Ejemplo n.º 1
 def mutate(self, value):
     return get_new_obj(value)  # get_new_obj uses the module that called
Ejemplo n.º 2
"A collection of readonly immutables"
from copy import deepcopy

from supermutes.register import get_new_obj, register
from supermutes.base import SuperMutable

readonly = lambda obj: get_new_obj(obj)

def reset_mapping():
    register(__name__, dict, ReadOnlyDict)
    register(__name__, list, ReadOnlyList)

class ReadOnlyClassException(Exception):

class ReadOnlyBaseClass(object):
    def method_not_allowed(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise ReadOnlyClassException("Cannot write to object.")

    (__setitem__, __setattr__, __delitem__, __setslice__, __delslice__, append,
     insert, pop, popitem, remove, clear, update, extend, reverse,
     sort) = (method_not_allowed, ) * 15

class ReadOnlyList(ReadOnlyBaseClass, SuperMutable, list):
    A list that allows read only access to its items.
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def mutate(self, value):
     return get_new_obj(value)
Ejemplo n.º 4
from supermutes.register import get_new_obj, register
from supermutes.base import SuperMutable

dotify = lambda obj: get_new_obj(obj)
"Helper function for converting a mutable"

def reset_mapping():
    register(__name__, dict, DotDict)
    register(__name__, list, DotList)

class DotList(SuperMutable, list):
    A list that allows dot notation access to its items.

    For example:

    >> d = DotList(['a', 'b', 'c'])
    >> d._0
    >> d._1
    >> d._2
    >> d._3

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def mutate(self, value):
     return get_new_obj(value)  # get_new_obj uses the module that called
Ejemplo n.º 6
"A collection of readonly immutables"
from copy import deepcopy

from supermutes.register import get_new_obj, register
from supermutes.base import SuperMutable

readonly = lambda obj: get_new_obj(obj)

def reset_mapping():
    register(__name__, dict, ReadOnlyDict)
    register(__name__, list, ReadOnlyList)

class ReadOnlyClassException(Exception):

class ReadOnlyBaseClass(object):

    def method_not_allowed(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise ReadOnlyClassException("Cannot write to object.")

    (__setitem__, __setattr__, __delitem__, __setslice__, __delslice__,
     append, insert, pop, popitem, remove, clear, update, extend,
     reverse, sort) = (method_not_allowed,) * 15

class ReadOnlyList(ReadOnlyBaseClass, SuperMutable, list):
    A list that allows read only access to its items.