Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_listing(self, req, out_content_type, resp_headers, result,
                       container, **kwargs):
        container_list = result['objects']
        for p in result.get('prefixes', []):
            record = {'name': p, 'subdir': True}
        container_list.sort(key=lambda x: x['name'])
        ret = Response(request=req,
        versions = kwargs.get('versions', False)
        slo = kwargs.get('slo', False)
        if out_content_type == 'application/json':
            ret.body = json.dumps([
                self.update_data_record(r, versions, slo)
                for r in container_list
            req.environ['swift.format_listing'] = False
        elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
            doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
            for obj in container_list:
                record = self.update_data_record(obj, versions, slo)
                if 'subdir' in record:
                    name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
                    sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
                    SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
                    obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
                    for field in [
                            "name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                        SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
                    for field in sorted(record):
                        SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
            ret.body = tostring(doc, encoding='UTF-8').replace(
                "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
                '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 1)
            req.environ['swift.format_listing'] = False
            if not container_list:
                return HTTPNoContent(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
            ret.body = ('\n'.join(rec['name'] for rec in container_list) +

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def create_listing(self, req, out_content_type, info, metadata,
                    container_list, container):
     list_meta = get_param(req, 'list_meta', 'f').lower() in TRUE_VALUES
     resp_headers = {
         'X-Container-Object-Count': info['object_count'],
         'X-Container-Bytes-Used': info['bytes_used'],
         'X-Timestamp': info['created_at'],
         'X-PUT-Timestamp': info['put_timestamp'],
     for key, (value, timestamp) in metadata.iteritems():
         if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers or
                       is_sys_or_user_meta('container', key)):
             resp_headers[key] = value
     ret = Response(request=req, headers=resp_headers,
                    content_type=out_content_type, charset='utf-8')
     if out_content_type == 'application/json':
         ret.body = json.dumps([self.update_data_record(record, list_meta)
                                for record in container_list])
     elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
         doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
         for obj in container_list:
             record = self.update_data_record(obj, list_meta)
             if 'subdir' in record:
                 name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
                 sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
                 SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
                 obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
                 for field in ["name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
                 for field in sorted(record):
                     if list_meta and field == 'metadata':
                         meta = SubElement(obj_element, field)
                         for k, v in record[field].iteritems():
                             SubElement(meta, k).text = str(
                         SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
         ret.body = tostring(doc, encoding='UTF-8').replace(
             "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
             '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 1)
         if not container_list:
             return HTTPNoContent(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
         ret.body = '\n'.join(rec[0] for rec in container_list) + '\n'
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def best_response(self, req, statuses, reasons, bodies, server_type,
        Given a list of responses from several servers, choose the best to
        return to the API.

        :param req: swob.Request object
        :param statuses: list of statuses returned
        :param reasons: list of reasons for each status
        :param bodies: bodies of each response
        :param server_type: type of server the responses came from
        :param etag: etag
        :returns: swob.Response object with the correct status, body, etc. set
        resp = Response(request=req)
        if len(statuses):
            for hundred in (HTTP_OK, HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST):
                hstatuses = \
                    [s for s in statuses if hundred <= s < hundred + 100]
                if len(hstatuses) > len(statuses) / 2:
                    status = max(hstatuses)
                    status_index = statuses.index(status)
                    resp.status = '%s %s' % (status, reasons[status_index])
                    resp.body = bodies[status_index]
                    if etag:
                        resp.headers['etag'] = etag.strip('"')
                    return resp
        self.app.logger.error(_('%(type)s returning 503 for %(statuses)s'),
                              {'type': server_type, 'statuses': statuses})
        resp.status = '503 Internal Server Error'
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def best_response(self, req, statuses, reasons, bodies, server_type,
                      etag=None, headers=None):
        Given a list of responses from several servers, choose the best to
        return to the API.

