Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_to_short_data_field(self):
     hitlets_to_short = np.zeros(len(self.hitlets),
     strax.copy_to_buffer(self.hitlets, hitlets_to_short,
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         strax.get_hitlets_data(hitlets_to_short, self.records,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_conditional_entropy(data, size_template_and_ind_max_template):
    Test for conditional entropy. For the template larger int value defines
    size of the tempalte, smaller int value position of the maximum.
    hitlet = np.zeros(1, dtype=strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(n_samples=10))
    ind_max_template, size_template = np.sort(size_template_and_ind_max_template)
    # Make dummy hitlet:
    data = data.astype(np.float32)
    len_data = len(data)
    hitlet['data'][0, :len_data] = data[:]
    hitlet['length'][0] = len_data

    # Test 1.: Flat template and no data:
    e1 = strax.conditional_entropy(hitlet, 'flat')[0]
    if np.sum(data):
        d = data
        d = d / np.sum(d)
        m = d > 0

        template = np.ones(np.sum(m), dtype=np.float32)
        template = template / np.sum(template)

        e2 = - np.sum(d[m] * np.log(d[m] / template))
        assert math.isclose(e1, e2, rel_tol=2*10**-4, abs_tol=10**-4), f"Test 1.: Entropy function: {e1}, entropy test: {e2}"

        # Test 2.: Arbitrary template:
        template = np.ones(size_template, dtype=np.float32)
        template[ind_max_template] = 2
        template /= np.sum(template)

        # Aligning data in a slightly different way as in the function
        # itself:
        e2 = _align_compute_entropy(d, template)

        e1 = strax.conditional_entropy(hitlet, template)[0]
        assert math.isclose(e1, e2, rel_tol=2*10**-4, abs_tol=10**-4), f"Test 2.: Entropy function: {e1}, entropy test: {e2}"

        # Test 3.: Squared waveform:
        # Same as before but this time we square the template and the
        # data.
        template = np.ones(size_template, dtype=np.float32)
        template[ind_max_template] = 2
        template = template * template
        template /= np.sum(template)

        d = data * data
        d = d / np.sum(d)

        e2 = _align_compute_entropy(d, template)

        e1 = strax.conditional_entropy(hitlet, template, square_data=True)[0]
        assert math.isclose(e1, e2, rel_tol=10**-4, abs_tol=10**-4), f"Test 3.: Entropy function: {e1}, entropy test: {e2}"
        assert np.isnan(e1), f'Hitlet entropy is {e1}, but expected np.nan'
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def compute(self, records_nv, start, end):
        # Search again for hits in records:
        hits = strax.find_hits(
            records_nv, min_amplitude=self.config['hit_min_amplitude_nv'])

        # Merge concatenate overlapping  within a channel. This is important
        # in case hits were split by record boundaries. In case we
        # accidentally concatenate two PMT signals we split them later again.
        hits = strax.concat_overlapping_hits(
            hits, self.config['save_outside_hits_nv'],
            self.config['channel_map']['nveto'], start, end)
        hits = strax.sort_by_time(hits)

        # Now convert hits into temp_hitlets including the data field:
        if len(hits):
            nsamples = hits['length'].max()
            nsamples = 0
        temp_hitlets = np.zeros(
            len(hits), strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(n_samples=nsamples))

        # Generating hitlets and copying relevant information from hits to hitlets.
        # These hitlets are not stored in the end since this array also contains a data
        # field which we will drop later.
        strax.refresh_hit_to_hitlets(hits, temp_hitlets)
        del hits

        # Get hitlet data and split hitlets:
        strax.get_hitlets_data(temp_hitlets, records_nv, to_pe=self.to_pe)

        temp_hitlets = strax.split_peaks(

        # Compute other hitlet properties:
        # We have to loop here 3 times over all hitlets...
        entropy = strax.conditional_entropy(temp_hitlets,
        temp_hitlets['entropy'][:] = entropy

