class Module(object): def __init__(self, information, options): self.brush = Brush() self._information = information self.options = options self.args = {} self.init_args() def get_information(self): return self._information def set_value(self, name, value): self.args[name] = value self.options[name][0] = value def get_value(self, option): return self.args[option] def get_options_dict(self): return self.options def get_options_names(self): return self.options.keys() def init_args(self): for key, opts in self.options.items(): self.args[key] = opts[0] def run_module(self): raise Exception( 'ERROR: run_module method must be implemented in the child class') def check_arguments(self): for key, value in self.options.iteritems(): if value[2] is True and str(value[0]) == "None": return False return True def print_ok(self, s): s = "SUCCESS: " + s self.brush.color(s, 'GREEN') def print_ko(self, s): s = "ERROR: " + s self.brush.color(s, 'RED') def print_warning(self, s): s = "WARNING: " + s self.brush.color(s, 'MAGENTA') def print_info(self, s): self.brush.color(s, 'YELLOW') def run_binary(self, binary, args=None): payload = binary if args: payload += " " + " ".join(args) os.system(payload)
def console(): # Configuring the commpleter comp = Completer(['load', 'set', 'show', 'run', 'back', 'quit', 'help']) readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(comp.complete) brush = Brush() print(banners.get_banner()) brush.color(' [+]', 'YELLOW') print ' Starting the console...' brush.color(' [*]', 'GREEN') print ' Console ready!\n\n' session = None while True: if session is None: user_input = raw_input( colored('uac-a-mola> ', 'yellow', attrs=['bold'])).split() else: user_input = raw_input( "uac-a-mola[" + colored(session.header(), 'yellow', attrs=['bold']) + "]> ").split() if user_input == []: continue elif user_input[0] in CLEAR_COMMANDS: os.system('cls') elif user_input[0] == 'back': session = None elif user_input[0] in END_COMMANDS: sys.exit(0) elif user_input[0] == 'load': if (len(user_input) == 1): brush.color('[!] Please, load a module\n', 'RED') continue session = Session(user_input[1]) brush = Brush() # The module is incorrect if not (session.correct_module()): session = None elif user_input[0] == 'show': if session is None: brush.color('[!] Please, load a module\n', 'RED') continue elif user_input[0] == 'set': if session is None: brush.color('[!] Please, load a module\n', 'RED') continue elif len(user_input) != 3: brush.color('[!] Wrong number of arguments for set\n', 'RED') continue else: session.set(user_input[1], user_input[2]) elif user_input[0] == 'run': if session is None: brush.color('[!] Please, load a module\n', 'RED') continue
def __init__(self, password, port): self.password = password self.port = port self.agents_path = self.agents_path() self.brush = Brush()
class CustomListener: DEBUG_KEY = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\" def __init__(self, password, port): self.password = password self.port = port self.agents_path = self.agents_path() self.brush = Brush() def agents_path(self): dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) return str(dirpath) + "\\agents\\" def listen(self, binlist): """ Listen for the execution of a list of binaries """ if binlist is None or binlist == []: print "Empty list of binaries" return # This module must be executed as administrator if not admin.isUserAdmin(): print "ERROR: Please run uacamola as ADMINISTRATOR" return registry = Registry() self.add_debugger(registry, binlist) # Creating a thread that will create the listeners create_listeners = Process(target=self._create_listeners, args=()) create_listeners.start() # Waiting for exiting raw_input("\n--- Press ENTER for quit mitigate mode ---\n\n") self.del_debugger(registry, binlist) return def _create_listeners(self): while True: listener = Process(target=self._listen, args=()) listener.start() listener.join() def _listen(self): """ Listen for information from a client and performs actions related to the windows registry """ registry = Registry() listener = Listener(('localhost', self.port), authkey=self.password) conn = listener.accept() msg = conn.recv() if type(msg) is list and len(msg) == 2: # Deleting debugger key debug_path = self.DEBUG_KEY + msg[0] k = registry.open_key(HKLM, debug_path) registry.del_value(k, "debugger") # Deleting the bad path k = registry.open_key(HKCU, msg[1]) if k: self.brush.color("[!!] POSSIBLE UAC BYPASS IN YOUR SYSTEM\n", 'RED') registry.delete_key(HKCU, msg[1]) ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA( None, "UAC BYPASS DETECTADO Y MITIGADO. EJECUCION SEGURA DEL BINARIO", "PELIGRO!", 0) os.system(msg[0]) # Setting the debugger key before breaking connection k = registry.open_key(HKLM, debug_path) payload = self.build_payload(msg[0][:-3] + "pyw") registry.create_value(k, "debugger", payload) print "[+] Closing the listener" conn.close() listener.close() def add_debugger(self, registry, binlist): """ Adds debugger registry key for each of the processes in the list """ for binary in binlist: path = self.DEBUG_KEY + binary k = registry.open_key(HKLM, path) if not(k): k = registry.create_key(HKLM, path) payload = self.build_payload(binary[:-3] + "pyw") registry.create_value(k, "debugger", payload) def del_debugger(self, registry, binlist): """ Deletes debugger registry key for each of the processes in the list """ for binary in binlist: path = self.DEBUG_KEY + binary k = registry.open_key(HKLM, path) if not(k): return registry.del_value(k, "debugger") def build_payload(self, binary): return "mshta vbscript:Execute(\"CreateObject(\"\"Wscript.Shell\"\").Run \"\"powershell -Command \"\"\"\"& '%s%s'\"\"\"\"\"\", 0 : window.close\")" % (self.agents_path, binary)
