Ejemplo n.º 1
    def register(self, method, path, response_class, headers, body):
        # assuming the path format like /v1/account/container/object
        resource_map = ['account', 'container', 'object']
        index = len(list(filter(None, split_path(path, 0, 4, True)[1:]))) - 1
        resource = resource_map[index]
        if (method, path) in self._responses:
            old_headers = self._responses[(method, path)][1]
            headers = headers.copy()
            for key, value in old_headers.items():
                if is_sys_meta(resource, key) and key not in headers:
                    # keep old sysmeta for s3acl
                    headers.update({key: value})

        self._responses[(method, path)] = (response_class, headers, body)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def register(self, method, path, response_class, headers, body):
        # assuming the path format like /v1/account/container/object
        resource_map = ['account', 'container', 'object']
        acos = filter(None, split_path(path, 0, 4, True)[1:])
        index = len(acos) - 1
        resource = resource_map[index]
        if (method, path) in self._responses:
            old_headers = self._responses[(method, path)][1]
            headers = headers.copy()
            for key, value in old_headers.iteritems():
                if is_sys_meta(resource, key) and key not in headers:
                    # keep old sysmeta for s3acl
                    headers.update({key: value})

        self._responses[(method, path)] = (response_class, headers, body)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def write_metadata(self, metadata):
     Write a block of metadata to an object.
     data, cur_mdata = self._filesystem.get_object(self._name)
     if data is not None:
         # The object exists. Update the new metadata with the object's
         # immutable metadata (e.g. name, size, etag, sysmeta) and store it
         # with the object data.
         immutable_metadata = dict([(key, val)
                                    for key, val in cur_mdata.items()
                                    if key.lower() in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META
                                    or is_sys_meta('object', key)])
         metadata['name'] = self._name
         self._filesystem.put_object(self._name, data, metadata)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def write_metadata(self, metadata):
     Write a block of metadata to an object.
     data, cur_mdata = self._filesystem.get_object(self._name)
     if data is not None:
         # The object exists. Update the new metadata with the object's
         # immutable metadata (e.g. name, size, etag, sysmeta) and store it
         # with the object data.
         immutable_metadata = dict(
             [(key, val) for key, val in cur_mdata.items()
              if key.lower() in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META
              or is_sys_meta('object', key)])
         metadata['name'] = self._name
         self._filesystem.put_object(self._name, data, metadata)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def register(self, method, path, response_class, headers, body):
        # assuming the path format like /v1/account/container/object
        resource_map = ['account', 'container', 'object']
        index = len(list(filter(None, split_path(path, 0, 4, True)[1:]))) - 1
        resource = resource_map[index]
        if (method, path) in self._responses:
            old_headers = self._responses[(method, path)][1]
            headers = headers.copy()
            for key, value in old_headers.items():
                if is_sys_meta(resource, key) and key not in headers:
                    # keep old sysmeta for s3acl
                    headers.update({key: value})

        if body is not None and not isinstance(body, (bytes, list)):
            body = body.encode('utf8')
        self._responses[(method, path)] = (response_class, headers, body)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def register(self, method, path, response_class, headers, body):
        # assuming the path format like /v1/account/container/object
        resource_map = ['account', 'container', 'object']
        index = len(list(filter(None, split_path(path, 0, 4, True)[1:]))) - 1
        resource = resource_map[index]
        if (method, path) in self._responses:
            old_headers = self._responses[(method, path)][1]
            headers = headers.copy()
            for key, value in old_headers.items():
                if is_sys_meta(resource, key) and key not in headers:
                    # keep old sysmeta for s3acl
                    headers.update({key: value})

        if body is not None and not isinstance(body, (bytes, list)):
            body = body.encode('utf8')
        return super(FakeSwift, self).register(method, path, response_class,
                                               headers, body)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _prep_headers_to_info(headers, server_type):
    Helper method that iterates once over a dict of headers,
    converting all keys to lower case and separating
    into subsets containing user metadata, system metadata
    and other headers.
    meta = {}
    sysmeta = {}
    other = {}
    for key, val in dict(headers).iteritems():
        lkey = key.lower()
        if is_user_meta(server_type, lkey):
            meta[strip_user_meta_prefix(server_type, lkey)] = val
        elif is_sys_meta(server_type, lkey):
            sysmeta[strip_sys_meta_prefix(server_type, lkey)] = val
            other[lkey] = val
    return other, meta, sysmeta
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def merge_df_mf_metadata(df_md_source, mf_md_source):
        """Merge the datafile metadata and metafile metadata dictionaries together.

        Datafile metadata refers to metadata originally included when the object
        was first PUT, and does not include metadata set by any subsequent POST.

        Metafile metadata refers to metadata written by a POST, and does not
        include any persistent metadata that was set by the original PUT.
        md_dest = {}

        if not mf_md_source:
            sys_metadata = {
                key: val for key, val in df_md_source.items() if key.lower() in
                (RESERVED_DATAFILE_META | DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META) or is_sys_meta('object', key)

        return md_dest
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def merge_df_mf_metadata(df_md_source, mf_md_source):
        """Merge the datafile metadata and metafile metadata dictionaries together.

        Datafile metadata refers to metadata originally included when the object
        was first PUT, and does not include metadata set by any subsequent POST.

        Metafile metadata refers to metadata written by a POST, and does not
        include any persistent metadata that was set by the original PUT.
        md_dest = {}

        if not mf_md_source:
            sys_metadata = {
                key: val
                for key, val in df_md_source.items() if key.lower() in (
                    | DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META) or is_sys_meta('object', key)

        return md_dest
Ejemplo n.º 10
def print_obj_metadata(metadata, drop_prefixes=False):
    Print out basic info and metadata from object, as returned from

    Metadata should include the keys: name, Content-Type, and

    Additional metadata is displayed unmodified.

    :param metadata: dict of object metadata
    :param drop_prefixes: if True, strip "X-Object-Meta-", "X-Object-Sysmeta-",
                          and "X-Object-Transient-Sysmeta-" when displaying
                          User Metadata, System Metadata, and Transient
                          System Metadata entries

    :raises ValueError:
    user_metadata = {}
    sys_metadata = {}
    transient_sys_metadata = {}
    other_metadata = {}

    if not metadata:
        raise ValueError('Metadata is None')
    path = metadata.pop('name', '')
    content_type = metadata.pop('Content-Type', '')
    ts = Timestamp(metadata.pop('X-Timestamp', 0))
    account = container = obj = obj_hash = None
    if path:
            account, container, obj = path.split('/', 3)[1:]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Path is invalid for object %r' % path)
            obj_hash = hash_path(account, container, obj)
        print('Path: %s' % path)
        print('  Account: %s' % account)
        print('  Container: %s' % container)
        print('  Object: %s' % obj)
        print('  Object hash: %s' % obj_hash)
        print('Path: Not found in metadata')
    if content_type:
        print('Content-Type: %s' % content_type)
        print('Content-Type: Not found in metadata')
    if ts:
        print('Timestamp: %s (%s)' % (ts.isoformat, ts.internal))
        print('Timestamp: Not found in metadata')

    for key, value in metadata.items():
        if is_user_meta('Object', key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_user_meta_prefix('Object', key)
            user_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_sys_meta('Object', key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_sys_meta_prefix('Object', key)
            sys_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_object_transient_sysmeta(key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_object_transient_sysmeta_prefix(key)
            transient_sys_metadata[key] = value
            other_metadata[key] = value

    def print_metadata(title, items):
        if items:
            for key, value in sorted(items.items()):
                print('  %s: %s' % (key, value))
            print('  No metadata found')

    print_metadata('System Metadata:', sys_metadata)
    print_metadata('Transient System Metadata:', transient_sys_metadata)
    print_metadata('User Metadata:', user_metadata)
    print_metadata('Other Metadata:', other_metadata)
    for label, meta in [
        ('Data crypto details',
        ('Metadata crypto details',
        if meta is None:
        print('%s: %s' % (
            json.dumps(load_crypto_meta(meta, b64decode=False), indent=2,
                       sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': '))))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def PUT(self, req):
        """HTTP PUT request handler."""
        if req.if_none_match is not None and '*' not in req.if_none_match:
            # Sending an etag with if-none-match isn't currently supported
            return HTTPBadRequest(request=req,
                                  body='If-None-Match only supports *')
        container_info = self.container_info(self.account_name,
                                             self.container_name, req)
        policy_index = req.headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index',
        obj_ring = self.app.get_object_ring(policy_index)

        # pass the policy index to storage nodes via req header
        req.headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = policy_index
        container_partition = container_info['partition']
        containers = container_info['nodes']
        req.acl = container_info['write_acl']
        req.environ['swift_sync_key'] = container_info['sync_key']
        object_versions = container_info['versions']
        if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:
            aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
            if aresp:
                return aresp

        if not containers:
            return HTTPNotFound(request=req)

