Ejemplo n.º 1
def infer_per_pixel_scores_single_image(model,
    Performs inference with PyTorch model and resize predictions to a given size.

        model: PyTorch model inherited from torch.Module class.
        raw_input: PyTorch Tensor
        out_shape: Output size (height, width).
        apply_softmax: Whether to apply softmax function after inference or not.
        Inference resulting numpy array resized to a given size.
    model_input = torch.stack([raw_input], 0)  # add dim #0 (batch size 1)
    model_input = cuda_variable(model_input, volatile=True)

    output = model(model_input)
    if apply_softmax:
        output = torch_functional.softmax(output, dim=1)
    output = output.data.cpu().numpy()[0]  # from batch to 3d

    pred = np.transpose(output, (1, 2, 0))
    return sly_image.resize(pred, out_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def scale(img: np.ndarray, ann: Annotation, frow: float = None, fcol: float = None, f: float = None) \
        -> (np.ndarray, Annotation):
    Resize the input image array and annotation to the given size.

        img: Input image array.
        ann: Input annotation.
        frow: Desired height scale height value
        frow: Desired width scale width value
        f: Desired height and width scale values in one
        A tuple containing resized image array and annotation.
    _validate_image_annotation_shape(img, ann)
    new_size = sly_image.restore_proportional_size(in_size=ann.img_size, frow=frow, fcol=fcol, f=f)
    res_img = sly_image.resize(img, new_size)
    res_ann = ann.resize(new_size)
    return res_img, res_ann
Ejemplo n.º 3
def resize(img: np.ndarray, ann: Annotation, size: tuple) -> (np.ndarray, Annotation):
    Resize the input image array and annotation to the given size.

        img: Input image array.
        ann: Input annotation.
        size: Desired size (height, width) in pixels or -1. If one of values is -1 and "keep": true then for
                specific width height will be automatically computed to keep aspect ratio.
        A tuple containing resized image array and annotation.
    _validate_image_annotation_shape(img, ann)
    height = take_with_default(size[0], -1)  # For backward capability
    width = take_with_default(size[1], -1)
    size = (height, width)

    new_size = sly_image.restore_proportional_size(in_size=ann.img_size, out_size=size)
    res_img = sly_image.resize(img, new_size)
    res_ann = ann.resize(new_size)
    return res_img, res_ann
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _get_sample_impl(self, img_fpath, ann_fpath):
     img = sly_image.read(img_fpath)
     ann = self.load_annotation(ann_fpath)
     gt = self.make_gt(img.shape, ann)
     img = sly_image.resize(img, self._out_size)
     return img, gt