Ejemplo n.º 1
def place_path_shape(cfg, shape, layer, layer_name, mirror=False):
    Places a dict path shape definition in the specified layer

    sig_dig = cfg['pcbmode']['significant_digits']

    path = shape.get('value')
    rotation = shape.get('rotate') or 0
    location = shape.get('location')
    scale = shape.get('scale') or 1
    style = shape.get('style')
    stroke_width = shape.get('stroke_width')
    gerber_lp = (shape.get('gerber_lp') or 

    translate = 'translate(' + str(round(location[0], sig_dig)) + ' ' + str(round(-location[1], sig_dig)) + ')'
    transform = translate

    # convert path to relative commands
    path = svg.absolute_to_relative_path(path)

    # get a path having an origin at the center of the shape
    # defined by the path
    d_width, d_height, path = svg.transform_path(path, True, scale, rotation, Point())

    if mirror is True:
        path = svg.mirror_path_over_axis(path, 'x', 0)

    subelement = et.SubElement(layer, 
    if gerber_lp is not None:
        subelement.set('{'+config.cfg['ns']['pcbmode']+'}gerber-lp', gerber_lp)

    # add the right style
    if style is not None:
        if style == 'outline':
            style = cfg['layout_style'][layer_name].get('outline')
            # if there's a stroke-width definition, then override the default
            if stroke_width is not None:
                style['stroke-width'] = str(stroke_width)
            style = utils.dict_to_style(style)
        elif style == 'fill':
            style = utils.dict_to_style(cfg['layout_style'][layer_name].get('fill'))
            print "ERROR: unrecognised style"
        # default to outline
        style = utils.dict_to_style(cfg['layout_style'][layer_name].get('outline'))
    if style is not None:
        subelement.set('style', style)

Ejemplo n.º 2
def gerbers_to_svg(manufacturer='default'):
    Takes Gerber files as input and generates an SVG of them
    def normalise_gerber_number(gerber_number, axis, form):
        Takes a Gerber number and converts it into a float using
        the formatting defined in the Gerber header

        # TODO: actually support anything other than leading zeros
        number = gerber_number / pow(10.0, form[axis]['decimal'])

        return number

    def parsed_grammar_to_dict(parsed_grammar):
        Converts the Gerber parsing results to an SVG.

        gerber_dict = {}
        current_aperture = None
        new_shape = True

        for line in parsed_grammar:
            if line.dump():
                if (line.format):
                    if gerber_dict.get('format') is None:
                        gerber_dict['format'] = {}
                    tmp = gerber_dict['format']

                    tmp['notation'] = line['format']['notation']
                    tmp['zeros'] = line['format']['zeros']
                    tmp['x'] = {}
                    tmp['x']['integer'] = line['format']['x']['integer']
                    tmp['x']['decimal'] = line['format']['x']['decimal']
                    tmp['y'] = {}
                    tmp['y']['integer'] = line['format']['x']['integer']
                    tmp['y']['decimal'] = line['format']['x']['decimal']

                elif (line.units):
                    gerber_dict['units'] = line['units']['units']

                elif (line.aperture_definition):
                    tmp = {}
                    if line['aperture_definition']['type'] == 'circle':
                        tmp['type'] = 'circle'
                        tmp['diameter'] = line['aperture_definition'][
                        tmp['number'] = line['aperture_definition']['number']
                    elif line['aperture_definition']['type'] == 'rect':
                        tmp['type'] = 'rect'
                        tmp['width'] = line['aperture_definition']['width']
                        tmp['height'] = line['aperture_definition']['height']
                        tmp['number'] = line['aperture_definition']['number']
                        print "ERROR: cannot recognise aperture definition type"

                    if gerber_dict.get('aperture-definitions') is None:
                        gerber_dict['aperture-definitions'] = []


                elif line.polarity_change:

                    if gerber_dict.get('features') is None:
                        gerber_dict['features'] = []

                    polarity = line['polarity_change']['polarity']
                    polarity_dict = {}
                    polarity_dict['polarity'] = polarity
                    polarity_dict['shapes'] = []

                elif line.aperture_change:
                    tmp = {}
                    tmp['type'] = 'aperture-change'
                    tmp['number'] = line.aperture_change['number']
                    #if len(gerber_dict['features'][-1]['shapes'] == 0):
                    #    gerber_dict['features'][-1]['shapes'].append(tmp)

                    tmp = {}
                    tmp['type'] = 'stroke'
                    tmp['segments'] = []

                elif line.start_closed_shape:
                    tmp = {}
                    tmp['type'] = 'fill'
                    tmp['segments'] = []

                elif line.move or line.draw or line.flash:

