Ejemplo n.º 1
    def collect(self):
        procs = self.all_procs()
        self.zm = sh.zone_map(sh.zoneadm())
        self.ct_map = sh.contract_map()

        for m in ('pr_stime', 'pr_utime', 'pr_ttime', 'pr_rtime',
                  'pr_tftime', 'pr_dftime', 'pr_kftime', 'pr_ltime',
                  'pr_slptime', 'pr_wtime', 'pr_stoptime'):
            if sh.wanted(m, self.config['fields']) and \
            self.config['as_pc_delta'] == True:
                self.cpu_time(procs, m)

        for m in ('pr_rssize', 'pr_size'):
            if sh.wanted(m, self.config['fields']):
                for p in self.leaderboard(procs, m,
                    if p['val'] > 0:
                        self.publish('memory.%s.%s' % (m,
                            p['name']), (p['val'] * 1024),
                            point_tags={'pid': p['pid'],
                                'zone': p['zone'],
                                'svc': self.svc_tag(p['ctid'])})

        for m in ('pr_pctmem', 'pr_pctcpu'):
            if sh.wanted(m, self.config['fields']):
                for p in self.leaderboard(procs, m,
                    if p['val'] > 0:
                        self.publish('memory.%s.%s' % (m,
                            p['name']), sh.bpc_to_pc(p['val']),
                            point_tags={'pid': p['pid'], 'zone':
                                'svc': self.svc_tag(p['ctid'])})
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def collect(self):
        procs = self.all_procs()
        self.zm = sh.zone_map(sh.zoneadm())
        self.ct_map = sh.contract_map()

        for m in ('pr_stime', 'pr_utime', 'pr_ttime', 'pr_rtime', 'pr_tftime',
                  'pr_dftime', 'pr_kftime', 'pr_ltime', 'pr_slptime',
                  'pr_wtime', 'pr_stoptime'):
            if sh.wanted(m, self.config['fields']) and \
            self.config['as_pc_delta'] == True:
                self.cpu_time(procs, m)

        for m in ('pr_rssize', 'pr_size'):
            if sh.wanted(m, self.config['fields']):
                for p in self.leaderboard(procs, m, self.config['top_x']):
                    if p['val'] > 0:
                        self.publish('memory.%s.%s' % (m, p['name']),
                                     (p['val'] * 1024),
                                         'pid': p['pid'],
                                         'zone': p['zone'],
                                         'svc': self.svc_tag(p['ctid'])

        for m in ('pr_pctmem', 'pr_pctcpu'):
            if sh.wanted(m, self.config['fields']):
                for p in self.leaderboard(procs, m, self.config['top_x']):
                    if p['val'] > 0:
                        self.publish('memory.%s.%s' % (m, p['name']),
                                         'pid': p['pid'],
                                         'zone': p['zone'],
                                         'svc': self.svc_tag(p['ctid'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def ns_and_pc(self, cpu_id, data):
        In addition to sending raw metrics through, we can calculate
        rates and percentages of the time spent in each possible CPU

        :param cpu_id: the number of the CPU kstat instance (int)
        :param data: kstat data for this CPU (dict)
        :returns: void

        st = data['snaptime']

        if cpu_id not in self.last_values['cpu'].keys():
            self.last_values['cpu'][cpu_id] = {}

            st_delta = st - self.last_values['cpu'][cpu_id]['st']
            self.log.debug('cannot calculate snaptime delta')

        self.last_values['cpu'][cpu_id]['st'] = st

        for m in data:
            if not m.startswith('cpu_nsec'):

            metric_name = sub('_', '.', m[4:])

                delta = data[m] - self.last_values['cpu'][cpu_id][m]

                # The delta is the time in this state since the last
                # snapshot

                if sh.wanted(metric_name, self.config['as_nsec_delta']):
                    self.publish('%d.%s' % (cpu_id, metric_name), delta)

                # We now have the number of nanoseconds spent in
                # this state since the last snapshot. So, we can
                # create a %age, if the user wants it.

