Ejemplo n.º 1
    def extract_strings_from_filename(self, filename):
        output_dir = self._get_output_directory()
        self._run_genstrings_command_for_file(filename, output_dir)

        full_paths = []
        for file in os.listdir(output_dir):
            full_paths.append(os.path.join(output_dir, file))

        strings_parser = Strings()
        return_values = \

        return return_values
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    options = Arguments().get_args()
    binary = Binary(options)

    exec_sections = binary.get_exec_sections()
    data_sections = binary.get_data_sections()

    gadgets = Gadgets(exec_sections, options)

    strings = Strings(exec_sections + data_sections)

    ropchain = Ropchain(gadgets.get_gadgets(), binary.get_data_section_offset())
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        filename = getSettingsFile()

        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            lang = dialogs.select_language(None, ["english", "czech"])
            if not lang:

            photodir = getDirectory()
            if not photodir:

            with open(filename, "w+") as f:
                f.write(DEFAULT_SETTINGS.format(photodir, lang))

        data = ""
        with open(filename, "r") as f:
            data = f.read()

        self.settings = {}

        for line in data.splitlines():
            if not line or line.startswith("#"):

            key, value = line.split("=", 1)
            self.settings[key] = value

        self.strings = Strings(
            getStringsFile(self["language"] if "language" in
                           self.settings else "english"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TestStrings(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.strings = Strings()

    def test_data(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.strings.data, list)

    def test_get(self):
        self.strings.data = {"test_key": "test_string"}

        self.assertIs(self.strings.get("test_key"), "test_string")

    def test_get_with_params(self):
        self.strings.data = {"test_key": "test_string_with_param_<?>"}

        self.assertEqual(self.strings.get("test_key", "X"),
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def xmlbeautify_page():
    return render_template('index.html', s=Strings(g.lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def baseconv_page():
    return render_template('index.html', s=Strings(g.lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def httpheader_page():
    return render_template('index.html', s=Strings(g.lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def diff_index():
    return render_template('diff_index.html', s=Strings(g.lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 9
class BaseState(object):
    This class is a parent-class for all state handlers, it provides:
        - interface to Google Translations API
        - interface to our own phrases/responses
        - automatically translates our strings to the language of the user
        - automatically adds pictures to the chosen intents/conversation steps/questions
        - interface to the database
        - interface to the NLU (Natural Language Understanding unit - https://github.com/HumanbiOS/rasa)
        - automatic requests queueing
        - automatic database updates for the `User` object

    Note 0:
        In the text there are some special words:
          $(name) - refers to the random meaningful (or not) string that came to your mind
          $(root) - refers to the project directory
    Note 1:
        Server will pick up files and extract state classes from them, you don't need
        to worry about "registering state", there is no hardcoded list
        The important detail is that you **must** put state.py with the state handler
        to the $(root)/fsm/states folder.
    Note 2:
        It's a better practise to put each state handler in its own file.
        Naming Conventions:
            - name of the python class - `$(name)State`
              `    class MyBeautifulState:`
              `    class BasicQuestionsState:`
            - name of the file - *snake lower case* of $(name).
              "state" might be omitted (filename matters only to avoid confusions, refer to note 1)
    HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
    # This variable allows to ignore `entry()` when needed
    has_entry = True
    # @Important: instantiate important classes
    tr = Translator()
    db = Database()
    nlu = NLUWorker(tr)
    STRINGS = Strings(tr, db)
    # Data buffer that is assigned to when the class is initialized, stores reference to the relevant Botsociety Data
    bots_data = None

    # Media path and folder
    media_folder = "media"
    media_path = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, media_folder)

    if not os.path.exists(media_path):

    # Prepare state
    def __init__(self):
        # Keeps list of tasks
        self.tasks = list()
        self.random_tasks = list()
        # Keeps execution queue
        self.execution_queue = list()
        # Create language variable
        self.__language = None
        self.strings = None

    def set_language(self, value: str):
        This method sets language to a current state
        If language is None - base language version is english

            value (str): language code of the user's country
        self.__language = value or "en"
        self.strings = StringAccessor(self.__language, self.STRINGS)

    async def wrapped_entry(self, context: Context, user: User):
        This method is executed when user enters State for the first time, if `has_entry` variable is set to True.
        It is a wrapper for state-author-controlled `entry` method.