        # Remove data field:
        hitlets = np.zeros(len(temp_hitlets), dtype=strax.hitlet_dtype())
        drop_data_field(temp_hitlets, hitlets)

        return hitlets
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_splitter_outer():
    data = [0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1]
    records = np.zeros(1, dtype=strax.record_dtype(len(data)))
    records['dt'] = 1
    records['data'] = data
    records['length'] = len(data)
    records['pulse_length'] = len(data)
    to_pe = np.ones(10)

    hits = strax.find_hits(records, np.ones(1))
    hits['left_integration'] = hits['left']
    hits['right_integration'] = hits['right']
    peaks = np.zeros(1, dtype=strax.peak_dtype())
    hitlets = np.zeros(1, dtype=strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(10))
    for data_type in (peaks, hitlets):
        data_type['dt'] = 1
        data_type['data'][0, :len(data)] = data
        data_type['length'] = len(data)

    rlinks = strax.record_links(records)
    peaks = strax.split_peaks(peaks,

    hitlets = strax.split_peaks(hitlets,

    for name, data_type in zip(('peaks', 'hitlets'), (peaks, hitlets)):
        data = data_type[0]['data'][:data_type[0]['length']]
        assert np.all(
            data == [0, 2, 2]
        ), f'Wrong split for {name}, got {data}, expected {[0, 2, 2]}.'
        data = data_type[1]['data'][:data_type[1]['length']]
        assert np.all(
            data == [0, 2, 2, 1]
        ), f'Wrong split for {name}, got {data}, expected {[0, 2, 2, 1]}.'
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_inputs_are_empty(self):
        hitlets_empty = np.zeros(0, dtype=strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(2))
        records_empty = np.zeros(0, dtype=strax.record_dtype(10))

        hitlets_result = strax.get_hitlets_data(hitlets_empty, self.records,
        assert len(hitlets_result
                   ) == 0, 'get_hitlet_data returned result for empty hitlets'

        hitlets_result = strax.get_hitlets_data(hitlets_empty, records_empty,
        assert len(hitlets_result
                   ) == 0, 'get_hitlet_data returned result for empty hitlets'

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            strax.get_hitlets_data(self.hitlets, records_empty, np.ones(3000))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_not_defined_get_fhwm():
    # This is a specific unity test for some edge-cases in which the full
    # width half maximum is not defined.
    odd_hitlets = np.zeros(4, dtype=strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(10))
    odd_hitlets[0]['data'][:5] = [2, 2, 3, 2, 2]
    odd_hitlets[0]['length'] = 5
    odd_hitlets[1]['data'][:2] = [5, 5]
    odd_hitlets[1]['length'] = 2
    odd_hitlets[2]['length'] = 3
    odd_hitlets[3]['data'][:3] = [-1, -2, 0]
    odd_hitlets[3]['length'] = 3

    for oh in odd_hitlets:
        res = strax.get_fwxm(oh)
        mes = (
            f'get_fxhm returned {res} for {oh["data"][:oh["length"]]}!'
            'However, the FWHM is not defined and the return should be nan!')
        assert np.all(np.isnan(res)), mes
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_get_hitlets_data():
    dummy_records = [  # Contains Hitlet #:
            [1, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0],
        ],  # 0
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3],  # 1
            [2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        ],  #
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3],  # 2
            [2, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2],
        ],  # 3
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2],  # 4
            [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
            [2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        [[2, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2]],  # 5, 6
        [[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]  # 7

    # Defining the true parameters of the hitlets:
    true_area = [7, 7, 7, 6, 18, 3, 6, 12]
    true_time = [10, 28, 46, 51, 68, 88, 91, 104]
    true_waveform = [[1, 3, 2, 1], [1, 3, 2, 1], [1, 3, 2, 1], [1, 3, 2],
                     [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1], [2, 1], [1, 3, 2],
                     [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]

    records = _make_fake_records(dummy_records)
    hits = strax.find_hits(records, min_amplitude=2)
    hits = strax.concat_overlapping_hits(hits, (1, 1), (0, 1), 0, float('inf'))
    hitlets = np.zeros(
    strax.refresh_hit_to_hitlets(hits, hitlets)
    strax.get_hitlets_data(hitlets, records, np.array([1, 1]))

    for i, (a, wf, t) in enumerate(zip(true_area, true_waveform, true_time)):
        h = hitlets[i]
        assert h['area'] == a, f'Hitlet {i} has the wrong area'
        assert np.all(h['data'][:h['length']] ==
                      wf), f'Hitlet {i} has the wrong waveform'
        assert h['time'] == t, f'Hitlet {i} has the wrong starttime'
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_empty_overlap(self):
        records = np.zeros(3, strax.record_dtype(10))

        # Create fake records for which hitlet overlaps with channel 0
        # although hit is in channel 1. See also github.com/AxFoundation/strax/pull/549
        records['channel'] = (0, 1, 1)
        records['length'] = (10, 3, 10)
        records['time'] = (0, 0, 5)
        records['dt'] = 1
        records['data'][-1] = np.ones(10)