                pc_metric_name = sub('nsec', 'pc', metric_name)

                if sh.wanted(pc_metric_name, self.config['as_pc_delta']):
                    pc_in_state = delta / float(st_delta) * 100
                    self.publish('%d.%s' % (cpu_id, pc_metric_name),
                                 pc_in_state, precision=3)
                self.log.debug('cannot calculate %s delta' % m)

            self.last_values['cpu'][cpu_id][m] = data[m]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def collect(self):
        svcs = self.process_data(self.svcs())

        for zone, data in svcs.items():
            if not sh.wanted(zone, self.config['zones']):

            if zone == '__local__' or zone == 'global':
                prefix = ''
                prefix = 'ngz.%s.' % zone

            for state, count in data.items():
                if sh.wanted(state, self.config['states']):
                    self.publish(prefix + state, count)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def collect(self):
        cpu_t = sh.get_kstat('cpu::sys')
        per_cpu = self.split_stats(cpu_t)

        num_cpus = self.vcpus()

        if sh.wanted('vcpus', self.config['fields']):
            self.publish('global.vcpus', num_cpus)

        if sh.wanted('speed', self.config['fields']):
            self.publish('global.clock_speed', self.clock_speed())

            for n in range(0, num_cpus):
                self.publish('%d.cpuinfo.current_speed' % n,
                        self.cpu_stat('current_clock_Hz', n))

        if sh.wanted('state', self.config['fields']):
            for n in range(0, num_cpus):
                states = sh.get_kstat(
                    'cpu_info:%d:cpu_info%d' % (n, n), terse=True)

                for s in ('cstate', 'pstate'):
                    self.publish('%d.cpuinfo.current_%s' % (n, s),
                        float(states['current_%s' % s]))

        # If we want rate metrics, call the method which does that,
        # and remove the things it uses from the kstat list. This
        # needs to be done for each CPU.

        if self.config['as_pc_delta'] or self.config['as_nsec_delta']:

            for cpu, k in per_cpu.items():
                self.ns_and_pc(cpu, k)

                per_cpu[cpu] = {k: per_cpu[cpu][k] for k in
                                per_cpu[cpu] if not

        for cpu, kstats in per_cpu.items():
            kstats.pop('snaptime', None)
            kstats.pop('crtime', None)

            for k, v in kstats.items():
                if sh.wanted(k, self.config['fields']):
                    self.publish('%d.sys.%s' % (cpu, k), v)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def collect(self):
        if self.config['sn_tag']:
            point_tags = self.disk_tags()

        for k, v in self.kstats().items():
            dev, stat = self.get_devs(k)

            if not sh.wanted(dev, self.config['devices'], regex=True):

            if not sh.wanted(stat, self.config['fields']):

            if self.config['sn_tag'] and dev in point_tags.keys():
                self.publish('%s.%s' % (dev, stat), v,
                self.publish('%s.%s' % (dev, stat), v)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def collect(self):
        counts = ['filesystem', 'snapshot', 'volume']

        for pool, data in self.zpool_dict().items():
            for count in counts:
                if sh.wanted(count, self.config['count']):
                    self.publish('%s.count.%s' % (pool, count),
                                 self.count_items(pool, count))

            for k, v in data.items():

                if not sh.wanted(k, self.config['fields']):

                if k in ('size', 'alloc', 'free', 'expandsz'):
                    self.publish('%s.%s' % (pool, k), sh.bytify(v))
                elif v.endswith('%') or v.endswith('x'):
                    self.publish('%s.%s' % (pool, k), float(v[:-1]))
                elif k == 'health':
                    self.publish('%s.health' % pool, self.health_as_int(v))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def collect(self):
        counts = ['filesystem', 'snapshot', 'volume']

        for pool, data in self.zpool_dict().items():
            for count in counts:
                if sh.wanted(count, self.config['count']):
                    self.publish('%s.count.%s' % (pool, count),
                                 self.count_items(pool, count))

            for k, v in data.items():

                if not sh.wanted(k, self.config['fields']):

                if k in ('size', 'alloc', 'free', 'expandsz'):
                    self.publish('%s.%s' % (pool, k), sh.bytify(v))
                elif v.endswith('%') or v.endswith('x'):
                    self.publish('%s.%s' % (pool, k), float(v[:-1]))
                elif k == 'health':
                    self.publish('%s.health' % pool, self.health_as_int(v))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def collect_vminfo(self, pgs):
        Collect and present metrics from the 'vminfo' kstat. These
        are in pages, and they need to be converted into rates.

