Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, schema):
     @param schema: A schema object
     @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
     self.schema = schema
     self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, schema, xstq=True):
     @param schema: A schema object
     @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
     @param xstq: The B{x}ml B{s}chema B{t}ype B{q}ualified flag indicates
         that the I{xsi:type} attribute values should be qualified by namespace.
     @type xstq: bool
     self.schema = schema
     self.xstq = xstq
     self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, schema):
     @param schema: A schema object
     @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
     self.schema = schema
     self.options = schema.options
     self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, schema, xstq=True):
     @param schema: A schema object
     @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
     @param xstq: The B{x}ml B{s}chema B{t}ype B{q}ualified flag indicates
         that the I{xsi:type} attribute values should be qualified by namespace.
     @type xstq: bool
     self.schema = schema
     self.xstq = xstq
     self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Typed(Core):
    A I{typed} marshaller.
    This marshaller is semi-typed as needed to support both
    I{document/literal} and I{rpc/literal} soap message styles.
    @ivar schema: An xsd schema.
    @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
    @ivar resolver: A schema type resolver.
    @type resolver: L{GraphResolver}

    def __init__(self, schema, xstq=True):
        @param schema: A schema object
        @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
        @param xstq: The B{x}ml B{s}chema B{t}ype B{q}ualified flag indicates
            that the I{xsi:type} attribute values should be qualified by namespace.
        @type xstq: bool
        self.schema = schema
        self.xstq = xstq
        self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)
    def reset(self):
    def start(self, content):
        # Start marshalling the 'content' by ensuring that both the
        # 'content' _and_ the resolver are primed with the XSD type
        # information.  The 'content' value is both translated and
        # sorted based on the XSD type.  Only values that are objects
        # have their attributes sorted.
        log.debug('starting content:\n%s', content)
        if content.type is None:
            name = content.tag
            if name.startswith('_'):
                name = '@'+name[1:]
            content.type = self.resolver.find(name, content.value)
            if content.type is None:
                raise TypeNotFound(content.tag)
            known = None
            if isinstance(content.value, Object):
                known = self.resolver.known(content.value)
                if known is None:
                    log.debug('object has no type information', content.value)
                    known = content.type
            frame = Frame(content.type, resolved=known)
        frame = self.resolver.top()
        content.real = frame.resolved
        content.ancestry = frame.ancestry
        if self.skip(content):
            log.debug('skipping (optional) content:\n%s', content)
            return False
            return True
    def suspend(self, content):
        # Suspend to process a list content.  Primarily, this
        # involves popping the 'list' content off the resolver's
        # stack so the list items can be marshalled.
    def resume(self, content):
        # Resume processing a list content.  To do this, we
        # really need to simply push the 'list' content
        # back onto the resolver stack.
    def end(self, parent, content):
        # End processing the content.  Make sure the content
        # ending matches the top of the resolver stack since for
        # list processing we play games with the resolver stack.
        log.debug('ending content:\n%s', content)
        current = self.resolver.top().type
        if current == content.type:
            message = 'content (end) mismatch: top=({0}) cont=({1})'
            raise Exception(message.format(current, content))
    def node(self, content):
        # Create an XML node and namespace qualify as defined
        # by the schema (elementFormDefault).
        ns = content.type.namespace()
        if content.type.form_qualified:
            node = Element(content.tag, ns=ns)
            if ns[0]:
                node.addPrefix(ns[0], ns[1])
            node = Element(content.tag)
        self.encode(node, content)
        log.debug('created - node:\n%s', node)
        return node
    def setnil(self, node, content):
        # Set the 'node' nil only if the XSD type
        # specifies that it is permitted.
        if content.type.nillable:
    def setdefault(self, node, content):
        # Set the node to the default value specified
        # by the XSD type.
        default = content.type.default
        if default is None:
        return default
    def optional(self, content):
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        for a in content.ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False
    def encode(self, node, content):
        # Add (soap) encoding information only if the resolved
        # type is derived by extension.  Further, the xsi:type values
        # is qualified by namespace only if the content (tag) and
        # referenced type are in different namespaces.
        if content.type.any():
        if not content.real.extension():
        if content.type.resolve() == content.real:
        ns = None
        name = content.real.name
        if self.xstq:
            ns = content.real.namespace('ns1')
        Typer.manual(node, name, ns)
    def skip(self, content):
        Get whether to skip this I{content}.
        Should be skipped when the content is optional
        and either the value=None or the value is an empty list.
        @param content: The content to skip.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: True if content is to be skipped.
        @rtype: bool
        if self.optional(content):
            v = content.value
            if v is None:
                return True
            if isinstance(v, (list,tuple)) and len(v) == 0:
                return True
        return False
    def optional(self, content):
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        for a in content.ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False
    def translate(self, content):
        Translate using the XSD type information.
        Python I{dict} is translated to a suds object.  Most
        importantly, primative values are translated from python
        types to XML types using the XSD type.
        @param content: The content to translate.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: self
        @rtype: L{Typed}
        v = content.value
        if v is None:
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            cls = content.real.name
            content.value = Factory.object(cls, v)
            md = content.value.__metadata__
            md.sxtype = content.type
        v = content.real.translate(v, False)
        content.value = v
        return self
    def sort(self, content):
        Sort suds object attributes based on ordering defined
        in the XSD type information.
        @param content: The content to sort.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: self
        @rtype: L{Typed}
        v = content.value
        if isinstance(v, Object):
            md = v.__metadata__
            md.ordering = self.ordering(content.real)
        return self

