def draw_heart_curve():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\heartPath.svg'
    H, W = 100, 100
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W, H)

    offsetX = W // 2
    offsetY = H // 2

    svg.draw(add_style_path(stroke='red', stroke_width=0.5, fill='red'))

    N = 100
    r = 30
    path = 'M %.1f %.1f L ' % (0 + offsetX, heartFuc(0, r) + offsetY
                               )  # start point
    x = np.linspace(-r, r, N)
    y = heartFuc(x,
                 r=r)  # Up part points of heart curve, set sqrt value positive
    xr = np.flip(x)  # Down part points of heart curve, set sqrt value negative
    yr = heartFuc(xr, r=r, up=False)

    x = np.concatenate((x, xr), axis=0)
    y = np.concatenate(
        (y, yr), axis=0
    ) * -1  # *-1  svg coordinate system different from standard cod system
    # print('x=', x)
    # print('y=', y)
    x = x + offsetX
    y = y + offsetY

    for i, j in zip(x, y):
        path = path + ' ' + str(clip_float(i)) + ' ' + str(clip_float(j))

Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\test.svg'
    H, W = 100, 100
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W, H, border=True)
    # drawArtSvg()
    # draw_first(svg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def image_svg_path2(file, dst_file):
    """convert raster image to svg by using path element
    image = get_binary_image(file)
    W = image.shape[1]
    H = image.shape[0]
    svg = SVGFileV2(dst_file, W=W, H=H, border=True)

    paths = get_potrace_path(image)
    N = 4
    zoom = 1 / N

    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            to_point = (i * W / N, j * H / N)
            path = path_potrace_jagged_trans(paths,
            fill_color = random_color()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Socrates():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\Socrates.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=660, H=800, border=True)

    dataDict = {}
    dataDict['name'] = 'Socrates'
    dataDict['name_cn'] = '苏格拉底'
    dataDict['wiki'] = ''
    dataDict['date_birth'] = '470 BC'
    dataDict['date_death'] = '399 BC'
    dataDict['photo'] = os.path.abspath(r'.\res\download\Socrates.jpg')
    dataDict['profile'] = 'Ancient Greek philosopher'
    dataDict['quotes'] = []

    dataDict['quotes'].append('An unexamined life is not worth living.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('To find yourself, think for yourself.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('An honest man is always a child.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('He who is not contented with what he has, would not \rbe contented with what he would like to have.'.splitlines())

    ProfileStyleSimple(svg, dataDict)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def Nietzsche():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\Nietzsche.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=660, H=800, border=True)

    dataDict = {}
    dataDict['name'] = 'Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche'
    dataDict['name_cn'] = '弗里德里希·威廉·尼采'
    dataDict['wiki'] = ''
    dataDict['date_birth'] = '15 October 1844'
    dataDict['date_death'] = '25 August 1900'
    dataDict['photo'] = os.path.abspath(r'.\res\download\nicai.jpg')
    dataDict['profile'] = 'German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, writer.'
    dataDict['quotes'] = []

    dataDict['quotes'].append('Without music, life would be a mistake.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('That which does not kill us makes us stronger.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some \rmeaning in the suffering.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('We should consider every day lost on which we have not \rdanced at least once.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('A person who knows why he lives, can endure any kind of life.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('An unfortunate marriage is not a lack of love, but \ra lack of friendship.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('God is dead.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('My time has not come, and some people are born after death.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('You might as well take a bold risk in life because \ryou have to lose it.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('The man of knowledge must be able not only to \rlove his enemies but also to hate his friends.'.splitlines())

    ProfileStyleSimple(svg, dataDict)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
    # drawText()
    # getSystemFonts()

    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\text.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=200, H=200, border=True)
    # draw_poet(svg)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, imageFile, dstSvgfile, step=1):
     self.image = loadImg(imageFile,
                          cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)  # cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE
     self.height = self.image.shape[0]
     self.width = self.image.shape[1]
     self.step = step
     self.svgH = int((self.height // step) * step)
     self.svgW = int((self.width // step) * step)
     self.svg = SVGFileV2(dstSvgfile, W=self.svgW, H=self.svgH)
     print('step=', step, 'image H,W=', self.height, self.width, 'SVG H,W=',
           self.svgH, self.svgW)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def drawArtSvg():
    styles = DrawArt().styles

    recurse = [4, 5]
    for N in recurse:
        for style in styles:
            fileName = 'art_' + style + '_' + str(N) + '.svg'
            file = os.path.join(gImageOutputPath, fileName)
            H, W = 200, 200
            svg = SVGFileV2(file, W, H)
            draw = DrawArt(svg)
            draw.plotArt(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([W, H]), N=N, style=style)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def image_svg_path3(file, dst_file):
    """potrace to multi <path/> elements
    image = get_binary_image(file)
    svg = SVGFileV2(dst_file, W=image.shape[1], H=image.shape[0], border=True)

    paths = get_potrace_path(image)
    for i, path in enumerate(my_path_potrace(paths)):
        print(f'[{i}]', 'path=', path)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def drawPointLine():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\pointsLine.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=200, H=200, border=True)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic2(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic3(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic4(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic5(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic6(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic7(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic8(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic9(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic10(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic11(svg)
    # drawPointsLineGraphic12(svg)
def main():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\animation.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=200, H=200, border=True)

