Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_ogle_parameters(config, log):
    '''Function to download the parameters of lensing events from the OGLE survey. 
    OGLE make these available via anonymous FTP from ftp.astrouw.edu.pl in the form of two files.
    ogle/ogle4/ews/last.changed   contains a yyyymmdd.daydecimal timestamp of the time of last update
    ogle/ogle4/ews/<year>/lenses.par   contains a list of all known lenses with the following columns:
        Event     Field   StarNo  RA(J2000)   Dec(J2000)   Tmax(HJD)   Tmax(UT)      tau     umin  Amax  Dmag   fbl  I_bl    I0
    This function returns the parameters of all the lenses as a dictionary, plus a datetime object of the last changed date.

    log.info('Syncing data from OGLE')
    ogle_data = survey_classes.SurveyData()
    years = [ '2014', '2015', '2016' ]
    # Fetch the parameter files from OGLE via anonymous FTP
    ftp = ftplib.FTP( config['ogle_ftp_server'] )
    ftp_file_path = path.join( 'ogle', 'ogle4', 'ews' )
    ts_file_path = path.join( config['ogle_data_local_location'], 
                             config['ogle_time_stamp_file'] )
    ftp.retrbinary('RETR last.changed', open( ts_file_path, 'w').write )
    ts = Time.now()
    for year in years:    
        ftp_file_path = path.join( str(year) )
        par_file_path = path.join( config['ogle_data_local_location'], \
                                    config['ogle_lenses_file']+'.'+str(year) )
        ftp.retrbinary('RETR lenses.par', open( par_file_path, 'w').write )
    ogle_data = survey_data_utilities.read_ogle_param_files( config )
    log.info('--> Last updated at: ' + \
    log.info('--> Downloaded index of ' + str(len(ogle_data.lenses)) + \
                        ' events')

    update_file_path = path.join( config['ogle_data_local_location'], \
                                        config['ogle_updated_file']  )
    ogle_data.last_updated = \
        survey_data_utilities.write_update_file( update_file_path )
    log.info('-> Completed sync of data from OGLE')
    return ogle_data