        # Assume we extend our hits by 1 sample hence hitlet starts at 4
        hitlet = np.zeros(1, strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(11))
        hitlet['time'] = 4
        hitlet['dt'] = 1
        hitlet['length'] = 11
        hitlet['channel'] = 1

        hitlet = strax.get_hitlets_data(hitlet, records, np.ones(10))
        assert hitlet['time'] == 5
        assert hitlet['length'] == 10
        assert np.sum(hitlet['data']) == 10
        assert hitlet['data'][0, 0] == 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_hitlet_properties(hits_n_data):
    Function which tests refresh_hit_to_hitlets, hitlet_with_data_dtype,
    and hitlet_properties.

    :param hits_n_data:
    hits, data = hits_n_data

    hits['time'] += 100
    # Step 1.: Produce fake hits and convert them into hitlets:
    nsamples = 0
    if len(hits) >= 1:
        nsamples = hits['length'].max()
    nsamples = np.max((nsamples, 2))

    hitlets = np.zeros(len(hits), dtype=strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(nsamples))
    if len(hitlets):
        assert hitlets['data'].shape[
            1] >= 2, 'Data buffer is not at least 2 samples long.'
    strax.copy_to_buffer(hits, hitlets,

    # Testing refresh_hit_to_hitlets for free:
    assert len(hits) == len(
        hitlets), 'Somehow hitlets and hits have different sizes'
    # Testing interval fields:
    dummy = np.zeros(0, dtype=strax.interval_dtype)
    for name in dummy.dtype.names:
        assert np.all(hitlets[name] == hits[name]), f'The entry of the field {name} did not match between hit and ' \
                                                    f'hitlets '

    # Step 2.: Add to each hit(let) some data
    for ind, d in enumerate(data):
        h = hitlets[ind]
        h['data'][:h['length']] = d[:h['length']]

    # Step 3.: Add np.nan in data but outside of length:
    for h in hitlets:
        if h['length'] < len(h['data']):
            h['data'][-1] = np.nan
            # It is enough to test this for a single hitlet:

    # Step 4.: Compute properties and apply tests:
    for ind, d in enumerate(data):
        h = hitlets[ind]
        d = d[:h['length']]
        pos_max = np.argmax(d)

        # Checking amplitude things:
        assert pos_max == h[
            'time_amplitude'], 'Wrong amplitude position found!'
        assert d[pos_max] == h['amplitude'], 'Wrong amplitude value found!'

        # Checking FHWM and FWTM:
        fractions = [0.1, 0.5]
        for f in fractions:
            # Get field names for the correct test:
            if f == 0.5:
                left = 'left'
                fwxm = 'fwhm'
                left = 'low_left'
                fwxm = 'fwtm'

            amplitude = np.max(d)
            if np.all(d[0] == d) or np.all(d > amplitude * f):
                # If all samples are either the same or greater than required height FWXM is not defined:
                mes = 'All samples are the same or larger than require height.'
                assert np.isnan(
                ), mes + f' Left edge for {f} should have been np.nan.'
                assert np.isnan(
                    h[left]), mes + f' FWXM for X={f} should have been np.nan.'
                le = np.argwhere(d[:pos_max] <= amplitude * f)
                if len(le):
                    le = le[-1, 0]
                    m = d[le + 1] - d[le]
                    le = le + 0.5 + (amplitude * f - d[le]) / m
                    le = 0

                re = np.argwhere(d[pos_max:] <= amplitude * f)

                if len(re) and re[0, 0] != 0:
                    re = re[0, 0] + pos_max
                    m = d[re] - d[re - 1]
                    re = re + 0.5 + (amplitude * f - d[re]) / m
                    re = len(d)

                assert math.isclose(
                    le, h[left], rel_tol=10**-4, abs_tol=10**
                    -4), f'Left edge does not match for fraction {f}'
                assert math.isclose(
                    re - le, h[fwxm], rel_tol=10**-4,
                    abs_tol=10**-4), f'FWHM does not match for {f}'
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_hitlet_properties(hits_n_data):
    Function which tests refresh_hit_to_hitlets, hitlet_with_data_dtype,
    and hitlet_properties.

