Ejemplo n.º 1
def validate_found_address(found_address, user_provided_address):
    Validates that the street name and number found in trash collection
    database matches the provided values. We do not treat partial matches
    as valid.

    :param found_address: Full address found in trash collection database
    :param user_provided_address: Street number and name provided by user
    :return: boolean: True if addresses are considered a match, else False
    logger.debug('found_address: ' + str(found_address) +
                 'user_provided_address: ' + str(user_provided_address))
    address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    found_address = address_parser.parse(found_address)
    user_provided_address = address_parser.parse(user_provided_address)

    if found_address["house"] != user_provided_address["house"]:
        return False

    if found_address["street_name"].lower() != \
        return False

    # Allow fuzzy match on street type to allow "ave" to match "avenue"
    if found_address["street_type"].lower() not in \
        user_provided_address["street_type"].lower() and \
        user_provided_address["street_type"].lower() not in \
        return False

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def refresh_zillow_housing(location):
    results = get_zillow_housing(
        city_state=f"{location.city}, {location.state}",

    # reset outdated zillow informations
    result_zpids = set(response.zpid for response in results)

    addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    for response in results:
        loc_addr = addr_parser.parse(location.full_address)
        response_addr = addr_parser.parse(response.address.full_address)
        if loc_addr["street_full"] != response_addr["street_full"]:
        if location.city != response.address.city:
        if location.state != response.address.state:

        # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/models/querysets/#update-or-create
        if response_addr.get("suite_num"):
            apt, created = Apartment.objects.update_or_create(
                    "zpid": response.zpid,
                    "estimated_rent_price": response.estimated_rent_price,
                    "last_estimated": response.last_estimated,
                    "zillow_url": response.url,
                    "location": location,
        else:  # sometimes Zillow does not provide suite number
            apt, created = Apartment.objects.update_or_create(
                    "zpid": response.zpid,
                    "estimated_rent_price": response.estimated_rent_price,
                    "last_estimated": response.last_estimated,
                    "zillow_url": response.url,
                    "location": location,
                    "suite_num": response_addr.get("suite_num"),

        if created:
            apt.rent_price = apt.estimated_rent_price

    location.last_fetched_zillow = timezone.now()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def submitted_form():
    jsdata = request.form['javascript_data']
    formDat = json.loads(jsdata)
    name = HumanName(formDat['firstName'])
    #print 'dbg3 first ', name.first,'mid ',name.middle,'last ',name.last;
    formDat['firstName'] = name.first + ' ' + name.middle
    formDat['lastName'] = name.last
    addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    tmp = addr_parser.parse(formDat['address'])

    if tmp['house'] and tmp['street_full']:
        formDat['address'] = ' '.join([tmp['house'], tmp['street_full']])
    elif tmp['street_full']:
        formDat['address'] = tmp['street_full']
        formDat['address'] = ''

    formDat['suite'] = ''
    for tmp2 in ['suite_type', 'suite_num', 'other']:
            formDat['suite'] += tmp[tmp2] + ' '

    #send the data to spreadsheet
    spreadSheet = formDat['sheet']
    wks = adrSheet.adrSheet(spreadSheet)  #exits if spreadsheet not found
    #print 'dbg12'
    formDat.pop('sheet', None)
    status, msg = wks.addRow(formDat)
    if status == False:
        #print 'dbg14',status,msg
        return json.dumps(msg), 404
    return jsdata
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def tags_for_school(self, school):
        city = school.town or school.locality or ''
        if city and city == city.upper():
            city = string.capwords(city)
        kwargs = dict(amenity='school', name=school.name.strip())
        if school.website:
            kwargs['website'] = url_for_school(school)
        kwargs['ref:{0}'.format(school.source.lower())] = str(school.uid)
        kwargs['addr:country'] = 'GB'
        if school.postcode:
            kwargs['addr:postcode'] = school.postcode
        if school.street:
            addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
            address = addr_parser.parse(school.street)
            if address['street_full']:
                kwargs['addr:street'] = address['street_full']
            if address['house']:
                kwargs['addr:housenumber'] = address['house']