        # Sometimes the 'content-type' header exists, but is set to None.
        content_type_manually_set = True
        detect_content_type = \
        if detect_content_type or not req.headers.get('content-type'):
            guessed_type, _junk = mimetypes.guess_type(req.path_info)
            req.headers['Content-Type'] = guessed_type or \
            if detect_content_type:
                content_type_manually_set = False

        error_response = check_object_creation(req, self.object_name) or \
        if error_response:
            return error_response

        partition, nodes = obj_ring.get_nodes(self.account_name,
        ####################################  CHANGED_CODE  ############################################################
        # Change the nodes list to contain only one dictionary item instead of the original 3 returned by the ring.
        d = dict()
        # d[partition] = nodes[1:]
        # f.write(str(d)+"\n")
        # f.close()
        print("===Original Nodes===")
        temp_nodes = []
        flag = 0
        f = open("/home/hduser/swift/swift/proxy/controllers/spindowndevices",
        sdlist = f.read().split("\n")
        print("===Spun down devices===:", sdlist)

        upnodes = [item for item in nodes if item['device'] not in sdlist]
        downnodes = [item for item in nodes if item['device'] in sdlist]
        temp_nodes = upnodes
        if (len(downnodes) > 0):
            d = ast.literal_eval(
            # d_temp=pickle.load("/home/hduser/swift/proxy/controllers/nodes.p","rb")
            # print("===Current dict===:",d)
            for item in downnodes:
                if (partition in d):
                    # print("===Modified dict===:",d)
                    d[partition] = [item]
                    # print("===Modified dict===:",d)
        # pickle.dump(d,open("/home/hduser/nodes.p","wb"))
        # print("Before writing:",d)
        fo = open("/home/hduser/swift/swift/proxy/controllers/nodes.txt", "w")
        fo.write(str(d) + "\n")
        # pickle.dump(d,open("/home/hduser/swift/swift/proxy/controllers/nodes.p","wb"))
        ## Old method, IGNORE
        # for item in nodes:
        #     device = item['device']
        #     if(device not in sdlist):
        #     # if(os.path.ismount("path"))
        #         temp_nodes.append(item)
        #         flag = 1
        #         break
        #     else:
        #         pickle.dump(d,open("/home/hduser/nodes.p","wb"))
        #         # d = pickle.load(open("/home/hduser/nodes.p","rb"))
        #         import ast
        #         d = ast.literal_eval(open("/home/hduser/nodes.txt","r").read())
        #         print("===Current dict===:",d)
        #         if(partition in d):
        #             print("In IF")
        #             d[partition].append(item)
        #             print("===Modified dict===:",d)
        #         else:
        #             print("In ELSE")
        #             d[partition] = [item]
        #             print("===Modified dict===:",d)
        #         pickle.dump(d,open("/home/hduser/nodes.p","wb"))
        #         fo = open("/home/hduser/nodes.txt","w")
        #         fo.write(str(d)+"\n")

        # Code to spin up a device if none are running already.
        if (len(upnodes) == 0):
            dev = nodes[0]['device']
            print("===ALL NODES DOWN===")
            print("===Mounting device===", dev)
            os.system("mount /dev/" + str(dev))

        print('===In controller PUT===:')
        print("===Partition===", partition)
        nodes = temp_nodes

        print('===In controller PUT===:')
        print("===Partition===", partition)
        nodes = temp_nodes
        print("===Nodes===:", nodes)

        ############################################  CHANGED_CODE  ########################################################

        # do a HEAD request for checking object versions
        if object_versions and not req.environ.get('swift_versioned_copy'):
            # make sure proxy-server uses the right policy index
            _headers = {
                'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': policy_index,
                'X-Newest': 'True'
            hreq = Request.blank(req.path_info,
                                 environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'HEAD'})
            hresp = self.GETorHEAD_base(hreq, _('Object'), obj_ring, partition,

        # Used by container sync feature
        if 'x-timestamp' in req.headers:
                req_timestamp = Timestamp(req.headers['X-Timestamp'])
            except ValueError:
                return HTTPBadRequest(
                    body='X-Timestamp should be a UNIX timestamp float value; '
                    'was %r' % req.headers['x-timestamp'])
            req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal
            req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = Timestamp(time.time()).internal

        if object_versions and not req.environ.get('swift_versioned_copy'):
            is_manifest = 'X-Object-Manifest' in req.headers or \
                          'X-Object-Manifest' in hresp.headers
            if hresp.status_int != HTTP_NOT_FOUND and not is_manifest:
                # This is a version manifest and needs to be handled
                # differently. First copy the existing data to a new object,
                # then write the data from this request to the version manifest
                # object.
                lcontainer = object_versions.split('/')[0]
                prefix_len = '%03x' % len(self.object_name)
                lprefix = prefix_len + self.object_name + '/'
                ts_source = hresp.environ.get('swift_x_timestamp')
                if ts_source is None:
                    ts_source = time.mktime(
                                      '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'))
                new_ts = Timestamp(ts_source).internal
                vers_obj_name = lprefix + new_ts
                copy_headers = {
                    'Destination': '%s/%s' % (lcontainer, vers_obj_name)
                copy_environ = {
                    'REQUEST_METHOD': 'COPY',
                    'swift_versioned_copy': True
                copy_req = Request.blank(req.path_info,
                copy_resp = self.COPY(copy_req)
                if is_client_error(copy_resp.status_int):
                    # missing container or bad permissions
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=req)
                elif not is_success(copy_resp.status_int):
                    # could not copy the data, bail
                    return HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)

        reader = req.environ['wsgi.input'].read
        data_source = iter(lambda: reader(self.app.client_chunk_size), '')
        source_header = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From')
        source_resp = None
        if source_header:
            if req.environ.get('swift.orig_req_method', req.method) != 'POST':
                req.environ.setdefault('swift.log_info', []).append(
                    'x-copy-from:%s' % source_header)
            ver, acct, _rest = req.split_path(2, 3, True)
            src_account_name = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From-Account', None)
            if src_account_name:
                src_account_name = check_account_format(req, src_account_name)
                src_account_name = acct
            src_container_name, src_obj_name = check_copy_from_header(req)
            source_header = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (ver, src_account_name,
                                              src_container_name, src_obj_name)
            source_req = req.copy_get()

            # make sure the source request uses it's container_info
            source_req.headers.pop('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', None)
            source_req.path_info = source_header
            source_req.headers['X-Newest'] = 'true'
            orig_obj_name = self.object_name
            orig_container_name = self.container_name
            orig_account_name = self.account_name
            self.object_name = src_obj_name
            self.container_name = src_container_name
            self.account_name = src_account_name
            sink_req = Request.blank(req.path_info,
            source_resp = self.GET(source_req)

            # This gives middlewares a way to change the source; for example,
            # this lets you COPY a SLO manifest and have the new object be the
            # concatenation of the segments (like what a GET request gives
            # the client), not a copy of the manifest file.
            hook = req.environ.get(
                (lambda source_req, source_resp, sink_req: source_resp))
            source_resp = hook(source_req, source_resp, sink_req)

            if source_resp.status_int >= HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
                return source_resp
            self.object_name = orig_obj_name
            self.container_name = orig_container_name
            self.account_name = orig_account_name
            data_source = iter(source_resp.app_iter)
            sink_req.content_length = source_resp.content_length
            if sink_req.content_length is None:
                # This indicates a transfer-encoding: chunked source object,
                # which currently only happens because there are more than
                # CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT segments in a segmented object. In
                # this case, we're going to refuse to do the server-side copy.
                return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
            if sink_req.content_length > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
                return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
            sink_req.etag = source_resp.etag

            # we no longer need the X-Copy-From header
            del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From']
            if 'X-Copy-From-Account' in sink_req.headers:
                del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From-Account']
            if not content_type_manually_set:
                sink_req.headers['Content-Type'] = \
            if config_true_value(
                    sink_req.headers.get('x-fresh-metadata', 'false')):
                # post-as-copy: ignore new sysmeta, copy existing sysmeta
                condition = lambda k: is_sys_meta('object', k)
                remove_items(sink_req.headers, condition)
                copy_header_subset(source_resp, sink_req, condition)
                # copy/update existing sysmeta and user meta
                copy_headers_into(source_resp, sink_req)
                copy_headers_into(req, sink_req)

            # copy over x-static-large-object for POSTs and manifest copies
            if 'X-Static-Large-Object' in source_resp.headers and \
                    req.params.get('multipart-manifest') == 'get':
                sink_req.headers['X-Static-Large-Object'] = \

            req = sink_req

        req, delete_at_container, delete_at_part, \
            delete_at_nodes = self._config_obj_expiration(req)

        node_iter = GreenthreadSafeIterator(
            self.iter_nodes_local_first(obj_ring, partition))
        pile = GreenPile(len(nodes))
        te = req.headers.get('transfer-encoding', '')
        chunked = ('chunked' in te)

        outgoing_headers = self._backend_requests(
            req, len(nodes), container_partition, containers,
            delete_at_container, delete_at_part, delete_at_nodes)

        for nheaders in outgoing_headers:
            # RFC2616:8.2.3 disallows 100-continue without a body
            if (req.content_length > 0) or chunked:
                nheaders['Expect'] = '100-continue'

#################################  CHANGED_CODE  ###################################################################
# Replaced node_iter by nodes in the following line to make sure that a new list with different order isnt used.
# Change from node_iter to nodes to make sure it writes to the same device.
# Without this, it gets a new list of nodes from the ring in a different order and connects to the first one.

            pile.spawn(self._connect_put_node, nodes, partition,
                       req.swift_entity_path, nheaders,

#################################  CHANGED_CODE ###################################################################

        conns = [conn for conn in pile if conn]
        min_conns = quorum_size(len(nodes))

        if req.if_none_match is not None and '*' in req.if_none_match:
            statuses = [conn.resp.status for conn in conns if conn.resp]
            if HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED in statuses:
                # If we find any copy of the file, it shouldn't be uploaded
                    _('Object PUT returning 412, %(statuses)r'),
                    {'statuses': statuses})
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=req)

        if any(conn for conn in conns
               if conn.resp and conn.resp.status == HTTP_CONFLICT):
            timestamps = [
                for conn in conns if conn.resp
                _('Object PUT returning 202 for 409: '
                  '%(req_timestamp)s <= %(timestamps)r'), {
                      'req_timestamp': req.timestamp.internal,
                      'timestamps': ', '.join(timestamps)
            return HTTPAccepted(request=req)

        if len(conns) < min_conns:
                _('Object PUT returning 503, %(conns)s/%(nodes)s '
                  'required connections'), {
                      'conns': len(conns),
                      'nodes': min_conns
            return HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
        bytes_transferred = 0
            with ContextPool(len(nodes)) as pool:
                for conn in conns:
                    conn.failed = False
                    conn.queue = Queue(self.app.put_queue_depth)
                    pool.spawn(self._send_file, conn, req.path)
                while True:
                    with ChunkReadTimeout(self.app.client_timeout):
                            chunk = next(data_source)
                        except StopIteration:
                            if chunked:
                                for conn in conns:
                    bytes_transferred += len(chunk)
                    if bytes_transferred > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
                        return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
                    for conn in list(conns):
                        if not conn.failed:
                            conn.queue.put('%x\r\n%s\r\n' %
                                            chunk) if chunked else chunk)
                    if len(conns) < min_conns:
                            _('Object PUT exceptions during'
                              ' send, %(conns)s/%(nodes)s required connections'
                              ), {
                                  'conns': len(conns),
                                  'nodes': min_conns
                        return HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
                for conn in conns:
                    if conn.queue.unfinished_tasks:
            conns = [conn for conn in conns if not conn.failed]
        except ChunkReadTimeout as err:
            self.app.logger.warn(_('ERROR Client read timeout (%ss)'),
            return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=req)
        except (Exception, Timeout):
                _('ERROR Exception causing client disconnect'))
            return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)
        if req.content_length and bytes_transferred < req.content_length:
            req.client_disconnect = True
                _('Client disconnected without sending enough data'))
            return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)