    def ordering(self, type):
        Get the attribute ordering defined in the specified
        XSD type information.
        @param type: An XSD type object.
        @type type: SchemaObject
        @return: An ordered list of attribute names.
        @rtype: list
        result = []
        for child, ancestry in type.resolve():
            name = child.name
            if child.name is None:
            if child.isattr():
                name = '_%s' % child.name
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Typed(Core):
    A I{typed} marshaller.
    This marshaller is semi-typed as needed to support both
    I{document/literal} and I{rpc/literal} soap message styles.
    @ivar schema: An xsd schema.
    @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
    @ivar resolver: A schema type resolver.
    @type resolver: L{GraphResolver}
    def __init__(self, schema, xstq=True):
        @param schema: A schema object
        @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
        @param xstq: The B{x}ml B{s}chema B{t}ype B{q}ualified flag indicates
            that the I{xsi:type} attribute values should be qualified by namespace.
        @type xstq: bool
        self.schema = schema
        self.xstq = xstq
        self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)

    def reset(self):

    def start(self, content):
        # Start marshalling the 'content' by ensuring that both the
        # 'content' _and_ the resolver are primed with the XSD type
        # information.  The 'content' value is both translated and
        # sorted based on the XSD type.  Only values that are objects
        # have their attributes sorted.
        log.debug('starting content:\n%s', content)
        if content.type is None:
            name = content.tag
            if name.startswith('_'):
                name = '@' + name[1:]
            content.type = self.resolver.find(name, content.value)
            if content.type is None:
                raise TypeNotFound(content.tag)
            known = None
            if isinstance(content.value, Object):
                known = self.resolver.known(content.value)
                if known is None:
                    log.debug('object has no type information', content.value)
                    known = content.type
            frame = Frame(content.type, resolved=known)
        frame = self.resolver.top()
        content.real = frame.resolved
        content.ancestry = frame.ancestry
        if self.skip(content):
            log.debug('skipping (optional) content:\n%s', content)
            return False
            return True

    def suspend(self, content):
        # Suspend to process a list content.  Primarily, this
        # involves popping the 'list' content off the resolver's
        # stack so the list items can be marshalled.

    def resume(self, content):
        # Resume processing a list content.  To do this, we
        # really need to simply push the 'list' content
        # back onto the resolver stack.

    def end(self, parent, content):
        # End processing the content.  Make sure the content
        # ending matches the top of the resolver stack since for
        # list processing we play games with the resolver stack.
        log.debug('ending content:\n%s', content)
        current = self.resolver.top().type
        if current == content.type:
            raise Exception, \
                'content (end) mismatch: top=(%s) cont=(%s)' % \
                (current, content)

    def node(self, content):
        # Create an XML node and namespace qualify as defined
        # by the schema (elementFormDefault).
        ns = content.type.namespace()
        if content.type.form_qualified:
            node = Element(content.tag, ns=ns)
            node.addPrefix(ns[0], ns[1])
            node = Element(content.tag)
        self.encode(node, content)
        log.debug('created - node:\n%s', node)
        return node

    def setnil(self, node, content):
        # Set the 'node' nil only if the XSD type
        # specifies that it is permitted.
        if content.type.nillable:

    def setdefault(self, node, content):
        # Set the node to the default value specified
        # by the XSD type.
        default = content.type.default
        if default is None:
        return default

    def optional(self, content):
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        for a in content.ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False

    def encode(self, node, content):
        # Add (soap) encoding information only if the resolved
        # type is derived by extension.  Further, the xsi:type values
        # is qualified by namespace only if the content (tag) and
        # referenced type are in different namespaces.
        if content.type.any():
        if not content.real.extension():
        if content.type.resolve() == content.real:
        ns = None
        name = content.real.name
        if self.xstq:
            ns = content.real.namespace('ns1')
        Typer.manual(node, name, ns)