            context (Context): holds parsed and verified request, with auto-filled default values
            user (User): user object that is stored directly in the database
        # Set language
        # Wrap base method to avoid breaking server
            # Execute state method
            status = await self.entry(context, user, self.db)
        except Exception as e:
            # Do not commit to database if something went wrong
            status = OK(commit=False)
            # Log exception
        # Commit changes to database
        if status.commit:
            await self.db.commit_user(user=user)
        # @Important: Fulfill text promises
        if self.strings.promises:
            await self.strings.fill_promises()
        # @Important: Since we call this always, check if the call is actually needed
        if self.tasks:
            # @Important: collect all requests
            _results = await self._collect()
        # @Important: Execute all queued jobs
        if self.execution_queue:
            await self._execute_tasks()
        return status

    async def wrapped_process(self, context: Context, user: User):
        This method is executed when user enters State for second or any consequent time, 
        or for the first time if `has_entry` variable is set to False.
        It is a wrapper for state-author-modified `process` method.

            context (Context): holds parsed and verified request, with auto-filled default values
            user (User): user object that is stored directly in the database
        # Set language
        # Wrap base method to avoid breaking server
            # Execute state method
            status = await self.process(context, user, self.db)
        except Exception as e:
            # Do not commit to database if something went wrong
            status = OK(commit=False)
            # Log exception
        # Commit changes to database
        if status.commit:
            await self.db.commit_user(user=user)
        # @Important: Fulfill text promises
        if self.strings.promises:
            await self.strings.fill_promises()
        # @Important: Since we call this always, check if the call is actually needed
        if self.tasks:
            # @Important: collect all requests
            await self._collect()
        # @Important: Execute all queued jobs
        if self.execution_queue:
            await self._execute_tasks()
        return status

    # Actual state method to be written for the state
    async def entry(self, context: Context, user: User, db):
        The method handles each interaction when user enters your state

        context (Context): context object of the request
        user (User): user object from database corresponding to the user who sent message
        db (Database): database wrapper object
        return OK

    # Actual state method to be written for the state
    async def process(self, context: Context, user: User, db):
        The method handles each interaction with user (except first interaction)

        context (Context): context object of the request
        user (User): user object from database corresponding to the user who sent message
        db (Database): database wrapper object
        return OK

    def parse_button(self,
                     raw_text: str,
                     verify=None) -> Button:
        Function compares input text to all available strings (of user's language) and if
        finds matching - returns Button object, which has text and key attributes, where
        text is raw_text and key is a key of matched string from strings.json

            raw_text (str): just user's message
            truncated (bool): option to look for not full matches (only first `n` characters). Defaults to False.
            truncation_size (int): number of sequential characters to match. Defaults to 20.
            verify (list, set): a custom object that is used instead of global language object (e.g. you want a match from the list of specific buttons)
        btn = Button(raw_text)
        lang_obj = self.STRINGS.cache.get(self.__language)
        # Make sure that certain language file exists
        if lang_obj and verify:
            lang_obj = [(key, lang_obj[key]) for key in verify]
        elif lang_obj:
            lang_obj = lang_obj.items()

        for k, v in lang_obj:
            if v == raw_text or (truncated and len(v) > truncation_size
                                 and v[:truncation_size]
                                 == raw_text[:truncation_size]):
                # [DEBUG]
                # logging.info(value)
        return btn

    # Parse intent of single-formatted string, comparing everything but inserted
    #     Returns True           ->     intent matched
    #     Returns None or False  ->     intent didn't match
    def parse_fstring(self,
                      raw_text: str,
                      promise: TextPromise,
                      item1: str = "{",
                      item2: str = "}"):
        Method lets you compare "filled" f-string with "un-filled" one to identify intent, which is not possible 
        with simple `==` comparison, because the f-string is *actually* "filled".

