Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_legend_builtins():
    """Test the builtins.
    assert len(Legend.builtin('nsdoe')) == 18
    assert len(Legend.builtin('nagmdm__6_2')) == 206

    # And builtin timescale.
    assert len(Legend.builtin_timescale('isc')) == 240
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_legend_builtins():
    """Test the builtins.
    assert len(Legend.builtin('nsdoe')) == 18
    assert len(Legend.builtin('nagmdm__6_2')) == 206

    # And builtin timescale.
    assert len(Legend.builtin_timescale('isc')) == 240
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_from_image():
    legend = Legend.builtin('NSDOE')
    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"
    striplog = Striplog.from_img(imgfile, 200, 300, legend=legend)
    assert len(striplog) == 26
    assert striplog[-1].primary.summary() == 'Volcanic'
    assert np.floor(striplog.find('sandstone').cum) == 15
    assert striplog.depth(260).primary.lithology == 'siltstone'
    assert striplog.to_las3() is not ''
    assert striplog.to_log()[5] == 2.0
    assert striplog.cum == 100.0
    assert striplog.thickest().primary.lithology == 'anhydrite'
    assert striplog.thickest(n=7)[1].primary.lithology == 'sandstone'
    assert striplog.thinnest().primary.lithology == 'dolomite'
    assert striplog.thinnest(n=7)[1].primary.lithology == 'siltstone'

    indices = [2, 7, 20]
    del striplog[indices]
    assert len(striplog.find_gaps()) == len(indices)

    assert len(striplog) == 14

    assert not striplog.find_gaps()  # Should be None

    rock = striplog.find('sandstone')[1].components[0]
    assert rock in striplog
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_from_image():
    legend = Legend.builtin("NSDOE")
    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"
    striplog = Striplog.from_img(imgfile, 200, 300, legend=legend)
    assert len(striplog) == 26
    assert striplog[-1].primary.summary() == "Volcanic"
    assert np.floor(striplog.find("sandstone").cum) == 15
    assert striplog.depth(260).primary.lithology == "siltstone"
    assert striplog.to_las3() is not ""
    assert striplog.to_log()[5] == 2.0
    assert striplog.cum == 100.0
    assert striplog.thickest().primary.lithology == "anhydrite"
    assert striplog.thickest(n=7)[1].primary.lithology == "sandstone"
    assert striplog.thinnest().primary.lithology == "dolomite"
    assert striplog.thinnest(n=7)[1].primary.lithology == "siltstone"

    indices = [2, 7, 20]
    del striplog[indices]
    assert len(striplog.find_gaps()) == len(indices)

    assert len(striplog) == 14

    assert not striplog.find_gaps()  # Should be None

    rock = striplog.find("sandstone")[1].components[0]
    assert rock in striplog
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_striplog_intersect():
    """Test intersection. This example is from the tutorial.
    chrono = Striplog([
            'top': 0,
            'base': 60,
            'components': [Component({'age': 'Holocene'})]
                'top': 60,
                'base': 75,
                'components': [Component({'age': 'Palaeogene'})]
                'top': 75,
                'base': 100,
                'components': [Component({'age': 'Cretaceous'})]
    legend = Legend.builtin('NSDOE')
    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"
    strip = Striplog.from_image(imgfile, 14.3, 135.9, legend=legend)
    sands = strip.find('sandstone')
    cretaceous = chrono.find('Palaeogene')
    cret_sand = sands.intersect(cretaceous)
    assert len(cret_sand) == 3
    assert cret_sand.stop.z == 75
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_bar():
    """Test bar plot.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    lexicon = Lexicon.default()
    striplog = Striplog.from_las3(las3, lexicon=lexicon)
    legend = Legend.builtin('nagmdm__6_2')
    ax = striplog.bar(sort=True, legend=legend, ax=ax, align='center')
    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_striplog_plot():
    Tests mpl image of striplog.
    legend = Legend.builtin('NSDOE')

    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"

    striplog = Striplog.from_img(imgfile, 14.3, 135.9, legend=legend)

    fig = striplog.thickest(n=5).plot(legend=legend, return_fig=True)
    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_striplog_plot():
    Tests mpl image of striplog
    legend = Legend.builtin("NSDOE")

    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"

    striplog = Striplog.from_img(imgfile, 14.3, 135.9, legend=legend)

    fig = striplog.thickest(n=5).plot(legend=legend, return_fig=True)
    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_from_image():
    """Test the generation of a striplog from an image.
    legend = Legend.builtin('NSDOE')
    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"
    striplog = Striplog.from_image(imgfile, 200, 300, legend=legend)
    assert len(striplog) == 26
    assert striplog[-1].primary.summary() == 'Volcanic'
    assert np.floor(striplog.find('sandstone').cum) == 15
    assert striplog.read_at(260).primary.lithology == 'siltstone'
    assert striplog.to_las3() != ''
    assert striplog.cum == 100.0
    assert striplog.thickest().primary.lithology == 'anhydrite'
    assert striplog.thickest(n=7)[1].primary.lithology == 'sandstone'
    assert striplog.thinnest().primary.lithology == 'dolomite'
    assert striplog.thinnest(n=7)[1].primary.lithology == 'siltstone'

