Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _highlight_tags(self, tags, curr_line):
        """To highlight search results."""
        vk_colors = settings.get("visual_kinds_colors")
        vk_shape = settings.get("visual_kinds_shape")
        indicator = settings.get("current_line_indicator")

        for i, tag in enumerate(tags):

            if i == curr_line:
                offset = len(indicator.encode(v.encoding()))
                offset = len(indicator)

            if settings.get("visual_kinds", bool):
                offset += len(vk_shape.encode(v.encoding()))
                kind = tag["exts"].get("kind")
                if kind in vk_colors:
                    patt = u"\c\%{}l{}".format(i+1, vk_shape.replace(u"u",u"%u"))
                    v.highlight("SurferVisualKind_" + kind, patt)

            patt = u"\c\%{}l\%{}c.*".format(i+1, offset+len(tag["name"])+1)
            v.highlight("SurferShade", patt)

            for pos in misc.as_byte_indexes(tag["match_positions"], tag["name"]):

                patt = u"\c\%{}l\%{}c.".format(i+1, offset+pos+1)
                v.highlight("SurferMatches", patt)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _setup_buffer(self):
        """To set sane options for the search results buffer."""
        last_search = ""
        if v.eval("@/"):
            last_search = v.eval("@/").decode(v.encoding()).replace(u'"', u'\\"')
            u"let @/=\"{}\"".format(last_search),
            u"set laststatus={}".format(v.opt("ls")),
            u"set guicursor={}".format(v.opt("gcr")),

        commands = [
            "let @/ = ''",
            "call clearmatches()"

        options = [
            "buftype=nofile", "bufhidden=wipe", "nobuflisted", "noundofile",
            "nobackup", "noswapfile", "nowrap", "nonumber", "nolist",
            "textwidth=0", "colorcolumn=0", "laststatus=0", "norelativenumber",
            "nocursorcolumn", "nospell", "foldcolumn=0", "foldcolumn=0",

        if settings.get("cursorline", bool):

        for opt in options:
            v.exe("try|setl {}|catch|endtry".format(opt))

        for cmd in commands:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def as_byte_indexes(indexes, s):
    """To transform character indexes into byte indexes."""
    enc = v.encoding()
    idx = 0
    byte_indexes = []
    for i, c in enumerate(s):
        if i in indexes:
        idx += len(c.encode(enc))
    return byte_indexes
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get(name, type=None):
    """To get the value of a vim variable."""
    rawval = v.eval(prefix + name)
    if type is bool:
        return False if rawval == '0' else True
    elif type is int:
        return int(rawval)
    elif type is float:
        return float(rawval)
    elif isinstance(rawval, basestring):
        return rawval.decode(v.encoding())
        return rawval
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _tag_count(self, tag):
        """To pick the best tag candidate for a given tag name.

        The number retruned is meant to be used in conjunction with the :tag
        vim command (see :h :tag)
        enc = v.encoding()
        candidates = v.call(u'taglist("{}")'.format(tag["name"]))
        if len(candidates) == 1:
            return 1, candidates[0]["filename"].decode(enc)

        #  group tags by file name
        groups = []
        for fname, g in groupby(candidates, key=itemgetter("filename")):
            groups.append((fname, list(g)))

        # sort tags by the `line` field (XXX: or `cmd`?); tags from of the
        # current buffer are put first. This is ensures that the `:[count]tag
        # [name]` command will work as expected (see :h tag-priority)
        ordered_candidates = []
        for fname, tags in groups:
            sorted_tags = sorted(tags, key=itemgetter("line"))
            if fname.decode(enc) == v.bufname():
                ordered_candidates = sorted_tags + ordered_candidates

        files = [c["filename"].decode(enc) for c in ordered_candidates]
        scores = [0]*len(ordered_candidates)
        for i, candidate in enumerate(ordered_candidates):
            if candidate["cmd"].decode(enc) == tag["cmd"]:
                scores[i] += 1
            if candidate["name"].decode(enc) == tag["name"]:
                scores[i] += 1
            if candidate["filename"].decode(enc) == tag["file"]:
                scores[i] += 1
            if candidate["line"].decode(enc) == tag["exts"].get("line"):
                scores[i] += 1
            if candidate["kind"].decode(enc) == tag["exts"].get("kind"):
                scores[i] += 1
            if candidate["language"].decode(enc) == tag["exts"].get("language"):
                scores[i] += 1

        idx = scores.index(max(scores))
        return idx + 1, files[idx]