def migrate_path(self, path):
        sys.stdout.write("Searching for merge tracking information...\n")

        # Get svnmerge-integrated property for PATH, as Subversion mergeinfo.
        integrated_mergeinfo = svnmerge_prop_to_mergeinfo(
  , 'svnmerge-integrated'))
        if integrated_mergeinfo and self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write("Found svnmerge-integrated:\n")
            pretty_print_mergeinfo(integrated_mergeinfo, 3)

        # Get svnmerge-blocked property for PATH, as Subversion mergeinfo.
        blocked_mergeinfo = svnmerge_prop_to_mergeinfo(
  , 'svnmerge-blocked'))
        if blocked_mergeinfo and self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write("Found svnmerge-blocked:\n")
            pretty_print_mergeinfo(blocked_mergeinfo, 3)

        # No svnmerge tracking data?  Nothing to do.
        if not (integrated_mergeinfo or blocked_mergeinfo):
            errput("No tracking data found for '%s'." % (path),

        # Fetch Subversion mergeinfo for PATH.  Hopefully there is
        # none, but if there is, we'll assume folks want to keep it.
        orig_mergeinfo =
        if orig_mergeinfo and self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write("Found Subversion mergeinfo:\n")
            pretty_print_mergeinfo(orig_mergeinfo, 3)

        # Merge all our mergeinfos together.
        new_mergeinfo = mergeinfo_merge(orig_mergeinfo, integrated_mergeinfo)
        new_mergeinfo = mergeinfo_merge(new_mergeinfo, blocked_mergeinfo)

        # Unless we're doing a naive migration (or we've no, or only
        # empty, mergeinfo anyway), start trying to cleanup after
        #'s history-ignorant initialization.
        if not self.naive and new_mergeinfo:

            sys.stdout.write("Sanitizing mergeinfo (this can take a "

            # What we need:
            #    - the relative path in the repository for PATH
            #    - repository root URL and an RA session rooted thereat
            #    - the base revision of PATH
            path_url, root_url =
            if root_url:
                ras =
                ras =
                root_url = ra.get_repos_root(ras)
                ra.reparent(ras, root_url)
            assert path_url.startswith(root_url)
            rel_path = relative_path_from_urls(root_url, path_url)
            path_rev =

            # We begin by subtracting the natural history of the merge
            # target from its own mergeinfo.
            implicit_mergeinfo = \
      , rel_path, path_rev)
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("   subtracting natural history:\n")
                pretty_print_mergeinfo(implicit_mergeinfo, 6)
            new_mergeinfo = core.svn_mergeinfo_remove(implicit_mergeinfo,
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("   remaining mergeinfo to be filtered:\n")
                pretty_print_mergeinfo(new_mergeinfo, 6)

            # Unfortunately, tends to initialize using
            # oft-bogus revision ranges like 1-SOMETHING when the
            # merge source didn't even exist in r1.  So if the natural
            # history of a branch begins in some revision other than
            # r1, there's still going to be cruft revisions left in
            # NEW_MERGEINFO after subtracting the natural history.
            # So, we also examine the natural history of the merge
            # sources, and use that as a filter for the explicit
            # mergeinfo we've calculated so far.
            mergeinfo_so_far = new_mergeinfo
            new_mergeinfo = {}
            for source_path, ranges in mergeinfo_so_far.items():

                # If by some chance it is the case that /path:RANGE1
                # and /path:RANGE2 a) represent different lines of
                # history, and b) were combined into
                # /path:RANGE1+RANGE2 (due to the ranges being
                # contiguous), we'll foul this up.  But the chances
                # are preeeeeeeetty slim.
                for range in ranges:
                        history =
                            ras, source_path[1:], range.end, range.start + 1)
                        if self.verbose:
                            sys.stdout.write("   new sanitized chunk:\n")
                            pretty_print_mergeinfo(history, 6)
                        new_mergeinfo = mergeinfo_merge(new_mergeinfo, history)
                    except core.SubversionException, e:
                        if not (e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND
                                or e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_FS_NO_SUCH_REVISION):
    def migrate_path(self, path):
        sys.stdout.write("Searching for merge tracking information...\n")

