def rotate(self, angle, scale=1.0, rotation_centre=None, recentre=True, missing=0.0, interpolation='bicubic', interp_param=-0.5): """Returns a new rotated, rescaled and shifted map. Parameters --------- angle: float The angle to rotate the image by (radians) scale: float A scale factor for the image, default is no scaling rotation_centre: tuple The point in the image to rotate around (Axis of rotation). Default: Centre of the array recentre: bool, or array-like Move the centroid (axis of rotation) to the centre of the array or recentre coords. Default: True, recentre to the centre of the array. missing: float The numerical value to fill any missing points after rotation. Default: 0.0 interpolation: {'nearest' | 'bilinear' | 'spline' | 'bicubic'} Interpolation method to use in the transform. Spline uses the scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affline_transform routine. nearest, bilinear and bicubic all replicate the IDL rot() function. Default: 'bicubic' interp_par: Int or Float Optional parameter for controlling the interpolation. Spline interpolation requires an integer value between 1 and 5 for the degree of the spline fit. Default: 3 BiCubic interpolation requires a flaot value between -1 and 0. Default: 0.5 Other interpolation options ingore the argument. Returns ------- New rotated, rescaled, translated map """ #Interpolation parameter Sanity assert interpolation in ['nearest','spline','bilinear','bicubic'] #Set defaults based on interpolation if interp_param is None: if interpolation is 'spline': interp_param = 3 elif interpolation is 'bicubic': interp_param = 0.5 else: interp_param = 0 #Default value for nearest or bilinear #Make sure recenter is a vector with shape (2,1) if not isinstance(recentre, bool): recentre = np.array(recentre).reshape(2,1) #Define Size and centre of array centre = (np.array(self.shape)-1)/2.0 #If rotation_centre is not set (None or False), #set rotation_centre to the centre of the image. if rotation_centre is None: rotation_centre = centre else: #Else check rotation_centre is a vector with shape (2,1) rotation_centre = np.array(rotation_centre).reshape(2,1) #Recentre to the rotation_centre if recentre is True if isinstance(recentre, bool): #if rentre is False then this will be (0,0) shift = np.array(rotation_centre) - np.array(centre) else: #Recentre to recentre vector otherwise shift = np.array(recentre) - np.array(centre) image = np.asarray(self).copy() #Calulate the parameters for the affline_transform c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) mati = np.array([[c, s],[-s, c]]) / scale # res->orig centre = np.array([centre]).transpose() # the centre of rotn shift = np.array([shift]).transpose() # the shift kpos = centre -, (centre + shift)) # kpos and mati are the two transform constants, kpos is a 2x2 array rsmat, offs = mati, np.squeeze((kpos[0,0], kpos[1,0])) if interpolation == 'spline': # This is the scipy call data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=interp_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) else: #Use C extension Package if not 'Crotate' in globals(): raise ValueError("You do not have the C extension sunpy.image.Crotate") #Set up call parameters depending on interp type. if interpolation == 'nearest': interp_type = Crotate.NEAREST elif interpolation == 'bilinear': interp_type = Crotate.BILINEAR elif interpolation == 'bicubic': interp_type = Crotate.BICUBIC #Make call to extension data = Crotate.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, kernel=interp_type, cubic=interp_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) #Return a new map #Copy Header header = self._original_header.copy() # Create new map instance new_map = self.__class__(data, header) return new_map
print "c code" print timeit.timeit("out_arr = Crotate.affine_transform(in_arr, rsmat, offset=offs, kernel=Crotate.BICUBIC, cubic=int_param, mode='constant', cval=missing)", setup="from __main__ import *", number=100) /100. print "cython wrapper" print timeit.timeit("out_arr = aff_cythonwrap(in_arr, rsmat, offs, int_method, int_param, missing)", setup="from __main__ import *", number=100) /100. print "cython" print timeit.timeit("out_arr = aff(in_arr, rsmat, offs, int_param, missing)", setup="from __main__ import *", number=100) /100. # print "python" # print timeit.timeit("out_arr = aff_py(in_arr, rsmat, offs, int_method, int_param, missing)", # setup="from __main__ import *", number=1) /1. # out_arr_C = Crotate.affine_transform(in_arr, rsmat, offset=offs, kernel=Crotate.BICUBIC, cubic=int_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) out_arr_wr = aff_cythonwrap(in_arr, rsmat, offs, int_param, missing) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3) im1 = ax[0].imshow(out_arr_C - out_arr_wr, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), interpolation='none') plt.colorbar(im1,ax=ax[0]) im2 = ax[1].imshow(out_arr_C, vmax =1, vmin=0, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), interpolation='none') plt.colorbar(im2,ax=ax[1]) im3 = ax[2].imshow(out_arr_wr, vmax =1, vmin=0, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds'), interpolation='none') plt.colorbar(im3,ax=ax[2]) #plt.imshow(out_arr)