    def skip(self, content):
        Get whether to skip this I{content}.
        Should be skipped when the content is optional
        and either the value=None or the value is an empty list.
        @param content: The content to skip.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: True if content is to be skipped.
        @rtype: bool
        if self.optional(content):
            v = content.value
            if v is None:
                return True
            if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and len(v) == 0:
                return True
        return False

    def optional(self, content):
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        for a in content.ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False

    def translate(self, content):
        Translate using the XSD type information.
        Python I{dict} is translated to a suds object.  Most
        importantly, primative values are translated from python
        types to XML types using the XSD type.
        @param content: The content to translate.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: self
        @rtype: L{Typed}
        v = content.value
        if v is None:
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            cls = content.real.name
            content.value = Factory.object(cls, v)
            md = content.value.__metadata__
            md.sxtype = content.type
        v = content.real.translate(v, False)
        content.value = v
        return self

    def sort(self, content):
        Sort suds object attributes based on ordering defined
        in the XSD type information.
        @param content: The content to sort.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: self
        @rtype: L{Typed}
        v = content.value
        if isinstance(v, Object):
            md = v.__metadata__
            md.ordering = self.ordering(content.real)
        return self

    def ordering(self, type):
        Get the attribute ordering defined in the specified
        XSD type information.
        @param type: An XSD type object.
        @type type: SchemaObject
        @return: An ordered list of attribute names.
        @rtype: list
        result = []
        for child, ancestry in type.resolve():
            name = child.name
            if child.name is None:
            if child.isattr():
                name = '_%s' % child.name
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Literal(MBase):
    A I{literal} marshaller.
    This marshaller is semi-typed as needed to support both
    document/literal and rpc/literal soap styles.
    @ivar schema: An xsd schema.
    @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
    @ivar resolver: A schema type resolver.
    @type resolver: L{GraphResolver}

    def __init__(self, schema):
        @param schema: A schema object
        @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
        self.schema = schema
        self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)
    def reset(self):
        Reset the resolver.
    def start(self, content):
        Processing of I{content} has started, find and set the content's
        schema type using the resolver.
        @param content: The content for which proccessing has stated.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: True to continue appending
        @rtype: boolean
        @note: This will I{push} the type in the resolver.
        log.debug('starting content:\n%s', content)
        if content.type is None:
            name = content.tag
            if name.startswith('_'):
                name = '@'+name[1:]
            content.type = self.resolver.find(name, content.value)
            if content.type is None:
                raise TypeNotFound(content.tag)
            known = None
            if isinstance(content.value, Object):
                known = self.resolver.known(content.value)
                if known is None:
                    log.debug('object has no type information', content.value)
                    known = content.type
                self.sort(content.value, known)
            frame = Frame(content.type, resolved=known)
        resolved = self.resolver.top().resolved
        content.value = self.translated(content.value, resolved)
        if self.skip(content):
            log.debug('skipping (optional) content:\n%s', content)
            return False
            return True
    def suspend(self, content):
        Appending this content has suspended.
        @param content: The content for which proccessing has been suspended.
        @type content: L{Object}
        content.suspended = True
    def resume(self, content):
        Appending this content has resumed.
        @param content: The content for which proccessing has been resumed.
        @type content: L{Object}
        frame = Frame(content.type)
    def end(self, content):
        Processing of I{content} has ended, mirror the change
        in the resolver.
        @param content: The content for which proccessing has ended.
        @type content: L{Object}
        log.debug('ending content:\n%s', content)
        current = self.resolver.top().type
        if current == content.type:
            raise Exception(
                'content (end) mismatch: top=(%s) cont=(%s)' % \
                (current, content))
    def node(self, content):
        Create and return an XML node that is qualified
        using the I{type}.  Also, make sure all referenced namespace
        prefixes are declared.
        @param content: The content for which proccessing has ended.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: A new node.
        @rtype: L{Element}
        ns = content.type.namespace()
        if content.type.form_qualified:
            node = Element(content.tag, ns=ns)
            node.addPrefix(ns[0], ns[1])
            node = Element(content.tag)
        self.encode(node, content)
        log.debug('created - node:\n%s', node)
        return node
    def setnil(self, node, content):
        Set the value of the I{node} to nill when nillable by the type or the
        resolved type is a builtin B{and} it is nillable.
        @param node: A I{nil} node.
        @type node: L{Element}
        @param content: The content for which proccessing has ended.
        @type content: L{Object}
        resolved = content.type.resolve()
        if ( content.type.nillable or \
             ( resolved.builtin() and resolved.nillable ) ):
    def encode(self, node, content):
        Add (soap) encoding information only if the resolved
        type is derived by extension.  Further, the xsi:type values
        is qualified by namespace only if the content (tag) and
        referenced type are in different namespaces.
        @param node: The node to update.
        @type node: L{Element}
        @param content: The content for which proccessing has ended.
        @type content: L{Object}
        if content.type.any():
        resolved = self.resolver.top().resolved
        if resolved is None:
            resolved = content.type.resolve()
        if not resolved.extension():
        ns = None
        name = resolved.name
        ns0 = content.type.namespace('ns0')
        ns1 = resolved.namespace('ns1')
        if ns0[1] != ns1[1]:
            ns = ns1
        Typer.manual(node, name, ns)
    def skip(self, content):
        """ skip this content """
        if self.optional(content):
            v = content.value
            if v is None:
                return True
            if isinstance(v, (list,tuple)) and len(v) == 0:
                return True
        return False
    def optional(self, content):
        """ this content is optional """
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        ancestry = self.resolver.top().ancestry
        for a in ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False
    def translated(self, value, resolved):
        """ translate using the schema type """
        if value is not None:
            return resolved.translate(value, False)
            return None
    def sort(self, sobject, resolved):
        """ sort attributes using the schema type """
        md = sobject.__metadata__
        md.ordering = self.ordering(resolved)