                    # TODO: hack alert! (Got to get shit done, you know? Don't judge me!)
                    if line.move:
                        command_name = 'move'
                        item = line.move
                    if line.draw:
                        command_name = 'draw'
                        item = line.draw
                    if line.flash:
                        command_name = 'flash'
                        item = line.flash

                    point = Point(
                        normalise_gerber_number(item['x'], 'x',
                        normalise_gerber_number(item['y'], 'y',
                    tmp = {}
                    tmp['type'] = command_name
                    tmp['coord'] = point

                elif line.end_closed_shape:
                    new_shape = True

        return gerber_dict

    def create_gerber_svg_data(gerber_data):
        Returns an SVG element of the input Gerber data
        gerber_data_parsed = gerber_grammar.parseString(gerber_data)
        gerber_data_dict = parsed_grammar_to_dict(gerber_data_parsed)
        gerber_data_svg = svg.generate_svg_from_gerber_dict(gerber_data_dict)

        return gerber_data_svg

    # get the board's shape / outline
    board_shape_gerber_lp = None
    shape = config.brd['board_outline']['shape']
    board_shape_type = shape.get('type')

    if board_shape_type in ['rect', 'rectangle']:
        offset = utils.to_Point(shape.get('offset') or [0, 0])
        board_shape_path = svg.rect_to_path(shape)

    elif board_shape_type == 'path':
        board_shape_path = shape.get('value')
        board_shape_gerber_lp = shape.get('gerber_lp')
        if board_shape_path is None:
            print "ERROR: couldn't find a path under key 'value' for board outline"

        print "ERROR: unrecognised board shape type: %s. Possible options are 'rect' or 'path'" % board_shape_type

    # convert path to relative
    board_shape_path_relative = svg.absolute_to_relative_path(board_shape_path)

    # this will return a path having an origin at the center of the shape
    # defined by the path
    board_width, board_height, board_outline = svg.transform_path(
        board_shape_path_relative, True)

    display_width = board_width
    display_height = board_height

    #transform = 'translate(' + str(round((board_width)/2, SD)) + ' ' + str(round((board_height)/2, SD)) + ')'
    sig_dig = config.cfg['significant-digits']
    #transform = 'translate(%s %s)' % (round(board_width/2, sig_dig),
    #                                  round(board_height/2, sig_dig))

    # extra buffer for display frame
    display_frame_buffer = config.cfg.get('display-frame-buffer') or 1.0

    gerber = et.Element(
        width=str(display_width) + config.brd['config']['units'],
        height=str(display_height) + config.brd['config']['units'],
        viewBox=str(-display_frame_buffer / 2) + ' ' +
        str(-display_frame_buffer / 2) + ' ' +
        str(board_width + display_frame_buffer) + ' ' +
        str(board_height + display_frame_buffer),

    doc = et.ElementTree(gerber)

    gerber_layers = svg.create_layers_for_gerber_svg(gerber)

    # directory for where to expect the Gerbers within the build path
    # regardless of the source of the Gerbers, the PCBmodE directory
    # structure is assumed
    production_path = os.path.join(config.cfg['base-dir'],