def rotate( self, angle=None, rmatrix=None, scale=1.0, rotation_center=None, recenter=True, missing=0.0, interpolation="bicubic", interp_param=-0.5, ): """Returns a new rotated, rescaled and shifted map. Parameters ---------- angle: float The angle to rotate the image by (radians). Specify angle or matrix. rmatrix: NxN Linear transformation rotation matrix. Specify angle or matrix. scale: float A scale factor for the image, default is no scaling rotation_center: tuple The point in the image to rotate around (Axis of rotation). Default: center of the array recenter: bool, or array-like Move the centroid (axis of rotation) to the center of the array or recenter coords. Default: True, recenter to the center of the array. missing: float The numerical value to fill any missing points after rotation. Default: 0.0 interpolation: {'nearest' | 'bilinear' | 'spline' | 'bicubic'} Interpolation method to use in the transform. Spline uses the scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affline_transform routine. nearest, bilinear and bicubic all replicate the IDL rot() function. Default: 'bicubic' interp_par: Int or Float Optional parameter for controlling the interpolation. Spline interpolation requires an integer value between 1 and 5 for the degree of the spline fit. Default: 3 BiCubic interpolation requires a flaot value between -1 and 0. Default: 0.5 Other interpolation options ingore the argument. Returns ------- New rotated, rescaled, translated map Notes ----- Apart from interpolation='spline' all other options use a compiled C-API extension. If for some reason this is not compiled correctly this routine will fall back upon the scipy implementation of order = 3. For more infomation see: """ assert angle is None or rmatrix is None # Interpolation parameter Sanity assert interpolation in ["nearest", "spline", "bilinear", "bicubic"] # Set defaults based on interpolation if interp_param is None: if interpolation is "spline": interp_param = 3 elif interpolation is "bicubic": interp_param = 0.5 else: interp_param = 0 # Default value for nearest or bilinear # Make sure recenter is a vector with shape (2,1) if not isinstance(recenter, bool): recenter = np.array(recenter).reshape(2, 1) # Define Size and center of array center = (np.array( - 1) / 2.0 # If rotation_center is not set (None or False), # set rotation_center to the center of the image. if rotation_center is None: rotation_center = center else: # Else check rotation_center is a vector with shape (2,1) rotation_center = np.array(rotation_center).reshape(2, 1) # recenter to the rotation_center if recenter is True if isinstance(recenter, bool): # if rentre is False then this will be (0,0) shift = np.array(rotation_center) - np.array(center) else: # recenter to recenter vector otherwise shift = np.array(recenter) - np.array(center) image = if not angle is None: # Calulate the parameters for the affline_transform c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) mati = np.array([[c, s], [-s, c]]) / scale # res->orig if not rmatrix is None: mati = rmatrix / scale # res->orig center = np.array([center]).transpose() # the center of rotn shift = np.array([shift]).transpose() # the shift kpos = center -, (center + shift)) # kpos and mati are the two transform constants, kpos is a 2x2 array rsmat, offs = mati, np.squeeze((kpos[0, 0], kpos[1, 0])) if interpolation == "spline": # This is the scipy call data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform( image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=interp_param, mode="constant", cval=missing ) else: # Use C extension Package if not "Crotate" in globals(): warnings.warn( """The C extension sunpy.image.Crotate is not installed, falling back to the interpolation='spline' of order=3""", Warning, ) data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform( image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=3, mode="constant", cval=missing ) else: # Set up call parameters depending on interp type. if interpolation == "nearest": interp_type = Crotate.NEAREST elif interpolation == "bilinear": interp_type = Crotate.BILINEAR elif interpolation == "bicubic": interp_type = Crotate.BICUBIC # Make call to extension data = Crotate.affine_transform( image, rsmat, offset=offs, kernel=interp_type, cubic=interp_param, mode="constant", cval=missing ) # Return a new map # Copy Header new_map = deepcopy(self) # Create new map instance = data return new_map