    :param hits_n_data:
    hits, data = hits_n_data

    hits['time'] += 100
    # Step 1.: Produce fake hits and convert them into hitlets:
    if len(hits) >= 1:
        nsamples = hits['length'].max()
        nsamples = 2

    hitlets = np.zeros(len(hits), dtype=strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(nsamples))
    if len(hitlets):
        assert hitlets['data'].shape[
            1] >= 2, 'Data buffer is not at least 2 samples long.'
    strax.refresh_hit_to_hitlets(hits, hitlets)

    # Testing refresh_hit_to_hitlets for free:
    assert len(hits) == len(
        hitlets), 'Somehow hitlets and hits have different sizes'
    # Tetsing interval fields:
    dummy = np.zeros(0, dtype=strax.interval_dtype)
    for name in dummy.dtype.names:
        assert np.all(hitlets[name] == hits[name]), f'The entry of the field {name} did not match between hit and ' \
                                                    f'hitlets '

    # Step 2.: Add to each hit(let) some data
    for ind, d in enumerate(data):
        h = hitlets[ind]
        h['data'][:h['length']] = d[:h['length']]


    # Step 4.: Apply tests.
    for ind, d in enumerate(data):
        h = hitlets[ind]
        d = d[:h['length']]
        pos_max = np.argmax(d)

        # Checking amplitude things:
        assert pos_max == h[
            'time_amplitude'], 'Wrong amplitude position found!'
        assert d[pos_max] == h['amplitude'], 'Wrong amplitude value found!'

        # Checking FHWM and FWTM:
        fractions = [0.1, 0.5]
        for f in fractions:
            amplitude = np.max(d)
            le = np.argwhere(d[:pos_max] <= amplitude * f)
            if len(le):
                le = le[-1, 0]
                m = d[le + 1] - d[le]
                le = le + 0.5 + (amplitude * f - d[le]) / m
                le = 0

            re = np.argwhere(d[pos_max:] <= amplitude * f)

            if len(re) and re[0, 0] != 0:
                re = re[0, 0] + pos_max
                m = d[re] - d[re - 1]
                re = re + 0.5 + (amplitude * f - d[re]) / m
                re = len(d)

            if f == 0.5:
                left = 'left'
                fwxm = 'fwhm'
                left = 'low_left'
                fwxm = 'fwtm'

            assert math.isclose(
                le, h[left], rel_tol=10**-4,
                abs_tol=10**-4), f'Left edge does not match for fraction {f}'
            assert math.isclose(re - le,
                                abs_tol=10**-4), f'FWHM does not match for {f}'
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_hitlet_properties(hits_n_data):
    Function which tests refresh_hit_to_hitlets, hitlet_with_data_dtype,
    and hitlet_properties.

    :param hits_n_data:
    hits, data = hits_n_data

    hits['time'] += 100
    # Step 1.: Produce fake hits and convert them into hitlets:
    if len(hits) >= 1:
        nsamples = hits['length'].max()
        nsamples = 2

    hitlets = np.zeros(len(hits), dtype=strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(nsamples))
    if len(hitlets):
        assert hitlets['data'].shape[1] >= 2, 'Data buffer is not at least 2 samples long.'
    strax.refresh_hit_to_hitlets(hits, hitlets)

    # Testing refresh_hit_to_hitlets for free:
    assert len(hits) == len(hitlets), 'Somehow hitlets and hits have different sizes'
    # Tetsing interval fields:
    dummy = np.zeros(0, dtype=strax.interval_dtype)
    for name in dummy.dtype.names:
        assert np.all(hitlets[name] == hits[name]), f'The entry of the field {name} did not match between hit and ' \
                                                    f'hitlets '

    # Step 2.: Add to each hit(let) some data
    for ind, d in enumerate(data):
        h = hitlets[ind]
        h['data'][:h['length']] = d[:h['length']]


    # Step 4.: Apply tests.
    for ind, d in enumerate(data):
        h = hitlets[ind]
        d = d[:h['length']]
        pos_max = np.argmax(d)

        # Checking amplitude things:
        assert pos_max == h['time_amplitude'], 'Wrong amplitude position found!'
        assert d[pos_max] == h['amplitude'], 'Wrong amplitude value found!'