        statuses, reasons, bodies, etags = self._get_put_responses(
            req, conns, nodes)

        if len(etags) > 1:
                _('Object servers returned %s mismatched etags'), len(etags))
            return HTTPServerError(request=req)
        etag = etags.pop() if len(etags) else None
        resp = self.best_response(req,
                                  _('Object PUT'),
        if source_header:
            acct, path = source_header.split('/', 3)[2:4]
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Account'] = quote(acct)
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From'] = quote(path)
            if 'last-modified' in source_resp.headers:
                resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Last-Modified'] = \
            copy_headers_into(req, resp)
        resp.last_modified = math.ceil(
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        swob.Response.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        s3_sysmeta_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        sw_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        headers = HeaderKeyDict()
        self.is_slo = False

        def is_swift3_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            swift3_sysmeta_prefix = (
                'x-%s-sysmeta-swift3' % server_type).lower()
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(swift3_sysmeta_prefix)

        def is_s3api_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            s3api_sysmeta_prefix = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type).lower()
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(s3api_sysmeta_prefix)

        for key, val in self.headers.items():
            if is_sys_meta('object', key) or is_sys_meta('container', key):
                _server_type = key.split('-')[1]
                if is_swift3_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    # To be compatible with older swift3, translate swift3
                    # sysmeta to s3api sysmeta here
                    key = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type) + \
                        key[len('x-%s-sysmeta-swift3-' % _server_type):]

                    if key not in s3_sysmeta_headers:
                        # To avoid overwrite s3api sysmeta by older swift3
                        # sysmeta set the key only when the key does not exist
                        s3_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                elif is_s3api_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    s3_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                    sw_headers[key] = val
                sw_headers[key] = val

        # Handle swift headers
        for key, val in sw_headers.items():
            _key = key.lower()

            if _key.startswith('x-object-meta-'):
                # Note that AWS ignores user-defined headers with '=' in the
                # header name. We translated underscores to '=5F' on the way
                # in, though.
                headers['x-amz-meta-' + _key[14:].replace('=5f', '_')] = val
            elif _key in ('content-length', 'content-type',
                          'content-range', 'content-encoding',
                          'content-disposition', 'content-language',
                          'etag', 'last-modified', 'x-robots-tag',
                          'cache-control', 'expires'):
                headers[key] = val
            elif _key == 'x-static-large-object':
                # for delete slo
                self.is_slo = config_true_value(val)

        # Check whether we stored the AWS-style etag on upload
        override_etag = s3_sysmeta_headers.get(
            sysmeta_header('object', 'etag'))
        if override_etag is not None:
            # Multipart uploads in AWS have ETags like
            #   <MD5(part_etag1 || ... || part_etagN)>-<number of parts>
            headers['etag'] = override_etag
        elif self.is_slo and 'etag' in headers:
            # Many AWS clients use the presence of a '-' to decide whether
            # to attempt client-side download validation, so even if we
            # didn't store the AWS-style header, tack on a '-N'. (Use 'N'
            # because we don't actually know how many parts there are.)
            headers['etag'] += '-N'

        self.headers = headers

        if self.etag:
            # add double quotes to the etag header
            self.etag = self.etag

        # Used for pure swift header handling at the request layer
        self.sw_headers = sw_headers
        self.sysmeta_headers = s3_sysmeta_headers
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _handle_copy_request(self, req):
        This method handles copying objects based on values set in the headers
        'X-Copy-From' and 'X-Copy-From-Account'

        This method was added as part of the refactoring of the PUT method and
        the functionality is expected to be moved to middleware
        if req.environ.get('swift.orig_req_method', req.method) != 'POST':
            req.environ.setdefault('swift.log_info', []).append(
                'x-copy-from:%s' % req.headers['X-Copy-From'])
        ver, acct, _rest = req.split_path(2, 3, True)
        src_account_name = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From-Account', None)
        if src_account_name:
            src_account_name = check_account_format(req, src_account_name)
            src_account_name = acct
        src_container_name, src_obj_name = check_copy_from_header(req)
        source_header = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (ver, src_account_name,
                                          src_container_name, src_obj_name)
        source_req = req.copy_get()

        # make sure the source request uses it's container_info
        source_req.headers.pop('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', None)
        source_req.path_info = source_header
        source_req.headers['X-Newest'] = 'true'

        orig_obj_name = self.object_name
        orig_container_name = self.container_name
        orig_account_name = self.account_name
        sink_req = Request.blank(req.path_info,

        self.object_name = src_obj_name
        self.container_name = src_container_name
        self.account_name = src_account_name
        source_resp = self.GET(source_req)

        # This gives middlewares a way to change the source; for example,
        # this lets you COPY a SLO manifest and have the new object be the
        # concatenation of the segments (like what a GET request gives
        # the client), not a copy of the manifest file.
        hook = req.environ.get(
            (lambda source_req, source_resp, sink_req: source_resp))
        source_resp = hook(source_req, source_resp, sink_req)

        # reset names
        self.object_name = orig_obj_name
        self.container_name = orig_container_name
        self.account_name = orig_account_name

        if source_resp.status_int >= HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            # this is a bit of ugly code, but I'm willing to live with it
            # until copy request handling moves to middleware
            return source_resp, None, None, None
        if source_resp.content_length is None:
            # This indicates a transfer-encoding: chunked source object,
            # which currently only happens because there are more than
            # CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT segments in a segmented object. In
            # this case, we're going to refuse to do the server-side copy.
            raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
        if source_resp.content_length > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
            raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)

        data_source = iter(source_resp.app_iter)
        sink_req.content_length = source_resp.content_length
        sink_req.etag = source_resp.etag

        # we no longer need the X-Copy-From header
        del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From']
        if 'X-Copy-From-Account' in sink_req.headers:
            del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From-Account']
        if not req.content_type_manually_set:
            sink_req.headers['Content-Type'] = \
        if config_true_value(sink_req.headers.get('x-fresh-metadata',
            # post-as-copy: ignore new sysmeta, copy existing sysmeta
            condition = lambda k: is_sys_meta('object', k)
            remove_items(sink_req.headers, condition)
            copy_header_subset(source_resp, sink_req, condition)
            # copy/update existing sysmeta and user meta
            copy_headers_into(source_resp, sink_req)
            copy_headers_into(req, sink_req)

        # copy over x-static-large-object for POSTs and manifest copies
        if 'X-Static-Large-Object' in source_resp.headers and \
                req.params.get('multipart-manifest') == 'get':
            sink_req.headers['X-Static-Large-Object'] = \

        req = sink_req

        def update_response(req, resp):
            acct, path = source_resp.environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/', 3)[2:4]
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Account'] = quote(acct)
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From'] = quote(path)
            if 'last-modified' in source_resp.headers:
                resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Last-Modified'] = \
            copy_headers_into(req, resp)
            return resp

        # this is a bit of ugly code, but I'm willing to live with it
        # until copy request handling moves to middleware
        return None, req, data_source, update_response
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def handle_PUT(self, req, start_response):
        if req.content_length:
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Copy requests require a zero byte '
                                  'body', request=req,

        # Form the path of source object to be fetched
        ver, acct, _rest = req.split_path(2, 3, True)
        src_account_name = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From-Account')
        if src_account_name:
            src_account_name = check_account_format(req, src_account_name)
            src_account_name = acct
        src_container_name, src_obj_name = _check_copy_from_header(req)
        source_path = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (ver, src_account_name,
                                        src_container_name, src_obj_name)

        if req.environ.get('swift.orig_req_method', req.method) != 'POST':
            self.logger.info("Copying object from %s to %s" %
                             (source_path, req.path))

        # GET the source object, bail out on error
        ssc_ctx = ServerSideCopyWebContext(self.app, self.logger)
        source_resp = self._get_source_object(ssc_ctx, source_path, req)
        if source_resp.status_int >= HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            return source_resp(source_resp.environ, start_response)

        # Create a new Request object based on the original req instance.
        # This will preserve env and headers.
        sink_req = Request.blank(req.path_info,
                                 environ=req.environ, headers=req.headers)

        params = sink_req.params
        if params.get('multipart-manifest') == 'get':
            if 'X-Static-Large-Object' in source_resp.headers:
                params['multipart-manifest'] = 'put'
            if 'X-Object-Manifest' in source_resp.headers:
                del params['multipart-manifest']
                sink_req.headers['X-Object-Manifest'] = \
            sink_req.params = params

        # Set data source, content length and etag for the PUT request
        sink_req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FileLikeIter(source_resp.app_iter)
        sink_req.content_length = source_resp.content_length
        sink_req.etag = source_resp.etag

        # We no longer need these headers
        sink_req.headers.pop('X-Copy-From', None)
        sink_req.headers.pop('X-Copy-From-Account', None)
        # If the copy request does not explicitly override content-type,
        # use the one present in the source object.
        if not req.headers.get('content-type'):
            sink_req.headers['Content-Type'] = \

        fresh_meta_flag = config_true_value(
            sink_req.headers.get('x-fresh-metadata', 'false'))

        if fresh_meta_flag or 'swift.post_as_copy' in sink_req.environ:
            # Post-as-copy: ignore new sysmeta, copy existing sysmeta
            condition = lambda k: is_sys_meta('object', k)
            remove_items(sink_req.headers, condition)
            copy_header_subset(source_resp, sink_req, condition)
            # Copy/update existing sysmeta and user meta
            _copy_headers_into(source_resp, sink_req)
            # Copy/update new metadata provided in request if any
            _copy_headers_into(req, sink_req)

        # Create response headers for PUT response
        resp_headers = self._create_response_headers(source_path,
                                                     source_resp, sink_req)

        put_resp = ssc_ctx.send_put_req(sink_req, resp_headers, start_response)
        return put_resp
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: obj.py Proyecto: igusher/swift
    def _handle_copy_request(self, req):
        This method handles copying objects based on values set in the headers
        'X-Copy-From' and 'X-Copy-From-Account'