def rotate(self, angle=None, rmatrix=None, scale=1.0, rotation_center=None, recenter=True, missing=0.0, interpolation='bicubic', interp_param=-0.5): """Returns a new rotated, rescaled and shifted map. Parameters ---------- angle: float The angle to rotate the image by (radians). Specify angle or matrix. rmatrix: NxN Linear transformation rotation matrix. Specify angle or matrix. scale: float A scale factor for the image, default is no scaling rotation_center: tuple The point in the image to rotate around (Axis of rotation). Default: center of the array recenter: bool, or array-like Move the centroid (axis of rotation) to the center of the array or recenter coords. Default: True, recenter to the center of the array. missing: float The numerical value to fill any missing points after rotation. Default: 0.0 interpolation: {'nearest' | 'bilinear' | 'spline' | 'bicubic'} Interpolation method to use in the transform. Spline uses the scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affline_transform routine. nearest, bilinear and bicubic all replicate the IDL rot() function. Default: 'bicubic' interp_par: Int or Float Optional parameter for controlling the interpolation. Spline interpolation requires an integer value between 1 and 5 for the degree of the spline fit. Default: 3 BiCubic interpolation requires a flaot value between -1 and 0. Default: 0.5 Other interpolation options ingore the argument. Returns ------- New rotated, rescaled, translated map Notes ----- Apart from interpolation='spline' all other options use a compiled C-API extension. If for some reason this is not compiled correctly this routine will fall back upon the scipy implementation of order = 3. For more infomation see: """ assert angle is None or rmatrix is None #Interpolation parameter Sanity assert interpolation in ['nearest', 'spline', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'] #Set defaults based on interpolation if interp_param is None: if interpolation is 'spline': interp_param = 3 elif interpolation is 'bicubic': interp_param = 0.5 else: interp_param = 0 #Default value for nearest or bilinear #Make sure recenter is a vector with shape (2,1) if not isinstance(recenter, bool): recenter = np.array(recenter).reshape(2, 1) #Define Size and center of array center = (np.array( - 1) / 2.0 #If rotation_center is not set (None or False), #set rotation_center to the center of the image. if rotation_center is None: rotation_center = center else: #Else check rotation_center is a vector with shape (2,1) rotation_center = np.array(rotation_center).reshape(2, 1) #recenter to the rotation_center if recenter is True if isinstance(recenter, bool): #if rentre is False then this will be (0,0) shift = np.array(rotation_center) - np.array(center) else: #recenter to recenter vector otherwise shift = np.array(recenter) - np.array(center) image = if not angle is None: #Calulate the parameters for the affline_transform c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) mati = np.array([[c, s], [-s, c]]) / scale # res->orig if not rmatrix is None: mati = rmatrix / scale # res->orig center = np.array([center]).transpose() # the center of rotn shift = np.array([shift]).transpose() # the shift kpos = center -, (center + shift)) # kpos and mati are the two transform constants, kpos is a 2x2 array rsmat, offs = mati, np.squeeze((kpos[0, 0], kpos[1, 0])) if interpolation == 'spline': # This is the scipy call data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform( image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=interp_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) else: #Use C extension Package if not 'Crotate' in globals(): warnings.warn( """The C extension sunpy.image.Crotate is not installed, falling back to the interpolation='spline' of order=3""", Warning) data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform( image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=3, mode='constant', cval=missing) else: #Set up call parameters depending on interp type. if interpolation == 'nearest': interp_type = Crotate.NEAREST elif interpolation == 'bilinear': interp_type = Crotate.BILINEAR elif interpolation == 'bicubic': interp_type = Crotate.BICUBIC #Make call to extension data = Crotate.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, kernel=interp_type, cubic=interp_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) #Return a new map #Copy Header new_map = deepcopy(self) # Create new map instance = data return new_map
