Ejemplo n.º 1
def s_checksum(block_name, algorithm="crc32", length=0, endian="<", name=None):
    Create a checksum block bound to the block with the specified name. You *can not* create a checksum for any
    currently open blocks.

    @type  block_name: String
    @param block_name: Name of block to apply sizer to
    @type  algorithm:  String
    @param algorithm:  (Optional, def=crc32) Checksum algorithm to use. (crc32, adler32, md5, sha1)
    @type  length:     Integer
    @param length:     (Optional, def=0) Length of checksum, specify 0 to auto-calculate
    @type  endian:     Character
    @param endian:     (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
    @type  name:       String
    @param name:       Name of this checksum field

    # you can't add a checksum for a block currently in the stack.
    if block_name in blocks.CURRENT.block_stack:
        raise sex.SullyRuntimeError(

    checksum = blocks.checksum(block_name, blocks.CURRENT, algorithm, length,
                               endian, name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def s_get(name=None):
    Return the request with the specified name or the current request if name is not specified. Use this to switch from
    global function style request manipulation to direct object manipulation. Example::

        req = s_get("HTTP BASIC")
        print req.num_mutations()

    The selected request is also set as the default current. (ie: s_switch(name) is implied).

    @type  name: String
    @param name: (Optional, def=None) Name of request to return or current request if name is None.

    @rtype:  blocks.request
    @return: The requested request.

    if not name:
        return blocks.CURRENT

    # ensure this gotten request is the new current.

    if not blocks.REQUESTS.has_key(name):
        raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("blocks.REQUESTS NOT FOUND: %s" % name)

    return blocks.REQUESTS[name]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def s_size (block_name, offset=0, length=4, endian="<", format="binary", inclusive=False, signed=False, math=None, fuzzable=False, name=None):
    Create a sizer block bound to the block with the specified name. You *can not* create a sizer for any
    currently open blocks.

    @see: Aliases: s_sizer()

    @type  block_name: String
    @param block_name: Name of block to apply sizer to
    @type  offset:     Integer
    @param offset:     (Optional, def=0) Offset to calculated size of block
    @type  length:     Integer
    @param length:     (Optional, def=4) Length of sizer
    @type  endian:     Character
    @param endian:     (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
    @type  format:     String
    @param format:     (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii"
    @type  inclusive:  Boolean
    @param inclusive:  (Optional, def=False) Should the sizer count its own length?
    @type  signed:     Boolean
    @param signed:     (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii")
    @type  math:       Function
    @param math:       (Optional, def=None) Apply the mathematical operations defined in this function to the size
    @type  fuzzable:   Boolean
    @param fuzzable:   (Optional, def=False) Enable/disable fuzzing of this sizer
    @type  name:       String
    @param name:       Name of this sizer field

    # you can't add a size for a block currently in the stack.
    if block_name in blocks.CURRENT.block_stack:
        raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("CAN NOT ADD A SIZE FOR A BLOCK CURRENTLY IN THE STACK")

    size = blocks.size(block_name, blocks.CURRENT, offset, length, endian, format, inclusive, signed, math, fuzzable, name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__ (self, name, request, value, options={}):
        blocks.block.__init__(self, name, request, None, None, None, None)

        self.value   = value
        self.options = options

        if not self.value:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("MISSING LEGO.xdr_string DEFAULT VALUE")

Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__ (self, name, request, value, options={}):
        blocks.block.__init__(self, name, request, None, None, None, None)

        self.value   = value
        self.options = options

        if not self.value:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("MISSING LEGO.ber_integer DEFAULT VALUE")

        self.push(primitives.dword(self.value, endian=">"))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def s_switch(name):
    Change the currect request to the one specified by "name".

    @type  name: String
    @param name: Name of request

    if not blocks.REQUESTS.has_key(name):
        raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("blocks.REQUESTS NOT FOUND: %s" % name)

    blocks.CURRENT = blocks.REQUESTS[name]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def s_initialize (name):
    Initialize a new block request. All blocks / primitives generated after this call apply to the named request.
    Use s_switch() to jump between factories.