        This method was added as part of the refactoring of the PUT method and
        the functionality is expected to be moved to middleware
        if req.environ.get('swift.orig_req_method', req.method) != 'POST':
            req.environ.setdefault('swift.log_info', []).append(
                'x-copy-from:%s' % req.headers['X-Copy-From'])
        ver, acct, _rest = req.split_path(2, 3, True)
        src_account_name = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From-Account', None)
        if src_account_name:
            src_account_name = check_account_format(req, src_account_name)
            src_account_name = acct
        src_container_name, src_obj_name = check_copy_from_header(req)
        source_header = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (
            ver, src_account_name, src_container_name, src_obj_name)
        source_req = req.copy_get()

        # make sure the source request uses it's container_info
        source_req.headers.pop('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', None)
        source_req.path_info = source_header
        source_req.headers['X-Newest'] = 'true'

        orig_obj_name = self.object_name
        orig_container_name = self.container_name
        orig_account_name = self.account_name
        sink_req = Request.blank(req.path_info,
                                 environ=req.environ, headers=req.headers)

        self.object_name = src_obj_name
        self.container_name = src_container_name
        self.account_name = src_account_name
        source_resp = self.GET(source_req)

        # This gives middlewares a way to change the source; for example,
        # this lets you COPY a SLO manifest and have the new object be the
        # concatenation of the segments (like what a GET request gives
        # the client), not a copy of the manifest file.
        hook = req.environ.get(
            (lambda source_req, source_resp, sink_req: source_resp))
        source_resp = hook(source_req, source_resp, sink_req)

        # reset names
        self.object_name = orig_obj_name
        self.container_name = orig_container_name
        self.account_name = orig_account_name

        if source_resp.status_int >= HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            # this is a bit of ugly code, but I'm willing to live with it
            # until copy request handling moves to middleware
            return source_resp, None, None, None
        if source_resp.content_length is None:
            # This indicates a transfer-encoding: chunked source object,
            # which currently only happens because there are more than
            # CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT segments in a segmented object. In
            # this case, we're going to refuse to do the server-side copy.
            raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
        if source_resp.content_length > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
            raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)

        data_source = iter(source_resp.app_iter)
        sink_req.content_length = source_resp.content_length
        sink_req.etag = source_resp.etag

        # we no longer need the X-Copy-From header
        del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From']
        if 'X-Copy-From-Account' in sink_req.headers:
            del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From-Account']
        if not req.content_type_manually_set:
            sink_req.headers['Content-Type'] = \
        if config_true_value(
                sink_req.headers.get('x-fresh-metadata', 'false')):
            # post-as-copy: ignore new sysmeta, copy existing sysmeta
            condition = lambda k: is_sys_meta('object', k)
            remove_items(sink_req.headers, condition)
            copy_header_subset(source_resp, sink_req, condition)
            # copy/update existing sysmeta and user meta
            copy_headers_into(source_resp, sink_req)
            copy_headers_into(req, sink_req)

        # copy over x-static-large-object for POSTs and manifest copies
        if 'X-Static-Large-Object' in source_resp.headers and \
                req.params.get('multipart-manifest') == 'get':
            sink_req.headers['X-Static-Large-Object'] = \

        req = sink_req

        def update_response(req, resp):
            acct, path = source_resp.environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/', 3)[2:4]
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Account'] = quote(acct)
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From'] = quote(path)
            if 'last-modified' in source_resp.headers:
                resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Last-Modified'] = \
            copy_headers_into(req, resp)
            return resp

        # this is a bit of ugly code, but I'm willing to live with it
        # until copy request handling moves to middleware
        return None, req, data_source, update_response
Ejemplo n.º 16
def print_db_info_metadata(db_type, info, metadata, drop_prefixes=False):
    print out data base info/metadata based on its type

    :param db_type: database type, account or container
    :param info: dict of data base info
    :param metadata: dict of data base metadata
    :param drop_prefixes: if True, strip "X-Account-Meta-",
                          "X-Container-Meta-", "X-Account-Sysmeta-", and
                          "X-Container-Sysmeta-" when displaying
                          User Metadata and System Metadata dicts
    if info is None:
        raise ValueError('DB info is None')

    if db_type not in ['container', 'account']:
        raise ValueError('Wrong DB type')

        account = info['account']
        container = None

        if db_type == 'container':
            container = info['container']
            path = '/%s/%s' % (account, container)
            path = '/%s' % account

        print('Path: %s' % path)
        print('  Account: %s' % account)

        if db_type == 'container':
            print('  Container: %s' % container)

        path_hash = hash_path(account, container)
        if db_type == 'container':
            print('  Container Hash: %s' % path_hash)
            print('  Account Hash: %s' % path_hash)

        print('  Created at: %s (%s)' %
        print('  Put Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        print('  Delete Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        print('  Status Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        if db_type == 'account':
            print('  Container Count: %s' % info['container_count'])
        print('  Object Count: %s' % info['object_count'])
        print('  Bytes Used: %s' % info['bytes_used'])
        if db_type == 'container':
                policy_name = POLICIES[info['storage_policy_index']].name
            except KeyError:
                policy_name = 'Unknown'
            print('  Storage Policy: %s (%s)' % (
                policy_name, info['storage_policy_index']))
            print('  Reported Put Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
            print('  Reported Delete Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
            print('  Reported Object Count: %s' %
            print('  Reported Bytes Used: %s' % info['reported_bytes_used'])
        print('  Chexor: %s' % info['hash'])
        print('  UUID: %s' % info['id'])
    except KeyError as e:
        raise ValueError('Info is incomplete: %s' % e)

    meta_prefix = 'x_' + db_type + '_'
    for key, value in info.items():
        if key.lower().startswith(meta_prefix):
            title = key.replace('_', '-').title()
            print('  %s: %s' % (title, value))
    user_metadata = {}
    sys_metadata = {}
    for key, (value, timestamp) in metadata.items():
        if is_user_meta(db_type, key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_user_meta_prefix(db_type, key)
            user_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_sys_meta(db_type, key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_sys_meta_prefix(db_type, key)
            sys_metadata[key] = value
            title = key.replace('_', '-').title()
            print('  %s: %s' % (title, value))
    if sys_metadata:
        print('  System Metadata: %s' % sys_metadata)
        print('No system metadata found in db file')

    if user_metadata:
        print('  User Metadata: %s' % user_metadata)
        print('No user metadata found in db file')

    if db_type == 'container':
        print('Sharding Metadata:')
        shard_type = 'root' if info['is_root'] else 'shard'
        print('  Type: %s' % shard_type)
        print('  State: %s' % info['db_state'])
    if info.get('shard_ranges'):
        print('Shard Ranges (%d):' % len(info['shard_ranges']))
        for srange in info['shard_ranges']:
            srange = dict(srange, state_text=srange.state_text)
            print('  Name: %(name)s' % srange)
            print('    lower: %(lower)r, upper: %(upper)r' % srange)
            print('    Object Count: %(object_count)d, Bytes Used: '
                  '%(bytes_used)d, State: %(state_text)s (%(state)d)'
                  % srange)
            print('    Created at: %s (%s)'
                  % (Timestamp(srange['timestamp']).isoformat,
            print('    Meta Timestamp: %s (%s)'
                  % (Timestamp(srange['meta_timestamp']).isoformat,
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: copy.py Proyecto: clayg/swift
 def is_object_sysmeta(k):
     return is_sys_meta('object', k)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        swob.Response.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        s3_sysmeta_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        sw_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        headers = HeaderKeyDict()
        self.is_slo = False

        def is_swift3_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            swift3_sysmeta_prefix = ('x-%s-sysmeta-swift3' %
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(swift3_sysmeta_prefix)

        def is_s3api_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            s3api_sysmeta_prefix = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type).lower()
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(s3api_sysmeta_prefix)

        for key, val in self.headers.items():
            if is_sys_meta('object', key) or is_sys_meta('container', key):
                _server_type = key.split('-')[1]
                if is_swift3_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    # To be compatible with older swift3, translate swift3
                    # sysmeta to s3api sysmeta here
                    key = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type) + \
                        key[len('x-%s-sysmeta-swift3-' % _server_type):]

                    if key not in s3_sysmeta_headers:
                        # To avoid overwrite s3api sysmeta by older swift3
                        # sysmeta set the key only when the key does not exist
                        s3_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                elif is_s3api_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    s3_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                    sw_headers[key] = val
                sw_headers[key] = val

        # Handle swift headers
        for key, val in sw_headers.items():
            s3_pair = translate_swift_to_s3(key, val)
            if s3_pair is None:
            headers[s3_pair[0]] = s3_pair[1]

        self.is_slo = config_true_value(

        # Check whether we stored the AWS-style etag on upload
        override_etag = s3_sysmeta_headers.get(sysmeta_header(
            'object', 'etag'))
        if override_etag not in (None, ''):
            # Multipart uploads in AWS have ETags like
            #   <MD5(part_etag1 || ... || part_etagN)>-<number of parts>
            headers['etag'] = override_etag
        elif self.is_slo and 'etag' in headers:
            # Many AWS clients use the presence of a '-' to decide whether
            # to attempt client-side download validation, so even if we
            # didn't store the AWS-style header, tack on a '-N'. (Use 'N'
            # because we don't actually know how many parts there are.)
            headers['etag'] += '-N'

        self.headers = headers

        if self.etag:
            # add double quotes to the etag header
            self.etag = self.etag

        # Used for pure swift header handling at the request layer
        self.sw_headers = sw_headers
        self.sysmeta_headers = s3_sysmeta_headers
Ejemplo n.º 19
def print_db_info_metadata(db_type, info, metadata, drop_prefixes=False,
    print out data base info/metadata based on its type

