def test_progress_information_overspecified(self): # Set some non-typical parameters program = Program(name="MyProgram", duration=10) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="At most 2 out of 3 variables may be set"): with program.Day("A"): program.DynamicExercise("Squats", start_weight=100, final_weight=150, percent_inc_per_week=10)
def test_progress_information_override_perc_inc(self): program = Program(name="MyProgram", duration=10, percent_inc_per_week=1) with program.Day("A"): squat = program.DynamicExercise("Squats", start_weight=100, percent_inc_per_week=10) (start_w, final_w, inc_week) = squat._progress_information() assert start_w == 100 assert final_w == 200 assert inc_week == 10 # Weight override program default
def test_general_api(): """The slightly more easy API.""" def curl_func(week): return "{} x 10".format(week) # Create a 4-week program program = Program("My first program!", duration=8) # Create some dynamic and static exercises bench = DynamicExercise("Bench press", 60, 70) squats = DynamicExercise("Squats", 80, 90) curls = StaticExercise("Curls", curl_func) day = Day(exercises=[bench, squats, curls]) # Variable reference to days are added assert is not None assert is not None assert len(day.dynamic_exercises) == 2 # Add day(s) to program and render it program.add_days(day) assert day.program is not None assert len(program.days) == 1 assert not program._rendered program.render() assert program._rendered
def test_verbose_api(duration): """The oldest, most verbose API.""" def curl_func(week): return "{} x 10".format(week) # Create a 4-week program program = Program("My first program!", duration=duration) # Create some dynamic and static exercises bench = DynamicExercise("Bench press", 60, 60 * (1 + 0.01 * duration)) squats = DynamicExercise("Squats", 80, 80 * (1 + 0.01 * duration)) curls = StaticExercise("Curls", curl_func) day = Day() day.add_exercises(bench, squats, curls) assert len(day.dynamic_exercises) == 2 # Add day(s) to program and render it program.add_days(day) assert len(program.days) == 1 assert not program._rendered program.render() assert program._rendered
def test_exercisedescription_program(): with temporary_db("tempfile.db", delete=False): engine = create_engine("sqlite:///tempfile.db", echo=True) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() ed = ExerciseDescription(name="Bench press", description="Let's see if this works!") session.add(ed) session.commit() #del session # Create a 4-week program program = Program('My first program!', duration=4) # Create some dynamic and static exercises bench = DynamicExercise('Bench press', start_weight=60, final_weight=80) squats = DynamicExercise('Squats', start_weight=80, final_weight=95) curls = StaticExercise('Curls', '3 x 12') day = Day(exercises=[bench, squats, curls]) # Add day(s) to program and render it program.add_days(day) program.render() p = program_to_sql(program, engine=engine) #session = Session() session.commit() return program, p
def test_Program(self): """Serialize and deserialize should be equal.""" program = Program(name="Beginner 5x5", duration=4, intensity=85, units="kg", round_to=2.5, rep_scaler_func=[1, 1, 1, 1]) with program.Day("A"): program.DynamicExercise(name="Squat", start_weight=100) program.render() # Create a new program by serializing and deserializing new_program = Program.deserialize(program.serialize()) new_program.render() assert str(program) == str(new_program)
def test_error_on_non_unique_exercise_names(): """Test that using the same exercise name raises an error.""" program1 = Program(duration=8, round_to=1) with program1.Day(): program1.DynamicExercise("Bench press", start_weight=100, min_reps=4, max_reps=7) program1.DynamicExercise("Bench press", start_weight=90, min_reps=1, max_reps=7) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Exercise name not unique: Bench press"): program1.render()
def test_dynamic_exercises_are_not_mutated(): """Creating a program should not mutate an exercise.""" # Create an exercise exercise = DynamicExercise("Bench press", start_weight=100) exercise_dict = exercise.serialize() # Create a program, add the day and render it program = Program() day = Day("Monday") day.add_exercises(exercise) program.add_days(day) program.render() assert exercise.serialize() == exercise_dict
def test_decorator_api(): """The new API.""" def curl_func(week): return "{} x 10".format(week) # Create a 4-week program program = Program("My first program!", duration=8) with program.Day(): program.DynamicExercise("Bench press", 60, 65) program.DynamicExercise("Squats", 80, 85) program.StaticExercise("Curls", curl_func) assert len(program.days) == 1 assert len(program.days[0].dynamic_exercises) == 2 assert len(program.days[0].static_exercises) == 1 assert program.days[0].program is not None assert program.days[0].dynamic_exercises[0].day is not None assert not program._rendered program.render() assert program._rendered
