		self.CANNOT_COMMIT = -4
		self.NOT_ALLOWED   = -3
		self.HANDLED       = -2
		self.MUST_COMMIT   = -1

		# flag associations and descriptions
		self.flags = {
			# summary flags
			self.ERROR:[None, 'ERROR', 'An error has occurred (see data.flag property)'],
			self.IGNORED:[None, 'IGNORED', 'The input was ignored (see data.flag property)'],

			# detail flags
			self.USER_BANNED:[self.IGNORED, 'USER_BANNED', 'You are banned from giving me commands'],
			self.NOT_COMMAND:[self.IGNORED, 'NOT_COMMAND', 'That is not recognized as a command'],
			self.BLANK_ARGS:[self.ERROR, 'BLANK_ARGS', 'Arguments cannot be blank'],
			self.NOT_ALLOWED:[self.ERROR, 'NOT_ALLOWED', 'No'],#'You have insufficient access to issue that command'],
			self.CANNOT_COMMIT:[self.ERROR, 'CANNOT_COMMIT', 'You have insufficient access to issue that command, and it cannot be committed'],
			self.NO_SUCH_COMMIT_ID:[self.ERROR, 'NO_SUCH_COMMIT_ID', 'No commit id'],
			self.NO_COMMIT_ID_GIVEN:[self.ERROR, 'NO_COMMIT_ID_GIVEN', 'No commit id specified'],
			self.MUST_COMMIT:[self.MUST_COMMIT, 'MUST_COMMIT', 'The command has been queued for !commit'],
			self.OKAY:[self.OKAY, 'OKAY', 'The command was parsed and validated, and awaits implementation']

		# input
		self.command_groups    = commands
		self.callback          = callback
		self.user_groups       = users
		self.banned_users      = banned
		self.handle_commit     = handle_commit
		self.no_commit         = (no_commit_commands if no_commit_commands is not None else [])
		self.cmd_prefix        = command_prefix
		self.cmd_delim         = command_delimiter
		self.commit_req_level  = commit_req_user_level
		self.commit_imp_level  = commit_imp_user_level

		# tracking variables
		self.commit_id    = -1
		self.commit_queue = {}

		# handle commit & cancel
		if self.handle_commit:
			# add level to command
			if self.commit_imp_level not in self.command_groups:
				self.command_groups[self.commit_imp_level] = []

			# add to lists
			for cmd in ('commit', 'cancel'):
				self.command_groups[self.commit_imp_level].append( cmd )
				self.no_commit.append( cmd )

		# lookup hashes
		self.command_hash = {}
		self.user_hash    = {}
		for group in commands:
			for command in self.command_groups[group]:
				self.command_hash[command] = group or 0
		for group in self.user_groups:
			for user in self.user_groups[group]:
				if user in self.user_hash:
					raise ValueError( "Cannot parse user access list, user '%s' is assigned multiple access levels (%s, %s)" % (user, self.user_hash[user], group) )
				self.user_hash[user] = group

		# build regexes
		self.re_possible_cmd = re.compile( '^[%s]\S' % self.cmd_prefix )
		self.re_has_args     = re.compile( '^.[^%s\s]+(\s*[%s]|\s+[^%s])' % (self.cmd_delim, self.cmd_delim, self.cmd_delim) )
		self.re_parse_cmd    = re.compile( '^.([^%s\s]+)(?:\s*[%s]\s*|\s+|$)(.*)$' % (self.cmd_delim, self.cmd_delim) )
		self.re_split_args   = re.compile( '\s*[%s]\s*' % self.cmd_delim )

		if banned and len(banned):
			self.re_banned_mask = re.compile( '|'.join(self.banned_users) )
			self.re_banned_mask = None
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def __init__( self, server, port, nick, user, password, channels, ssl, logger, config, documentation, exceptionLogger = None ):
		BaseClass.__init__( self, logger )
		self.__name__ = 'Stewardbot'
		self.trace(overrides = {'password':'******'})

		## Commands
		self.irc_commands = config.irc.commands

		## Configuration
		# exception logger
		self.config = config
		self.exceptionLogger = (exceptionLogger if exceptionLogger is not None else logger)

		# default runtime config
		self.options = {

		self.irc_commands_help = documentation

		# irc users
		self.users = config.irc.wiki_names_by_level
		self.wiki_names = config.irc.wiki_names

		## Classes
		self.help = Documentation( documentation, logger = logger )
		self.bash = Bash(logger = logger)

		self.parser = CommandParser(
			commands       = config.irc.commands_by_level,
			callback       = self,
			users          = config.irc.users_by_level,
			banned         = config.irc.ignore_masks,
			command_prefix = config.irc.command_prefix,
			command_delimiter = config.irc.command_delimiter,
			no_commit_commands = config.irc.commands_nocommit,
			logger          = logger,
			handle_commit  = config.irc.handle_commit

		self.browser = Browser(
			username      = config.web.user,
			password      = config.web.password,
			user_agent    = config.web.user_agent,
			max_api_items = config.web.max_api_items,
			default_base_url = config.web.default_base_url,
			logger          = logger

		self.irc = IRC(
			server   = server,
			port     = port,
			nick     = nick,
			user     = user,
			password = password,
			chans    = channels,
			ssl      = ssl,
			default_quit_reason = config.irc.quit_reason,
			callback_pubmsg     = self.onPublicMessage,
			logger          = logger