        Compares sub-strings to the "{" char and after the "}" char, exclusively. 

            raw_text (str): raw input, which is "filled" string
            promise (TextPromise): cached input, "un-filled" string
            item1 (str): object to compare from start to position of it in the strings *exclusively*
            item2 (str): object to compare from its position to the end of the strings *exclusively*
        if promise.value and isinstance(promise.value, str):
            # Find where "{" or "}" should've been, then use it to go one char left or right, accordingly
            i1 = promise.value.find(item1)
            i2 = promise.value.find(item2)
            if i1 != -1 and i2 != -1:
                # Find from the end, so can use negative index
                #    Can't just measure from the start, because there will be inserted text of random length
                i2 = len(promise.value) - i2
                return raw_text[:i1] == promise.value[:i1] and raw_text[
                    -i2 + 1:] == promise.value[-i2 + 1:]

    # @Important: easy method to prepare context
    def set_data(self,
                 context: Context,
                 question: dict,
                 avoid_buttons: list = None):
        # Change value from None to empty list for the "in" operator
        avoid_buttons = avoid_buttons or []

        # Set according text
        context['request']['message']['text'] = self.strings[

        # Always have buttons
        context['request']['has_buttons'] = True
        context['request']['buttons_type'] = "text"
        # If not a free question -> add it's buttons
        if not question["free_answer"]:
            context['request']['buttons'] = [
                {"text": self.strings[button["text_key"]]} for button in question["buttons"] \
                if button["text_key"] not in avoid_buttons
            context['request']['buttons'] = []
        # Always add edge buttons
        context['request']['buttons'] += [{
            "text": self.strings['back']
        }, {
            "text": self.strings['stop']

        # Add file if needed
        media = question.get('image')
        if media:
            context['request']['has_file'] = True
            context['request']['file'] = [{"payload": media}]

    # @Important: 1) find better way with database
    # @Important: 2) What if we do it in non blocking asyncio.create_task (?)
    # @Important:    But on the other hand, we can't relay on the file status
    # @Important:    for example if next call needs to upload it somewhere
    # @Important:    If you deal with reliability and consistency - great optimisation
    async def download_by_url(self, url, *folders, filename):
        Downloads any file to the given directory with given filename from the url, in asynchronous way (not-blocking-ish).
        # TODO: Use async executor for real non-blocking?
        # TODO: Or, do we really need this method?
        # Make sure file exists
        if not self.exists(*folders):
            # Create folder on the path
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.media_path, *folders))
        # Full file path with filename
        filepath = os.path.join(self.media_path, *folders, filename)
        # Initiate aiohttp sessions, get file
        async with ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.get(url) as response:
                # Open file with aiofiles and start steaming bytes, write to the file
                logging.debug(f"Downloading file: {url} to {filepath}")
                async with aiofiles.open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
                    async for chunk in response.content.iter_any():
                        await f.write(chunk)
                logging.debug(f"Finished download [{filepath}]")
        return filepath

    # @Important: check if downloaded file exist
    def exists(self, *args):
        Checks for the file in the passed directory/filepath, shortcut for the os `exists` and `join` methods
        return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.media_path, *args))

    # @Important: high level access to translation module
    # @Important: note, though, that we shouldn't abuse translation api
    # @Important: because a) it's not good enough, b) it takes time to make
    # @Important: a call to the google cloud api
    async def translate(self, text: str, target: str) -> str:
        Method is wrapper for translation_text from translation module.
        Simply returns translated text for the target language.
        Good usage example if translating text between users.

        text (str): message to translate
        target (str): target language (ISO 639-1 code)
        return await self.tr.translate_text(text, target)

    # @Important: command to actually send all collected requests from `process` or `entry`
    async def _collect(self):
        results = list()
        async with ClientSession(json_serialize=lambda o: json.dumps(
                o, cls=PromisesEncoder)) as session:
            # @Important: Since asyncio.gather order is not preserved, we don't want to run them concurrently
            # @Important: so, gather tasks that were tagged with "allow_gather".