    # To and from log.
    log, basis, table = striplog.to_log(step=0.1524, return_meta=True)
    assert log[5] == 2.0
    strip = Striplog.from_log(log, basis=basis, components=table)
    assert len(strip) == len(striplog)
    strip2 = Striplog.from_log(log, basis=basis, cutoff=3, legend=legend)
    assert len(strip2) == 18

    # Extract log onto striplog.
    striplog.extract(log, basis=basis, name="Log", function=np.mean)
    assert striplog[0].data['Log'] == 2.0

    # Indexing.
    indices = [2, 7, 20]
    del striplog[indices]
    assert len(striplog.find_gaps()) == len(indices)

    # Prune and anneal.
    striplog = striplog.prune(limit=1.0, keep_ends=True)
    assert len(striplog) == 14

    striplog = striplog.anneal()
    assert not striplog.find_gaps()  # Should be None

    striplog = striplog.merge_neighbours()
    assert len(striplog) == 11

    rock = striplog.find('sandstone')[1].components[0]
    assert rock in striplog

    # Anneal up or down
    s = striplog[[1, 3]]
    assert s.anneal(mode='up')[1].top.z == s[0].base.z
    assert s.anneal(mode='down')[0].base.z == s[1].top.z
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_striplog_ladder_plot():
    Tests mpl image of striplog with the ladder option.
    legend = Legend.builtin('NSDOE')

    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"

    striplog = Striplog.from_image(imgfile, 14.3, 135.9, legend=legend)

    fig = striplog.thickest(n=5).plot(legend=legend,
    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_striplog_colour_plot():
    Tests mpl image of striplog with the ladder option.
    legend = Legend.builtin('NSDOE')

    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"

    striplog = Striplog.from_image(imgfile, 14.3, 135.9, legend=legend)

    for iv in striplog:
        iv.data['porosity'] = iv.top.z / 100

    fig = striplog.plot(colour='porosity', aspect=3, return_fig=True)

    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_from_image():
    """Test the generation of a striplog from an image.
    legend = Legend.builtin('NSDOE')
    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"
    striplog = Striplog.from_image(imgfile, 200, 300, legend=legend)
    assert len(striplog) == 26
    assert striplog[-1].primary.summary() == 'Volcanic'
    assert np.floor(striplog.find('sandstone').cum) == 15
    assert striplog.depth(260).primary.lithology == 'siltstone'
    assert striplog.to_las3() is not ''
    assert striplog.cum == 100.0
    assert striplog.thickest().primary.lithology == 'anhydrite'
    assert striplog.thickest(n=7)[1].primary.lithology == 'sandstone'
    assert striplog.thinnest().primary.lithology == 'dolomite'
    assert striplog.thinnest(n=7)[1].primary.lithology == 'siltstone'

    # To and from log.
    log, basis, table = striplog.to_log(step=0.1524, return_meta=True)
    assert log[5] == 2.0
    strip = Striplog.from_log(log, basis=basis, components=table)
    assert len(strip) == len(striplog)
    strip2 = Striplog.from_log(log, basis=basis, cutoff=3, legend=legend)
    assert len(strip2) == 18

    # Extract log onto striplog.
    striplog.extract(log, basis=basis, name="Log", function=np.mean)
    assert striplog[0].data['Log'] == 2.0

    # Indexing.
    indices = [2, 7, 20]
    del striplog[indices]
    assert len(striplog.find_gaps()) == len(indices)

    # Prune and anneal.
    assert len(striplog) == 14

    assert not striplog.find_gaps()  # Should be None

    rock = striplog.find('sandstone')[1].components[0]
    assert rock in striplog
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_striplog_intersect():
    """Test intersection. This example is from the tutorial.
    chrono = Striplog([Interval(**{'top': 0,
                                   'base': 60,
                                   'components': [Component({'age': 'Holocene'})]
                       Interval(**{'top': 60,
                                   'base': 75,
                                   'components': [Component({'age': 'Palaeogene'})]
                       Interval(**{'top': 75,
                                   'base': 100,
                                   'components': [Component({'age': 'Cretaceous'})]
    legend = Legend.builtin('NSDOE')
    imgfile = "tutorial/M-MG-70_14.3_135.9.png"
    strip = Striplog.from_image(imgfile, 14.3, 135.9, legend=legend)
    sands = strip.find('sandstone')
    cretaceous = chrono.find('Palaeogene')
    cret_sand = sands.intersect(cretaceous)
    assert len(cret_sand) == 3
    assert cret_sand.stop.z == 75