def test_single_program(): session = create_memory_session() # Create a 4-week program program = Program('My first program!', duration=4) # Create some dynamic and static exercises bench = DynamicExercise('Bench press', start_weight=60, final_weight=80) squats = DynamicExercise('Squats', start_weight=80, final_weight=95) curls = StaticExercise('Curls', '3 x 12') day = Day(exercises=[bench, squats, curls]) # Add day(s) to program and render it program.add_days(day) program.render() p = program_to_sql(program) return session, program, p
def test_progress_information_calcs_from_program(self): program = Program(name="MyProgram", duration=10, percent_inc_per_week=10) # Three ways of saying the same thing with program.Day(): a = program.DynamicExercise("a", start_weight=100) b = program.DynamicExercise("b", start_weight=100, final_weight=200) c = program.DynamicExercise("c", final_weight=200) a_info = a._progress_information() b_info = b._progress_information() c_info = c._progress_information() assert a_info == b_info assert b_info == c_info
if __name__ == "__main__": import pytest pytest.main(args=[".", "--doctest-modules", "-v", "--capture=sys"]) if __name__ == "__main__": from streprogen import Program program = Program( "My first program!", duration=8, units="kg", reps_per_exercise=15, intensity=88, intensity_scaler_func=lambda w: 1, round_to=2.5, percent_inc_per_week=2, verbose=True, ) with program.Day("Mandag"): program.DynamicExercise("Knebøy", start_weight=100, min_reps=3, max_reps=5) # Render the program, then print it program.render() from pprint import pprint
def test_start_weight_vs_final_weight(self, format): """Test that giving progress in program or exercise is the same.""" program1 = Program(duration=3, units="kg", round_to=1) with program1.Day(): program1.DynamicExercise("Bench press", start_weight=100, percent_inc_per_week=2) program1.render() program2 = Program(duration=3, units="kg", round_to=1) with program2.Day(): program2.DynamicExercise("Bench press", percent_inc_per_week=2, final_weight=106) program2.render() # Use .txt format to compare programs assert getattr(program1, f"to_{format}")() == getattr(program2, f"to_{format}")()
def test_rep_range_exercise_vs_program(self, format): """Test that giving rep range in program or exercise is the same.""" program1 = Program("My first program!", duration=8, round_to=1) with program1.Day(): program1.DynamicExercise("Bench press", start_weight=100, min_reps=4, max_reps=7) program1.render() program2 = Program("My first program!", duration=8, round_to=1, min_reps=4, max_reps=7) with program2.Day(): program2.DynamicExercise("Bench press", start_weight=100) program2.render() # Use formats to compare programs assert getattr(program1, f"to_{format}")() == getattr(program2, f"to_{format}")()
def test_intensity_scalers_as_function_vs_list(self, format): """Test that both functions and lists work the same.""" def intensity_scaler_func(week): return 1 - week / 100 intensity_scalers = [(1 - week / 100) for week in range(1, 9)] program1 = Program("My first program!", duration=8, round_to=1, intensity_scaler_func=intensity_scaler_func) with program1.Day(): program1.DynamicExercise("Bench press", start_weight=100) program1.render() program2 = Program("My first program!", duration=8, round_to=1, intensity_scaler_func=intensity_scalers) with program2.Day(): program2.DynamicExercise("Bench press", start_weight=100) program2.render() # Use .txt format to compare programs assert getattr(program1, f"to_{format}")() == getattr(program2, f"to_{format}")()
def test_program_not_mutated_after_rendering(): """Creating and rendering a program should not mutate its dict representations.""" # Set some non-typical parameters program = Program( name="MyProgram", duration=5, min_reps=1, reps_per_exercise=31, round_to=10, rep_scaler_func=[0.99, 0.97, 0.96, 0.95, 0.98], intensity_scaler_func=[0.99, 0.97, 0.96, 0.95, 0.98], units="asdf", ) with program.Day("A"): program.DynamicExercise("Squats", start_weight=100, final_weight=113, max_reps=12) program_serialized = program.serialize() program.render() program_dict = program.to_dict() # Rendering the program should not change the serialization assert program.serialize() == program_serialized # Serializing and de-serializing should not change the program dict reprs program = Program.deserialize(program.serialize()) program.render() assert program.serialize() == program_serialized assert program_dict == program.to_dict()