            # @Important: Group tasks by the value of "size" for the sake of not hitting front end too hard
            size = 30
            for coeff in range(len(self.random_tasks[::size])):
                results.extend(await asyncio.gather(
                    *(self._send(r_task, session)
                      for r_task in self.random_tasks[size * coeff:size *
                                                      (coeff + 1)])))
            # Send ordinary tasks
            for each_task in self.tasks:
                res = await self._send(each_task, session)
        return results

    # @Important: Real send method, takes SenderTask as argument
    async def _send(self, task: SenderTask, session: ClientSession):
        # Takes instance data holder object with the name from the tokens storage, extracts url
        url = tokens[task.service].url
        # Unpack context, set headers (content-type: json)
        async with session.post(url, json=task.context,
                                headers=self.HEADERS) as resp:
            # If reached server - log response
            if resp.status == 200:
                pass  # [DEBUG]
                #result = await resp.json()
                #if result:
                #    logging.info(f"Sending task status: {result}")
                #    return result
                #    logging.info(f"Sending task status: No result")
            # Otherwise - log error
                    f"[ERROR]: Sending task (service={task.service}, context={task.context}) status {await resp.text()}"

    def send(self,
             to_entity: Union[User, str],
             context: Context,
        Method creates task that sends context['request'] to the
        to_user User after executing your code inside state.

        to_entity (User, str): user object to send message to, or just service name
        context (Context): request context that is send to the user. The object is deep copied so it
                           can't be changed further in code (reliable consistency for multiple requests)
        # @Important: [Explanation to the code below]:
        # @Important: maybe add some queue of coroutines and dispatch them all when handler return status (?)
        # @Important: or just dispatch them via asyncio.create_task so it will be more efficient (?)
        # @Important: reasoning:
        # @Important:   simple way:   server -> request1 -> status1 -> request2 -> status2 -> request3 -> status3
        # @Important:     this way:   server -> gather(request1, request2, request3) -> log(status1, status2, status3)

        if isinstance(to_entity, str):
            service = to_entity
            service = to_entity['via_instance']

        task = SenderTask(service, copy.deepcopy(context.__dict__['request']))
        if allow_gather:

    async def _execute_tasks(self):
        results = await asyncio.gather(*[
            exec_task.func(*exec_task.args, **exec_task.kwargs)
            for exec_task in self.execution_queue
        return results

    def create_task(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        Method executes async function (with given args and kwargs) immediately after processing state.

        func (Async Func): function to be executed
        args (Any): args to be passed into the func
        kwargs (Any): kwargs to be passed into the func
        self.execution_queue.append(ExecutionTask(func, args, kwargs))

    def create_conversation(self,
                            user1: User,
                            user2: User,
                            context: Context,
                            message: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        user1['context']['conversation'] = {
            "user_id": user2['user_id'],
            "via_instance": user2['via_instance'],
            "type": user2['type']
        user2['context']['conversation'] = {
            "user_id": user1['user_id'],
            "via_instance": user1['via_instance'],
            "type": user1['type']

        # Send message to them
        if message or message is None:
            if message is None:
                message = "You've just started realtime conversation. Just start typing to talk to them!"

            context['request']['user']['user_id'] = 1
            context['request']['user']['first_name'] = "HumanBios"
            context['request']['chat']['chat_id'] = user1['user_id']
            context['request']['message']['text'] = message
            self.send(user1, context)
            context['request']['chat']['chat_id'] = user2['user_id']
            self.send(user2, context)

Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _create_strings_parser(self):
     return Strings()
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def unie_index():
    return render_template('unie_index.html', s=Strings(g.lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the graphical user interface
        # main interface object
        self.parent = Tk()
        self.parent.state = False

        # strings manager
        strings = Strings()
        self._ = strings.get

        # theme
        style = ThemedStyle(self.parent)

        # button style
        style.configure("TButton", font=self.button_font_family)

        # special button style

        # make buttons change foreground when hovered
                  foreground=[("active", self.special_button_active)])

        # root window initialization
        Frame.__init__(self, self.parent)

        w = config.get_int("minimum_window_width",
                           1280)  # minimum width for the Tk parent
        h = config.get_int("minimum_window_height",
                           800)  # minimum height for the Tk parent

        # get screen width and height
        ws = self.parent.winfo_screenwidth()  # width of the screen
        hs = self.parent.winfo_screenheight()  # height of the screen

        self.parent.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" %
                             (ws, hs))  # set the dimensions of the window
        self.parent.minsize(w, h)  # minimum size of the window

