Ejemplo n.º 1
    def nest(self, inner_axes=None, outer_axes=None):
        """Return a new xpSpace with axes `outer_axes`,

        obtained by projecting along the `inner_axes`.
        The entries of this `xpSpace` are themselves `xpSpace`s,
        with axes `inner_axes`,
        each one regrouping the entries with the same (projected) coordinate.

        Note: is also called by `__getitem__(key)` if `key` is dict.
        # Default: a singleton outer space,
        # with everything contained in the inner (projection) space.
        if inner_axes is None and outer_axes is None:
            outer_axes = ()

        # Validate axes
        if inner_axes is None:
            assert outer_axes is not None
            inner_axes = struct_tools.complement(self.axes, outer_axes)
            assert outer_axes is None
            outer_axes = struct_tools.complement(self.axes, inner_axes)

        # Fill spaces
        outer_space = self.__class__(outer_axes)
        for coord, entry in self.items():
            outer_coord = outer_space.__getkey__(coord)
                inner_space = outer_space[outer_coord]
            except KeyError:
                inner_space = self.__class__(inner_axes)
                outer_space[outer_coord] = inner_space
            inner_space[inner_space.__getkey__(coord)] = entry

        return outer_space
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def intersect_axes(self, attrs):
        """Rm those a in attrs that are not in self.axes.

        This allows errors in the axes allotment, for ease-of-use.
        absent = struct_tools.complement(attrs, self.axes)
        if absent:
                             colorama.Fore.RED), "The requested attributes",
                  color_text(str(absent), colorama.Fore.RED),
                  ("were not found among the"
                   " xpSpace axes (attrs. used as coordinates"
                   " for the set of experiments)."
                   " This may be no problem if the attr. is redundant"
                   " for the coord-sys."
                   " However, if it is caused by confusion or mis-spelling,"
                   " then it is likely to cause mis-interpretation"
                   " of the shown results."))
            attrs = struct_tools.complement(attrs, absent)
        return attrs
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def for_params(method, **fixed_params):
        dc_fields = [f.name for f in dcs.fields(method)]
        params = struct_tools.intersect(param_dict, dc_fields)
        params = struct_tools.complement(params, fixed_params)
        params = {**glob_dict, **params}  # glob_dict 1st

        def xp1(dct):
            xp = method(**struct_tools.intersect(dct, dc_fields), **fixed_params)
            for key, v in struct_tools.intersect(dct, glob_dict).items():
                setattr(xp, key, v)
            return xp

        return [xp1(dct) for dct in struct_tools.prodct(params)]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def unpack1(arr, i, uq):
        if uq is None:
        # Columns: val/prec
        if decimals is None:
            # v, c = uq.round()
            v, c = str(uq).split("±")
            v, c = np.round([uq.val, uq.prec], decimals)
            v = pad0(str(v))
            c = pad0(str(c))

        arr["val"][i], arr["prec"][i] = v.replace(" ", ""), c.replace(" ", "")
        # Columns: others
        for col in struct_tools.complement(cols, ["val", "prec"]):
                arr[col][i] = getattr(uq, col)
            except AttributeError:
Ejemplo n.º 5
        def _aggregate_keys():
            """Aggregate keys from all `xp`"""
            if len(self) == 0:
                return []

            # Start with da_method
            aggregate = ['da_method']

            # Aggregate all other keys
            for xp in self:

                # Get dataclass fields
                    dc_fields = dcs.fields(xp.__class__)
                    dc_names = [F.name for F in dc_fields]
                    keys = xp.__dict__.keys()
                except TypeError:
                    # Assume namedtuple
                    dc_names = []
                    keys = xp._fields

                # For all potential keys:
                for k in keys:
                    # If not already present:
                    if k not in aggregate:

                        # If dataclass, check repr:
                        if k in dc_names:
                            if dc_fields[dc_names.index(k)].repr:
                        # Else, just append

            # Remove unwanted
            excluded = [re.compile('^_'), 'avrgs', 'stats', 'HMM', 'duration']
            aggregate = struct_tools.complement(aggregate, excluded)
            return aggregate