    :param db_type: database type, account or container
    :param info: dict of data base info
    :param metadata: dict of data base metadata
    :param drop_prefixes: if True, strip "X-Account-Meta-",
                          "X-Container-Meta-", "X-Account-Sysmeta-", and
                          "X-Container-Sysmeta-" when displaying
                          User Metadata and System Metadata dicts
    if info is None:
        raise ValueError('DB info is None')

    if db_type not in ['container', 'account']:
        raise ValueError('Wrong DB type')

        account = info['account']
        container = None

        if db_type == 'container':
            container = info['container']
            path = '/%s/%s' % (account, container)
            path = '/%s' % account

        print('Path: %s' % path)
        print('  Account: %s' % account)

        if db_type == 'container':
            print('  Container: %s' % container)

        print('  Deleted: %s' % info['is_deleted'])
        path_hash = hash_path(account, container)
        if db_type == 'container':
            print('  Container Hash: %s' % path_hash)
            print('  Account Hash: %s' % path_hash)

        print('  Created at: %s (%s)' %
        print('  Put Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        print('  Delete Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        print('  Status Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        if db_type == 'account':
            print('  Container Count: %s' % info['container_count'])
        print('  Object Count: %s' % info['object_count'])
        print('  Bytes Used: %s' % info['bytes_used'])
        if db_type == 'container':
                policy_name = POLICIES[info['storage_policy_index']].name
            except KeyError:
                policy_name = 'Unknown'
            print('  Storage Policy: %s (%s)' % (
                policy_name, info['storage_policy_index']))
            print('  Reported Put Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
            print('  Reported Delete Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
            print('  Reported Object Count: %s' %
            print('  Reported Bytes Used: %s' % info['reported_bytes_used'])
        print('  Chexor: %s' % info['hash'])
        print('  UUID: %s' % info['id'])
    except KeyError as e:
        raise ValueError('Info is incomplete: %s' % e)

    meta_prefix = 'x_' + db_type + '_'
    for key, value in info.items():
        if key.lower().startswith(meta_prefix):
            title = key.replace('_', '-').title()
            print('  %s: %s' % (title, value))
    user_metadata = {}
    sys_metadata = {}
    for key, (value, timestamp) in metadata.items():
        if is_user_meta(db_type, key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_user_meta_prefix(db_type, key)
            user_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_sys_meta(db_type, key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_sys_meta_prefix(db_type, key)
            sys_metadata[key] = value
            title = key.replace('_', '-').title()
            print('  %s: %s' % (title, value))
    if sys_metadata:
        print('  System Metadata: %s' % sys_metadata)
        print('No system metadata found in db file')

    if user_metadata:
        print('  User Metadata: %s' % user_metadata)
        print('No user metadata found in db file')

    if db_type == 'container':
        print('Sharding Metadata:')
        shard_type = 'root' if info['is_root'] else 'shard'
        print('  Type: %s' % shard_type)
        print('  State: %s' % info['db_state'])
    if info.get('shard_ranges'):
        num_shards = len(info['shard_ranges'])
        print('Shard Ranges (%d):' % num_shards)
        count_by_state = defaultdict(int)
        for srange in info['shard_ranges']:
            count_by_state[(srange.state, srange.state_text)] += 1
        print('  States:')
        for key_state, count in sorted(count_by_state.items()):
            key, state = key_state
            print('    %9s: %s' % (state, count))
        if verbose:
            for srange in info['shard_ranges']:
                srange = dict(srange, state_text=srange.state_text)
                print('  Name: %(name)s' % srange)
                print('    lower: %(lower)r, upper: %(upper)r' % srange)
                print('    Object Count: %(object_count)d, Bytes Used: '
                      '%(bytes_used)d, State: %(state_text)s (%(state)d)'
                      % srange)
                print('    Created at: %s (%s)'
                      % (Timestamp(srange['timestamp']).isoformat,
                print('    Meta Timestamp: %s (%s)'
                      % (Timestamp(srange['meta_timestamp']).isoformat,
            print('(Use -v/--verbose to show more Shard Ranges details)')
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        swob.Response.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        if self.etag:
            # add double quotes to the etag header
            self.etag = self.etag

        sw_sysmeta_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        sw_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        headers = HeaderKeyDict()
        self.is_slo = False

        def is_swift3_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            swift3_sysmeta_prefix = ('x-%s-sysmeta-swift3' %
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(swift3_sysmeta_prefix)

        def is_s3api_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            s3api_sysmeta_prefix = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type).lower()
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(s3api_sysmeta_prefix)

        for key, val in self.headers.iteritems():
            if is_sys_meta('object', key) or is_sys_meta('container', key):
                _server_type = key.split('-')[1]
                if is_swift3_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    # To be compatible with older swift3, translate swift3
                    # sysmeta to s3api sysmeta here
                    key = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type) + \
                        key[len('x-%s-sysmeta-swift3-' % _server_type):]

                    if key not in sw_sysmeta_headers:
                        # To avoid overwrite s3api sysmeta by older swift3
                        # sysmeta set the key only when the key does not exist
                        sw_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                elif is_s3api_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    sw_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                sw_headers[key] = val

        # Handle swift headers
        for key, val in sw_headers.iteritems():
            _key = key.lower()

            if _key.startswith('x-object-meta-'):
                # Note that AWS ignores user-defined headers with '=' in the
                # header name. We translated underscores to '=5F' on the way
                # in, though.
                headers['x-amz-meta-' + _key[14:].replace('=5f', '_')] = val
            elif _key in ('content-length', 'content-type', 'content-range',
                          'content-encoding', 'content-disposition',
                          'content-language', 'etag', 'last-modified',
                          'x-robots-tag', 'cache-control', 'expires'):
                headers[key] = val
            elif _key == 'x-static-large-object':
                # for delete slo
                self.is_slo = config_true_value(val)

        self.headers = headers
        # Used for pure swift header handling at the request layer
        self.sw_headers = sw_headers
        self.sysmeta_headers = sw_sysmeta_headers
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        swob.Response.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        if self.etag:
            # add double quotes to the etag header
            self.etag = self.etag

        sw_sysmeta_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        sw_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        headers = HeaderKeyDict()
        self.is_slo = False

        def is_swift3_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            swift3_sysmeta_prefix = (
                'x-%s-sysmeta-swift3' % server_type).lower()
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(swift3_sysmeta_prefix)

        def is_s3api_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            s3api_sysmeta_prefix = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type).lower()
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(s3api_sysmeta_prefix)

        for key, val in self.headers.iteritems():
            if is_sys_meta('object', key) or is_sys_meta('container', key):
                _server_type = key.split('-')[1]
                if is_swift3_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    # To be compatible with older swift3, translate swift3
                    # sysmeta to s3api sysmeta here
                    key = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type) + \
                        key[len('x-%s-sysmeta-swift3-' % _server_type):]

                    if key not in sw_sysmeta_headers:
                        # To avoid overwrite s3api sysmeta by older swift3
                        # sysmeta set the key only when the key does not exist
                        sw_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                elif is_s3api_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    sw_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                sw_headers[key] = val

        # Handle swift headers
        for key, val in sw_headers.iteritems():
            _key = key.lower()

            if _key.startswith('x-object-meta-'):
                # Note that AWS ignores user-defined headers with '=' in the
                # header name. We translated underscores to '=5F' on the way
                # in, though.
                headers['x-amz-meta-' + _key[14:].replace('=5f', '_')] = val
            elif _key in ('content-length', 'content-type',
                          'content-range', 'content-encoding',
                          'content-disposition', 'content-language',
                          'etag', 'last-modified', 'x-robots-tag',
                          'cache-control', 'expires'):
                headers[key] = val
            elif _key == 'x-static-large-object':
                # for delete slo
                self.is_slo = config_true_value(val)

        self.headers = headers
        # Used for pure swift header handling at the request layer
        self.sw_headers = sw_headers
        self.sysmeta_headers = sw_sysmeta_headers
Ejemplo n.º 22
def print_db_info_metadata(db_type, info, metadata):
    print out data base info/metadata based on its type

    :param db_type: database type, account or container
    :param info: dict of data base info
    :param metadata: dict of data base metadata
    if info is None:
        raise ValueError("DB info is None")

    if db_type not in ["container", "account"]:
        raise ValueError("Wrong DB type")

        account = info["account"]
        container = None

        if db_type == "container":
            container = info["container"]
            path = "/%s/%s" % (account, container)
            path = "/%s" % account

        print "Path: %s" % path
        print "  Account: %s" % account

        if db_type == "container":
            print "  Container: %s" % container

        path_hash = hash_path(account, container)
        if db_type == "container":
            print "  Container Hash: %s" % path_hash
            print "  Account Hash: %s" % path_hash

        print "Metadata:"
        print ("  Created at: %s (%s)" % (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(info["created_at"])), info["created_at"]))
        print (
            "  Put Timestamp: %s (%s)"
            % (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(info["put_timestamp"])), info["put_timestamp"])
        print (
            "  Delete Timestamp: %s (%s)"
            % (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(info["delete_timestamp"])), info["delete_timestamp"])
        if db_type == "account":
            print "  Container Count: %s" % info["container_count"]
        print "  Object Count: %s" % info["object_count"]
        print "  Bytes Used: %s" % info["bytes_used"]
        if db_type == "container":
            print (
                "  Reported Put Timestamp: %s (%s)"
                % (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(info["reported_put_timestamp"])), info["reported_put_timestamp"])
            print (
                "  Reported Delete Timestamp: %s (%s)"
                % (
            print "  Reported Object Count: %s" % info["reported_object_count"]
            print "  Reported Bytes Used: %s" % info["reported_bytes_used"]
        print "  Chexor: %s" % info["hash"]
        print "  UUID: %s" % info["id"]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Info is incomplete")

    meta_prefix = "x_" + db_type + "_"
    for key, value in info.iteritems():
        if key.lower().startswith(meta_prefix):
            title = key.replace("_", "-").title()
            print "  %s: %s" % (title, value)
    user_metadata = {}
    sys_metadata = {}
    for key, (value, timestamp) in metadata.iteritems():
        if is_user_meta(db_type, key):
            user_metadata[strip_user_meta_prefix(db_type, key)] = value
        elif is_sys_meta(db_type, key):
            sys_metadata[strip_sys_meta_prefix(db_type, key)] = value
            title = key.replace("_", "-").title()
            print "  %s: %s" % (title, value)
    if sys_metadata:
        print "  System Metadata: %s" % sys_metadata
        print "No system metadata found in db file"

    if user_metadata:
        print "  User Metadata: %s" % user_metadata
        print "No user metadata found in db file"
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_is_sys_meta(self):
     m_type = 'sysmeta'
     for st in server_types:
         self.assertTrue(rh.is_sys_meta(st, 'x-%s-%s-foo' % (st, m_type)))
         self.assertFalse(rh.is_sys_meta(st, 'x-%s-%s-' % (st, m_type)))
         self.assertFalse(rh.is_sys_meta(st, 'x-%s-%sfoo' % (st, m_type)))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def handle_PUT(self, req, start_response):
        if req.content_length:
            return HTTPBadRequest(body='Copy requests require a zero byte '
                                  'body', request=req,

