Ejemplo n.º 1
class MyDynamicLengthDispatchMessage(Structure):
    type = DispatchField(UBInt8())
    body = DispatchTarget(None, type, {
        0x1F: MySimpleFixedPayload,
        0xCC: MyPayloadMessage,
    eof = Magic(b'EOF')
Ejemplo n.º 2
class MyBasicDispatchMessage(Structure):
    type = DispatchField(UBInt8())
    length = LengthField(UBInt16())
    body = DispatchTarget(
        length, type, {
            0x00: MyTargetMessage,
            0x01: MyOtherTargetMessage,
            None: MyDefaultTargetMessage
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ConditionalDispatch(Structure):
    f1 = DispatchField(UBInt8())
    f2 = UBInt8()  # separate from f1
    length = LengthField(UBInt8())
    f3 = ConditionalField(DispatchTarget(length, f1, {
        0: EmptyStructure,
        1: BasicMessage
                          condition=lambda m: m.f2 == 255)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class EthernetFrame(Structure):
    preamble_sof = Magic('\xAA' * 8)  # 8 bytes of 10101010
    mac_dest = UBInt8Sequence(6)
    mac_source = UBInt8Sequence(6)
    ethertype = DispatchField(UBInt16())
    payload = DispatchTarget(None, ethertype, {
        0x0800: IPV4Frame,
        #         0x85DD: IPV6Message,
        #         0x0806: ARPMessage,

    checksum = UBInt32()
Ejemplo n.º 5
class FieldAccessorMultiple(Structure):
    # FieldAccessors can be referenced multiple times,
    # and more than one attribute of a given field may be referenced.
    # TODO: Figure out how to support LengthField(bits.upper)?
    bits = BitField(8, upper=BitNum(4), lower=BitNum(4))
    upper = bits.upper
    lower = bits.lower
    body = DispatchTarget(
            0b1010: Structure16,  # 0x0A
            0b0101: One,  # 0x05
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SuperMessage(Structure):
    magic = Magic(b'\xAA\xAA')

    # bitfield
    options = BitField(8, b1=BitBool(), b2=BitBool(), rest=BitNum(6))

    # unsigned big endian
    ubint8 = UBInt8()
    ubint16 = UBInt16()
    ubint24 = UBInt24()
    ubint32 = UBInt32()
    ubint64 = UBInt64()

    # signed big endian
    sbint8 = SBInt8()
    sbint16 = SBInt16()
    sbint32 = SBInt32()
    sbint64 = SBInt64()

    # unsigned little endian
    ulint8 = ULInt8()
    ulint16 = ULInt16()
    ulint32 = ULInt32()
    ulint64 = ULInt64()

    # signed little endian
    slint8 = SLInt8()
    slint16 = SLInt16()
    slint32 = SLInt32()
    slint64 = SLInt64()

    # optional
    optional_one = ConditionalField(UBInt8(), lambda m: m.options.b1)
    optional_two = ConditionalField(UBInt8(), lambda m: m.options.b2)

    # sequences with variable lengths
    ubseql = LengthField(UBInt8())
    ubseq = UBInt8Sequence(ubseql)

    sbseql = LengthField(UBInt8())
    sbseq = SBInt8Sequence(sbseql)

    # sequences with fixed lengths
    ubseqf = UBInt8Sequence(5)
    sbseqf = SBInt8Sequence(5)

    # don't change anything... for test coverage
    ulint16_value = FieldProperty(ulint16)
    ulint16_byte_string = FieldProperty(
        onget=lambda v: str(v),
        onset=lambda v: struct.unpack(">H", v)[0])

    message_type = DispatchField(UBInt8())
    submessage_length = LengthField(UBInt16())
    submessage = DispatchTarget(submessage_length, message_type,
                                {0xEF: SuperChild})

    # checksum starts after beginning magic, ends before
    # the checksum
    crc = CRCField(UBInt16(), crc16_ccitt, 2, -3)
    eof = Magic(b'~')
Ejemplo n.º 7
class TypedArrayElement(Structure):
    type = TypeField(UBInt8(), size_mapping)
    value = DispatchTarget(type, type, dispatch_mapping)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ErrorCaseSchema(Structure):
    type = DispatchField(UBInt8())
    length = LengthField(UBInt8())
    body = DispatchTarget(length, type, {
        0x00: MagicSchema
Ejemplo n.º 9
class FieldAccessorDispatch(Structure):
    bits = BitField(8, upper=BitNum(5), lower=BitNum(3))
    body = DispatchTarget(None, bits.upper, {
        0: Zero,
        1: One,
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Message(Structure):
    tag = DispatchField(UBInt16())
    length = LengthField(UBInt16())
    message = DispatchTarget(length, tag, MESSAGE_DISPATCH_MAPPING)