Ejemplo n.º 1
def updateCore():
    for serie in stm32_list:
        cube_name = repo_generic_name + serie
        cube_path = repo_local_path / cube_name
        core_path = repo_local_path / repo_core_name
        core_HAL_version = core_HAL_versions[serie]
        cube_HAL_version = cube_HAL_versions[serie]
        core_CMSIS_version = core_CMSIS_versions[serie]
        cube_CMSIS_version = cube_CMSIS_versions[serie]
        cube_version = cube_versions[serie]
        HAL_updated = False
        CMSIS_updated = False
        hal_commit_msg = """system: {0}: {3} STM32{0}xx HAL Drivers to v{1}

Included in STM32Cube{0} FW {2}""".format(
            serie, cube_HAL_version, cube_version, "add" if upargs.add else "update"
        cmsis_commit_msg = """system: {0}: {3} STM32{0}xx CMSIS Drivers to v{1}

Included in STM32Cube{0} FW {2}""".format(
            serie, cube_CMSIS_version, cube_version, "add" if upargs.add else "update"
        wrapper_commit_msg = "core: {}: {} wrapped files".format(
            serie, "add" if upargs.add else "update"

        # Update HAL part if needed
        if version.parse(core_HAL_version) < version.parse(cube_HAL_version):
            if upargs.add:
                print("Adding {} HAL version {}...".format(serie, cube_HAL_version))
                    "Updating {} HAL from version {} to {}...".format(
                        serie, core_HAL_version, cube_HAL_version
            # First delete old HAL version
            HAL_serie_core_path = hal_dest_path / "STM32{}xx_HAL_Driver".format(serie)
            # Copy new one
            HAL_serie_cube_path = (
                cube_path / hal_src_path / "STM32{}xx_HAL_Driver".format(serie)
            copyFolder(HAL_serie_cube_path, HAL_serie_core_path, {"*.chm"})
            # Update MD file
            updateMDFile(md_HAL_path, serie, cube_HAL_version)
            # Commit all HAL files
            commitFiles(core_path, hal_commit_msg)
            HAL_updated = True

        if version.parse(core_CMSIS_version) < version.parse(cube_CMSIS_version):
            if upargs.add:
                print("Adding {} CMSIS version {}...".format(serie, cube_CMSIS_version))
                    "Updating {} CMSIS from version {} to {}...".format(
                        serie, core_CMSIS_version, cube_CMSIS_version
            # First delete CMSIS folder
            CMSIS_serie_dest_path = cmsis_dest_path / "STM32{}xx".format(serie)
            # Copy new one
            CMSIS_serie_cube_path = (
                cube_path / cmsis_src_path / "STM32{}xx".format(serie)
            copyFolder(CMSIS_serie_cube_path, CMSIS_serie_dest_path, {"iar", "arm"})
            # Update MD file
            updateMDFile(md_CMSIS_path, serie, cube_CMSIS_version)
            # Commit all CMSIS files
            commitFiles(core_path, cmsis_commit_msg)
            CMSIS_updated = True

        if upargs.add:
            system_commit_msg = (
                "system: {0}: add STM32{0}xx system source files".format(serie)
            update_hal_conf_commit_msg = (
                "system: {0}: update STM32{0}xx hal default config".format(serie)
            update_stm32_def_commit_msg = "core: {0}: add top HAL include".format(serie)
            # Create system files
            # Commit all system files
            commitFiles(core_path, system_commit_msg)
            # Update default HAL configuration
            commitFiles(core_path, update_hal_conf_commit_msg)
            print("\tPlease, review carefully all the system files added!")
            print("\tAdd #ifndef/#endif to all definitions which should be")
                "\tredefinable in the stm32{}xx_hal_conf_default.h".format(
            # Update stm32_def to add top HAL include
            commitFiles(core_path, update_stm32_def_commit_msg)

        if HAL_updated or CMSIS_updated:
            # Generate all wrapper files
            # Assuming the ArduinoModule-CMSIS repo available
            # at the same root level than the core
                "{} {} wrapped files...".format(
                    "Adding" if upargs.add else "Updating", serie
            if stm32wrapper.wrap(core_path, None, False) == 0:
                commitFiles(core_path, wrapper_commit_msg)
            # Apply all related patch if any
            applyPatch(serie, HAL_updated, CMSIS_updated, core_path)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def updateCore():
    for serie in stm32_list:
        if upargs.local:
            cube_path = local_cube_path
            cube_name = f"{repo_generic_name}{serie}"
            cube_path = repo_local_path / cube_name
        core_path = repo_local_path / repo_core_name
        core_HAL_ver = core_HAL_versions[serie]
        cube_HAL_ver = cube_HAL_versions[serie]
        core_CMSIS_ver = core_CMSIS_versions[serie]
        cube_CMSIS_ver = cube_CMSIS_versions[serie]
        cube_version = cube_versions[serie]
        HAL_updated = False
        CMSIS_updated = False
        hal_commit_msg = """system({0}) {3} STM32{0}xx HAL Drivers to v{1}