        if city:
            kwargs['addr:city'] = city
        if school.phone:
            pn = phonenumbers.parse(school.phone, 'GB')
            kwargs['phone'] = phonenumbers.format_number(
                pn, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.E164)
        kwargs['source:geometry'] = 'OS_Open_Map_Local_FunctionalSite'
        kwargs['source:addr'] = school.source.lower()
        kwargs['source:name'] = school.source.lower()
        return kwargs
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def tags_for_school(self, school):
        city = school.town or school.locality or ''
        if city and city == city.upper():
            city = string.capwords(city)
        kwargs = dict(amenity='school', name=school.name.strip())
        if school.website:
            kwargs['website'] =  url_for_school(school)
        kwargs['ref:{0}'.format(school.source.lower())] = str(school.uid)
        kwargs['addr:country'] = 'GB'
        if school.postcode:
            kwargs['addr:postcode'] = school.postcode
        if school.street:
            addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
            address = addr_parser.parse(school.street)
            if address['street_full']:
                kwargs['addr:street'] = address['street_full']
            if address['house']:
                kwargs['addr:housenumber'] = address['house']

        if city:
            kwargs['addr:city'] = city
        if school.phone:
            pn = phonenumbers.parse(school.phone, 'GB')
            kwargs['phone'] = phonenumbers.format_number(pn, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.E164)
        kwargs['source:geometry'] = 'OS_Open_Map_Local_FunctionalSite'
        kwargs['source:addr'] = school.source.lower()
        kwargs['source:name'] = school.source.lower()
        return kwargs
Ejemplo n.º 6
def build_origin_address(req):
    Builds an address from an Alexa session. Assumes city is Boston if not

    :param req: MyCityRequestDataModel object
    :return: String containing full address
    logger.debug('MyCityRequestDataModel received:' + req.get_logger_string())
    address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    current_address = \
    parsed_address = address_parser.parse(current_address)
    if parsed_address["house"] is None or parsed_address["street_full"] is None:
        logger.debug("Parsed address had an unexpected None part in {house: %r, street_full: %r}",
        raise InvalidAddressError()
    origin_address = " ".join([parsed_address["house"],
    if parsed_address["other"]:
        origin_address += " {}".format(parsed_address["other"])
        origin_address += " Boston MA"

    return origin_address
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_python_data():
    addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    tmp = addr_parser.parse(request.args.get('address'))
    #print 'dbg1',tmp

    if tmp['house'] and tmp[
            'street_full']:  #create a full address for legislature lookup
        fullAdr = ' '.join([tmp['house'], tmp['street_full']])
    elif tmp['street_full']:
        fullAdr = tmp['street_full']
        fullAdr = ''

    adr = [fullAdr, request.args.get('city'), request.args.get('zipcode')]
    #print 'dbg2',adr
    for tries in range(5):
        response = lkupLib.lkupLeg(adr)  #returns none if retries fail
        if response != None:  #got something from website, scrape it and return
            senRep = lkupLib.legScrape(response)
            if len(senRep) > 1:  #lookup worked, calculate route code
                senRep['route'] = lkupLib.mkRoute(senRep)
            else:  #lookup failed. return list of guesses
                #print 'dbg3',request.args.get('zipcode'),tmp['street_full']
                senRep['guesses'] = mkGuess(request.args.get('zipcode'),
            return json.dumps(senRep)
    return 'MA Legislature Website Down - Hit Clear and try again later', status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
Ejemplo n.º 8
class TestStreetAddress(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
        self.addr_formatter = StreetAddressFormatter()

    def test_success_abbrev_street_avenue_etc(self):
        addr = self.addr_parser.parse('221B Baker Street')
        eq_(self.addr_formatter.abbrev_street_avenue_etc(addr['street_full']), 'Baker St')
class TestStreetAddress(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
        self.addr_formatter = StreetAddressFormatter()

    def test_success_abbrev_street_avenue_etc(self):
        addr = self.addr_parser.parse('221B Baker Street')
            'Baker St')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def validate_found_address(found_address, user_provided_address):
    Validates that the street name and number found in trash collection
    database matches the provided values. We do not treat partial matches
    as valid.