def rotate(self, angle=None, rmatrix=None, scale=1.0, rotation_center=(0, 0), recenter=False, missing=0.0, interpolation='bicubic', interp_param=-0.5): """Returns a new rotated and rescaled map. Specify either a rotation angle or a rotation matrix, but not both. If neither an angle or a rotation matrix are specified, the map will be rotated by the rotation angle in the metadata. If the rotation is specified as an angle (either explicitly or implicitly) and the metadata contains the CROTA2 keyword, that keyword will be changed appropriately to account for the rotation. Parameters ---------- angle: float The angle (degrees) to rotate counterclockwise. rmatrix: NxN Linear transformation rotation matrix. scale: float A scale factor for the image, default is no scaling rotation_center: tuple The axis of rotation Default: the origin in the data coordinate system recenter: bool If True, position the axis of rotation at the center of the new map Default: False missing: float The numerical value to fill any missing points after rotation. Default: 0.0 interpolation: {'nearest' | 'bilinear' | 'spline' | 'bicubic'} Interpolation method to use in the transform. Spline uses the scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affline_transform routine. nearest, bilinear and bicubic all replicate the IDL rot() function. Default: 'bicubic' interp_par: Int or Float Optional parameter for controlling the interpolation. Spline interpolation requires an integer value between 1 and 5 for the degree of the spline fit. Default: 3 BiCubic interpolation requires a flaot value between -1 and 0. Default: 0.5 Other interpolation options ingore the argument. Returns ------- New rotated and rescaled map Notes ----- Apart from interpolation='spline' all other options use a compiled C-API extension. If for some reason this is not compiled correctly this routine will fall back upon the scipy implementation of order = 3. For more infomation see: """ assert angle is None or rmatrix is None # Interpolation parameter sanity assert interpolation in ['nearest', 'spline', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'] # Set defaults based on interpolation if interp_param is None: if interpolation is 'spline': interp_param = 3 elif interpolation is 'bicubic': interp_param = 0.5 else: interp_param = 0 # Default value for nearest or bilinear image = if angle is None and rmatrix is None: angle = self.rotation_angle['y'] if not angle is None: #Calulate the parameters for the affine_transform c = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) s = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) rsmat = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) / scale if not rmatrix is None: rsmat = np.asarray(rmatrix) / scale # map_center is swapped compared to the x-y convention map_center = (np.array( # axis is swapped compared to the x-y convention if recenter: axis_x = self.data_to_pixel(rotation_center[0], 'x') axis_y = self.data_to_pixel(rotation_center[1], 'y') axis = (axis_y, axis_x) else: axis = map_center # offs is swapped compared to the x-y convention offs = axis -, map_center) if interpolation == 'spline': # This is the scipy call data = interp.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=interp_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) else: #Use C extension Package if not 'Crotate' in globals(): warnings.warn("""The C extension sunpy.image.Crotate is not installed, falling back to the interpolation='spline' of order=3""" ,Warning) data = interp.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=3, mode='constant', cval=missing) else: #Set up call parameters depending on interp type. if interpolation == 'nearest': interp_type = Crotate.NEAREST elif interpolation == 'bilinear': interp_type = Crotate.BILINEAR elif interpolation == 'bicubic': interp_type = Crotate.BICUBIC #Make call to extension data = Crotate.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, kernel=interp_type, cubic=interp_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) #Return a new map #Copy Header new_map = deepcopy(self) # Create new map instance = data if recenter: new_center = rotation_center else: # Retrieve old coordinates for the center of the array old_center = np.array(new_map.pixel_to_data(map_center[1], map_center[0])) # Calculate new coordinates for the center of the array new_center = rotation_center -, rotation_center - old_center) # Define a new reference pixel in the rotated space new_map.meta['crval1'] = new_center[0] new_map.meta['crval2'] = new_center[1] new_map.meta['crpix1'] = map_center[1] + 1 # FITS counts pixels from 1 new_map.meta['crpix2'] = map_center[0] + 1 # FITS counts pixels from 1 if angle is not None and new_map.meta.get('crota2') is not None: new_map.meta['crota2'] = new_map.rotation_angle['y'] - angle return new_map
