Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_hwn(self):
     # Create pair of socket, each with high watermark of 2. Thus the
     # total buffer space should be 4 messages.
     sb = self.ctx.pull(rcvhwm=2)
     sc = self.ctx.push(sndhwm=2)
     with sb.bind_inproc('a'), sc.connect_inproc('a'):
         # Try to send 10 messages. Only 4 should succeed.
         for t in range(10):
                 sc.send(None, 0, nowait=True)
                 if t < 4:
                     self.assertEqual(sc.last_rc, 0)
             except self.xs.XSError as e:
                 self.assertTrue(e.errno, self.XS.EAGAIN)
         # there should be now 4 messages pending, consume them.
         for i in lrange(4):  #  @UnusedVariable
             self.assertEqual(sb.last_rc, 0)
         # now it should be possible to send one more.
         self.assertEqual(sc.send(None, 0).last_rc, 0)
         # consume the remaining message
         self.assertEqual(sb.last_rc, 0)
         s1 = self.ctx.pull()
         s2 = self.ctx.push(sndhwm=5)
         # Following part of the tests checks whether small HWMs don't
         # interact with command throttling in strange ways.
         with s1.bind_tcp(''), s2.connect_tcp(''):
             self.assertTrue(s1.last_rc >= 0)
             self.assertTrue(s2.last_rc >= 0)
             for i in lrange(10):  #  @UnusedVariable
                 self.assertEqual(s2.send('test', nowait=True).last_rc, 4)
                 self.assertEqual(s1.last_rc, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_hwn(self):
     from ctypes import sizeof, byref, c_int, c_ubyte
     from crossroads.lowest import array
     XS, xs = twoget(self)
     ctx = xs.init()
     # Create pair of socket, each with high watermark of 2. Thus the total
     # buffer space should be 4 messages.
     sb = xs.socket(ctx, XS.PULL)
     hwm = c_int(2)
         xs.setsockopt(sb, XS.RCVHWM, byref(hwm), sizeof(hwm)), 0
     self.assertNotEqual(xs.bind(sb, b'inproc://a'), -1)
     sc = xs.socket(ctx, XS.PUSH)
         xs.setsockopt(sc, XS.SNDHWM, byref(hwm), sizeof(hwm)), 0
     self.assertNotEqual(xs.connect(sc, b'inproc://a'), -1)
     # try to send 10 messages. Only 4 should succeed.
     for t in range(10):
             rc = xs.send(sc, None, 0, XS.DONTWAIT)
             if t < 4:
                 self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
         except xs.XSError as e:
             self.assertTrue(e.errno, XS.EAGAIN)
     # There should be now 4 messages pending, consume them.
     for i in lrange(4):  #  @UnusedVariable
         self.assertEqual(xs.recv(sb, None, 0, 0), 0)
     # Now it should be possible to send one more.
     self.assertEqual(xs.send(sc, None, 0, 0), 0)
     # Consume the remaining message.
     self.assertEqual(xs.recv(sb, None, 0, 0), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.close(sc), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.close(sb), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.term(ctx), 0)