    :param found_address: Full address found in trash collection database
    :param user_provided_address: Street number and name provided by user
    :return: boolean: True if addresses are considered a match, else False
    logger.debug('found_address: ' + str(found_address) +
                 'user_provided_address: ' + str(user_provided_address))
    address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    found_address = address_parser.parse(found_address)
    user_provided_address = address_parser.parse(user_provided_address)

    if found_address["house"] != user_provided_address["house"]:
        return False

    # Re-collect replaces South with S and North with N
    found_address["street_name"] = re.sub(r'^S\.? ', "South ",
    found_address["street_name"] = re.sub(r'^N\.? ', "North ",

    if found_address["street_name"].lower() != \
        return False

    # Allow for mismatched "Road" street_type between user input and ReCollect API
    if "rd" in found_address["street_type"].lower() and \
        "road" in user_provided_address["street_type"].lower():
        return True

    # Allow fuzzy match on street type to allow "ave" to match "avenue"
    if found_address["street_type"].lower() not in \
        user_provided_address["street_type"].lower() and \
        user_provided_address["street_type"].lower() not in \
        return False

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def clean_address(self):
        # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        self.cleaned_data['address'] = "%d %s %s %s" % (
            self.cleaned_data['street_no'], self.cleaned_data['street_dir'],
            self.cleaned_data['street_name'], self.cleaned_data['street_type'])

        parser = StreetAddressParser()
        parts = parser.parse(self.cleaned_data['address'])
        street_dir, street_name = parts['street_name'].split(' ', 1)
        self.cleaned_data['street_no'] = parts['house']
        self.cleaned_data['street_dir'] = street_dir
        self.cleaned_data['street_name'] = street_name
        self.cleaned_data['street_type'] = normalize_street_type(
        return self.cleaned_data['address']
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_trash_day_info(intent, session):
    Generates response object for a trash day inquiry.
    reprompt_text = None
    print("IN GET_TRASH_DAY_INFO, SESSION: " + str(session))

    if alexa_constants.CURRENT_ADDRESS_KEY in session.get('attributes', {}):
        current_address = \

        # grab relevant information from session address
        address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
        a = address_parser.parse(current_address)
        # currently assumes that trash day is the same for all units at
        # the same street address
        address = str(a['house']) + " " + str(a['street_name'])

        # rest call to data.boston.gov for trash/recycle information
        url = 'https://data.boston.gov/api/action/datastore_search?' + \
              'resource_id=fee8ee07-b8b5-4ee5-b540-5162590ba5c1&q=' + \
        resp = requests.get(url).json()
        print("RESPONSE FROM DATA.BOSTON.GOV: " + str(resp))

        # format script of response
        record = resp['result']['records'][0]
        speech_output = "Trash is picked up on the following days, " + \
            ", ".join(parse_days(record['Trash'])) + \
            ". Recycling is picked up on the following days, " + \
            " ,".join(parse_days(record['Recycling']))

        session_attributes = session.get('attributes', {})
        should_end_session = True
        session_attributes = session.get('attributes', {})
        speech_output = "I'm not sure what your address is. " \
                        "You can tell me your address by saying, " \
                        "my address is 123 Main St., apartment 3."
        should_end_session = False

    # Setting reprompt_text to None signifies that we do not want to reprompt
    # the user. If the user does not respond or says something that is not
    # understood, the session will end.
    return build_response(
        build_speechlet_response(intent['name'], speech_output, reprompt_text,
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_trash_day_info(mycity_request):
    Generates response object for a trash day inquiry.

    :param mycity_request: MyCityRequestDataModel object
    :return: MyCityResponseDataModel object

    print('[module: trash_intent]', '[method: get_trash_day_info]',
          'MyCityRequestDataModel received:', str(mycity_request))

    mycity_response = MyCityResponseDataModel()
    if intent_constants.CURRENT_ADDRESS_KEY in mycity_request.session_attributes:
        current_address = \

        # grab relevant information from session address
        address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
        a = address_parser.parse(current_address)
        # currently assumes that trash day is the same for all units at
        # the same street address
        address = str(a['house']) + " " + str(a['street_name'])

            trash_days = get_trash_and_recycling_days(address)
            trash_days_speech = build_speech_from_list_of_days(trash_days)

            mycity_response.output_speech = "Trash and recycling is picked up on {}."\

        except InvalidAddressError:
            mycity_response.output_speech = "I can't seem to find {}. Try another address"\
        except BadAPIResponse:
            mycity_response.output_speech = "Hmm something went wrong. Maybe try again?"

        mycity_response.should_end_session = False
        print("Error: Called trash_day_intent with no address")

