Ejemplo n.º 1
                Exp_ID + '.h5')  # The path of the file of the input video.

            # The entire process of SUNS online
            Masks, Masks_2, time_total, time_frame, list_time_per = suns_online(
                filename_video, filename_CNN, Params_pre, Params_post, \
                dims, frames_init, merge_every, batch_size_init, \
                useSF=useSF, useTF=useTF, useSNR=useSNR, med_subtract=med_subtract, \
                update_baseline=update_baseline, useWT=useWT, \
                show_intermediate=show_intermediate, prealloc=prealloc, display=display, p=p)

            # %% Evaluation of the segmentation accuracy compared to manual ground truth
            filename_GT = dir_GTMasks + Exp_ID + '_sparse.mat'
            data_GT = loadmat(filename_GT)
            GTMasks_2 = data_GT['GTMasks_2'].transpose()
            (Recall, Precision, F1) = GetPerformance_Jaccard_2(GTMasks_2,
            print({'Recall': Recall, 'Precision': Precision, 'F1': F1})
            savemat(os.path.join(dir_output, 'Output_Masks_CV{}_{}.mat'.format(CV, Exp_ID)), \
                {'Masks':Masks, 'list_time_per':list_time_per}, do_compression=True)

            # %% Save recall, precision, F1, total processing time, and average processing time per frame
            list_Recall[CV, eid] = Recall
            list_Precision[CV, eid] = Precision
            list_F1[CV, eid] = F1
            list_time[CV, eid] = time_total
            list_time_frame[CV, eid] = time_frame

        Info_dict = {
            'list_Recall': list_Recall,
            'list_Precision': list_Precision,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def refine_seperate_multi(GTMasks_2,
    '''Refine segmented neurons by requiring them to be active for "cons" consecutive frames.
        The outputs are the recall, precision, and F1 calculated using all values in "list_cons".
        Used to search the optimal "cons".

        GTMasks_2 (sparse.csr_matrix): Ground truth masks.
        masks_final_2 (sparse.csr_matrix of float32): the segmented neuron masks. 
        times_final (list of 1D numpy.array): indices of frames when the neuron is active.
        list_cons (list of int): A list of minimum number of consecutive frames that a neuron should be active for.
        thresh_mask (float between 0 and 1, default to 0.5): Threashold to binarize the real-number mask.
            values higher than "thresh_mask" times the maximum value are set to be True.
        ThreshJ (float, default to 0.5): Threshold Jaccard distance for two neurons to match.
        display (bool, default to False): Indicator of whether to show the optimal "cons"

        Recall_k (1D numpy.array of float): Percentage of matched neurons over all GT neurons. 
        Precision_k (1D numpy.array of float): Percentage of matched neurons over all segmented neurons. 
        F1_k (1D numpy.array of float): Harmonic mean of Recall and Precision. 
    L_cons = len(list_cons)  # number of "cons" to optimize over
    num_masks = len(times_final)  # Number of segmented neurons
    Precision_k = np.zeros(L_cons)
    Recall_k = np.zeros(L_cons)
    F1_k = np.zeros(L_cons)
    for (k1, cons) in enumerate(list_cons):
        if cons > 1:
            have_cons = np.zeros(num_masks, dtype='bool')
            for kk in range(num_masks):
                times_diff1 = times_final[kk][cons -
                                              1:] - times_final[kk][:1 - cons]
                # indicators of whether the neuron was active for "cons" frames
                have_cons[kk] = np.any(times_diff1 == cons - 1)
            if np.any(have_cons):
                masks_select_2 = masks_final_2[have_cons]
                Masks_2 = sparse.vstack(
                    [x >= x.max() * thresh_mask for x in masks_select_2])
                # Evalueate the accuracy of the result using recall, precision, and F1
                (Recall_k[k1], Precision_k[k1],
                 F1_k[k1]) = GetPerformance_Jaccard_2(GTMasks_2, Masks_2,
                (Recall_k[k1], Precision_k[k1], F1_k[k1]) = (0, 0, 0)
            masks_select_2 = masks_final_2
            Masks_2 = sparse.vstack(
                [x >= x.max() * thresh_mask for x in masks_select_2])
            (Recall_k[k1], Precision_k[k1],
             F1_k[k1]) = GetPerformance_Jaccard_2(GTMasks_2, Masks_2, ThreshJ)

    if display:
        ind = F1_k.argmax()
        print('Recall={:0.6f}, Precision={:0.6f}, F1={:0.6f}, cons={}.'.format(
            Recall_k[ind], Precision_k[ind], F1_k[ind], list_cons[ind]))
    return Recall_k, Precision_k, F1_k