        # Form the path of source object to be fetched
        ver, acct, _rest = req.split_path(2, 3, True)
        src_account_name = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From-Account')
        if src_account_name:
            src_account_name = check_account_format(req, src_account_name)
            src_account_name = acct
        src_container_name, src_obj_name = _check_copy_from_header(req)
        source_path = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (ver, src_account_name,
                                        src_container_name, src_obj_name)

        if req.environ.get('swift.orig_req_method', req.method) != 'POST':
            self.logger.info("Copying object from %s to %s" %
                             (source_path, req.path))

        # GET the source object, bail out on error
        ssc_ctx = ServerSideCopyWebContext(self.app, self.logger)
        source_resp = self._get_source_object(ssc_ctx, source_path, req)
        if source_resp.status_int >= HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
            return source_resp(source_resp.environ, start_response)

        # Create a new Request object based on the original req instance.
        # This will preserve env and headers.
        sink_req = Request.blank(req.path_info,
                                 environ=req.environ, headers=req.headers)

        params = sink_req.params
        if params.get('multipart-manifest') == 'get':
            if 'X-Static-Large-Object' in source_resp.headers:
                params['multipart-manifest'] = 'put'
            if 'X-Object-Manifest' in source_resp.headers:
                del params['multipart-manifest']
                sink_req.headers['X-Object-Manifest'] = \
            sink_req.params = params

        # Set data source, content length and etag for the PUT request
        sink_req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FileLikeIter(source_resp.app_iter)
        sink_req.content_length = source_resp.content_length
        if (source_resp.status_int == HTTP_OK and
                'X-Static-Large-Object' not in source_resp.headers and
                ('X-Object-Manifest' not in source_resp.headers or
                 req.params.get('multipart-manifest') == 'get')):
            # copy source etag so that copied content is verified, unless:
            #  - not a 200 OK response: source etag may not match the actual
            #    content, for example with a 206 Partial Content response to a
            #    ranged request
            #  - SLO manifest: etag cannot be specified in manifest PUT; SLO
            #    generates its own etag value which may differ from source
            #  - SLO: etag in SLO response is not hash of actual content
            #  - DLO: etag in DLO response is not hash of actual content
            sink_req.headers['Etag'] = source_resp.etag
            # since we're not copying the source etag, make sure that any
            # container update override values are not copied.
            remove_items(source_resp.headers, lambda k: k.startswith(

        # We no longer need these headers
        sink_req.headers.pop('X-Copy-From', None)
        sink_req.headers.pop('X-Copy-From-Account', None)
        # If the copy request does not explicitly override content-type,
        # use the one present in the source object.
        if not req.headers.get('content-type'):
            sink_req.headers['Content-Type'] = \

        fresh_meta_flag = config_true_value(
            sink_req.headers.get('x-fresh-metadata', 'false'))

        if fresh_meta_flag or 'swift.post_as_copy' in sink_req.environ:
            # Post-as-copy: ignore new sysmeta, copy existing sysmeta
            condition = lambda k: is_sys_meta('object', k)
            remove_items(sink_req.headers, condition)
            copy_header_subset(source_resp, sink_req, condition)
            # Copy/update existing sysmeta, transient-sysmeta and user meta
            _copy_headers(source_resp.headers, sink_req.headers)
            # Copy/update new metadata provided in request if any
            _copy_headers(req.headers, sink_req.headers)

        # Create response headers for PUT response
        resp_headers = self._create_response_headers(source_path,
                                                     source_resp, sink_req)

        put_resp = ssc_ctx.send_put_req(sink_req, resp_headers, start_response)
        return put_resp
Ejemplo n.º 25
def print_obj_metadata(metadata):
    Print out basic info and metadata from object, as returned from

    Metadata should include the keys: name, Content-Type, and

    Additional metadata is displayed unmodified.

    :param metadata: dict of object metadata

    :raises: ValueError
    user_metadata = {}
    sys_metadata = {}
    transient_sys_metadata = {}
    other_metadata = {}

    if not metadata:
        raise ValueError('Metadata is None')
    path = metadata.pop('name', '')
    content_type = metadata.pop('Content-Type', '')
    ts = Timestamp(metadata.pop('X-Timestamp', 0))
    account = container = obj = obj_hash = None
    if path:
            account, container, obj = path.split('/', 3)[1:]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Path is invalid for object %r' % path)
            obj_hash = hash_path(account, container, obj)
        print('Path: %s' % path)
        print('  Account: %s' % account)
        print('  Container: %s' % container)
        print('  Object: %s' % obj)
        print('  Object hash: %s' % obj_hash)
        print('Path: Not found in metadata')
    if content_type:
        print('Content-Type: %s' % content_type)
        print('Content-Type: Not found in metadata')
    if ts:
        print('Timestamp: %s (%s)' % (ts.isoformat, ts.internal))
        print('Timestamp: Not found in metadata')

    for key, value in metadata.items():
        if is_user_meta('Object', key):
            user_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_sys_meta('Object', key):
            sys_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_object_transient_sysmeta(key):
            transient_sys_metadata[key] = value
            other_metadata[key] = value

    def print_metadata(title, items):
        if items:
            for meta_key in sorted(items):
                print('  %s: %s' % (meta_key, items[meta_key]))
            print('  No metadata found')

    print_metadata('System Metadata:', sys_metadata)
    print_metadata('Transient System Metadata:', transient_sys_metadata)
    print_metadata('User Metadata:', user_metadata)
    print_metadata('Other Metadata:', other_metadata)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def is_object_sysmeta(k):
     return is_sys_meta('object', k)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def print_obj_metadata(metadata, drop_prefixes=False):
    Print out basic info and metadata from object, as returned from

    Metadata should include the keys: name, Content-Type, and

    Additional metadata is displayed unmodified.

    :param metadata: dict of object metadata
    :param drop_prefixes: if True, strip "X-Object-Meta-", "X-Object-Sysmeta-",
                          and "X-Object-Transient-Sysmeta-" when displaying
                          User Metadata, System Metadata, and Transient
                          System Metadata entries

    :raises ValueError:
    user_metadata = {}
    sys_metadata = {}
    transient_sys_metadata = {}
    other_metadata = {}

    if not metadata:
        raise ValueError('Metadata is None')
    path = metadata.pop('name', '')
    content_type = metadata.pop('Content-Type', '')
    ts = Timestamp(metadata.pop('X-Timestamp', 0))
    account = container = obj = obj_hash = None
    if path:
            account, container, obj = path.split('/', 3)[1:]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Path is invalid for object %r' % path)
            obj_hash = hash_path(account, container, obj)
        print('Path: %s' % path)
        print('  Account: %s' % account)
        print('  Container: %s' % container)
        print('  Object: %s' % obj)
        print('  Object hash: %s' % obj_hash)
        print('Path: Not found in metadata')
    if content_type:
        print('Content-Type: %s' % content_type)
        print('Content-Type: Not found in metadata')
    if ts:
        print('Timestamp: %s (%s)' % (ts.isoformat, ts.internal))
        print('Timestamp: Not found in metadata')

    for key, value in metadata.items():
        if is_user_meta('Object', key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_user_meta_prefix('Object', key)
            user_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_sys_meta('Object', key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_sys_meta_prefix('Object', key)
            sys_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_object_transient_sysmeta(key):
            if drop_prefixes:
                key = strip_object_transient_sysmeta_prefix(key)
            transient_sys_metadata[key] = value
            other_metadata[key] = value

    def print_metadata(title, items):
        if items:
            for key, value in sorted(items.items()):
                print('  %s: %s' % (key, value))
            print('  No metadata found')

    print_metadata('System Metadata:', sys_metadata)
    print_metadata('Transient System Metadata:', transient_sys_metadata)
    print_metadata('User Metadata:', user_metadata)
    print_metadata('Other Metadata:', other_metadata)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def PUT(self, req):
        """HTTP PUT request handler."""
        if req.if_none_match is not None and '*' not in req.if_none_match:
            # Sending an etag with if-none-match isn't currently supported
            return HTTPBadRequest(request=req, content_type='text/plain',
                                  body='If-None-Match only supports *')
        container_info = self.container_info(
            self.account_name, self.container_name, req)
        policy_index = req.headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index',
        obj_ring = self.app.get_object_ring(policy_index)

        # pass the policy index to storage nodes via req header
        req.headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = policy_index
        container_partition = container_info['partition']
        containers = container_info['nodes']
        req.acl = container_info['write_acl']
        req.environ['swift_sync_key'] = container_info['sync_key']
        object_versions = container_info['versions']
        if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:
            aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
            if aresp:
                return aresp

        if not containers:
            return HTTPNotFound(request=req)

        # Sometimes the 'content-type' header exists, but is set to None.
        content_type_manually_set = True
        detect_content_type = \
        if detect_content_type or not req.headers.get('content-type'):
            guessed_type, _junk = mimetypes.guess_type(req.path_info)
            req.headers['Content-Type'] = guessed_type or \
            if detect_content_type:
                content_type_manually_set = False

        error_response = check_object_creation(req, self.object_name) or \
        if error_response:
            return error_response

        partition, nodes = obj_ring.get_nodes(
            self.account_name, self.container_name, self.object_name)

        # do a HEAD request for container sync and checking object versions
        if 'x-timestamp' in req.headers or \
                (object_versions and not
            # make sure proxy-server uses the right policy index
            _headers = {'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': policy_index,
                        'X-Newest': 'True'}
            hreq = Request.blank(req.path_info, headers=_headers,
                                 environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'HEAD'})
            hresp = self.GETorHEAD_base(
                hreq, _('Object'), obj_ring, partition,