Included in STM32Cube{0} FW {2}""".format(serie, cube_HAL_ver, cube_version,
                                          "add" if upargs.add else "update")
        cmsis_commit_msg = """system({0}): {3} STM32{0}xx CMSIS Drivers to v{1}

Included in STM32Cube{0} FW {2}""".format(serie, cube_CMSIS_ver, cube_version,
                                          "add" if upargs.add else "update")
        wrapper_commit_msg = (
            f"core({serie}): {'add' if upargs.add else 'update'} wrapped files"

        # Update HAL part if needed
        if version.parse(core_HAL_ver) < version.parse(cube_HAL_ver):
            if upargs.add:
                print(f"Adding {serie} HAL version {cube_HAL_ver}...")
                    f"Updating {serie} HAL from version {core_HAL_ver} to {cube_HAL_ver}..."
            # First delete old HAL version
            HAL_serie_core_path = hal_dest_path / f"STM32{serie}xx_HAL_Driver"
            # Copy new one
            HAL_serie_cube_path = (cube_path / hal_src_path /
            copyFolder(HAL_serie_cube_path, HAL_serie_core_path, {"*.chm"})
            # Update MD file
            updateMDFile(md_HAL_path, serie, cube_HAL_ver)
            # Commit all HAL files
            commitFiles(core_path, hal_commit_msg)
            HAL_updated = True

        if version.parse(core_CMSIS_ver) < version.parse(cube_CMSIS_ver):
            if upargs.add:
                print(f"Adding {serie} CMSIS version {cube_CMSIS_ver}...")
                    f"Updating {serie} CMSIS from version {core_CMSIS_ver} to {cube_CMSIS_ver}..."
            # First delete CMSIS folder
            CMSIS_serie_dest_path = cmsis_dest_path / f"STM32{serie}xx"
            # Copy new one
            CMSIS_serie_cube_path = cube_path / cmsis_src_path / f"STM32{serie}xx"
            copyFolder(CMSIS_serie_cube_path, CMSIS_serie_dest_path,
                       {"iar", "arm"})
            # Update MD file
            updateMDFile(md_CMSIS_path, serie, cube_CMSIS_ver)
            # Commit all CMSIS files
            commitFiles(core_path, cmsis_commit_msg)
            CMSIS_updated = True

        if upargs.add:
            system_commit_msg = (
                f"system({serie}): add STM32{serie}xx system source files")
            update_hal_conf_commit_msg = (
                f"system({serie}): update STM32{serie}xx hal default config")
            update_stm32_def_commit_msg = f"core({serie}): add top HAL include"
            # Create system files
            # Commit all system files
            commitFiles(core_path, system_commit_msg)
            # Update default HAL configuration
            commitFiles(core_path, update_hal_conf_commit_msg)
            print("\tPlease, review carefully all the system files added!")
            print("\tAdd #ifndef/#endif to all definitions which should be")
                f"\tredefinable in the stm32{serie.lower()}xx_hal_conf_default.h"
            # Update stm32_def to add top HAL include
            commitFiles(core_path, update_stm32_def_commit_msg)

        if HAL_updated or CMSIS_updated:
            # Generate all wrapper files
            # Assuming the ArduinoModule-CMSIS repo available
            # at the same root level than the core
                f"{'Adding' if upargs.add else 'Updating'} {serie} wrapped files..."
            if stm32wrapper.wrap(core_path, None, False) == 0:
                commitFiles(core_path, wrapper_commit_msg)
            # Apply all related patch if any
            applyPatch(serie, HAL_updated, CMSIS_updated, core_path)

