Ejemplo n.º 1
    def locate(self, name):
        """Look in each directory for the file called 'name'."""
        for dir in self.dirs:
            path = os.path.join(dir, name)
            if os.path.isfile(path):
                fr = open(path, 'r')
                fr = decodeFile(fr, path, self.fileCharEncoding)
                return fr

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testUTF8NoDeclarationWithBOM(self):
     content = textwrap.dedent(
         // this is a file has a BOM
     encoding = 'utf-8'
     buf = StringIO('\xef\xbb\xbf' + content.encode(encoding))
     fp = utils.decodeFile(buf, 'test.txt')
     result = fp.read()
     self.assert_(isinstance(result, unicode))
     self.assertEqual(result, content)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testUTF8DeclarationFirstLine(self):
     content = textwrap.dedent(
         // coding: utf-8
     encoding = 'utf-8'
     buf = StringIO(content.encode(encoding))
     fp = utils.decodeFile(buf, 'test.txt')
     result = fp.read()
     self.assert_(isinstance(result, unicode))
     self.assertEqual(result, content)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def loadTemplate(self, name, src):
        stream = None
        close_stream = False

            if isinstance(src, basestring):
                # src is a filename

                # Make sure the file exists. If it doesn't, return None,
                # so ST keeps looking in superGroups. If it exists then
                # subsequence errors should be treated as real errors.
                if os.path.isfile(src):
                    close_stream = True
                    stream = open(src, 'r')
                    stream = decodeFile(stream, src)

            elif hasattr(src, 'read'):
                # src is a filelike object
                stream = decodeFile(src, '<template %r from buffer>' % name)

                raise TypeError(
                    'loadTemplate must be called with a file or filename'

            if stream is not None:
                # strip newlines etc.. from front/back since filesystem
                # may add newlines etc...
                template = stream.read().strip()

                if not template:
                    self.error("no text in template '"+name+"'")
                    return None

                return self.defineTemplate(name, template)

            if stream is not None and close_stream:
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testUTF8NoDeclarationButDefault(self):
     content = textwrap.dedent(
         // this is a file has no declaration,
         // but I know it's utf-8
     encoding = 'utf-8'
     buf = StringIO(content.encode(encoding))
     fp = utils.decodeFile(buf, 'test.txt', 'utf-8')
     result = fp.read()
     self.assert_(isinstance(result, unicode))
     self.assertEqual(result, content)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testUTF8DeclarationThirdLine(self):
     content = textwrap.dedent(
         // this is a file
         // oops, declaration on 3rd line
         // coding: utf-8
     encoding = 'utf-8'
     buf = StringIO(content.encode(encoding))
     fp = utils.decodeFile(buf, 'test.txt')
     except UnicodeDecodeError:
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, name=None, rootDir=None, lexer=None, fileName=None, file=None, errors=None, superGroup=None):
        ## What is the group name
        self.name = None
        ## Maps template name to StringTemplate object
        self.templates = {}
        ## Maps map names to HashMap objects.  This is the list of maps
        #  defined by the user like typeInitMap ::= ["int":"0"]
        self.maps = {}

        ## How to pull apart a template into chunks?
        self._templateLexerClass = None
        ## Under what directory should I look for templates?  If None,
        #  to look into the CLASSPATH for templates as resources.
        self.rootDir = None

        ## Are we derived from another group?  Templates not found in this
        #  group will be searched for in the superGroup recursively.
        self._superGroup = None

        ## Keep track of all interfaces implemented by this group.
        self.interfaces = []
        ## When templates are files on the disk, the refresh interval is used
        #  to know when to reload.  When a Reader is passed to the ctor,
        #  it is a stream full of template definitions.  The former is used
        #  for web development, but the latter is most likely used for source
        #  code generation for translators; a refresh is unlikely.  Anyway,
        #  I decided to track the source of templates in case such info is useful
        #  in other situations than just turning off refresh interval.  I just
        #  found another: don't ever look on the disk for individual templates
        #  if this group is a group file...immediately look into any super group.
        #  If not in the super group, report no such template.
        self.templatesDefinedInGroupFile = False
        ## Normally AutoIndentWriter is used to filter output, but user can
        #  specify a new one.
        self.userSpecifiedWriter = None

        self.debugTemplateOutput = False

        ## The set of templates to ignore when dumping start/stop debug strings
        self.noDebugStartStopStrings = None
        ## A Map<class,object> that allows people to register a renderer for
        #  a particular kind of object to be displayed for any template in this
        #  group.  For example, a date should be formatted differently depending
        #  on the locale.  You can set Date.class to an object whose
        #  str() method properly formats a Date attribute
        #  according to locale.  Or you can have a different renderer object
        #  for each locale.
        #  These render objects are used way down in the evaluation chain
        #  right before an attribute's str() method would normally be
        #  called in ASTExpr.write().
        self.attributeRenderers = None

        ## Where to report errors.  All string templates in this group
        #  use this error handler by default.
        if errors is not None:
            self.listener = errors
            self.listener = DEFAULT_ERROR_LISTENER
        ## How long before tossing out all templates in seconds.
        #  default: no refreshing from disk
        self.refreshInterval = sys.maxint/1000
        self.lastCheckedDisk = 0L
        if name is not None:
            assert isinstance(name, basestring)
            self.name = name

            assert rootDir is None or isinstance(rootDir, basestring)
            self.rootDir = rootDir
            self.lastCheckedDisk = time.time()
            StringTemplateGroup.nameToGroupMap[self.name] = self

            self.templateLexerClass = lexer
            assert superGroup is None or isinstance(superGroup, StringTemplateGroup)
            self.superGroup = superGroup

        if fileName is not None:
            if file is None:
                file = decodeFile(open(fileName, 'rb'), fileName)

        if file is not None:
            assert hasattr(file, 'read')

            self.templatesDefinedInGroupFile = True

            if lexer is not None:
                self.templateLexerClass = lexer
                self.templateLexerClass = AngleBracketTemplateLexer.Lexer

            assert superGroup is None or isinstance(superGroup, StringTemplateGroup)
            self.superGroup = superGroup

            assert self.name is not None
            StringTemplateGroup.nameToGroupMap[self.name] = self
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testPlainASCIINoDeclaration(self):
     buf = StringIO("// nothing\n// to\n// see\n")
     fp = utils.decodeFile(buf, 'test.txt')
     result = fp.read()
     self.assert_(isinstance(result, unicode))
     self.assertEqual(result, "// nothing\n// to\n// see\n")