def rotate(self, angle=None, rmatrix=None, scale=1.0, rotation_center=(0, 0), recenter=False, missing=0.0, interpolation='bicubic', interp_param=-0.5): """Returns a new rotated and rescaled map. Specify either a rotation angle or a rotation matrix, but not both. If neither an angle or a rotation matrix are specified, the map will be rotated by the rotation angle in the metadata. If the rotation is specified as an angle (either explicitly or implicitly) and the metadata contains the CROTA2 keyword, that keyword will be changed appropriately to account for the rotation. Parameters ---------- angle: float The angle (degrees) to rotate counterclockwise. rmatrix: NxN Linear transformation rotation matrix. scale: float A scale factor for the image, default is no scaling rotation_center: tuple The axis of rotation Default: the origin in the data coordinate system recenter: bool If True, position the axis of rotation at the center of the new map Default: False missing: float The numerical value to fill any missing points after rotation. Default: 0.0 interpolation: {'nearest' | 'bilinear' | 'spline' | 'bicubic'} Interpolation method to use in the transform. Spline uses the scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affline_transform routine. nearest, bilinear and bicubic all replicate the IDL rot() function. Default: 'bicubic' interp_par: Int or Float Optional parameter for controlling the interpolation. Spline interpolation requires an integer value between 1 and 5 for the degree of the spline fit. Default: 3 BiCubic interpolation requires a flaot value between -1 and 0. Default: 0.5 Other interpolation options ingore the argument. Returns ------- New rotated and rescaled map Notes ----- Apart from interpolation='spline' all other options use a compiled C-API extension. If for some reason this is not compiled correctly this routine will fall back upon the scipy implementation of order = 3. For more infomation see: """ assert angle is None or rmatrix is None # Interpolation parameter sanity assert interpolation in ['nearest', 'spline', 'bilinear', 'bicubic'] # Set defaults based on interpolation if interp_param is None: if interpolation is 'spline': interp_param = 3 elif interpolation is 'bicubic': interp_param = 0.5 else: interp_param = 0 # Default value for nearest or bilinear image = if angle is None and rmatrix is None: angle = self.rotation_angle['y'] if not angle is None: #Calulate the parameters for the affine_transform c = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) s = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) rsmat = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) / scale if not rmatrix is None: rsmat = np.asarray(rmatrix) / scale # map_center is swapped compared to the x-y convention map_center = (np.array( - 1) / 2.0 # axis is swapped compared to the x-y convention if recenter: axis_x = self.data_to_pixel(rotation_center[0], 'x') axis_y = self.data_to_pixel(rotation_center[1], 'y') axis = (axis_y, axis_x) else: axis = map_center # offs is swapped compared to the x-y convention offs = axis -, map_center) if interpolation == 'spline': # This is the scipy call data = interp.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=interp_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) else: #Use C extension Package if not 'Crotate' in globals(): warnings.warn( """The C extension sunpy.image.Crotate is not installed, falling back to the interpolation='spline' of order=3""", Warning) data = interp.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, order=3, mode='constant', cval=missing) else: #Set up call parameters depending on interp type. if interpolation == 'nearest': interp_type = Crotate.NEAREST elif interpolation == 'bilinear': interp_type = Crotate.BILINEAR elif interpolation == 'bicubic': interp_type = Crotate.BICUBIC #Make call to extension data = Crotate.affine_transform(image, rsmat, offset=offs, kernel=interp_type, cubic=interp_param, mode='constant', cval=missing) #Return a new map #Copy Header new_map = deepcopy(self) # Create new map instance = data if recenter: new_center = rotation_center else: # Retrieve old coordinates for the center of the array old_center = np.array( new_map.pixel_to_data(map_center[1], map_center[0])) # Calculate new coordinates for the center of the array new_center = rotation_center -, rotation_center - old_center) # Define a new reference pixel in the rotated space new_map.meta['crval1'] = new_center[0] new_map.meta['crval2'] = new_center[1] new_map.meta['crpix1'] = map_center[1] + 1 # FITS counts pixels from 1 new_map.meta['crpix2'] = map_center[0] + 1 # FITS counts pixels from 1 if angle is not None and new_map.meta.get('crota2') is not None: new_map.meta['crota2'] = new_map.rotation_angle['y'] - angle return new_map