     # Following part of the tests checks whether small HWMs don't interact
     # with command throttling in strange ways.
     ctx = xs.init()
     s1 = xs.socket(ctx, XS.PULL)
     s2 = xs.socket(ctx, XS.PUSH)
     hwm = c_int(5)
         xs.setsockopt(s2, XS.SNDHWM, byref(hwm), sizeof(hwm)), 0
     self.assertTrue(xs.bind(s1, b'tcp://') >= 0)
     self.assertTrue(xs.connect(s2, b'tcp://') >= 0)
     for i in lrange(10):  #  @UnusedVariable
         self.assertEqual(xs.send(s2, b'test', 4, XS.DONTWAIT), 4)
         buf = array(c_ubyte, 4)
         self.assertEqual(xs.recv(s1, buf, sizeof(buf), 0), 4)
     self.assertEqual(xs.close(s2), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.close(s1), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.term(ctx), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_regrep_device(self):
     from stuf.six import byteme
     # create a req/rep device
     xreq = self.ctx.xreq()
     xrep = self.ctx.xrep()
     # create a worker
     rep = self.ctx.rep()
     # create a client
     req = self.ctx.req()
     with xreq.bind_tcp(''), xrep.bind_tcp(''),\
        rep.connect_tcp(''), req.connect_tcp(''):
         # send a request
         self.assertEqual(req.send(b'ABC', 3, True).last_rc, 3)
         self.assertEqual(req.send(b'DEF', 3).last_rc, 3)
         # pass the reply through the device
         for i in lrange(4):  #  @UnusedVariable
             msg = xrep.recvmsg()
             self.assertTrue(msg.last_rc >= 0)
             rc = xreq.sendmsg(msg, True if msg.more else False).last_rc
             self.assertTrue(rc >= 0)
         self.assertEqual(msg.more, 0)
         # receive the request
         buff = rep.recv(3)
         self.assertEqual(byteme(buff), b'ABC')
         self.assertEqual(buff.last_rc, 3)
         self.assertEqual(buff.more, 1)
         buff = rep.recv(3)
         self.assertEqual(buff.last_rc, 3)
         self.assertEqual(byteme(buff), b'DEF')
         self.assertEqual(buff.more, 0)
         # send the reply
         self.assertEqual(rep.send(b'GHI', 3, more=True).last_rc, 3)
         self.assertEqual(rep.send(b'JKL', 3).last_rc, 3)
         # pass the reply through the device
         for i in lrange(4):  #  @UnusedVariable
             msg = xreq.recvmsg()
             self.assertTrue(msg.last_rc >= 0)
             rc = xrep.sendmsg(msg, True if msg.more else False).last_rc
             self.assertTrue(rc >= 0)
         # receive the reply
         buff = req.recv(3)
         self.assertEqual(buff.last_rc, 3)
         self.assertEqual(byteme(buff), b'GHI')
         self.assertEqual(buff.more, 1)
         buff2 = req.recv(3)
         self.assertEqual(buff2.last_rc, 3)
         self.assertEqual(byteme(buff2), b'JKL')
         self.assertEqual(buff2.more, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_multiset_operations(self):
     from stuf.utils import lrange
     from random import randrange
     # Verify that adding a zero counter will strip zeros and negatives
     c = self._impone(a=10, b=-2, c=0) + self._impone()
     self.assertEqual(dict(c), dict(a=10))
     elements = 'abcd'
     for _ in lrange(1000):
         # test random pairs of multisets
         p = self._impone(
             dict((elem, randrange(-2, 4)) for elem in elements))
         p.update(e=1, f=-1, g=0)
         q = self._impone(
             dict((elem, randrange(-2, 4)) for elem in elements))
         q.update(h=1, i=-1, j=0)
         for counterop, numberop in [
             (self._impone.__add__, lambda x, y: max(0, x + y)),
             (self._impone.__sub__, lambda x, y: max(0, x - y)),
             (self._impone.__or__, lambda x, y: max(0, x, y)),
             (self._impone.__and__, lambda x, y: max(0, min(x, y))),
             result = counterop(p, q)
             for x in elements:
                 self.assertEqual(numberop(p[x], q[x]), result[x],
                                  (counterop, x, p, q))
             # verify that results exclude non-positive counts
             self.assertTrue(x > 0 for x in result.values())
     elements = 'abcdef'
     for _ in lrange(100):
         # verify that random multisets with no repeats are exactly like sets
         p = self._impone(dict(
             (elem, randrange(0, 2)) for elem in elements))
         q = self._impone(dict(
             (elem, randrange(0, 2)) for elem in elements))
         for counterop, setop in [
             (self._impone.__sub__, set.__sub__),
             (self._impone.__or__, set.__or__),
             (self._impone.__and__, set.__and__),
             counter_result = counterop(p, q)
             set_result = setop(set(p.elements()), set(q.elements()))
             self.assertEqual(counter_result, dict.fromkeys(set_result, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_basics(self):
     from stuf.utils import lrange
     c = self._impone('abcaba')
     self.assertEqual(c.most_common(), [('a', 3), ('b', 2), ('c', 1)])
     for i in lrange(5):
         self.assertEqual(c.most_common(i), [('a', 3), ('b', 2),
                                             ('c', 1)][:i])
     self.assertEqual(''.join(sorted(c.elements())), 'aaabbc')
     c.a += 1  # increment an existing value
     c.b -= 2  # sub existing value to zero
     del c.c  # remove an entry
     del c.c  # make sure that del doesn't raise KeyError
     c.d -= 2  # sub from a missing value
     c.e = -5  # directly assign a missing value
     c.f += 4  # add to a missing value
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_regrep_device(self):
     from ctypes import sizeof, c_int, c_size_t, c_ubyte
     from crossroads.lowest import array
     XS, xs = twoget(self)
     ctx = xs.init()