        # Used by container sync feature
        if 'x-timestamp' in req.headers:
                req_timestamp = Timestamp(req.headers['X-Timestamp'])
                if hresp.environ and 'swift_x_timestamp' in hresp.environ and \
                        hresp.environ['swift_x_timestamp'] >= req_timestamp:
                    return HTTPAccepted(request=req)
            except ValueError:
                return HTTPBadRequest(
                    request=req, content_type='text/plain',
                    body='X-Timestamp should be a UNIX timestamp float value; '
                         'was %r' % req.headers['x-timestamp'])
            req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal
            req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = Timestamp(time.time()).internal

        if object_versions and not req.environ.get('swift_versioned_copy'):
            if hresp.status_int != HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
                # This is a version manifest and needs to be handled
                # differently. First copy the existing data to a new object,
                # then write the data from this request to the version manifest
                # object.
                lcontainer = object_versions.split('/')[0]
                prefix_len = '%03x' % len(self.object_name)
                lprefix = prefix_len + self.object_name + '/'
                ts_source = hresp.environ.get('swift_x_timestamp')
                if ts_source is None:
                    ts_source = time.mktime(time.strptime(
                                            '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'))
                new_ts = Timestamp(ts_source).internal
                vers_obj_name = lprefix + new_ts
                copy_headers = {
                    'Destination': '%s/%s' % (lcontainer, vers_obj_name)}
                copy_environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'COPY',
                                'swift_versioned_copy': True
                copy_req = Request.blank(req.path_info, headers=copy_headers,
                copy_resp = self.COPY(copy_req)
                if is_client_error(copy_resp.status_int):
                    # missing container or bad permissions
                    return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=req)
                elif not is_success(copy_resp.status_int):
                    # could not copy the data, bail
                    return HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)

        reader = req.environ['wsgi.input'].read
        data_source = iter(lambda: reader(self.app.client_chunk_size), '')
        source_header = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From')
        source_resp = None
        if source_header:
            if req.environ.get('swift.orig_req_method', req.method) != 'POST':
                req.environ.setdefault('swift.log_info', []).append(
                    'x-copy-from:%s' % source_header)
            ver, acct, _rest = req.split_path(2, 3, True)
            src_account_name = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From-Account', None)
            if src_account_name:
                src_account_name = check_account_format(req, src_account_name)
                src_account_name = acct
            src_container_name, src_obj_name = check_copy_from_header(req)
            source_header = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (ver, src_account_name,
                            src_container_name, src_obj_name)
            source_req = req.copy_get()

            # make sure the source request uses it's container_info
            source_req.headers.pop('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', None)
            source_req.path_info = source_header
            source_req.headers['X-Newest'] = 'true'
            orig_obj_name = self.object_name
            orig_container_name = self.container_name
            orig_account_name = self.account_name
            self.object_name = src_obj_name
            self.container_name = src_container_name
            self.account_name = src_account_name
            sink_req = Request.blank(req.path_info,
                                     environ=req.environ, headers=req.headers)
            source_resp = self.GET(source_req)

            # This gives middlewares a way to change the source; for example,
            # this lets you COPY a SLO manifest and have the new object be the
            # concatenation of the segments (like what a GET request gives
            # the client), not a copy of the manifest file.
            hook = req.environ.get(
                (lambda source_req, source_resp, sink_req: source_resp))
            source_resp = hook(source_req, source_resp, sink_req)

            if source_resp.status_int >= HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
                return source_resp
            self.object_name = orig_obj_name
            self.container_name = orig_container_name
            self.account_name = orig_account_name
            data_source = iter(source_resp.app_iter)
            sink_req.content_length = source_resp.content_length
            if sink_req.content_length is None:
                # This indicates a transfer-encoding: chunked source object,
                # which currently only happens because there are more than
                # CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT segments in a segmented object. In
                # this case, we're going to refuse to do the server-side copy.
                return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
            if sink_req.content_length > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
                return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
            sink_req.etag = source_resp.etag

            # we no longer need the X-Copy-From header
            del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From']
            if 'X-Copy-From-Account' in sink_req.headers:
                del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From-Account']
            if not content_type_manually_set:
                sink_req.headers['Content-Type'] = \
            if config_true_value(
                    sink_req.headers.get('x-fresh-metadata', 'false')):
                # post-as-copy: ignore new sysmeta, copy existing sysmeta
                condition = lambda k: is_sys_meta('object', k)
                remove_items(sink_req.headers, condition)
                copy_header_subset(source_resp, sink_req, condition)
                # copy/update existing sysmeta and user meta
                copy_headers_into(source_resp, sink_req)
                copy_headers_into(req, sink_req)

            # copy over x-static-large-object for POSTs and manifest copies
            if 'X-Static-Large-Object' in source_resp.headers and \
                    req.params.get('multipart-manifest') == 'get':
                sink_req.headers['X-Static-Large-Object'] = \

            req = sink_req

        req, delete_at_container, delete_at_part, \
            delete_at_nodes = self._config_obj_expiration(req)

        node_iter = GreenthreadSafeIterator(
            self.iter_nodes_local_first(obj_ring, partition))
        pile = GreenPile(len(nodes))
        te = req.headers.get('transfer-encoding', '')
        chunked = ('chunked' in te)

        outgoing_headers = self._backend_requests(
            req, len(nodes), container_partition, containers,
            delete_at_container, delete_at_part, delete_at_nodes)

        for nheaders in outgoing_headers:
            # RFC2616:8.2.3 disallows 100-continue without a body
            if (req.content_length > 0) or chunked:
                nheaders['Expect'] = '100-continue'
            pile.spawn(self._connect_put_node, node_iter, partition,
                       req.swift_entity_path, nheaders,

        conns = [conn for conn in pile if conn]
        min_conns = quorum_size(len(nodes))

        if req.if_none_match is not None and '*' in req.if_none_match:
            statuses = [conn.resp.status for conn in conns if conn.resp]
            if HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED in statuses:
                # If we find any copy of the file, it shouldn't be uploaded
                    _('Object PUT returning 412, %(statuses)r'),
                    {'statuses': statuses})
                return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=req)

        if len(conns) < min_conns:
                _('Object PUT returning 503, %(conns)s/%(nodes)s '
                  'required connections'),
                {'conns': len(conns), 'nodes': min_conns})
            return HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
        bytes_transferred = 0
            with ContextPool(len(nodes)) as pool:
                for conn in conns:
                    conn.failed = False
                    conn.queue = Queue(self.app.put_queue_depth)
                    pool.spawn(self._send_file, conn, req.path)
                while True:
                    with ChunkReadTimeout(self.app.client_timeout):
                            chunk = next(data_source)
                        except StopIteration:
                            if chunked:
                                for conn in conns:
                    bytes_transferred += len(chunk)
                    if bytes_transferred > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
                        return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
                    for conn in list(conns):
                        if not conn.failed:
                                '%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(chunk), chunk)
                                if chunked else chunk)
                    if len(conns) < min_conns:
                            'Object PUT exceptions during'
                            ' send, %(conns)s/%(nodes)s required connections'),
                            {'conns': len(conns), 'nodes': min_conns})
                        return HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
                for conn in conns:
                    if conn.queue.unfinished_tasks:
            conns = [conn for conn in conns if not conn.failed]
        except ChunkReadTimeout as err:
                _('ERROR Client read timeout (%ss)'), err.seconds)
            return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=req)
        except (Exception, Timeout):
                _('ERROR Exception causing client disconnect'))
            return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)
        if req.content_length and bytes_transferred < req.content_length:
            req.client_disconnect = True
                _('Client disconnected without sending enough data'))
            return HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)

        statuses, reasons, bodies, etags = self._get_put_responses(req, conns,

        if len(etags) > 1:
                _('Object servers returned %s mismatched etags'), len(etags))
            return HTTPServerError(request=req)
        etag = etags.pop() if len(etags) else None
        resp = self.best_response(req, statuses, reasons, bodies,
                                  _('Object PUT'), etag=etag)
        if source_header:
            acct, path = source_header.split('/', 3)[2:4]
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Account'] = quote(acct)
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From'] = quote(path)
            if 'last-modified' in source_resp.headers:
                resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Last-Modified'] = \
            copy_headers_into(req, resp)
        resp.last_modified = math.ceil(
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 29
def print_obj_metadata(metadata):
    Print out basic info and metadata from object, as returned from

    Metadata should include the keys: name, Content-Type, and

    Additional metadata is displayed unmodified.

    :param metadata: dict of object metadata

    :raises: ValueError
    user_metadata = {}
    sys_metadata = {}
    other_metadata = {}

    if not metadata:
        raise ValueError('Metadata is None')
    path = metadata.pop('name', '')
    content_type = metadata.pop('Content-Type', '')
    ts = Timestamp(metadata.pop('X-Timestamp', 0))
    account = container = obj = obj_hash = None
    if path:
            account, container, obj = path.split('/', 3)[1:]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Path is invalid for object %r' % path)
            obj_hash = hash_path(account, container, obj)
        print 'Path: %s' % path
        print '  Account: %s' % account
        print '  Container: %s' % container
        print '  Object: %s' % obj
        print '  Object hash: %s' % obj_hash
        print 'Path: Not found in metadata'
    if content_type:
        print 'Content-Type: %s' % content_type
        print 'Content-Type: Not found in metadata'
    if ts:
        print ('Timestamp: %s (%s)' % (ts.isoformat, ts.internal))
        print 'Timestamp: Not found in metadata'

    for key, value in metadata.iteritems():
        if is_user_meta('Object', key):
            user_metadata[key] = value
        elif is_sys_meta('Object', key):
            sys_metadata[key] = value
            other_metadata[key] = value

    def print_metadata(title, items):
        print title
        if items:
            for meta_key in sorted(items):
                print '  %s: %s' % (meta_key, items[meta_key])
            print '  No metadata found'

    print_metadata('System Metadata:', sys_metadata)
    print_metadata('User Metadata:', user_metadata)
    print_metadata('Other Metadata:', other_metadata)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def test_is_sys_meta(self):
     m_type = 'sysmeta'
     for st in server_types:
         self.assertTrue(is_sys_meta(st, 'x-%s-%s-foo' % (st, m_type)))
         self.assertFalse(is_sys_meta(st, 'x-%s-%s-' % (st, m_type)))
         self.assertFalse(is_sys_meta(st, 'x-%s-%sfoo' % (st, m_type)))
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def PUT(self, req):
        """HTTP PUT request handler."""
        if req.if_none_match is not None and '*' not in req.if_none_match:
            # Sending an etag with if-none-match isn't currently supported
            return HTTPBadRequest(request=req, content_type='text/plain',
                                  body='If-None-Match only supports *')
        if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:
            aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
            if aresp:
                return aresp

