Ejemplo n.º 1
def sunpy_cache(mocker, tmp_path):
    Provide a way to add local files to the cache. This can be useful when mocking
    remote requests.
    from types import MethodType

    from sunpy.data.data_manager.cache import Cache
    from sunpy.data.data_manager.downloader import ParfiveDownloader
    from sunpy.data.data_manager.storage import InMemStorage
    cache = Cache(ParfiveDownloader(), InMemStorage(), tmp_path, None)

    def add(self, url, path):
            'url': url,
            'file_path': path,
            'file_hash': 'none',  # hash doesn't matter

    cache.add = MethodType(add, cache)

    def func(mocked):
        mocker.patch(mocked, cache)
        return cache

    yield func
Ejemplo n.º 2
import astropy.units as u

import sunpy
from sunpy import config
from sunpy.data._sample import download_sample_data
from sunpy.data.data_manager.cache import Cache
from sunpy.data.data_manager.downloader import ParfiveDownloader
from sunpy.data.data_manager.manager import DataManager
from sunpy.data.data_manager.storage import SqliteStorage
from sunpy.util.config import CACHE_DIR

_download_dir = config.get('downloads', 'remote_data_manager_dir')

manager = DataManager(
          SqliteStorage(_download_dir + '/data_manager.db'), _download_dir))
cache = Cache(ParfiveDownloader(),
              SqliteStorage(CACHE_DIR + '/cache.db'),
              expiry=int(config.get('downloads', 'cache_expiry')) * u.day)

__all__ = ["download_sample_data", "manager", "cache"]