Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_program_subroutine(self, setup_eng, tol):
        """Simple quantum program with a subroutine and references."""
        eng, prog = setup_eng(2)

        # define some gates
        D = ops.Dgate(0.5)
        BS = ops.BSgate(0.7 * np.pi, np.pi / 2)
        R = ops.Rgate(np.pi / 3)
        def subroutine(a, b):
            """Subroutine for the quantum program"""
            R | a
            BS | (a, b)
            R.H | a

        # main program
        with prog.context as q:
            # get register references
            alice, bob = q
            ops.All(ops.Vacuum()) | (alice, bob)
            D | alice
            subroutine(alice, bob)
            BS | (alice, bob)
            subroutine(bob, alice)

        state = eng.run(prog).state

        # state norm must be invariant
        if isinstance(eng.backend, BaseFock):
            assert np.allclose(state.trace(), 1, atol=tol, rtol=0)
    def test_exceptions(self, state):
        """Test exceptions raised if state prep used on invalid modes"""
        G = state()
        prog = Program(2)

        with prog.context:
            # all states act on a single mode
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                G.__or__([0, 1])

            # can't repeat the same index
            with pytest.raises(RegRefError):
                ops.All(G).__or__([0, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_interferometer(self, setup_eng, tol):
        """Test applying an interferometer"""
        eng, q = setup_eng(3)

        with eng:
            ops.All(ops.Squeezed(0.5)) | q
            init = eng.run()
            ops.Interferometer(u1) | q

        state = eng.run()
        O = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([u1.real, -u1.imag]),
             np.hstack([u1.imag, u1.real])])
        assert np.allclose(state.cov(), O @ init.cov() @ O.T, atol=tol)
    def test_interferometer(self, setup_eng, tol):
        """Test applying an interferometer"""
        eng, p1 = setup_eng(3)

        with p1.context as q:
            ops.All(ops.Squeezed(0.5)) | q
        init = eng.run(p1).state

        p2 = sf.Program(p1)
        with p2.context as q:
            ops.Interferometer(u1) | q

        state = eng.run(p2).state
        O = np.vstack([np.hstack([u1.real, -u1.imag]), np.hstack([u1.imag, u1.real])])
        assert np.allclose(state.cov(), O @ init.cov() @ O.T, atol=tol)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_passive_gaussian_transform(self, setup_eng, tol):
        """Test applying a passive Gaussian symplectic transform,
        which is simply an interferometer"""
        eng, q = setup_eng(3)
        O = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([u1.real, -u1.imag]),
             np.hstack([u1.imag, u1.real])])

        with eng:
            ops.All(ops.Squeezed(0.5)) | q
            init = eng.run()
            ops.GaussianTransform(O) | q

        state = eng.run()
        assert np.allclose(state.cov(), O @ init.cov() @ O.T, atol=tol)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_dispatch_one_mode_gates(self, gate):
        """test one mode gates automatically add to the queue"""
        prog = sf.Program(2)
        G = gate(a)

        if G.ns == 2:
            pytest.skip("test only for 1 mode gates.")

        with prog.context:
            G | 0
            ops.All(G) | (0, 1)

        assert len(prog) == 3
        assert all(cmd.op == G for cmd in prog.circuit)
        assert prog.circuit[0].reg[0].ind == 0
        assert prog.circuit[1].reg[0].ind == 0
        assert prog.circuit[2].reg[0].ind == 1
    def test_dispatch_one_mode_gates(self, gate):
        """test one mode gates automatically add to the queue"""
        eng, _ = sf.Engine(2)
        G = gate(a)

        if G.ns == 2:
            pytest.skip("test only for 1 mode gates.")

        with eng:
            G | 0
            ops.All(G) | (0, 1)

        assert len(eng.cmd_queue) == 3
        assert all(cmd.op == G for cmd in eng.cmd_queue)
        assert eng.cmd_queue[0].reg[0].ind == 0
        assert eng.cmd_queue[1].reg[0].ind == 0
        assert eng.cmd_queue[2].reg[0].ind == 1