        # window title

        # menu bar
        self.menu_bar = Menu(self.parent, font=self.menu_font_family)

        self.file_menu = Menu(self.menu_bar,

        self.edit_menu = Menu(self.menu_bar,

        self.view_menu = Menu(self.menu_bar,

        self.filter_menu = Menu(self.menu_bar,

        self.taxonomy_menu = Menu(self.menu_bar,


        # make the frame take the whole window
        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        # input frame
        self.input_frame = None

        # output frame
        self.output_frame = Frame(self)
        self.output_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, anchor=N, expand=1)
        self.output_frame.grid_propagate(False)  # ensure a consistent GUI size
            0, weight=30)  # implement stretchability
            1, weight=1)  # implement stretchability
        self.output_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.text = Text(self.output_frame,

        # Text widget
                       pady=(self.padding, 0))
        self.text.config(font=(self.text_font_family, self.text_font_size),

        # create a Scrollbar and associate it with text
        self.scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.output_frame, command=self.text.yview)
        self.scrollbar.grid(row=0, rowspan=3, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
        self.text["yscrollcommand"] = self.scrollbar.set

        # status bar
        self.status = Label(self.output_frame,
                            font=(self.label_font_family, self.label_font_size,
        self.status.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=0)

        # binds any typing to the command input field to the update_commands method
        sv = StringVar()
        sv.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, sv=sv: self.update_commands())

        # input frame
        self.input_frame = Frame(self)
        self.input_frame.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)

        # makes the command input field
        self.entry = Entry(self.input_frame,
                           font=(self.entry_font_family, self.entry_font_size),
            "<Return>", self.return_pressed
        )  # binds the Return key to the return_pressed() method
            "<KP_Enter>", self.return_pressed
        )  # binds the Return key to the return_pressed() method
            self.tab_pressed)  # binds the Tab key to the tab_pressed() method
        self.entry.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM, padx=2,
                        pady=2)  # places the input field
        self.entry.focus_set()  # sets the focus on the input field

        # creates the frame containing buttons
        self.commands = Frame(self.input_frame)
        self.commands.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)

        self.prompt = StringVar()
        self.prompt_label = Label(self.commands,
        self.prompt_label.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(10, 15), pady=10)

        # creates the frame containing special buttons
        self.special_commands = Frame(self.input_frame)
        self.special_commands.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)

        # default bindings
        self.parent.bind(config.get_string("toggle_fullscreen", "<F11>"),
                         lambda event: self.toggle_fullscreen())
        self.parent.bind(config.get_string("exit_prompt", "<Escape>"),
                         lambda event: self.exit_prompt())
        self.parent.bind(config.get_string("zoom_in", "<Control-KP_Add>"),
                         lambda event: self.zoom_in())
            config.get_string("zoom_out", "<Control-KP_Subtract>"),
            lambda event: self.zoom_out())

        # binding mouse clicks and movement
        self.text.bind("<Button-1>", self.record_click)
        self.text.bind("<Button-2>", self.record_click)
        self.clickable_text_tag = "clickable_text_tag"
        self.text.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouse_left_click)
        self.text.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.mouse_right_click)
        self.text.bind("<Motion>", self.mouse_motion)

        self.last_click_index = "1.0"
        self.last_release_index = "1.0"

        self.command_list = []  # list of potential commands

        self.action = None  # default command action
        self.default_action = None  # default command action

        self.free_input = False  # sets whether it's possible to input anything in the entry

        # basic text tags

        self.add_tag(GraphicalUserInterface.STRONG, font_weight="bold")
        self.add_tag(GraphicalUserInterface.ITALIC, font_weight="italic")

        self.text.tag_raise(SEL)  # makes sure the selection is fisible
Ejemplo n.º 13
        zk.delete(path, recursive=True)
        print(strs.SERVER_PREFIX + strs.MESSAGE_DELETE_SUCESS)
    except BadVersionError as _:
        print(strs.ERROR_PREFIX + strs.MESSAGE_BAD_VERSION)
        print(strs.SERVER_PREFIX + strs.MESSAGE_DELETE_FAILED)
    except NoNodeError as _:
        print(strs.ERROR_PREFIX + strs.MESSAGE_EXISTS_FALSE)
        print(strs.SERVER_PREFIX + strs.MESSAGE_DELETE_FAILED)
    except ZookeeperError as e:
        print(strs.ERROR_PREFIX + e.__str__())
        print(strs.SERVER_PREFIX + strs.MESSAGE_DELETE_FAILED)

strs = Strings()
reserved_words_commands = [

#Get data
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    SERVER_IP = sys.argv[1]
    SERVER_PORT = sys.argv[2]

