Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_wave_repr():
    """Tests the __repr__ method of class vso.attrs.Wave"""
    wav = core_attrs.Wavelength(12 * u.AA, 16 * u.AA)
    moarwav = core_attrs.Wavelength(15 * u.AA, 12 * u.AA)
    assert repr(wav) == "<sunpy.net.attrs.Wavelength(12.0, 16.0, 'Angstrom')>"
    assert repr(
        moarwav) == "<sunpy.net.attrs.Wavelength(12.0, 15.0, 'Angstrom')>"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_wave_inputQuantity():
    wrong_type_mesage = "Wave inputs must be astropy Quantities"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        core_attrs.Wavelength(10, 23)
        assert excinfo.value.message == wrong_type_mesage
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        core_attrs.Wavelength(10 * u.AA, 23)
        assert excinfo.value.message == wrong_type_mesage
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_wave_toangstrom():
    # TODO: this test should test that inputs are in any of spectral units
    # more than just converted to Angstroms.
    frequency = [(1, 1 * u.Hz),
                 (1e3, 1 * u.kHz),
                 (1e6, 1 * u.MHz),
                 (1e9, 1 * u.GHz)]

    energy = [(1, 1 * u.eV),
              (1e3, 1 * u.keV),
              (1e6, 1 * u.MeV)]

    for factor, unit in energy:
        w = core_attrs.Wavelength((62 / factor) * unit, (62 / factor) * unit)
        assert int(w.min.to(u.AA, u.equivalencies.spectral()).value) == 199

    w = core_attrs.Wavelength(62 * u.eV, 62 * u.eV)
    assert int(w.min.to(u.AA, u.equivalencies.spectral()).value) == 199
    w = core_attrs.Wavelength(62e-3 * u.keV, 62e-3 * u.keV)
    assert int(w.min.to(u.AA, u.equivalencies.spectral()).value) == 199

    for factor, unit in frequency:
        w = core_attrs.Wavelength((1.506e16 / factor) * unit, (1.506e16 / factor) * unit)
        assert int(w.min.to(u.AA, u.equivalencies.spectral()).value) == 199

    w = core_attrs.Wavelength(1.506e16 * u.Hz, 1.506e16 * u.Hz)
    assert int(w.min.to(u.AA, u.equivalencies.spectral()).value) == 199
    w = core_attrs.Wavelength(1.506e7 * u.GHz, 1.506e7 * u.GHz)
    assert int(w.min.to(u.AA, u.equivalencies.spectral()).value) == 199

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as excinfo:
        core_attrs.Wavelength(10 * u.g, 23 * u.g)
    assert ('This unit is not convertable to any of [Unit("Angstrom"), Unit("kHz"), '
            'Unit("keV")]' in str(excinfo.value))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_wave_xor():
    one = core_attrs.Wavelength(0 * u.AA, 1000 * u.AA)
    a = one ^ core_attrs.Wavelength(200 * u.AA, 400 * u.AA)

    assert a == attr.AttrOr([core_attrs.Wavelength(0 * u.AA, 200 * u.AA),
                             core_attrs.Wavelength(400 * u.AA, 1000 * u.AA)])

    a ^= core_attrs.Wavelength(600 * u.AA, 800 * u.AA)

    assert a == attr.AttrOr(
        [core_attrs.Wavelength(0 * u.AA, 200 * u.AA), core_attrs.Wavelength(400 * u.AA, 600 * u.AA),
         core_attrs.Wavelength(800 * u.AA, 1000 * u.AA)])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_path(client, tmpdir):
    Test that '{file}' is automatically appended to the end of a custom path if
    it is not specified.
    qr = client.search(
        core_attrs.Time('2011-06-07 06:33', '2011-06-07 06:33:08'),
        core_attrs.Instrument('aia'), core_attrs.Wavelength(171 * u.AA))
    tmp_dir = tmpdir / "{file}"
    files = client.fetch(qr, path=tmp_dir)

    assert len(files) == 1

    # The construction of a VSO filename is bonkers complex, so there is no
    # practical way to determine what it should be in this test, so we just
    # put it here.
    assert "aia_lev1_171a_2011_06_07t06_33_02_77z_image_lev1.fits" in files[0]