    # get board information from configuration file
    pcbmode_version = config.cfg['version']
    board_name = config.cfg['name']
    board_revision = config.brd['config'].get('rev')

    base_name = "%s_rev_%s" % (board_name, board_revision)

    gerber_grammar = gerber_grammar_generator()

    for foil in ['outline']:  #, 'documentation']:
        gerber_file = os.path.join(production_path,
                                   base_name + '_%s.ger' % (foil))
        gerber_data = open(gerber_file, 'r').read()
        gerber_svg = create_gerber_svg_data(gerber_data)
        gerber_svg_layer = gerber_layers[foil]['layer']
        print foil

    for pcb_layer in utils.getSurfaceLayers():
        for foil in ['copper', 'silkscreen', 'soldermask']:
            gerber_file = os.path.join(
                production_path, base_name + '_%s_%s.ger' % (pcb_layer, foil))
            gerber_data = open(gerber_file, 'r').read()
            gerber_svg = create_gerber_svg_data(gerber_data)
            gerber_svg_layer = gerber_layers[pcb_layer][foil]['layer']
            print foil

    output_file = os.path.join(config.cfg['base-dir'],
                               cfg['board_name'] + '_gerber.svg')

        f = open(output_file, 'wb')
    except IOError as e:
        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)

    f.write(et.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True))

Ejemplo n.º 3
def gerbers_to_svg(manufacturer='default'):
    Takes Gerber files as input and generates an SVG of them

    def normalise_gerber_number(gerber_number, axis, form):
        Takes a Gerber number and converts it into a float using
        the formatting defined in the Gerber header

        # TODO: actually support anything other than leading zeros
        number = gerber_number / pow(10.0, form[axis]['decimal'])
        return number

    def parsed_grammar_to_dict(parsed_grammar):
        Converts the Gerber parsing results to an SVG.
        gerber_dict = {}
        current_aperture = None
        new_shape = True

        for line in parsed_grammar:
            if line.dump(): 
                if (line.format):
                    if gerber_dict.get('format') is None:
                        gerber_dict['format'] = {}
                    tmp = gerber_dict['format']
                    tmp['notation'] = line['format']['notation'] 
                    tmp['zeros'] = line['format']['zeros']
                    tmp['x'] = {}
                    tmp['x']['integer'] = line['format']['x']['integer']
                    tmp['x']['decimal'] = line['format']['x']['decimal']
                    tmp['y'] = {}
                    tmp['y']['integer'] = line['format']['x']['integer']
                    tmp['y']['decimal'] = line['format']['x']['decimal']
                elif (line.units):
                    gerber_dict['units'] = line['units']['units']

                elif (line.aperture_definition):
                    tmp = {}
                    if line['aperture_definition']['type'] == 'circle':
                        tmp['type'] = 'circle'
                        tmp['diameter'] = line['aperture_definition']['diameter']
                        tmp['number'] = line['aperture_definition']['number']
                    elif line['aperture_definition']['type'] == 'rect':
                        tmp['type'] = 'rect'
                        tmp['width'] = line['aperture_definition']['width']
                        tmp['height'] = line['aperture_definition']['height']
                        tmp['number'] = line['aperture_definition']['number']
                        print "ERROR: cannot recognise aperture definition type"
                    if gerber_dict.get('aperture-definitions') is None:
                        gerber_dict['aperture-definitions'] = []

                elif line.polarity_change:

                    if gerber_dict.get('features') is None:
                        gerber_dict['features'] = []
                    polarity = line['polarity_change']['polarity']
                    polarity_dict = {}
                    polarity_dict['polarity'] = polarity
                    polarity_dict['shapes'] = []

                elif line.aperture_change:
                    tmp = {}
                    tmp['type'] = 'aperture-change'
                    tmp['number'] = line.aperture_change['number']
                    #if len(gerber_dict['features'][-1]['shapes'] == 0):
                    #    gerber_dict['features'][-1]['shapes'].append(tmp)

                    tmp = {}
                    tmp['type'] = 'stroke'
                    tmp['segments'] = []

                elif line.start_closed_shape:
                    tmp = {}
                    tmp['type'] = 'fill'
                    tmp['segments'] = []
                elif line.move or line.draw or line.flash:

