Ejemplo n.º 1
def setDates(incident, date, published):
    incident_time = Time()
    incident_time.incident_discovery = convertToStixDate(date)
    incident_time.incident_reported = timestamp
    incident.time = incident_time
Ejemplo n.º 2
def setDates(incident, date, published):
    timestamp = getDateFromTimestamp(published)
    incident.timestamp = timestamp
    incident_time = Time()
    incident_time.incident_discovery = convertToStixDate(date)
    incident_time.incident_reported = timestamp
    incident.time = incident_time
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def set_dates(self, incident, date, published):
     timestamp = published
     incident.timestamp = timestamp
     incident_time = Time()
     incident_time.incident_discovery = self.convert_to_stix_date(date)
     incident_time.incident_reported = timestamp
     incident.time = incident_time
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_timeline_item(timeline_item, incident):
    incident_time_item = timeline_item.get('incident')
    if not incident_time_item:
        error("Required 'incident' item is missing in 'timeline' item, skipping item")
        return None 
    incident_date_time = convert_time_item_to_datetime(incident_time_item)
    if not incident_date_time:
        return None
    complete = 0
    time = Time() 
    time.initial_compromise = incident_date_time   
    complete += 1
    compromise_item = timeline_item.get('compromise')
    if compromise_item:
        dt = convert_value_unit_to_datetime(compromise_item, incident_date_time, 'compromise')
        if dt:
            complete += 1
        time.first_malicious_action = dt
    discovery_item = timeline_item.get('discovery')
    containment_item = timeline_item.get('containment')
    if discovery_item:
        dt = convert_value_unit_to_datetime(discovery_item, incident_date_time, 'discovery')
        if dt:
            complete += 1
        time.incident_discovery =  dt
    exfiltration_item = timeline_item.get('exfiltration')
    if exfiltration_item:
        dt = convert_value_unit_to_datetime(exfiltration_item, incident_date_time, 'exfiltration')
        if dt:
            complete += 1
        time.first_data_exfiltration = dt
    # according to Kevin Thompson (Verizon), containment starts at discovery.  Use others if it isn't available 
    if containment_item:
        if time.incident_discovery:
            timePoint = time.incident_discovery
        elif time.first_data_exfiltration:
            timePoint = time.first_data_exfiltration
            warn("the 'containment' item is specified in the 'timeline' item, but the 'discovery' item is missing or not usable. Using the exfiltration datetime")
            timePoint = incident_date_time
            warn("the 'containment' item is specified in the 'timeline' item, but the 'discovery' and 'exfitration' items are missing or not usable. Using the incident datetime")
        dt = convert_value_unit_to_datetime(containment_item, timePoint, 'containment')
        if dt:
            complete += 1
        time.containment_achieved = dt
    incident.time = time
    if complete > 3:
        error("Found a possible good timeline")
Ejemplo n.º 5
from stix.ttp.behavior import AttackPattern
from stix.coa import CourseOfAction

fake = Faker()

# Basics
incident = Incident(title='We got hacked')
incident.description = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'

# Dates/Times
t1 = '2018-08-23T14:00:05.470947+00:00'
t2 = '2018-08-22T14:00:05.470947+00:00'
t3 = '2018-08-24T14:00:05.470947+00:00'
t = Time()
t.incident_opened = t1
t.incident_discovery = t1
t.incident_reported = t1
t.first_malicious_action = t2
t.initial_compromise = t2
t.first_data_exfiltration = t2
t.containment_achieved = t3
t.restoration_achieved = t3
t.incident_closed = t3
incident.time = t

# Additional Attributes
incident.add_category('Unauthorized Access')
incident.confidence = 'High'