Ejemplo n.º 1
def do_build(args):
	"""build [ --no-sandbox ] [ --shell | --force | --clean ]"""
	buildenv = BuildEnv()
	sels = buildenv.get_selections()

	parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog build [options]")

	parser.add_option('', "--no-sandbox", help="disable use of sandboxing", action='store_true')
	parser.add_option("-s", "--shell", help="run a shell instead of building", action='store_true')
	parser.add_option("-c", "--clean", help="remove the build directories", action='store_true')
	parser.add_option("-f", "--force", help="build even if dependencies have changed", action='store_true')


	(options, args2) = parser.parse_args(args)

	builddir = os.path.realpath('build')

	changes = buildenv.get_build_changes()
	if changes:
		if not (options.force or options.clean):
			raise SafeException("Build dependencies have changed:\n" +
					'\n'.join(changes) + "\n\n" +
					"To build anyway, use: 0compile build --force\n" +
					"To do a clean build:  0compile build --clean")
		if not options.no_sandbox:
			print("Build dependencies have changed:\n" + '\n'.join(changes))

	ensure_dir(builddir, options.clean)
	ensure_dir(buildenv.distdir, options.clean)

	if options.no_sandbox:
		return do_build_internal(options, args2)

	tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = '0compile-')
		my_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
		readable = ['.', my_dir]
		writable = ['build', buildenv.distdir, tmpdir]
		env('TMPDIR', tmpdir)

		for selection in list(sels.selections.values()):
			if not is_package_impl(selection):

		options = []
		if __main__.options.verbose:

		readable.append('/etc')	# /etc/ld.*

		spawn_and_check_maybe_sandboxed(readable, writable, tmpdir, sys.executable, ['-u', sys.argv[0]] + options + ['build', '--no-sandbox'] + args)
		info("Deleting temporary directory '%s'" % tmpdir)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def do_build(args):
	"""build [ --no-sandbox ] [ --shell | --force | --clean ]"""
	buildenv = BuildEnv()
	sels = buildenv.get_selections()

	parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog build [options]")

	parser.add_option('', "--no-sandbox", help="disable use of sandboxing", action='store_true')
	parser.add_option("-s", "--shell", help="run a shell instead of building", action='store_true')
	parser.add_option("-c", "--clean", help="remove the build directories", action='store_true')
	parser.add_option("-f", "--force", help="build even if dependencies have changed", action='store_true')


	(options, args2) = parser.parse_args(args)

	builddir = os.path.realpath('build')

	changes = buildenv.get_build_changes()
	if changes:
		if not (options.force or options.clean):
			raise SafeException("Build dependencies have changed:\n" +
					'\n'.join(changes) + "\n\n" +
					"To build anyway, use: 0compile build --force\n" +
					"To do a clean build:  0compile build --clean")
		if not options.no_sandbox:
			print "Build dependencies have changed:\n" + '\n'.join(changes)

	ensure_dir(builddir, options.clean)
	ensure_dir(buildenv.distdir, options.clean)

	if options.no_sandbox:
		return do_build_internal(options, args2)

	tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = '0compile-')
		my_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
		readable = ['.', my_dir]
		writable = ['build', buildenv.distdir, tmpdir]
		env('TMPDIR', tmpdir)

		for selection in sels.selections.values():
			if not is_package_impl(selection):

		options = []
		if __main__.options.verbose:

		readable.append('/etc')	# /etc/ld.*

		spawn_and_check_maybe_sandboxed(readable, writable, tmpdir, sys.executable, ['-u', sys.argv[0]] + options + ['build', '--no-sandbox'] + args)
		info("Deleting temporary directory '%s'" % tmpdir)
Ejemplo n.º 3
		def response(box, resp):
			if resp == RESPONSE_SETUP:
				def done_setup():
					self.add_msg('Now use Build to compile the chosen source code.')
				self.run_command((sys.executable, main_path, 'setup'), done_setup)
			elif resp == RESPONSE_BUILD:
				def done_build():
					self.add_msg('\nBuild successful. Now register or publish the build.')
				def build_failed():
					self.add_msg('\nIf the messages displayed above indicate a missing dependency (e.g. no C compiler '
						     "or a library that isn't available through Zero Install) then install it using your "
						     'normal package manager and click on Build again. Note that for libraries you often '
						     'need the -dev version of the package. '
						     '\nOtherwise, please notify the developers of this problem (this will transmit '
						     'the contents of the build/build-failure.log file):')
					end = self.buffer.get_end_iter()
					anchor = self.buffer.create_child_anchor(end)
					align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
					button = ButtonMixed(gtk.STOCK_YES, 'Notify developers')
					align.set_padding(8, 8, 8, 8)
					self.tv.add_child_at_anchor(align, anchor)
					def report_bug(button):
						def done_notify():
							self.add_msg("\nReport sent. Thank you! (note: you won't get a reply, as "
								"no contact details were sent; write to the project's mailing "
								"list if you want to discuss the problem)")
						self.run_command((sys.executable, main_path, 'report-bug'), done_notify)
					button.connect('clicked', report_bug)
				buildenv = BuildEnv()
				changes = buildenv.get_build_changes()
				if changes:
					options = get_build_options(box, '\n'.join(changes) + '\n\nIt would be best to do a clean (full) build.')
					options = []
				if options is not None:
					box.run_command([sys.executable, main_path, 'build'] + options, done_build, build_failed)
			elif resp == RESPONSE_REGISTER:
				buildenv = BuildEnv()

				iface = iface_cache.get_interface(interface)

				# Register using the feed-for, if available
				real_iface = iface
				for uri in iface.feed_for or []:
					real_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
					self.add_msg("Registering as a feed for %s" % real_iface.uri)
					if os.path.isabs(iface.uri):
						self.add_msg("Warning: no <feed-for> in local feed %s!" % iface.uri)

				feed = buildenv.local_iface_file
				for f in real_iface.feeds or []:
					if f.uri == feed:
						self.add_msg("Feed '%s' is already registered for interface '%s'!\n" % (feed, real_iface.uri))
				box.buffer.insert_at_cursor("Registering feed '%s'\n" % feed)
				real_iface.extra_feeds.append(model.Feed(feed, arch = None, user_override = True))
				box.buffer.insert_at_cursor("Done. You can now close this window.\n")
			elif resp == RESPONSE_PUBLISH:
				buildenv = BuildEnv()
				box = PublishBox(self, buildenv)
				resp = box.run()
				if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
					def done_publish():
						self.add_msg("\nYou can use '0publish --local' to add this "
							"into the main feed. If you don't have a main feed then this "
							"will create one. See "
							"http://0install.net/injector-packagers.html for more information.")
					self.run_command((sys.executable, main_path,
						'publish', box.archive_dir.get_text()), done_publish)
			elif resp == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL or resp == gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT:
				if self.kill_child(): return
				self.add_msg('Unknown response: %s' % resp)