Ejemplo n.º 1
def _eq_dict(ca, cb, ignore=None):
    # assume ca and cb can be destructively modified
    if ignore:
        for key in ignore:
            if key in ca:
                del ca[key]
            if key in cb:
                del cb[key]

    # this needs to be recursive so we can '&ignore'-out ids anywhere
    # in a json stream
    for key in set(list(ca.keys()) + list(cb.keys())):
        if key not in ca:
            log.error('%s!= %s\n key "%s" not in first argument' %
                      (ca, cb, key))
            return False
        if key not in cb:
            log.error('%s!= %s\n key "%s" not in second argument' %
                      (ca, cb, key))
            return False

        v1 = ca[key]
        v2 = cb[key]
        log.info('Comparing values for key: %s', key)
        if v1 == '&ignore' or v2 == '&ignore':
            log.info('Ignored comparison for key: %s', key)
        if not isinstance(v2, six.text_type) and isinstance(v1, six.text_type):
            if not eq_pprint(type(v1), type(v2)):
                    'The types of values for "%s" do not match (%s vs. %s)' %
                    (key, v1, v2))
                return False
        if isinstance(v1, list):
            if not _eq_list(v1, v2, ignore=ignore):
                return False
        elif isinstance(v1, dict):
            if not _eq_dict(v1, v2, ignore=ignore):
                return False
        elif isinstance(v1, float) and isinstance(v2, float):
            if not approx_equal(v1, v2):
                    'The values for "%s" do not match (%.30f vs. %.30f)' %
                    (key, v1, v2))
                return False
            if not v1 == v2:
                    'The values for "%s" do not match (%s vs. %s)' %
                    (key, v1, v2))
                return False
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def eq_pprint(a, b, msg=None):
    if a != b:
        return False
    return True