    @type  name: String
    @param name: Name of request

    if blocks.REQUESTS.has_key(name):
        raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("blocks.REQUESTS ALREADY EXISTS: %s" % name)

    blocks.REQUESTS[name] = blocks.request(name)
    blocks.CURRENT        = blocks.REQUESTS[name]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def s_update (name, value):
    Update the value of the named primitive in the currently open request.

    @type  name:  String
    @param name:  Name of object whose value we wish to update
    @type  value: Mixed
    @param value: Updated value

    if not blocks.CURRENT.names.has_key(name):
        raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("NO OBJECT WITH NAME '%s' FOUND IN CURRENT REQUEST" % name)

    blocks.CURRENT.names[name].value = value
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__ (self, name, request, value, options={}):
        blocks.block.__init__(self, name, request, None, None, None, None)

        self.value   = value
        self.options = options

        if not self.value:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("MISSING LEGO.tag DEFAULT VALUE")

        # <example>
        # [delim][string][delim]

Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__ (self, name, request, value, options={}):
        blocks.block.__init__(self, name, request, None, None, None, None)

        self.value   = value
        self.options = options
        self.prefix  = options.get("prefix", "\x04")

        if not self.value:
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("MISSING LEGO.ber_string DEFAULT VALUE")

        str_block = blocks.block(name + "_STR", request)

        self.push(blocks.size(name + "_STR", request, endian=">", fuzzable=True))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def s_lego (lego_type, value=None, options={}):
    Legos are pre-built blocks... TODO: finish this doc

    # as legos are blocks they must have a name.
    # generate a unique name for this lego.
    name = "LEGO_%08x" % len(blocks.CURRENT.names)

    if not legos.BIN.has_key(lego_type):
        raise sex.SullyRuntimeError("INVALID LEGO TYPE SPECIFIED: %s" % lego_type)

    lego = legos.BIN[lego_type](name, blocks.CURRENT, value, options)

    # push the lego onto the stack and immediately pop to close the block.
Ejemplo n.º 12
def s_checksum(data, algorithm="crc32", endian=">"):
    Calculate and return the checksum (in raw bytes) over the supplied data.

    @type  data: Raw
    @param data: Rendered block data to calculate checksum over.

    @rtype:  Raw
    @return: Checksum.
    def ip_checksum(data):
        cksum = 0
        idx = 0
        size = len(data)

        while size > 1:
            cksum += ord(data[idx]) + (ord(data[idx + 1]) << 8)
            size -= 2
            idx += 2
        if size > 0:
            cksum += ord(data[-1]) << 8
        while cksum >> 16:
            cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xffff)

        return (~cksum & 0xffff)

    if type(algorithm) is str:
        if algorithm == "crc32":
            return struct.pack(endian + "L", (zlib.crc32(data) & 0xFFFFFFFFL))

        elif algorithm == "adler32":
            return struct.pack(endian + "L",
                               (zlib.adler32(data) & 0xFFFFFFFFL))

        elif algorithm == "md5":
            digest = hashlib.md5(data).digest()

            # TODO: is this right?
            if endian == ">":
                (a, b, c, d) = struct.unpack("<LLLL", digest)
                digest = struct.pack(">LLLL", a, b, c, d)

            return digest

        elif algorithm == "sha1":
            digest = hashlib.sha1(data).digest()

            # TODO: is this right?
            if endian == ">":
                (a, b, c, d, e) = struct.unpack("<LLLLL", digest)
                digest = struct.pack(">LLLLL", a, b, c, d, e)

            return digest
        elif algorithm == "crc16":
            return struct.pack(endian + "H", CRC16(data).intchecksum())
        elif algorithm == "ip":
                return struct.pack(endian + "H", ip_checksum(data))
            except Exception, e:
                raise Exception(
                    "ip_checksum error. data length: %d. Exception: %s" %
                    (len(data), str(e)))
            raise sex.SullyRuntimeError(
                "INVALID CHECKSUM ALGORITHM SPECIFIED: %s" % algorithm)