from api.cas import casadm, casadm_parser, cli, cli_messages
from api.cas.cache_config import CacheMode
from storage_devices.disk import DiskType, DiskTypeSet, DiskTypeLowerThan
from core.test_run import TestRun
from test_tools import fs_utils
from test_tools.disk_utils import Filesystem
from test_utils.size import Size, Unit

mount_point = "/mnt/cas"
test_file_path = f"{mount_point}/test_file"

@pytest.mark.parametrize("cache_mode", CacheMode)
                          DiskTypeSet([DiskType.optane, DiskType.nand]))
@pytest.mark.require_disk("core", DiskTypeLowerThan("cache"))
def test_load_cache_with_mounted_core(cache_mode):
        title: Fault injection test for adding mounted core on cache load.
        description: |
          Negative test of the ability of CAS to add to cache while its loading
          core device which is mounted.
          - No system crash while loading cache.
          - Adding mounted core while loading cache fails.
    with TestRun.step("Prepare cache and core devices. Start CAS."):
        cache_dev = TestRun.disks['cache']
        cache_dev.create_partitions([Size(1, Unit.GibiByte)])
        cache_part = cache_dev.partitions[0]
        core_dev = TestRun.disks['core']