    # Setting reprompt_text to None signifies that we do not want to reprompt
    # the user. If the user does not respond or says something that is not
    # understood, the session will end.
    mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
    mycity_response.session_attributes = mycity_request.session_attributes
    mycity_response.card_title = mycity_request.intent_name
    return mycity_response
Ejemplo n.º 14
def parse_address_using_lib_streetaddress(address_string):
        Use the street-address library to parse a string into a dict
        address_string (String): Raw address string to try and parse
        parsed_address (Dict): Dict of the parsed address with fields that could be
            determined from a string

    field_mapping = {
        "house": "address_number",
        "other": "ignore",
        "PlaceName": "city",
        "StateName": "state",
        "street_full": "ignore",
        "street_name": "street_name",
        "street_type": "street_type",
        "suite_num": "suite_num",
        "suite_type": "suite_type",
        "ZipCode": "zip_code",
    regex_remove_nonmatching_characters = r"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]+"
    streetaddress_result = {}

    streetaddress_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    raw_streetaddress_result = streetaddress_parser.parse(address_string)

    for raw_address_key, address_value in raw_streetaddress_result.items():

        # Parsing Raw into wanted form
        address_key = field_mapping.get(raw_address_key, None)
        if not address_key:
            raise Exception(f"Missing Field Mapping: {raw_address_key}")
        elif address_key == "ignore":

        if isinstance(address_value, str):
            streetaddress_result[address_key] =\
                re.sub(regex_remove_nonmatching_characters, " ", address_value).strip()
            streetaddress_result[address_key] = address_value

    return streetaddress_result
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _build_origin_address(session):
    Builds an address from an Alexa session. Assumes city is Boston if not

    :param session: Alexa session object
    :return: String containing full address
    address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    current_address = \
    parsed_address = address_parser.parse(current_address)
    origin_address = " ".join(
        [parsed_address["house"], parsed_address["street_full"]])
    if parsed_address["other"]:
        origin_address += " {}".format(parsed_address["other"])
        origin_address += " Boston MA"

    return origin_address
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _build_origin_address(mycity_request):
    Builds an address from an Alexa session. Assumes city is Boston if not

    :param mycity_request: MyCityRequestDataModel object
    :return: String containing full address
    print('[method: _build_origin_address]',
          'MyCityRequestDataModel received:', str(mycity_request))
    # @todo: Repeated code -- look into using same code here and in trash intent
    address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    current_address = \
    parsed_address = address_parser.parse(current_address)
    origin_address = " ".join(
        [parsed_address["house"], parsed_address["street_full"]])
    if parsed_address["other"]:
        origin_address += " {}".format(parsed_address["other"])
        origin_address += " Boston MA"

    return origin_address
Ejemplo n.º 17
def build_origin_address(req):
    Builds an address from an Alexa session. Assumes city is Boston if not
    :param req: MyCityRequestDataModel object
    :return: String containing full address
    print('[method: address_utils.build_origin_address]',
          'MyCityRequestDataModel received:', str(req))

    address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    current_address = \
    parsed_address = address_parser.parse(current_address)
    origin_address = " ".join(
        [parsed_address["house"], parsed_address["street_full"]])
    if parsed_address["other"]:
        origin_address += " {}".format(parsed_address["other"])
        origin_address += " Boston MA"

    return origin_address
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_nearby_food_trucks(mycity_request):
    Gets food truck info near an address

    :param mycity_request: MyCityRequestDataModel object
    :return: MyCityResponseObject
    mycity_response = MyCityResponseDataModel()

    # Get current address location
    if CURRENT_ADDRESS_KEY in mycity_request.session_attributes:
        current_address = \

        # Parsing street address using street-address package
        address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
        a = address_parser.parse(current_address)
        address = str(a["house"]) + " " + str(a["street_name"]) + " " \
                  + str(a["street_type"])

        # Parsing zip code
        zip_code = str(a["other"]).zfill(5) if a["other"] else None
        zip_code_key = intent_constants.ZIP_CODE_KEY
        if zip_code is None and zip_code_key in \
            zip_code = mycity_request.session_attributes[zip_code_key]

        # Get user's GIS Geocode Address and list of available trucks
        usr_addr = gis_utils.geocode_address(address)
        truck_unique_locations = get_truck_locations()
        nearby_food_trucks = []