        # Checking FHWM and FWTM:
        fractions = [0.1, 0.5]
        for f in fractions:
            # Get field names for the correct test:
            if f == 0.5:
                left = 'left'
                fwxm = 'fwhm'
                left = 'low_left'
                fwxm = 'fwtm'

            amplitude = np.max(d)
            if np.all(d[0] == d) or np.all(d > amplitude*f):
                # If all samples are either the same or greater than required height FWXM is not defined:
                mes = 'All samples are the same or larger than require height.'
                assert np.isnan(h[left]),  mes + f' Left edge for {f} should have been np.nan.'
                assert np.isnan(h[left]), mes + f' FWXM for X={f} should have been np.nan.'
                le = np.argwhere(d[:pos_max] <= amplitude * f)
                if len(le):
                    le = le[-1, 0]
                    m = d[le + 1] - d[le]
                    le = le + 0.5 + (amplitude * f - d[le]) / m
                    le = 0

                re = np.argwhere(d[pos_max:] <= amplitude * f)

                if len(re) and re[0, 0] != 0:
                    re = re[0, 0] + pos_max
                    m = d[re] - d[re - 1]
                    re = re + 0.5 + (amplitude * f - d[re]) / m
                    re = len(d)

                assert math.isclose(le, h[left],
                                    rel_tol=10**-4, abs_tol=10**-4), f'Left edge does not match for fraction {f}'
                assert math.isclose(re - le, h[fwxm], rel_tol=10**-4,
                                    abs_tol=10**-4), f'FWHM does not match for {f}'

    # Step 5.: Unity test for not defined get_fhwm-cases:
    # This is a specific unity test for some edge-cases in which the full
    # width half maximum is not defined.
    odd_hitlets = np.zeros(3, dtype=strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(10))
    odd_hitlets[0]['data'][:5] = [2, 2, 3, 2, 2]
    odd_hitlets[0]['length'] = 5
    odd_hitlets[1]['data'][:2] = [5, 5]
    odd_hitlets[1]['length'] = 2
    odd_hitlets[2]['length'] = 3

    for oh in odd_hitlets:
        res = strax.get_fwxm(oh)
        mes = (f'get_fxhm returned {res} for {oh["data"][:oh["length"]]}!'
               'However, the FWHM is not defined and the return should be nan!'
        assert np.all(np.isnan(res)), mes
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_hitlets_data(hitlets, records, to_pe, min_hitlet_sample=200):
    Function which searches for every hitlet in a given chunk the 
    corresponding records data. Additionally compute the total area of
    the signal.

    :param hitlets: Hitlets found in a chunk of records.
    :param records: Records of the chunk.
    :param to_pe: Array with area conversion factors from adc/sample to
        pe/sample. Please make sure that to_pe has the correct shape.
        The array index should match the channel number.
    :param min_hitlet_sample: minimal length of the hitlet data field.
        prevents numba compiling from running into race conditions.
    :returns: Hitlets including data stored in the "data" field
        (if it did not exists before it will be added.)
    if len(hitlets) == 0:
        return np.zeros(0,

    if len(hitlets) > 0 and len(records) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Cannot get data for hitlets if records are empty!')

    # Numba will not raise any exceptions if to_pe is too short, leading
    # to strange bugs.
    to_pe_has_wrong_shape = len(to_pe) < hitlets['channel'].max()
    if to_pe_has_wrong_shape:
        raise ValueError('"to_pe" has a wrong shape. Array index must'
                         ' match channel numbers.')

    hitelts_is_single_row = isinstance(hitlets, np.void)
    if hitelts_is_single_row:
        # A structured array becomes void type if a single row is called,
        # e.g. hitlets[0] which does not work in numba while, hitlets[:1]
        # does. So we have to convert the row into the correct format first.
        hitlets = np.array([hitlets])

    data_field_in_hitlets = 'data' in hitlets.dtype.names
    if data_field_in_hitlets:
        data_is_not_empty = np.any(hitlets['data'] != 0)
        if data_is_not_empty:
            raise ValueError('The data field of hitlets must be empty!')

        data_field_not_long_enough = len(
            hitlets[0]['data']) < hitlets['length'].max()
        if data_field_not_long_enough:
            raise ValueError(
                'The data field must be as large as the longest hitlet in our data.'

        hitlets_with_data_field = hitlets
        n_samples = max(min_hitlet_sample, hitlets['length'].max())
        hitlets_with_data_field = np.zeros(
            len(hitlets), strax.hitlet_with_data_dtype(n_samples))
        strax.copy_to_buffer(hitlets, hitlets_with_data_field,

    _get_hitlets_data(hitlets_with_data_field, records, to_pe)
    if np.any(hitlets_with_data_field['length'] == 0):
        raise ValueError(
            'Try to create zero length hitlets which is forbidden!')

    return hitlets_with_data_field