#Stabilish Connection
    zk = KazooClient(hosts=SERVER_IP + ':' + SERVER_PORT)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def setUp(self):
     self.strings = Strings()
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def page_not_found(e):
    return render_template('index.html', s=Strings(g.lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self):
     self.model = Model()
     self.view = View()
     self.colors = Colors()
     self.strings = Strings()
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def pull_lang_code(endpoint, values):
    if 'lang' in values:
        g.lang_code = values.pop('lang')
        g.lang_code = Strings.get_lang(request.headers.get('Accept-Language'))
Ejemplo n.º 18
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from user import User
from config import config
from strings import Strings

app = Flask(__name__)
user = User()
strings = Strings()

def health():
    return 'Python Flask server running on localhost:5000'

@app.route('/user', methods=['GET'])
def getUser():
    firstName = request.args.get('firstName', '').strip()
    if firstName is "":
        return jsonify({'success': True}), 400

    isFound, userData = user.get_user(firstName.strip())

    if not isFound:
        return jsonify({'success': True}), 201

    return jsonify(userData)

@app.route('/user', methods=['POST'])
def createUser():
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def xmlbt_index():
    return render_template('xmlbt_index.html', s=Strings(g.lang_code))
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: fpt/webtoys
def pdfconv_index():
    return render_template('pdfconv_index.html', s=Strings(g.lang_code))
def string_detection(neck):
    Detecting and separating strings into separate blocks by choosing numerous vertical slices in image
    We then look for a periodical pattern on each slice (ie strings detected), store points in between strings
    and connect them using a regression fitting function to separe each string
    :param neck: An Image object of the picture cropped around the horizontal neck
    :return strings, Image_string: either a string object which is a dict associating each string to a line
    (ie a tuple of points) delimiting the bottom of the string block // or directly an Image object with those
    lines displayed (illustration purpose)
    height = len(neck.image)
    width = len(neck.image[0])
    neck_with_strings = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    # 1. Detect strings with Hough transform and form an Image based on these
    edges = neck.edges_sobely()
    edges = threshold(edges, 127)

    lines = neck.lines_hough_transform(
        edges, 50, 20)  # TODO: Calibrate params automatically if possible
    size = len(lines)

    for x in range(size):
        for x1, y1, x2, y2 in lines[x]:
            cv2.line(neck_with_strings, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (255, 255, 255), 2)

    neck_str = Image(img=neck_with_strings)
    neck_str_gray = neck_str.gray

    # 2. Slice image vertically at different points and calculate gaps between strings at these slices
    slices = {}
    nb_slices = int(width / 50)
    for i in range(nb_slices):
        slices[(i + 1) * nb_slices] = [
        ]  # slices dict is {x_pixel_of_slice : [y_pixels_where_line_detected]}

    for index_line, line in enumerate(neck_str_gray):
        for index_pixel, pixel in enumerate(line):
            if pixel == 255 and index_pixel in slices:

    slices_differences = {
    }  # slices_differences dict is {x_pixel_of_slice : [gaps_between_detected_lines]}
    for k in slices.keys():
        temp = []
        n = 0
        slices[k] = list(sorted(slices[k]))
        for p in range(len(slices[k]) - 1):
            temp.append(slices[k][p + 1] - slices[k][p])
            if slices[k][p + 1] - slices[k][p] > 1:
                n += 1
        slices_differences[k] = temp

    points = []
    points_dict = {}
    for j in slices_differences.keys():
        gaps = [g for g in slices_differences[j] if g > 1]
        points_dict[j] = []

        if len(gaps) > 3:
            median_gap = median(gaps)
            for index, diff in enumerate(slices_differences[j]):
                if abs(diff - median_gap) < 4:
                        (j, slices[j][index] + int(median_gap / 2)))
                elif abs(diff / 2 - median_gap) < 4:
                        (j, slices[j][index] + int(median_gap / 2)))
                        (j, slices[j][index] + int(3 * median_gap / 2)))