            # Loop through food truck list and search for nearby food trucks
            # limit to 5 to speed up response
            counter = 0
            for t in truck_unique_locations:
                dist = gis_utils.calculate_distance(usr_addr, t)
                if dist <= MILE:
                    counter += 1
                    if counter == FOOD_TRUCK_LIMIT:

            count = len(nearby_food_trucks)
            if count == 0:
                mycity_response.output_speech = "I didn't find any food trucks!"

            if count == 1:
                response = f"I found {count} food truck within a mile " \
                    "from your address! "
                response += add_response_text(nearby_food_trucks)
                mycity_response.output_speech = response

            if 1 < count <= 3:
                response = f"I found {count} food trucks within a mile " \
                    "from your address! "
                response += add_response_text(nearby_food_trucks)
                mycity_response.output_speech = response

            elif count > 3:
                response = f"There are at least {count} food trucks within " \
                           f"a mile from your address! Here are the first " \
                           + str(count) + ". "
                response += add_response_text(nearby_food_trucks)
                mycity_response.output_speech = response

        except InvalidAddressError:
            address_string = address
            if zip_code:
                address_string = address_string + " with zip code {}"\
            mycity_response.output_speech = \
            mycity_response.dialog_directive = "ElicitSlotFoodTruck"
            mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
            mycity_response.session_attributes = \
            mycity_response.card_title = "Food Trucks"
            mycity_request = clear_address_from_mycity_object(mycity_request)
            mycity_response = clear_address_from_mycity_object(mycity_response)
            return mycity_response

        except BadAPIResponse:
            mycity_response.output_speech = \
                "Hmm something went wrong. Maybe try again?"

        except MultipleAddressError:
            mycity_response.output_speech = \
            mycity_response.dialog_directive = "ElicitSlotZipCode"

        logger.error("Error: Called food_truck_intent with no address")
        mycity_response.output_speech = "I didn't understand that address, " \
                                        "please try again"

    # Setting reprompt_text to None signifies that we do not want to reprompt
    # the user. If the user does not respond or says something that is not
    # understood, the session will end.
    mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
    mycity_response.session_attributes = mycity_request.session_attributes
    mycity_response.card_title = "Food Trucks"

    return mycity_response
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_nearby_food_trucks(mycity_request):
    Gets food truck info near an address

    :param mycity_request: MyCityRequestDataModel object
    :return: MyCityResponseObject
    mycity_response = MyCityResponseDataModel()

    # Get current address location
    if CURRENT_ADDRESS_KEY in mycity_request.session_attributes:
        current_address = \

        # Parsing street address using street-address package
        address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
        a = address_parser.parse(current_address)
        address = str(a["house"]) + " " + str(a["street_name"]) + " " \
                  + str(a["street_type"])

        # Parsing zip code
        zip_code = str(a["other"]).zfill(5) if a["other"] else None
        zip_code_key = intent_constants.ZIP_CODE_KEY
        if zip_code is None and zip_code_key in \
            zip_code = mycity_request.session_attributes[zip_code_key]

        # Get user's GIS Geocode Address and list of available trucks
        usr_addr = gis_utils.geocode_address(address)
        truck_unique_locations = get_truck_locations(usr_addr)

        # Create custom response based on number of trucks returned
            if len(truck_unique_locations) == 0:
                mycity_response.output_speech = "I didn't find any food trucks!"

            if len(truck_unique_locations) == 1:
                response = f"I found {len(truck_unique_locations)} food " \
                           f"truck within a mile from your address! "
                response += add_response_text(truck_unique_locations)
                mycity_response.output_speech = response

            if 1 < len(truck_unique_locations) <= 3:
                response = f"I found {len(truck_unique_locations)} food " \
                           f"trucks within a mile from your address! "
                response += add_response_text(truck_unique_locations)
                mycity_response.output_speech = response

            if len(truck_unique_locations) > 3:
                response = f"There are at least {len(truck_unique_locations)}" \
                           f" food trucks within a mile from your " \
                           f"address! Here are the first five. "
                response += add_response_text(truck_unique_locations)
                mycity_response.output_speech = response

        except InvalidAddressError:
            address_string = address
            if zip_code:
                address_string = address_string + " with zip code {}"\
            mycity_response.output_speech = \
            mycity_response.dialog_directive = "ElicitSlotFoodTruck"
            mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
            mycity_response.session_attributes = \
            mycity_response.card_title = CARD_TITLE
            mycity_request = clear_address_from_mycity_object(mycity_request)
            mycity_response = clear_address_from_mycity_object(mycity_response)
            return mycity_response

        except BadAPIResponse:
            mycity_response.output_speech = \
                "Hmm something went wrong. Maybe try again?"