     # create a req/rep device.
     xreq = xs.socket(ctx, XS.XREQ)
     self.assertNotEqual(xs.bind(xreq, b'tcp://'), -1)
     xrep = xs.socket(ctx, XS.XREP)
     self.assertNotEqual(xs.bind(xrep, b'tcp://'), -1)
     # create a worker.
     rep = xs.socket(ctx, XS.REP)
     self.assertNotEqual(xs.connect(rep, b'tcp://'), -1)
     # create a client.
     req = xs.socket(ctx, XS.REQ)
     self.assertNotEqual(xs.connect(req, b'tcp://'), -1)
     # send a request.
     self.assertEqual(xs.send(req, b'ABC', 3, XS.SNDMORE), 3)
     self.assertEqual(xs.send(req, b'DEF', 3, 0), 3)
     # pass the request through the device.
     for i in lrange(4):  #  @UnusedVariable
         msg = xs.msg_t()
         self.assertEqual(xs.msg_init(msg), 0)
         rc = xs.recvmsg(xrep, msg, 0)
         self.assertTrue(rc >= 0)
         rcvmore = c_int()
         sz = c_size_t(sizeof(rcvmore))
         self.assertEqual(xs.getsockopt(xrep, XS.RCVMORE, rcvmore, sz), 0)
         rc = xs.sendmsg(xreq, msg, XS.SNDMORE if rcvmore else 0)
         self.assertTrue(rc >= 0)
     # receive the request.
     buff = array(c_ubyte, 3)
     self.assertEqual(xs.recv(rep, buff, 3, 0), 3)
     self.assertEqual(bytearray(buff), b'ABC')
     rcvmore = c_int()
     sz = c_size_t(sizeof(rcvmore))
     self.assertEqual(xs.getsockopt(rep, XS.RCVMORE, rcvmore, sz), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.recv(rep, buff, 3, 0), 3)
     self.assertEqual(bytearray(buff), b'DEF')
     self.assertEqual(xs.getsockopt(rep, XS.RCVMORE, rcvmore, sz), 0)
     # send the reply.
     self.assertEqual(xs.send(rep, b'GHI', 3, XS.SNDMORE), 3)
     self.assertEqual(xs.send(rep, b'JKL', 3, 0), 3)
     # pass the reply through the device.
     for i in lrange(4):  #  @UnusedVariable
         msg = xs.msg_t()
         self.assertEqual(xs.msg_init(msg), 0)
         self.assertTrue(xs.recvmsg(xreq, msg, 0) >= 0)
         self.assertEqual(xs.getsockopt(xreq, XS.RCVMORE, rcvmore, sz), 0)
             xs.sendmsg(xrep, msg, XS.SNDMORE if rcvmore else 0) >= 0
     # receive the reply.
     self.assertEqual(xs.recv(req, buff, 3, 0), 3)
     self.assertEqual(bytearray(buff), b'GHI')
     self.assertEqual(xs.getsockopt(req, XS.RCVMORE, rcvmore, sz), 0
     self.assertEqual(xs.recv(req, buff, 3, 0), 3)
     self.assertEqual(bytearray(buff), b'JKL')
     self.assertEqual(xs.getsockopt(req, XS.RCVMORE, rcvmore, sz), 0)
     # clean up.
     self.assertEqual(xs.close(req), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.close(rep), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.close(xrep), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.close(xreq), 0)
     self.assertEqual(xs.term(ctx), 0)