Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_clear_buffer_on_error(self):

        s = Sultan()
            self.assertEqual(len(s.commands), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_run_basic(self, m_subprocess):

        m_subprocess.check_output.return_value = "sample_response"
        sultan = Sultan()
        response = sultan.ls("-lah /tmp").run()
        self.assertEqual(response, ["sample_response"])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_run_basic(self, m_subprocess):

        m_subprocess.Popen = mock.Mock()
        m_subprocess.Popen().communicate.return_value = ("sample_response", "")
        sultan = Sultan()
        response = sultan.ls("-lah /tmp").run()
        self.assertEqual(response, ["sample_response"])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_run_advanced(self):

        sultan = Sultan()
            sultan.mkdir("-p /tmp/mytestdir")\
                .mkdir("-p /tmp/mytestdir/foobar")\

            response = sultan.ls("-1 /tmp/mytestdir/").run()
            self.assertEqual(response, ['a', 'b', 'foobar'])
            if os.path.exists('/tmp/mytestdir'):
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        user = cherrypy.session['user']['name']
        #logger.info('setting up controller')
        #logger.info('try to import libraries')
        import sys
        sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['SPLUNK_HOME'],'etc','apps','minishell','appserver','controllers')) #build local path and add it to the python path so we can load modules, hack!
        command = kwargs.get('command')
        PWD = kwargs.get('pwd')
        #logger.info('from js stack PWD='+PWD)
        splitCommand = shlex.split(command) if os.name == 'posix' else command.split(' ')
        isRestartCommand = False
        if not command:
            error = "No command"
            return self.render_json(dict(success=False, payload=error, pwd=PWD))
        #logger.info('user='******' command='+str(command))
        #logger.info('import sultan')
        from sultan.api import Sultan
        s = Sultan()
        #merge all comand line parameters
        parameters = ""
        for param in splitCommand[1:]:
            parameters += ' ' + param
        #logger.info('user session info: '+json.dumps(cherrypy.session['user']))
            if splitCommand[0] == "help":
                    logger.info('user asked for help')
                    payload = """you can run splunk with command line parameters regardles of current working dir,
run git on the current working dir and list files. Does not support chaining!
 ls     lists files, see http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/ls1.html for more
 pwd    to see what the current working dir is
 cd     specify the fully qualified working dir like cd /var/log etc
 git    see https://git-scm.com/documentation for more
 tail   -f won't work
 head   yeah
 cat    again yeah.
 clear  clear the screen
 wget   see https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html
 grep   see https://www.gnu.org/software/grep/manual/grep.html for more
 find   see https://www.gnu.org/software/findutils/manual/html_mono/find.html for more
 notice: if the command takes too long you will run into timeouts"""
            elif splitCommand[0] == "git":            
                with Sultan.load(cwd=PWD, sudo=False) as s:
                    returnvalue = s.git(parameters).run()
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "cat":            
                with Sultan.load(cwd=PWD, sudo=False) as s:
                    returnvalue = s.cat(parameters).run()
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "head":
                with Sultan.load(cwd=PWD, sudo=False) as s:
                    returnvalue = s.head(parameters).run()
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "wget":
                with Sultan.load(cwd=PWD, sudo=False) as s:
                    returnvalue = s.wget(parameters).run()
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "grep":
                with Sultan.load(cwd=PWD, sudo=False) as s:
                    returnvalue = s.grep(parameters).run()
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "tail":            
                if " -f " in command:
                    payload = "tail -f won't work"
                    return self.render_json(dict(success=False, payload=payload, pwd=PWD))
                with Sultan.load(cwd=PWD, sudo=False) as s:
                    returnvalue = s.tail(parameters).run()
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "find":            
                with Sultan.load(cwd=PWD, sudo=False) as s:
                    returnvalue = s.find(parameters).run()
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "ls":            
                with Sultan.load(cwd=PWD, sudo=False) as s:
                    returnvalue = s.ls(parameters).run()
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "splunk":            
                with Sultan.load( sudo=False) as s:
                    os.environ['SPLUNK_TOK'] = str(cherrypy.session['sessionKey'])
                    splunkCommand = command[7:]
                    logger.info('load command splunk with parameters=' + splunkCommand)
                    returnvalue = s.splunk(splunkCommand).run()
                    del os.environ['SPLUNK_TOK']
                    payload = '\n'.join(returnvalue)
                    #logger.info('user='******' in workingdir=' + PWD + ' command=' +splitCommand[0] + ' arguments=' + parameters)
            elif splitCommand[0] == "pwd":            
                    payload = PWD
                    #payload = 'pwd: ' + cherrypy.session['user']['pwd'] #pwd
                except KeyError, e:
                    cherrypy.session['user']['pwd'] = os.environ['SPLUNK_HOME']
                    logger.info('no pwd was set, default to splunk_home')
                    payload = 'pwd: ' + cherrypy.session['user']['pwd'] #pwd
                    return self.render_json(dict(success=False, payload=payload, pwd=PWD))
                logger.info('we showed the pwd')
                #logger.info('user session info: '+json.dumps(cherrypy.session['user']))
            elif splitCommand[0] == "cd":
                #logger.info('trying to set path')
                tmpPWD = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(PWD, splitCommand[1]))
                #logger.info('path we check if it exists... ' + tmpPWD)
                if os.path.isdir(tmpPWD):
                    #logger.info('path exists')
                    PWD = tmpPWD
                    payload = "set current working dir to " + PWD
                    logger.info('path does not exist, fail')
                    payload = 'does not seem to be a directory that exists...'
                    return self.render_json(dict(success=False, payload=payload, pwd=PWD))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_execution(self):

        sultan = Sultan()
        response = sultan.ls("-1 /tmp/foo").run()
        self.assertEqual(response, ["/tmp/foo"])