        except MultipleAddressError:
            mycity_response.output_speech = \
            mycity_response.dialog_directive = "ElicitSlotZipCode"

        logger.error("Error: Called food_truck_intent with no address")
        mycity_response.output_speech = "I didn't understand that address, " \
                                        "please try again"

    # Setting reprompt_text to None signifies that we do not want to reprompt
    # the user. If the user does not respond or says something that is not
    # understood, the session will end.
    mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
    mycity_response.session_attributes = mycity_request.session_attributes
    mycity_response.card_title = CARD_TITLE

    return mycity_response
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_trash_day_info(mycity_request):
    Generates response object for a trash day inquiry.

    :param mycity_request: MyCityRequestDataModel object
    :return: MyCityResponseDataModel object
    logger.debug('MyCityRequestDataModel received:' + mycity_request.get_logger_string())

    mycity_response = MyCityResponseDataModel()
    if intent_constants.CURRENT_ADDRESS_KEY in mycity_request.session_attributes:
        current_address = \

        # grab relevant information from session address
        address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
        a = address_parser.parse(current_address)

        if not address_utils.is_address_valid(a):
            mycity_response.output_speech = speech_constants.ADDRESS_NOT_UNDERSTOOD
            mycity_response.dialog_directive = "ElicitSlotTrash"
            mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
            mycity_response.session_attributes = mycity_request.session_attributes
            mycity_response.card_title = CARD_TITLE
            mycity_response.should_end_session = True
            return clear_address_from_mycity_object(mycity_response)

        # currently assumes that trash day is the same for all units at
        # the same street address
        address = str(a['house']) + " " + str(a['street_full'])
        zip_code = str(a["other"]).zfill(5) if a["other"] and a["other"].isdigit() else None
        neighborhood = a["other"] if a["other"] and not a["other"].isdigit() else None

        zip_code_key = intent_constants.ZIP_CODE_KEY
        if zip_code is None and zip_code_key in \
            zip_code = mycity_request.session_attributes[zip_code_key]

        if "Neighborhood" in mycity_request.intent_variables and \
            "value" in mycity_request.intent_variables["Neighborhood"]:
            neighborhood = mycity_request.intent_variables["Neighborhood"]["value"]

            trash_days = get_trash_and_recycling_days(address, zip_code, neighborhood)
            trash_days_speech = build_speech_from_list_of_days(trash_days)

            mycity_response.output_speech = speech_constants.PICK_UP_DAY.format(trash_days_speech)
            mycity_response.should_end_session = True

        except InvalidAddressError:
            address_string = address
            if zip_code:
                address_string = address_string + " with zip code {}"\
            mycity_response.output_speech = speech_constants.ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND.format(address_string)
            mycity_response.dialog_directive = "ElicitSlotTrash"
            mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
            mycity_response.session_attributes = mycity_request.session_attributes
            mycity_response.card_title = CARD_TITLE
            mycity_response.should_end_session = True
            return clear_address_from_mycity_object(mycity_response)

        except BadAPIResponse:
            mycity_response.output_speech = speech_constants.BAD_API_RESPONSE
            mycity_response.should_end_session = True
        except MultipleAddressError as error:
            addresses = [re.sub(r' \d{5}', '', address) for address in error.addresses]
            address_list = ', '.join(addresses)
            mycity_response.output_speech = speech_constants.MULTIPLE_ADDRESS_ERROR.format(address_list)
            mycity_response.dialog_directive = "ElicitSlotNeighborhood"
            mycity_response.should_end_session = False

        logger.error("Error: Called trash_day_intent with no address")
        mycity_response.output_speech = speech_constants.ADDRESS_NOT_UNDERSTOOD
        mycity_response.should_end_session = True