        :param pgs: the system page size. (int)

        for k, v in sh.get_kstat('unix:0:vminfo', terse=True,
            if sh.wanted(k, self.config['vminfo_fields']):
                self.publish('vminfo.%s' % k, self.derivative(k, v) * pgs)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def collect(self):
        self._fs_list = self.zfs_list()

        for fs in self._fs_list:

            if sh.wanted(fs, self.config['datasets'],

                if sh.wanted('filesystem', self.config['counts']):
                    self.publish('count.%s.filesystem' %
                                 sh.to_metric(fs), self.num_children(fs))

                for t in ('volume', 'snapshot'):
                    if sh.wanted(t, self.config['counts']):
                        self.publish('count.%s.%s' % (sh.to_metric(fs), t),
                                     self.num_obj(fs, t))

                for k, v in self.get_all(fs).items():
                    if sh.wanted(k, self.config['fields']):
                        self.publish('dataset.%s.%s' % (sh.to_metric(fs),
                                                        k), v)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def collect_vminfo(self, pgs):
        Collect and present metrics from the 'vminfo' kstat. These
        are in pages, and they need to be converted into rates.

        :param pgs: the system page size. (int)

        for k, v in sh.get_kstat('unix:0:vminfo', terse=True,
            if sh.wanted(k, self.config['vminfo_fields']):
                self.publish('vminfo.%s' % k, self.derivative(k, v) * pgs)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def collect(self):
        self._fs_list = self.zfs_list()

        for fs in self._fs_list:

            if sh.wanted(fs,

                if sh.wanted('filesystem', self.config['counts']):
                    self.publish('count.%s.filesystem' % sh.to_metric(fs),

                for t in ('volume', 'snapshot'):
                    if sh.wanted(t, self.config['counts']):
                        self.publish('count.%s.%s' % (sh.to_metric(fs), t),
                                     self.num_obj(fs, t))

                for k, v in self.get_all(fs).items():
                    if sh.wanted(k, self.config['fields']):
                        self.publish('dataset.%s.%s' % (sh.to_metric(fs), k),
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def collect_in_and_out(self, ks, ptn, prefix):
        A bit of a shot-in-the-dark, which I *think* will provide
        useful information. Pulls all paging or swapping
        ins-and-outs out of the cpu::vm kstats and presents them.
        Has the ability to aggregate or present on a per-CPU basis.

        :param ks: the raw cpu::vm kstats as collected by
            sunos_helpers::get_kstats() (dict)
        :param ptn: the pattern to match in the kstats ('pg' or
            'swap') (string)
        :param prefix: the string with which to prefix each metric.
            Also used in the class config variable names. ('paging'
            or 'swapping'. (string)
        :returns: void

        sums = {}
        fields = self.config['%s_fields' % prefix]

        for k, v in {
                k: v
                for (k, v) in ks.items()
                if k.endswith('%sin' % ptn) or k.endswith('%sout' % ptn)
            c = k.split(':')

            if self.config['per_cpu_%s' % prefix] is True and sh.wanted(
                    k, fields):
                self.publish('%s.cpu.%s.%s' % (prefix, c[1], c[3]), v)
                if c[3] not in sums:
                    sums[c[3]] = 0

                sums[c[3]] += v

        for k, v in sums.items():
            if sh.wanted(k, fields):
                self.publish('%s.%s' % (prefix, k), v)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def collect_in_and_out(self, ks, ptn, prefix):
        A bit of a shot-in-the-dark, which I *think* will provide
        useful information. Pulls all paging or swapping
        ins-and-outs out of the cpu::vm kstats and presents them.
        Has the ability to aggregate or present on a per-CPU basis.