    # animCircleInflation(svg)
    # animCircleInflation2(svg)
    # animCircleInflation3(svg)
    # animCircleInflation4(svg)
    # animCircleInflation5(svg)
    # anim_Windmill(svg)
    # drawAny(svg)
    # anim6(svg)
    # anim7(svg)
    # anim8(svg)
    # anim9(svg)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def testSmile2():
    d = gImageOutputPath + r'\smileC2.svg'
    N = 6
    inter = 5
    offsetX = 0
    offsetY = 0
    r0 = 10

    totalW = N * (N - 1) * r0 + N * inter + offsetX
    totalH = (N - 1) * 2 * r0 + offsetY

    svg = SVGFileV2(d, W=totalW, H=totalH)
    # svg = SVGSmile(dstSvgfile=d, svgW=totalW, svgH=totalH)
    for i in range(1, N):
        r = i * r0
        drawSmileSVG(svg, ridus=r, offsetX=offsetX, offsetY=offsetY)
        offsetX += (2 * r + inter)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def image_svg_path(file, dst_file):
    """convert raster image to svg by using path element
    image = get_binary_image(file)
    svg = SVGFileV2(dst_file, W=image.shape[1], H=image.shape[0], border=True)

    paths = get_potrace_path(image)
    # path = path_potrace(paths)
    path = path_potrace_jagged(paths)
    print('len(path)=', len(path))
    fill_color = random_color_hsv()  # 'black'
Ejemplo n.º 14
def drawLineGraphic():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\lineGraphic.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=200, H=200, border=True)
    # drawLineGrapic(svg)
    # drawLineGrapic2(svg)
    # drawLsoscelesTrianglePoints(svg)
    # drawRandomTrianglePoints(svg)
    # drawRandomTriangles(svg)
    # drawAbstractLine(svg)
    # drawArrowCircleLine(svg)
    # drawLineGrapic3(svg)
    # drawLineGrapic4(svg)
    # drawLineGrapic5(svg)
    # drawLineGrapic6(svg)
    # drawLineGrapic7(svg)
    # drawLineGrapic8(svg)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def drawText():
    def GeFile():
        file = r'.\res\hi.txt'
        with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            return f.readlines()

    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\Hi.svg'
    H, W = 200, 1200
    # str='Hello'

    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W, H, border=False)

    styleDict = {}
    styleDict['fill'] = 'black'
    styleDict['font-family'] = 'Consolas'
    styleDict['font-size'] = '10px'
    styleDict['font-style'] = 'normal'
    styleDict['font-variant'] = 'normal'
    # styleDict['xml:space'] = 'preserve' #deprecated
    styleDict['white-space'] = 'pre'

    styleList = get_styles(styleDict)
    svg.draw(add_style('text', styleList))

    if 0:
        y0 = 15
        for i in range(10):
            svg.draw(draw_text(0, y0, '.    Hello     World!        1'))
            y0 += 12
        strs = GeFile()
        y0 = 15
        h = 12
        for i in strs:
            # i = i.replace('#', '@')
            i = ' '.join(i)  # '.'.join(i)
            # svg.draw(draw_text(0,y0,i, blank_space='preserve'))
            # text = svg.draw(draw_text_only(0,y0,i))

            # attr = "{{{}}}".format(svg.namespace) + 'space' #
            # svg.set_node(text, attr,"preserve") #error without namespace
            y0 += h

Ejemplo n.º 16
def imgSvgElement():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\image.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=200, H=200, border=False)
    W, H = svg.get_size()

    styleDict = {}
    styleDict['x'] = '0'
    styleDict['y'] = '0'  # 'green'
    styleDict['width'] = 100
    styleDict['height'] = 100
    # styleDict['href'] = '[email protected]'
    styleDict['href'] = r'../images/download.png'
    # styleDict['preserveAspectRatio'] = 'none'
    # styleDict['crossorigin'] = ''
    svg.draw(draw_any('image ', **styleDict))
    styleDict['x'] = '20'
    styleDict['y'] = '20'  # 'green'
    svg.draw(draw_any('image ', **styleDict))
def drawRandomPath():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\randomShapePath.svg'
    H, W = 500, 1000
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W, H)

    singleColor = False
    if singleColor:
        onlyPath = True
        color = '#33FFC9'
            add_style_path(stroke=color, stroke_width=1, fill='transparent'))
        onlyPath = False

    times = 200
    r = 1

    offsetX = 50  # W//2 #
    offsetY = H // 2
    for _ in range(times):
        r = r + random.random() * 2
        # r = r + random.normalvariate(mu=0,sigma=1)*8

        offsetX = offsetX + random.random() * 5  # 8
        # offsetX = offsetX + random.normalvariate(mu=0,sigma=1)*1