        if serie == "MP1":
                f"Updating {serie} OpenAmp Middleware to Cube {cube_version} ..."
            openAmp_commit_msg = (
                f"Update OpenAmp Middleware to MP1 Cube version {cube_version}"
            commitFiles(core_path, openAmp_commit_msg)
                "WARNING: OpenAmp MW has been updated, please check whether Arduino implementation:"
            print("          * cores/arduino/stm32/OpenAMP/mbox_ipcc.h")
            print("          * cores/arduino/stm32/OpenAMP/mbox_ipcc.c")
            print("          * cores/arduino/stm32/OpenAMP/rsc_table.h")
            print("          * cores/arduino/stm32/OpenAMP/rsc_table.c")
            print("          * cores/arduino/stm32/OpenAMP/openamp.h")
            print("          * cores/arduino/stm32/OpenAMP/openamp.c")
            print("          * cores/arduino/stm32/OpenAMP/openamp_conf.h")
            print("       should be updated from Cube project:")
                "          --> Projects/STM32MP157C-DK2/Applications/OpenAMP/OpenAMP_TTY_echo"

        if serie == "WB":
Ejemplo n.º 3
def updateCore():
    for serie in stm32_list:
        cube_name = repo_generic_name + serie
        cube_path = os.path.join(repo_local_path, cube_name)
        core_path = os.path.join(repo_local_path, repo_core_name)
        core_HAL_version = core_HAL_versions[serie]
        cube_HAL_version = cube_HAL_versions[serie]
        core_CMSIS_version = core_CMSIS_versions[serie]
        cube_CMSIS_version = cube_CMSIS_versions[serie]
        cube_version = cube_versions[serie]
        regexmd = re.compile(rf"(STM32{serie}:\s+)\d+.\d+.\d+")
        HAL_updated = False
        CMSIS_updated = False
        hal_commit_msg = """[{0}] Update STM32{0}xx HAL Drivers to v{1}

Included in STM32Cube{0} FW {2}""".format(serie, cube_HAL_version,
        cmsis_commit_msg = """[{0}] Update STM32{0}xx CMSIS Drivers to v{1}

Included in STM32Cube{0} FW {2}""".format(serie, cube_CMSIS_version,
        wrapper_commit_msg = "[{}] Update wrapped files".format(serie)

        # Update HAL part if needed
        if version.parse(core_HAL_version) < version.parse(cube_HAL_version):
            print("Update " + serie + " HAL from version " + core_HAL_version +
                  " to " + cube_HAL_version)
            # First delete old HAL version
            HAL_serie_core_path = os.path.join(
                core_path, hal_dest_path, "STM32{}xx_HAL_Driver".format(serie))
            # Copy new one
            HAL_serie_cube_path = os.path.join(
                cube_path, hal_src_path, "STM32{}xx_HAL_Driver".format(serie))
            copyFolder(HAL_serie_cube_path, HAL_serie_core_path, {"*.chm"})
            # Update MD file
            for line in fileinput.input(md_HAL_path, inplace=True):
                line = regexmd.sub(rf"\g<1>{cube_HAL_version}", line)
                print(line, end="")
            # Commit all HAL files
            commitFiles(core_path, hal_commit_msg)
            HAL_updated = True

        if version.parse(core_CMSIS_version) < version.parse(
            print("Update " + serie + " CMSIS from version " +
                  core_CMSIS_version + " to " + cube_CMSIS_version)
            # First delete CMSIS folder
            CMSIS_serie_dest_path = os.path.join(
                core_path, cmsis_dest_path, "STM32{}xx".format(serie.upper()))
            # Copy new one
            CMSIS_serie_cube_path = os.path.join(
                cube_path, cmsis_src_path, "STM32{}xx".format(serie.upper()))
            copyFolder(CMSIS_serie_cube_path, CMSIS_serie_dest_path,
                       {"iar", "arm"})
            # Update MD file
            for line in fileinput.input(md_CMSIS_path, inplace=True):
                line = regexmd.sub(rf"\g<1>{cube_CMSIS_version}", line)
                print(line, end="")
            # Commit all CMSIS files
            commitFiles(core_path, cmsis_commit_msg)
            CMSIS_updated = True

        if HAL_updated or CMSIS_updated:
            # Generate all wrapper files
            # Assuming the ArduinoModule-CMSIS repo available
            # at the same root level than the core
            print("Update {} wrapped files".format(serie))
            if stm32wrapper.wrap(core_path, None, False) == 0:
                commitFiles(core_path, wrapper_commit_msg)
            # Apply all related patch if any
            applyPatch(serie, HAL_updated, CMSIS_updated, core_path)