        # Sometimes the 'content-type' header exists, but is set to None.
        content_type_manually_set = True
        detect_content_type = \
        if detect_content_type or not req.headers.get('content-type'):
            guessed_type, _junk = mimetypes.guess_type(req.path_info)
            req.headers['Content-Type'] = guessed_type or \
            if detect_content_type:
                content_type_manually_set = False

        error_response = check_object_creation(req, self.object_name) or \
        if error_response:
            return error_response

        req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = Timestamp(time.time()).internal

        stream = req.environ['wsgi.input']
        source_header = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From')
        source_resp = None
        if source_header:
            if req.environ.get('swift.orig_req_method', req.method) != 'POST':
                req.environ.setdefault('swift.log_info', []).append(
                    'x-copy-from:%s' % source_header)
            ver, acct, _rest = req.split_path(2, 3, True)
            src_account_name = req.headers.get('X-Copy-From-Account', None)
            if src_account_name:
                src_account_name = check_account_format(req, src_account_name)
                src_account_name = acct
            src_container_name, src_obj_name = check_copy_from_header(req)
            source_header = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (ver, src_account_name,
                                              src_container_name, src_obj_name)
            source_req = req.copy_get()

            # make sure the source request uses it's container_info
            source_req.headers.pop('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', None)
            source_req.path_info = source_header
            source_req.headers['X-Newest'] = 'true'
            orig_obj_name = self.object_name
            orig_container_name = self.container_name
            orig_account_name = self.account_name
            self.object_name = src_obj_name
            self.container_name = src_container_name
            self.account_name = src_account_name
            sink_req = Request.blank(req.path_info,
                                     environ=req.environ, headers=req.headers)
            source_resp = self.GET(source_req)

            # This gives middlewares a way to change the source; for example,
            # this lets you COPY a SLO manifest and have the new object be the
            # concatenation of the segments (like what a GET request gives
            # the client), not a copy of the manifest file.
            hook = req.environ.get(
                (lambda source_req, source_resp, sink_req: source_resp))
            source_resp = hook(source_req, source_resp, sink_req)

            if source_resp.status_int >= HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
                return source_resp
            self.object_name = orig_obj_name
            self.container_name = orig_container_name
            self.account_name = orig_account_name
            stream = IterO(source_resp.app_iter)
            sink_req.content_length = source_resp.content_length
            if sink_req.content_length is None:
                # This indicates a transfer-encoding: chunked source object,
                # which currently only happens because there are more than
                # CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT segments in a segmented object. In
                # this case, we're going to refuse to do the server-side copy.
                return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
            if sink_req.content_length > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
                return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
            sink_req.etag = source_resp.etag

            # we no longer need the X-Copy-From header
            del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From']
            if 'X-Copy-From-Account' in sink_req.headers:
                del sink_req.headers['X-Copy-From-Account']
            if not content_type_manually_set:
                sink_req.headers['Content-Type'] = \
            if config_true_value(
                    sink_req.headers.get('x-fresh-metadata', 'false')):
                # post-as-copy: ignore new sysmeta, copy existing sysmeta
                condition = lambda k: is_sys_meta('object', k)
                remove_items(sink_req.headers, condition)
                copy_header_subset(source_resp, sink_req, condition)
                # copy/update existing sysmeta and user meta
                copy_headers_into(source_resp, sink_req)
                copy_headers_into(req, sink_req)

            # copy over x-static-large-object for POSTs and manifest copies
            if 'X-Static-Large-Object' in source_resp.headers and \
                            req.params.get('multipart-manifest') == 'get':
                sink_req.headers['X-Static-Large-Object'] = \

            req = sink_req

        content_length = req.content_length
        content_type = req.headers.get('content-type', 'octet/stream')
        storage = self.app.storage

        if content_length is None:
            content_length = 0
            chunks, size, checksum = storage.object_create(self.account_name, self.container_name,
        except exceptions.NoSuchContainer:
            return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
        except exceptions.ClientReadTimeout:
            return HTTPRequestTimeout(request=req)
        resp = HTTPCreated(request=req, etag=checksum)
        if source_header:
            acct, path = source_header.split('/', 3)[2:4]
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Account'] = quote(acct)
            resp.headers['X-Copied-From'] = quote(path)
            if 'last-modified' in source_resp.headers:
                resp.headers['X-Copied-From-Last-Modified'] = \
            copy_headers_into(req, resp)
        resp.last_modified = math.ceil(
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        swob.Response.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        sw_sysmeta_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        sw_headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict()
        headers = HeaderKeyDict()
        self.is_slo = False

        def is_swift3_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            swift3_sysmeta_prefix = ('x-%s-sysmeta-swift3' %
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(swift3_sysmeta_prefix)

        def is_s3api_sysmeta(sysmeta_key, server_type):
            s3api_sysmeta_prefix = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type).lower()
            return sysmeta_key.lower().startswith(s3api_sysmeta_prefix)

        for key, val in self.headers.items():
            if is_sys_meta('object', key) or is_sys_meta('container', key):
                _server_type = key.split('-')[1]
                if is_swift3_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    # To be compatible with older swift3, translate swift3
                    # sysmeta to s3api sysmeta here
                    key = sysmeta_prefix(_server_type) + \
                        key[len('x-%s-sysmeta-swift3-' % _server_type):]

                    if key not in sw_sysmeta_headers:
                        # To avoid overwrite s3api sysmeta by older swift3
                        # sysmeta set the key only when the key does not exist
                        sw_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                elif is_s3api_sysmeta(key, _server_type):
                    sw_sysmeta_headers[key] = val
                sw_headers[key] = val

        # Handle swift headers
        for key, val in sw_headers.items():
            _key = key.lower()

            if _key.startswith('x-object-meta-'):
                # Note that AWS ignores user-defined headers with '=' in the
                # header name. We translated underscores to '=5F' on the way
                # in, though.
                headers['x-amz-meta-' + _key[14:].replace('=5f', '_')] = val
            elif _key in ('content-length', 'content-type', 'content-range',
                          'content-encoding', 'content-disposition',
                          'content-language', 'etag', 'last-modified',
                          'x-robots-tag', 'cache-control', 'expires'):
                headers[key] = val
            elif _key == 'x-static-large-object':
                # for delete slo
                self.is_slo = config_true_value(val)

        # Check whether we stored the AWS-style etag on upload
        override_etag = sw_sysmeta_headers.get(sysmeta_header(
            'object', 'etag'))
        if override_etag is not None:
            # Multipart uploads in AWS have ETags like
            #   <MD5(part_etag1 || ... || part_etagN)>-<number of parts>
            headers['etag'] = override_etag
        elif self.is_slo and 'etag' in headers:
            # Many AWS clients use the presence of a '-' to decide whether
            # to attempt client-side download validation, so even if we
            # didn't store the AWS-style header, tack on a '-N'. (Use 'N'
            # because we don't actually know how many parts there are.)
            headers['etag'] += '-N'

        self.headers = headers

        if self.etag:
            # add double quotes to the etag header
            self.etag = self.etag

        # Used for pure swift header handling at the request layer
        self.sw_headers = sw_headers
        self.sysmeta_headers = sw_sysmeta_headers
Ejemplo n.º 33
Archivo: info.py Proyecto: LJ-hust/HS
def print_db_info_metadata(db_type, info, metadata):
    print out data base info/metadata based on its type

    :param db_type: database type, account or container
    :param info: dict of data base info
    :param metadata: dict of data base metadata
    if info is None:
        raise ValueError('DB info is None')

    if db_type not in ['container', 'account']:
        raise ValueError('Wrong DB type')

        account = info['account']
        container = None

        if db_type == 'container':
            container = info['container']
            path = '/%s/%s' % (account, container)
            path = '/%s' % account

        print 'Path: %s' % path
        print '  Account: %s' % account

        if db_type == 'container':
            print '  Container: %s' % container

        path_hash = hash_path(account, container)
        if db_type == 'container':
            print '  Container Hash: %s' % path_hash
            print '  Account Hash: %s' % path_hash

        print 'Metadata:'
        print ('  Created at: %s (%s)' %
        print ('  Put Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        print ('  Delete Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        print ('  Status Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
        if db_type == 'account':
            print '  Container Count: %s' % info['container_count']
        print '  Object Count: %s' % info['object_count']
        print '  Bytes Used: %s' % info['bytes_used']
        if db_type == 'container':
                policy_name = POLICIES[info['storage_policy_index']].name
            except KeyError:
                policy_name = 'Unknown'
            print ('  Storage Policy: %s (%s)' % (
                policy_name, info['storage_policy_index']))
            print ('  Reported Put Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
            print ('  Reported Delete Timestamp: %s (%s)' %
            print '  Reported Object Count: %s' % info['reported_object_count']
            print '  Reported Bytes Used: %s' % info['reported_bytes_used']
        print '  Chexor: %s' % info['hash']
        print '  UUID: %s' % info['id']
    except KeyError as e:
        raise ValueError('Info is incomplete: %s' % e)

    meta_prefix = 'x_' + db_type + '_'
    for key, value in info.iteritems():
        if key.lower().startswith(meta_prefix):
            title = key.replace('_', '-').title()
            print '  %s: %s' % (title, value)
    user_metadata = {}
    sys_metadata = {}
    for key, (value, timestamp) in metadata.iteritems():
        if is_user_meta(db_type, key):
            user_metadata[strip_user_meta_prefix(db_type, key)] = value
        elif is_sys_meta(db_type, key):
            sys_metadata[strip_sys_meta_prefix(db_type, key)] = value
            title = key.replace('_', '-').title()
            print '  %s: %s' % (title, value)
    if sys_metadata:
        print '  System Metadata: %s' % sys_metadata
        print 'No system metadata found in db file'

    if user_metadata:
        print '  User Metadata: %s' % user_metadata
        print 'No user metadata found in db file'
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def is_object_sysmeta(k):
     return is_sys_meta("object", k)