        # offsetY = offsetY + random.random()*1
        # offsetX = 50 + random.random()*10
        # offsetY = 50 + random.random()*2

        ptX, ptY = getCirclePtsSVG(svg,
        drawOnePathcSVG(svg, ptX, ptY, onlyPath=onlyPath)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def testSmile3():
    d = gImageOutputPath + r'\smileC3.svg'
    H, W = 6, 6
    inter = 5
    offsetX = 0
    offsetY = 0
    r0 = 20

    totalW = W * 2 * r0 + W * inter + offsetX
    totalH = H * 2 * r0 + H * inter + offsetY

    svg = SVGFileV2(d, W=totalW, H=totalH)
    for i in range(H):
        for j in range(W):
            r = r0
            offsetX = j * (2 * r + inter)
            offsetY = i * (2 * r + inter)

            # drawSmileSVG(svg,radius = r,offsetX=offsetX,offsetY=offsetY,color=random_color())
Ejemplo n.º 19
def KarlPopper():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\KarlPopper.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=660, H=800, border=True)

    dataDict = {}
    dataDict['name'] = 'Karl Raimund Popper'
    dataDict['name_cn'] = '卡尔·雷蒙德·波普尔'
    dataDict['wiki'] = ''
    dataDict['date_birth'] = '28 July 1902'
    dataDict['date_death'] = '17 September 1994'
    dataDict['photo'] = os.path.abspath(r'.\res\download\Karl_Popper.jpg')
    dataDict['profile'] = ' Austrian-British philosopher, \rand social commentator'
    dataDict['quotes'] = []

    dataDict['quotes'].append('Science must begin with myths, and with the criticism of myths.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must \rnecessarily be infinite.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, \rbut the refusal to acquire it.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('Those who promise us paradise on earth never \rproduced anything but a hell.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('A theory that explains everything, explains nothing.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('All life is problem solving.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('While differing widely in the various little bits we know, \rin our infinite ignorance we are all equal.'.splitlines())
    dataDict['quotes'].append('Science may be described as the art of systematic \roversimplification.'.splitlines())
    ProfileStyleSimple(svg, dataDict)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def main():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\dataFrame.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=200, H=120, border=True)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def testSmile():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\smileC.svg'
    s = SVGFileV2(file, W=300, H=300)
    drawSmileSVG(s, radius=100, offsetX=20, offsetY=45)
    svg.draw_node(g, draw_any('path', **anyDict))
    anyDict['d'] = 'M 70 50 C 70 80, 110 80, 110 50'
    svg.draw_node(g, draw_any('path', **anyDict))
    anyDict['d'] = 'M 130 50 C 120 80, 180 80, 170 50'
    svg.draw_node(g, draw_any('path', **anyDict))

    # anyDict['d'] = 'M 10 10 10 60 60 30'
    # svg.draw_node(g, draw_any('path', **anyDict))

    anyDict['d'] = 'M 10 315    \
           L 110 215    \
           A 30 50 0 0 1 162.55 162.45  \
           L 172.55 152.45  \
           A 30 50 -45 0 1 215.1 109.9  \
           L 315 10'

    anyDict['fill'] = 'green'
    anyDict['stroke-width'] = '2'
    svg.draw_node(g, draw_any('path', **anyDict))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # drawRandomPath()
    # draw_heart_curve()

    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\randomShapePath.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=200, H=200, border=True)
    # drawRandomRectanglePath(svg)
    # drawAllTypePath(svg)
        # print(ptY)

        for x, y in zip(ptX, ptY):
            path = path + ' ' + str(clip_float(x)) + ' ' + str(clip_float(y))

        svg.draw(draw_path(path, stroke_width=0.2, color=random_color()))

def drawRandomWalkPath(svg):
    W, H = svg.get_size()
    times = 1000
    cx, cy = W // 2, H // 2

    x = cx
    y = cy
    path = 'M %.1f %.1f L ' % (x, y)
    for _ in range(times):
        x, y = random_walk(x, y, 1, step=2)
        path = path + ' ' + str(clip_float(x)) + ' ' + str(clip_float(y))

    svg.draw(draw_path(path, stroke_width=0.2))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\randomWalkPath.svg'
    H, W = 100, 100
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W, H)

    # drawRandomNumbersPath(svg)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def main():
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\func.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, 100, 100, border=True)
    # drawFuncSVG(svg, offsetX=10, offsetY=10)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def main():
    file = os.path.join(gImageOutputPath, 'svgPath.svg')
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=200, H=200, border=True)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def main():
    data = readSound(N=-1)
    file = gImageOutputPath + r'\soundGraphic.svg'
    svg = SVGFileV2(file, W=500, H=200, border=True)
    drawSoundGrapic(svg, data)