def __init__(self, information, options): self.brush = Brush() self._information = information self.options = options self.args = {} self.init_args()
def __init__(self, path): self.brush = Brush() self._module = self.instantiate_module(self.import_path(path)) self._path = path
class Session(object): def __init__(self, path): self.brush = Brush() self._module = self.instantiate_module(self.import_path(path)) self._path = path def header(self): return self._path.split("\\")[-1] def show(self): self.information() self.options() def information(self): info = self._module.get_information() print "" for key, value in info.iteritems(): self.brush.color(" %s\n" % key, 'YELLOW') print ' ' + '-' * len(key) print " |_%s\n" % value def options(self): opts = self._module.get_options_dict() self.brush.color("\n Options (Field = Value)\n", 'YELLOW') print " -----------------------" flag = 0 for key, value in opts.iteritems(): flag += 1 # Parameter is mandataroy if value[2] is True: if str(value[0]) == "None": if flag > 1: print " |" sys.stdout.write(" |_[") self.brush.color("REQUIRED", 'RED') sys.stdout.write("] %s" % key) sys.stdout.write(" = %s (%s)\n" % (value[0], value[1])) else: if flag > 1: print " |" sys.stdout.write(" |_%s" % key) sys.stdout.write(" = ") self.brush.color("%s" % value[0], 'GREEN') sys.stdout.write(" (% s)\n" % (value[1])) # Parameter is optional elif value[2] is False: if str(value[0]) == "None": if flag > 1: print " |" print " |_[OPTIONAL] %s" % key \ + " = %s (%s)" % (value[0], value[1]) else: if flag > 1: print " |" sys.stdout.write(" |_%s" % key) sys.stdout.write(" = ") self.brush.color("%s" % value[0], 'GREEN') sys.stdout.write(" (% s)\n" % (value[1])) print "\n" def run(self): if not (self._module.check_arguments()): self.brush.color('[!] REQUIRED ARGUMENTS NOT SET...exiting\n', 'RED') return self.brush.color('[+] Running module...\n', 'GREEN') try: self._module.run_module() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.brush.color('[!] Exiting the module...\n', 'RED') except Exception as error: self.brush.color('[!] Error running the module:\n', 'RED') self.brush.color(" => " + str(error), 'RED') self.brush.color('\n[+] Module exited\n', 'GREEN') except IndentationError as error: self.brush.color('[!] Error running the module:\n', 'RED') self.brush.color(" => " + str(error), 'RED') self.brush.color('\n[+] Module exited\n', 'GREEN') def set(self, name, value): if name not in self._module.get_options_names(): self.brush.color('[!] Field not found\n', 'RED') return self._module.set_value(name, value) def instantiate_module(self, path): try: print '[+] Loading module...' m = importlib.import_module(path) self.brush.color('[+] Module loaded!\n', 'GREEN') return m.CustomModule() except ImportError as error: self.brush.color('[!] Error importing the module:\n', 'RED') self.brush.color(" => " + str(error), 'RED') print "" return None def correct_module(self): if self._module is None: return False return True def import_path(self, path): path = path.split('\\') path = path[path.index('modules'):] return ".".join(path)[:-3] def get_options(self): return [ 'set ' + key for key, value in self._module.get_options_dict().iteritems() ]
def console(): # Configuring the commpleter comp = Completer(['load', 'set', 'show', 'run', 'back', 'quit', 'help']) readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(comp.complete) brush = Brush() print(banners.get_banner()) brush.color(' [+]', 'YELLOW') print ' Starting the console...' brush.color(' [*]', 'GREEN') print ' Console ready!\n\n' session = None while True: try: if session is None: user_input = raw_input( colored('uac-a-mola> ', 'yellow', attrs=['bold'])).split() else: user_input = raw_input( "uac-a-mola[" + colored(session.header(), 'yellow', attrs=['bold']) + "]> ").split() if user_input == []: continue elif user_input[0] in CLEAR_COMMANDS: os.system('cls') elif user_input[0] == 'back': session = None elif user_input[0] in END_COMMANDS: os._exit(-1) elif user_input[0] == 'load': if (len(user_input) == 1): brush.color('[!] Please, load a module\n', 'RED') continue session = Session(user_input[1]) brush = Brush() # The module is incorrect if not (session.correct_module()): session = None elif user_input[0] == 'show': if session is None: brush.color('[!] Please, load a module\n', 'RED') continue elif user_input[0] == 'set': if session is None: brush.color('[!] Please, load a module\n', 'RED') continue elif len(user_input) < 3: brush.color('[!] Please, assigns a value\n', 'RED') continue elif len(user_input) > 3: data = " ".join(user_input[2:]) else: data = user_input[2] session.set(user_input[1], data) elif user_input[0] == 'run': if session is None: brush.color('[!] Please, load a module\n', 'RED') continue except KeyboardInterrupt: print("[-] Closing") break except Exception as e: print(e)