        :param ks: the raw cpu::vm kstats as collected by
            sunos_helpers::get_kstats() (dict)
        :param ptn: the pattern to match in the kstats ('pg' or
            'swap') (string)
        :param prefix: the string with which to prefix each metric.
            Also used in the class config variable names. ('paging'
            or 'swapping'. (string)
        :returns: void

        sums = {}
        fields = self.config['%s_fields' % prefix]

        for k, v in {k: v for (k, v) in ks.items()
                     if k.endswith('%sin' % ptn) or
                     k.endswith('%sout' % ptn)}.items():
            c = k.split(':')

            if self.config['per_cpu_%s' % prefix] is True and sh.wanted(
                    k, fields):
                self.publish('%s.cpu.%s.%s' % (prefix, c[1], c[3]), v)
                if c[3] not in sums:
                    sums[c[3]] = 0

                sums[c[3]] += v

        for k, v in sums.items():
            if sh.wanted(k, fields):
                self.publish('%s.%s' % (prefix, k), v)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def collect_swap_cmd(self):
        Shells out to /usr/sbin/swap and sends the results as
        metrics. Converts to bytes from kB. Not smart, so if the
        output of the command changes, this will break.

        info = re.match(
            'total: (\d+)k [\w ]* \+ (\d+)k.*= (\d+)k used, (\d+)k.*$',
            sh.run_cmd('/usr/sbin/swap -s'))

        for i, metric in enumerate(
            ['allocated', 'reserved', 'used', 'available']):
            if sh.wanted(metric, self.config['swap_fields']):
                self.publish('swap.%s' % metric, int(info.group(i + 1)) * 1024)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def collect_swap_cmd(self):
        Shells out to /usr/sbin/swap and sends the results as
        metrics. Converts to bytes from kB. Not smart, so if the
        output of the command changes, this will break.

        info = re.match(
            'total: (\d+)k [\w ]* \+ (\d+)k.*= (\d+)k used, (\d+)k.*$',
            sh.run_cmd('/usr/sbin/swap -s'))

        for i, metric in enumerate(['allocated', 'reserved', 'used',
            if sh.wanted(metric, self.config['swap_fields']):
                self.publish('swap.%s' % metric, int(info.group(i + 1)) *
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def collect(self):
     for k, v in self.kstats().items():
         mod, inst, dev, name = k.split(':')
         if (sh.wanted(dev, self.config['devices'], regex=True)):
             self.publish('%s.%s' % (dev, name), v)
    def test_wanted(self):
        want = ['cmdk0', 'cmdk2']
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('__all__', want))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('anything', '__all__'))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('anything', '__none__'))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('word', 'word'))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('cmdk0', want))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('cmdk1', want))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('pen', 'pencil'))

        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('cmdk0', 'cmdk\d+', regex=True))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('cmdk2', '^.*2$', regex=True))

        want = ['cmdk[0-3]', 'did.*']
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('cmdk1', want, regex=True))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('cmdk5', want, regex=True))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('sda', want, regex=True))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('did99', want, regex=True))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_wanted(self):
        want = ['cmdk0', 'cmdk2']
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('__all__', want))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('anything', '__all__'))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('anything', '__none__'))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('word', 'word'))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('cmdk0', want))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('cmdk1', want))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('pen', 'pencil'))

        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('cmdk0', 'cmdk\d+', regex=True))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('cmdk2', '^.*2$', regex=True))

        want = ['cmdk[0-3]', 'did.*']
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('cmdk1', want, regex=True))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('cmdk5', want, regex=True))
        self.assertFalse(sh.wanted('sda', want, regex=True))
        self.assertTrue(sh.wanted('did99', want, regex=True))
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def collect(self):
     for k, v in self.kstats().items():
         mod, inst, dev, name = k.split(':')
         if (sh.wanted(dev, self.config['devices'], regex=True)):
             self.publish('%s.%s' % (dev, name), v)