                    # TODO: hack alert! (Got to get shit done, you know? Don't judge me!)
                    if line.move:
                        command_name = 'move'
                        item = line.move
                    if line.draw:
                        command_name = 'draw'
                        item = line.draw
                    if line.flash:
                        command_name = 'flash'
                        item = line.flash
                    point = Point(normalise_gerber_number(item['x'], 'x', gerber_dict['format']), normalise_gerber_number(item['y'], 'y', gerber_dict['format']))
                    tmp = {}
                    tmp['type'] = command_name
                    tmp['coord'] = point

                elif line.end_closed_shape:
                    new_shape = True

        return gerber_dict

    def create_gerber_svg_data(gerber_data):
        Returns an SVG element of the input Gerber data
        gerber_data_parsed = gerber_grammar.parseString(gerber_data)
        gerber_data_dict = parsed_grammar_to_dict(gerber_data_parsed)
        gerber_data_svg = svg.generate_svg_from_gerber_dict(gerber_data_dict)

        return gerber_data_svg

    # get the board's shape / outline
    board_shape_gerber_lp = None
    shape = config.brd['board_outline']['shape']
    board_shape_type = shape.get('type')

    if board_shape_type in ['rect', 'rectangle']:
        offset = utils.to_Point(shape.get('offset') or [0, 0])
        board_shape_path = svg.rect_to_path(shape)

    elif board_shape_type == 'path':
        board_shape_path = shape.get('value')
        board_shape_gerber_lp = shape.get('gerber_lp')
        if board_shape_path is None:
            print "ERROR: couldn't find a path under key 'value' for board outline"

        print "ERROR: unrecognised board shape type: %s. Possible options are 'rect' or 'path'" % board_shape_type

    # convert path to relative
    board_shape_path_relative = svg.absolute_to_relative_path(board_shape_path)

    # this will return a path having an origin at the center of the shape
    # defined by the path
    board_width, board_height, board_outline = svg.transform_path(board_shape_path_relative, True)

    display_width = board_width
    display_height = board_height

    #transform = 'translate(' + str(round((board_width)/2, SD)) + ' ' + str(round((board_height)/2, SD)) + ')'
    sig_dig = config.cfg['significant-digits']
    #transform = 'translate(%s %s)' % (round(board_width/2, sig_dig),
    #                                  round(board_height/2, sig_dig))

    # extra buffer for display frame
    display_frame_buffer = config.cfg.get('display-frame-buffer') or 1.0

    gerber = et.Element('svg',
        width=str(display_width) + config.brd['config']['units'],
        height=str(display_height) + config.brd['config']['units'],
        viewBox=str(-display_frame_buffer/2) + ' ' + str(-display_frame_buffer/2) + ' ' + str(board_width+display_frame_buffer) + ' ' + str(board_height + display_frame_buffer),

    doc = et.ElementTree(gerber)

    gerber_layers = svg.create_layers_for_gerber_svg(gerber)

    # directory for where to expect the Gerbers within the build path
    # regardless of the source of the Gerbers, the PCBmodE directory
    # structure is assumed
    production_path = os.path.join(config.cfg['base-dir'],

    # get board information from configuration file
    pcbmode_version = config.cfg['version']
    board_name = config.cfg['name']
    board_revision = config.brd['config'].get('rev')

    base_name = "%s_rev_%s" % (board_name, board_revision)

    gerber_grammar = gerber_grammar_generator()

    for foil in ['outline']:#, 'documentation']:
        gerber_file = os.path.join(production_path, base_name + '_%s.ger'% (foil))
        gerber_data = open(gerber_file, 'r').read()
        gerber_svg = create_gerber_svg_data(gerber_data)
        gerber_svg_layer = gerber_layers[foil]['layer']
        print foil

    #for pcb_layer in utils.getSurfaceLayers():
    for pcb_layer in config.stk['layer-names']:
        for foil in ['conductor', 'silkscreen', 'soldermask']:
            gerber_file = os.path.join(production_path, 
                                       base_name + '_%s_%s.ger'% (pcb_layer, foil))
            gerber_data = open(gerber_file, 'r').read()
            gerber_svg = create_gerber_svg_data(gerber_data)
            gerber_svg_layer = gerber_layers[pcb_layer][foil]['layer']
            print foil

    output_file = os.path.join(config.cfg['base-dir'], config.cfg['locations']['build'], cfg['board_name'] + '_gerber.svg')

        f = open(output_file, 'wb')
    except IOError as e:
        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)

    f.write(et.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True))