        # Get svnmerge-integrated property for PATH, as Subversion mergeinfo.
        integrated_mergeinfo = svnmerge_prop_to_mergeinfo(
  , 'svnmerge-integrated'))
        if integrated_mergeinfo and self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write("Found svnmerge-integrated:\n")
            pretty_print_mergeinfo(integrated_mergeinfo, 3)

        # Get svnmerge-blocked property for PATH, as Subversion mergeinfo.
        blocked_mergeinfo = svnmerge_prop_to_mergeinfo(
  , 'svnmerge-blocked'))
        if blocked_mergeinfo and self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write("Found svnmerge-blocked:\n")
            pretty_print_mergeinfo(blocked_mergeinfo, 3)

        # No svnmerge tracking data?  Nothing to do.
        if not (integrated_mergeinfo or blocked_mergeinfo):
            errput("No tracking data found for '%s'." % (path),

        # Fetch Subversion mergeinfo for PATH.  Hopefully there is
        # none, but if there is, we'll assume folks want to keep it.
        orig_mergeinfo =
        if orig_mergeinfo and self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write("Found Subversion mergeinfo:\n")
            pretty_print_mergeinfo(orig_mergeinfo, 3)

        # Merge all our mergeinfos together.
        new_mergeinfo = mergeinfo_merge(orig_mergeinfo, integrated_mergeinfo)
        new_mergeinfo = mergeinfo_merge(new_mergeinfo, blocked_mergeinfo)

        # Unless we're doing a naive migration (or we've no, or only
        # empty, mergeinfo anyway), start trying to cleanup after
        #'s history-ignorant initialization.
        if not self.naive and new_mergeinfo:

            sys.stdout.write("Sanitizing mergeinfo (this can take a "

            # What we need:
            #    - the relative path in the repository for PATH
            #    - repository root URL and an RA session rooted thereat
            #    - the base revision of PATH
            path_url, root_url =
            if root_url:
                ras =
                ras =
                root_url = ra.get_repos_root(ras)
                ra.reparent(ras, root_url)
            assert path_url.startswith(root_url)
            rel_path = relative_path_from_urls(root_url, path_url)
            path_rev =

            # We begin by subtracting the natural history of the merge
            # target from its own mergeinfo.
            implicit_mergeinfo = \
      , rel_path, path_rev)
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("   subtracting natural history:\n")
                pretty_print_mergeinfo(implicit_mergeinfo, 6)
            new_mergeinfo = core.svn_mergeinfo_remove(implicit_mergeinfo,
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("   remaining mergeinfo to be filtered:\n")
                pretty_print_mergeinfo(new_mergeinfo, 6)

            # Unfortunately, tends to initialize using
            # oft-bogus revision ranges like 1-SOMETHING when the
            # merge source didn't even exist in r1.  So if the natural
            # history of a branch begins in some revision other than
            # r1, there's still going to be cruft revisions left in
            # NEW_MERGEINFO after subtracting the natural history.
            # So, we also examine the natural history of the merge
            # sources, and use that as a filter for the explicit
            # mergeinfo we've calculated so far.
            mergeinfo_so_far = new_mergeinfo
            new_mergeinfo = {}
            for source_path, ranges in mergeinfo_so_far.items():

                # If by some chance it is the case that /path:RANGE1
                # and /path:RANGE2 a) represent different lines of
                # history, and b) were combined into
                # /path:RANGE1+RANGE2 (due to the ranges being
                # contiguous), we'll foul this up.  But the chances
                # are preeeeeeeetty slim.
                for range in ranges:
                        history =
                            ras, source_path[1:], range.end, range.start + 1)
                        if self.verbose:
                            sys.stdout.write("   new sanitized chunk:\n")
                            pretty_print_mergeinfo(history, 6)
                        new_mergeinfo = mergeinfo_merge(new_mergeinfo, history)
                    except core.SubversionException, e:
                        if not (e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND or
                                e.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_FS_NO_SUCH_REVISION):