Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_add_remove_composite_datasource():
    cds = CompositeDataSource()
    ds1 = MemorySource()
    ds2 = MemorySource()
    ds3 = MemorySink()

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        cds.add_data_sources([ds1, ds2, ds1, ds3])
    assert str(excinfo.value) == ("DataSource (to be added) is not of type "
                                  "stix2.DataSource. DataSource type is '<class 'stix2.datastore.memory.MemorySink'>'")

    cds.add_data_sources([ds1, ds2, ds1])

    assert len(cds.get_all_data_sources()) == 2

    cds.remove_data_sources([ds1.id, ds2.id])

    assert len(cds.get_all_data_sources()) == 0
def test_sink_mixed(indicator):
    # just make sure there is no crash
    msink = MemorySink([TLP_GREEN, indicator])
    msink.add([TLP_GREEN, indicator])
def test_sink_markings():
    # just make sure there is no crash
    msink = MemorySink(TLP_GREEN)