Ejemplo n.º 1
def test():
    test_date = swdt.parse('2000-01-01_00:00:00')
    print "Diff rot: ", coords.diff_rot(86400, 0),sdiff.diff_rot(86400*u.second,0*u.degree)
    print "P, B0, SD: ", coords.get_pb0sd(test_date),sdiff._calc_P_B0_SD(test_date)
    print "Solar position: ",coords.get_solar_position(test_date),sdiff._sun_pos(test_date)
    l0 = 0
    b0 = 0
    scale = 0.6,0.6
    reference_pixel = 2048.5,2048.5
    reference_coordinate = 0, 0
    rotation = 180

    ij = 1000,1000
    print "Input coords: ",ij
    xy = coords.convert_pixel_to_data(ij, scale, reference_pixel, reference_coordinate,rotation)
    print "Convert to data: ",xy
    recall_ij = coords.convert_data_to_pixel(xy, scale, reference_pixel, reference_coordinate,rotation)
    print "Recall: ", recall_ij
    lonlat = coords.convert_hpc_hg(xy,b0,l0)
    print "Convert to hg", lonlat
    recall_xy = coords.convert_hg_hpc(lonlat,b0,l0)
    print "Recall to hpc", recall_xy
    recall_ij = coords.convert_data_to_pixel(recall_xy, scale, reference_pixel, reference_coordinate,rotation)
    print "Recall to pixel", recall_ij
def diff_rot(m1, m2):
    """Given two CRD objects, differentially rotate image 2 to match image 1

        m1 (obj): first image to rotate to
        m2 (obj): second image to be rotated differentially

        rotation: rotation array containing values to add to longitude

    time_diff = u.Quantity(
            (m1.im_raw.date - m2.im_raw.date).total_seconds(), 'second')
    rotation = d.diff_rot(time_diff, m2.lath.v*u.deg, rot_type='snodgrass', frame_time='synodic')

    if np.nanmean(rotation).value > 90:
        rotation -= 360*u.deg

    return rotation
def test_synodic(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='howard', frame_time='synodic')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 126.9656 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
def test_single(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg)
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 136.8216 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
def test_snodgrass(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='snodgrass')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 135.4232 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
def test_sidereal(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day,
                   30 * u.deg,
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 136.8216 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
def test_array(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, np.linspace(-70, 70, 2) * u.deg)
                             Longitude(np.array([110.2725, 110.2725]) * u.deg),
Ejemplo n.º 8
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.time import TimeDelta

import sunpy.data.sample
import sunpy.map
from sunpy.physics.differential_rotation import diff_rot, solar_rotate_coordinate

# Next lets explore solar differential rotation by replicating Figure 1
# in Beck 1999.

latitudes = np.arange(0, 90, 1) * u.deg
dt = 1 * u.day
rotation_rate = [diff_rot(dt, this_lat) / dt for this_lat in latitudes]
rotation_period = [360 * u.deg / this_rate for this_rate in rotation_rate]

         [this_period.value for this_period in rotation_period])
plt.ylim(38, 24)
plt.ylabel('Rotation Period [{}]'.format(rotation_period[0].unit))
plt.title('Solar Differential Rotation Rate')

# Next let's show how to this looks like on the Sun.
# Load in an AIA map:

aia_map = sunpy.map.Map(sunpy.data.sample.AIA_171_IMAGE)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_snodgrass(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='snodgrass')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 135.4232 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def rot_location(loc_test, ts, te):
    # example inputs to function
	ts = datetime.datetime.strptime('2018-12-02 10:22', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
	te = datetime.datetime.strptime('2018-12-04 09:27', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

	loc_test = 'S44W42


    #time difference in seconds in astropy.units.Quantity
    dt = (te - ts).total_seconds() * u.s

    #lat and lon values in astropy.units.Quantity
    lat = int(loc_test[1:3]) * u.deg
    lon = int(loc_test[4:6]) * u.deg

    #positive N, negative S, positive W, negative E
    if loc_test[0] == 'S':
        lat = -lat
    if loc_test[3] == 'E':
        lon = -lon