    # Setting reprompt_text to None signifies that we do not want to reprompt
    # the user. If the user does not respond or says something that is not
    # understood, the session will end.
    mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
    mycity_response.session_attributes = mycity_request.session_attributes
    mycity_response.card_title = CARD_TITLE
    return mycity_response
Ejemplo n.º 21
        25 West St

    addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    addr_formatter = StreetAddressFormatter()

    if opts.addr:
        lst = [opts.addr]
        lst = map(str.strip,tests)

    for t in lst:
        if t:
            print '"%s"' % t
            logging.info('addr_str: ' + unicode(t))
            addr = addr_parser.parse(t)

            if addr['street_full'] is not None:
                street = addr_formatter.append_TH_to_street(addr['street_full'])
                logging.info('After append_TH_to_street: ' + street)

                street = addr_formatter.abbrev_direction(street)
                logging.info('After abbrev_direction: ' + street)

                street = addr_formatter.abbrev_street_avenue_etc(street)
                logging.info('After abbrev_street_avenue_etc: ' + street)

                street = addr_formatter.abbrev_street_avenue_etc(street, abbrev_only_last_token=False)
                logging.info('After abbrev_street_avenue_etc (aggressive): ' + street)

            print json.dumps(addr, sort_keys=True)
Ejemplo n.º 22
class PandasGeocoder:
    def __init__(self):
        self.running = False
        self.data = None
        self.address_columns = []
        self.street_address_parser = StreetAddressParser()
        self.progress_bar = None

            config = configparser.ConfigParser()
            self.geo_coder_apis = [
                GeoAPIWrapper(Nominatim, user_agent="nominatim_locator")
        except Exception:
            self.geo_coder_apis = [
                GeoAPIWrapper(Nominatim, user_agent="nominatim_locator")

        self.geocode_cache = {}
        self.processed_items, self.found = 0, 0

    def write_cache(self):
        disc_cache = dc.Cache(API_CACHE)
        for address, geo_data in self.geocode_cache.items():
            disc_cache[address] = geo_data

    def read_cache(self):
        disc_cache = dc.Cache(API_CACHE)
        for key in disc_cache.iterkeys():
            self.geocode_cache[key] = disc_cache[key]

    def run(self, data: pd.DataFrame, address_columns: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
        self.running = True
        self.data = data.fillna("")
        self.address_columns = address_columns
        self.processed_items, self.found = 0, 0
        if len(self.geocode_cache) == 0:

            self.progress_bar = IncrementalBar(name="geocoding progress",
            with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
                self.data['result'] = \
                    list(pool.map(self.get_coordinates_args, self.data.loc[:, self.address_columns].to_numpy(),

            if len(self.geocode_cache) > 0:
            self.running = False

        return self.data

    def is_running(self):
        return self.running

    def get_status(self):
        return {
            'in_progress': self.running,
            'processed_items': self.processed_items,
            len(self.data.index) if self.data is not None else 'Unknown',
            'api_found_items': self.found,

    def get_coordinates_args(self, address_row) -> [float, float]:
        arr = [
            str(addr_unit).strip().lower() for addr_unit in address_row
            if len(str(addr_unit)) > 0
        address_string = re.sub(r'[@():{}]', "", ",".join(arr))
        result = self.street_address_parser.parse(address_string)
        search_address = result.get("street_name") or address_string
        longitude, latitude = None, None

        if address_string in self.geocode_cache or search_address in self.geocode_cache:
            longitude, latitude = self.geocode_cache.get(
                address_string) or self.geocode_cache.get(search_address)
            for geo_coder_api in self.geo_coder_apis:
                longitude, latitude = geo_coder_api.get_lon_lat(
                    search_address, address_string)
                if longitude is not None and latitude is not None:
                    self.found += 1
            self.geocode_cache[search_address] = self.geocode_cache[
                address_string] = longitude, latitude

        self.processed_items += 1

        return longitude, latitude
        25 West St

    addr_parser = StreetAddressParser()
    addr_formatter = StreetAddressFormatter()

    if opts.addr:
        lst = [opts.addr]
        lst = map(str.strip, tests)

    for t in lst:
        if t:
            print '"%s"' % t
            logging.info('addr_str: ' + unicode(t))
            addr = addr_parser.parse(t)

            if addr['street_full'] is not None:
                street = addr_formatter.append_TH_to_street(
                logging.info('After append_TH_to_street: ' + street)

                street = addr_formatter.abbrev_direction(street)
                logging.info('After abbrev_direction: ' + street)

                street = addr_formatter.abbrev_street_avenue_etc(street)
                logging.info('After abbrev_street_avenue_etc: ' + street)

                street = addr_formatter.abbrev_street_avenue_etc(
                    street, abbrev_only_last_token=False)
                logging.info('After abbrev_street_avenue_etc (aggressive): ' +