    def ordering(self, type):
        """ get the ordering """
        result = []
        for child, ancestry in type.resolve():
            name = child.name
            if child.name is None:
            if child.isattr():
                name = '_%s' % child.name
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Literal(Core):
    A I{literal} marshaller.
    This marshaller is semi-typed as needed to support both
    document/literal and rpc/literal soap styles.
    @ivar schema: An xsd schema.
    @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
    @ivar resolver: A schema type resolver.
    @type resolver: L{GraphResolver}

    def __init__(self, schema):
        @param schema: A schema object
        @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
        self.schema = schema
        self.options = schema.options
        self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)
    def reset(self):
    def start(self, content):
        log.debug('starting content:\n%s', content)
        if content.type is None:
            name = content.tag
            if name.startswith('_'):
                name = '@'+name[1:]
            content.type = self.resolver.find(name, content.value)
            if content.type is None:
                raise TypeNotFound(content.tag)
            known = None
            if isinstance(content.value, Object):
                known = self.resolver.known(content.value)
                if known is None:
                    log.debug('object has no type information', content.value)
                    known = content.type
                self.sort(content.value, known)
            frame = Frame(content.type, resolved=known)
        resolved = self.resolver.top().resolved
        content.value = self.translated(content.value, resolved)
        if self.skip(content):
            log.debug('skipping (optional) content:\n%s', content)
            return False
            return True
    def suspend(self, content):
        content.suspended = True
    def resume(self, content):
        frame = Frame(content.type)
    def end(self, content):
        log.debug('ending content:\n%s', content)
        current = self.resolver.top().type
        if current == content.type:
            raise Exception(
                'content (end) mismatch: top=(%s) cont=(%s)' % \
                (current, content))
    def node(self, content):
        ns = content.type.namespace()
        if content.type.form_qualified:
            node = Element(content.tag, ns=ns)
            node.addPrefix(ns[0], ns[1])
            node = Element(content.tag)
        self.encode(node, content)
        log.debug('created - node:\n%s', node)
        return node
    def setnil(self, node, content):
        if content.type.nillable:
    def setdefault(self, node, content):
        default = content.type.default
        if default is None:
        return default
    def optional(self, content):
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        resolver = self.resolver
        ancestry = resolver.top().ancestry
        for a in ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False
    def encode(self, node, content):
        # Add (soap) encoding information only if the resolved
        # type is derived by extension.  Further, the xsi:type values
        # is qualified by namespace only if the content (tag) and
        # referenced type are in different namespaces.
        if content.type.any():
        resolved = self.resolver.top().resolved
        if resolved is None:
            resolved = content.type.resolve()
        if not resolved.extension():
        ns = None
        name = resolved.name
        if self.options.xstq:
            ns = resolved.namespace('ns1')
        Typer.manual(node, name, ns)
    def skip(self, content):
        """ skip this content """
        if self.optional(content):
            v = content.value
            if v is None:
                return True
            if isinstance(v, (list,tuple)) and len(v) == 0:
                return True
        return False
    def optional(self, content):
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        ancestry = self.resolver.top().ancestry
        for a in ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False
    def translated(self, value, resolved):
        """ translate using the schema type """
        if value is not None:
            return resolved.translate(value, False)
            return None
    def sort(self, sobject, resolved):
        """ sort attributes using the schema type """
        md = sobject.__metadata__
        md.ordering = self.ordering(resolved)

    def ordering(self, type):
        """ get the ordering """
        result = []
        for child, ancestry in type.resolve():
            name = child.name
            if child.name is None:
            if child.isattr():
                name = '_%s' % child.name
        return result