    '''for p in points:
        cv2.circle(neck.image, p, 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)
    plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(neck.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

    points_divided = [[] for i in range(5)]
    for s in points_dict.keys():
        for i in range(5):
                # cv2.circle(neck.image, points_dict[s][i], 3, (255, 0, 0), -1)
            except IndexError:

    # 3. Use fitLine function to form lines separating each string

    tuning = ["E", "A", "D", "G", "B", "E6"]
    strings = Strings(tuning)

    for i in range(5):
        cnt = np.array(points_divided[i])
        [vx, vy, x, y] = cv2.fitLine(cnt, cv2.DIST_L12, 0, 0.01,
                                     0.01)  # best distType found was DIST_L12

        left_extreme = int((-x * vy / vx) + y)
        right_extreme = int(((width - x) * vy / vx) + y)

        strings.separating_lines[tuning[i]] = [(width - 1, right_extreme),
                                               (0, left_extreme)]

        cv2.line(neck.image, (width - 1, right_extreme), (0, left_extreme),
                 (0, 0, 255), 2)

    return strings, Image(img=neck.image)
Ejemplo n.º 22
class BaseState(object):
    HEADERS = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    # This variable allows to ignore `entry()` when needed
    has_entry = True
    # @Important: instantiate important classes
    tr = Translator()
    db = Database()
    nlu = NLUWorker(tr)
    STRINGS = Strings(tr, db)
    files = FILENAMES
    # Media path and folder
    media_folder = "media"
    media_path = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, media_folder)

    if not os.path.exists(media_path):

    # Prepare state
    def __init__(self):
        # Keeps list of tasks
        self.tasks = list()
        # Keeps execution queue
        self.execution_queue = list()
        # Create language variable
        self.__language = None
        self.strings = None

    def set_language(self, value: str):
        This method sets language to a current state
        If language is None - base language version is english

            value (str): language code of the user's country
        self.__language = value or "en"
        self.strings = StringAccessor(self.__language, self.STRINGS)

    async def wrapped_entry(self, context: Context, user: User):
        # Set language
        # Wrap base method to avoid breaking server
            # Execute state method
            status = await self.entry(context, user, self.db)
        except Exception as e:
            # Do not commit to database if something went wrong
            status = OK(commit=False)
            # Log exception
        # Commit changes to database
        if status.commit:
            await self.db.commit_user(user=user)
        # @Important: Fulfill text promises
        if self.strings.promises:
            await self.strings.fill_promises()
        # @Important: Since we call this always, check if
        # @Important: the call is actually needed
        if self.tasks:
            # @Important: collect all requests
            _results = await self.collect()
        # @Important: Execute all queued jobs
        if self.execution_queue:
            await self.execute_tasks()
        return status

    async def wrapped_process(self, context: Context, user: User):
        # Set language
        # Wrap base method to avoid breaking server
            # Execute state method
            status = await self.process(context, user, self.db)
        except Exception as e:
            # Do not commit to database if something went wrong
            status = OK(commit=False)
            # Log exception
        # Commit changes to database
        if status.commit:
            await self.db.commit_user(user=user)
        # @Important: Fulfill text promises
        if self.strings.promises:
            await self.strings.fill_promises()
        # @Important: Since we call this always, check if
        # @Important: the call is actually needed
        if self.tasks:
            # @Important: collect all requests
            await self.collect()
        # @Important: Execute all queued jobs
        if self.execution_queue:
            await self.execute_tasks()
        return status

    # Actual state method to be written for the state
    async def entry(self, context: Context, user: User, db):
        return OK

    # Actual state method to be written for the state
    async def process(self, context: Context, user: User, db):
        return OK

    def parse_button(self, raw_text: str, truncated=False) -> Button:
        btn = Button(raw_text)
        lang_obj = self.STRINGS.cache.get(self.__language)
        if lang_obj is not None:
            if not truncated:
                for key, value in lang_obj.items():
                    if value == raw_text:
                for key, value in lang_obj.items():
                    if len(value) > 20 and value[:20] == raw_text[:20]:
                    elif value == raw_text:
        return btn