    #convert into SkyCoord sunpy coordinates
    coords_old = SkyCoord(lon,

    #calculate rotation of lon (i.e. x) after time dt
    new_lon = (round(diff_rot(dt, lat).value) + lon.value) * u.deg

    #check is regions are off limb - if so set to 91 (west limb) or -91 (east limb)
    if new_lon.value > 90:
        new_lon = 91 * u.deg
    if new_lon.value < -90:
        new_lon = -91 * u.deg

    #new Skycoord after time dt
    coords_new = SkyCoord(new_lon,

    #convert back to N, S, E, W format

    if coords_new.lat.value <= 0:
        lat_end = 'S' + str('%02d' % np.abs(int(coords_new.lat.value)))

    elif coords_new.lat.value > 0:
        lat_end = 'N' + str('%02d' % np.abs(int(coords_new.lat.value)))

    if coords_new.lon.value <= 0:
        lon_end = 'E' + str('%02d' % np.abs(int(coords_new.lon.value)))
    elif coords_new.lon.value > 0:
        lon_end = 'W' + str('%02d' % np.abs(int(coords_new.lon.value)))

    loc_end = lat_end + lon_end

    coords_new_hpc = coords_new.transform_to(frames.Helioprojective)
    solar_xy = [coords_new_hpc.Tx.value, coords_new_hpc.Ty.value]
    return loc_end, solar_xy
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_snodgrass(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='snodgrass')
    assert rot == 135.4232 * u.deg
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_allen(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='allen')
    assert rot == 136.9 * u.deg
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_howard(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='howard')
    assert rot == 136.8216 * u.deg
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_sidereal(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day,
                   30 * u.deg,
    assert rot == 136.8216 * u.deg
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_synodic(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day,
                   30 * u.deg,
    assert rot == 126.9656 * u.deg
def test_howard(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='howard')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 136.8216 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_single(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg)
    assert rot == 136.8216 * u.deg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

import sunpy.map
import sunpy.data.sample
from sunpy.physics.differential_rotation import diff_rot, solar_rotate_coordinate

# Next lets explore solar differential rotation by replicating Figure 1
# in Beck 1999

latitudes = u.Quantity(np.arange(0, 90, 1), 'deg')
dt = 1 * u.day
rotation_rate = [diff_rot(dt, this_lat) / dt for this_lat in latitudes]
rotation_period = [360 * u.deg / this_rate for this_rate in rotation_rate]

fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(np.sin(latitudes), [this_period.value for this_period in rotation_period])
plt.ylim(38, 24)
plt.ylabel('Rotation Period [{0}]'.format(rotation_period[0].unit))
plt.title('Solar Differential Rotation Rate')

# Next let's show how to this looks like on the Sun.
# Load in an AIA map:

aia_map = sunpy.map.Map(sunpy.data.sample.AIA_171_IMAGE)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_fail(seconds_per_day):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='garbage')
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_rigid(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, [0, 30, 60] * u.deg, rot_type='rigid')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, [141.844 * u.deg] * 3, rtol=1e-3)
def test_single(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg)
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 136.8216 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
def test_single(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg)
    assert rot == 136.8216 * u.deg
def test_synodic(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day,
                   30 * u.deg,
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 126.9656 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
def test_synodic(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='howard', frame_time='synodic')
    assert rot == 126.9656 * u.deg
def test_howard(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='howard')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 136.8216 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
def test_sidereal(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='howard', frame_time='sidereal')
    assert rot == 136.8216 * u.deg
def test_fail(seconds_per_day):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='garbage')
def test_howard(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='howard')
    assert rot == 136.8216 * u.deg
def test_array(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, np.linspace(-70, 70, 2) * u.deg)
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, Longitude(np.array([110.2725,  110.2725]) * u.deg), rtol=1e-3)
def test_allen(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='allen')
    assert rot == 136.9 * u.deg
def test_sidereal(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='howard', frame_time='sidereal')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 136.8216 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
def test_snodgrass(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='snodgrass')
    assert rot == 135.4232 * u.deg
def test_allen(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='allen')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 136.9 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_allen(seconds_per_day):
    rot = diff_rot(10 * seconds_per_day, 30 * u.deg, rot_type='allen')
    assert_quantity_allclose(rot, 136.9 * u.deg, rtol=1e-3)