    # @Important: 1) find better way with database
    # @Important: 2) What if we do it in non blocking asyncio.create_task (?)
    # @Important:    But on the other hand, we can't relay on the file status
    # @Important:    for example if next call needs to upload it somewhere
    # @Important:    If you deal with reliability and consistency - great optimisation
    async def download_by_url(self, url, *folders, filename):
        # Make sure file exists
        if not self.exists(*folders):
            # Create folder on the path
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.media_path, *folders))
        # Full file path with filename
        filepath = os.path.join(self.media_path, *folders, filename)
        # Initiate aiohttp sessions, get file
        async with ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.get(url) as response:
                # Open file with aiofiles and start steaming bytes, write to the file
                logging.debug(f"Downloading file: {url} to {filepath}")
                async with aiofiles.open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
                    async for chunk in response.content.iter_any():
                        await f.write(chunk)
                logging.debug(f"Finished download [{filepath}]")
        return filepath

    # @Important: check if downloaded file exist
    def exists(self, *args):
        return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.media_path, *args))

    # @Important: high level access to translation module
    # @Important: note, though, that we shouldn't abuse translation api
    # @Important: because a) it's not good enough, b) it takes time to make
    # @Important: a call to the google cloud api
    async def translate(self, text: str, target: str) -> str:
        return await self.tr.translate_text(text, target)

    # Sugar

    # @Important: command to actually send all collected requests from `process` or `entry`
    async def collect(self):
        results = list()
        async with ClientSession(json_serialize=lambda o: json.dumps(o, cls=PromisesEncoder)) as session:
            # @Important: Since asyncio.gather order is not preserved, we don't want to run them concurrently
            # tasks = [self._send(task, session) for task in self.tasks[id(context)]]
            # group = asyncio.gather(*tasks)
            # results = await group
            # return results
            for each_task in self.tasks:
                res = await self._send(each_task, session)
        return results

    # @Important: Real send method, takes SenderTask as argument
    async def _send(self, task: SenderTask, session: ClientSession):
        # Takes instance data holder object with the name from the tokens storage, extracts url
        url = tokens[task.user['via_instance']].url
        # Unpack context, set headers (content-type: json)
        async with session.post(url,
                                ) as resp:
            # If reached server - log response
            if resp.status == 200:
                pass  # [DEBUG]
                #result = await resp.json()
                #if result:
                #    logging.info(f"Sending task status: {result}")
                #    return result
                #    logging.info(f"Sending task status: No result")
            # Otherwise - log error
                logging.error(f"[ERROR]: Sending task (user={task.user}, context={task.context}) status {await resp.text()}")

    def send(self, to_user: User, context: Context):
        # @Important: [Explanation to the code below]:
        # @Important: maybe add some queue of coroutines and dispatch them all when handler return status (?)
        # @Important: or just dispatch them via asyncio.create_task so it will be more efficient (?)
        # @Important: reasoning:
        # @Important:   simple way:   server -> request1 -> status1 -> request2 -> status2 -> request3 -> status3
        # @Important:     this way:   server -> gather(request1, request2, request3) -> log(status1, status2, status3)

        # @Important: The easy way to add files from files.json
        if isinstance(context['request']['message']['text'], TextPromise):
            # Find according key for files from TextPromise
            files = self.files.get(context['request']['message']['text'].key, list())
            context['request']['file'] = [{"payload": _file} for _file in files]
            context['request']['has_file'] = bool(files)
            context['request']['has_image'] = bool(files)
            # [DEBUG]
            # logging.info(context['request']['message']['text'].key)
            # [DEBUG]
            pass  # logging.info(context['request']['message']['text'])
        self.tasks.append(SenderTask(to_user, copy.deepcopy(context.__dict__['request'])))

    async def execute_tasks(self):
        results = await asyncio.gather(
            *[exec_task.func(*exec_task.args, **exec_task.kwargs) for exec_task in self.execution_queue]
        return results

    def create_task(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        self.execution_queue.append(ExecutionTask(func, args, kwargs))