        :param req: swob.Request object
        :param statuses: list of statuses returned
        :param reasons: list of reasons for each status
        :param bodies: bodies of each response
        :param server_type: type of server the responses came from
        :param etag: etag
        :param headers: headers of each response
        :returns: swob.Response object with the correct status, body, etc. set
        resp = Response(request=req)
        if len(statuses):
            for hundred in (HTTP_OK, HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST):
                hstatuses = \
                    [s for s in statuses if hundred <= s < hundred + 100]
                if len(hstatuses) >= quorum_size(len(statuses)):
                    status = max(hstatuses)
                    status_index = statuses.index(status)
                    resp.status = '%s %s' % (status, reasons[status_index])
                    resp.body = bodies[status_index]
                    if headers:
                        update_headers(resp, headers[status_index])
                    if etag:
                        resp.headers['etag'] = etag.strip('"')
                    return resp
        self.app.logger.error(_('%(type)s returning 503 for %(statuses)s'),
                              {'type': server_type, 'statuses': statuses})
        resp.status = '503 Internal Server Error'
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: get_as.py Proyecto: s4g/swift
def zip_get_content_response(fp, files, boundary=_boundary):
    def part_with_attachment(fn):
        part = Response(headers={
            'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
            'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=%s' %
        part.body = zip_file.read(fn)
        return part

    with zipfile.ZipFile(fp) as zip_file:
            total_size = sum(zip_file.getinfo(fn).file_size for fn in files)
        except KeyError:
            raise HTTPNotFound(body='File not found in the zip\r\n')

        if total_size > MAX_CONTENT_SIZE:
            raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge()

        if len(files) == 1:
            resp = part_with_attachment(files[0])
            resp = Response(
                content_type='multipart/mixed; boundary=%s' % boundary)
            body = io.BytesIO()
            for fn in files:
                part_resp = part_with_attachment(fn)
                body.write('\r\n--%s\r\n' % boundary)

            body.write('\r\n--%s--\r\n' % boundary)
            resp.body = body.getvalue()

    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def best_response(self, req, statuses, reasons, bodies, server_type, etag=None):
        Given a list of responses from several servers, choose the best to
        return to the API.

        :param req: swob.Request object
        :param statuses: list of statuses returned
        :param reasons: list of reasons for each status
        :param bodies: bodies of each response
        :param server_type: type of server the responses came from
        :param etag: etag
        :returns: swob.Response object with the correct status, body, etc. set
        resp = Response(request=req)
        if len(statuses):
            for hundred in (HTTP_OK, HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST):
                hstatuses = [s for s in statuses if hundred <= s < hundred + 100]
                if len(hstatuses) > len(statuses) / 2:
                    status = max(hstatuses)
                    status_index = statuses.index(status)
                    resp.status = "%s %s" % (status, reasons[status_index])
                    resp.body = bodies[status_index]
                    if etag:
                        resp.headers["etag"] = etag.strip('"')
                    return resp
        self.app.logger.error(_("%(type)s returning 503 for %(statuses)s"), {"type": server_type, "statuses": statuses})
        resp.status = "503 Internal Server Error"
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: get_as.py Proyecto: s4g/swift
 def part_with_attachment(fn):
     part = Response(headers={
         'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
         'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=%s' %
     part.body = zip_file.read(fn)
     return part
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_err_response(self, msg='Unable to process requested file'):
     resp = Response(content_type='text/xml')
     resp.status = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
     resp.body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<Error>\r\n  ' \
                     '<Code>%s</Code>\r\n  <Message>%s</Message>\r\n</Error>\r\n' \
                     % (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, msg)
     return resp
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_err_response(self, msg="Unable to process requested file"):
     resp = Response(content_type="text/xml")
     resp.status = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
     resp.body = (
         '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<Error>\r\n  '
         "<Code>%s</Code>\r\n  <Message>%s</Message>\r\n</Error>\r\n" % (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, msg)
     return resp
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_err_response(code):
    Given an HTTP response code, create a properly formatted xml error response

    :param code: error code
    :returns: webob.response object
    error_table = {
        (HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'Access denied'),
        (HTTP_CONFLICT, 'The requested bucket name is not available'),
        (HTTP_CONFLICT, 'The bucket you tried to delete is not empty'),
        (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Invalid Argument'),
        (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'The specified bucket is not valid'),
        (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Could not parse the specified URI'),
        (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid'),
        (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'The Content-Length you specified was invalid'),
        (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'The specified bucket does not exist'),
        (HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'The calculated request signature does not '
            'match your provided one'),
        (HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'The difference between the request time and the'
        ' current time is too large'),
        (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'The resource you requested does not exist'),
        (HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'The feature you requested is not yet'
        ' implemented'),
        (HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED, 'Length Required'),
        (HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'Please reduce your request rate'),
        (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'The specified versioning configuration invalid'),
        (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'The XML you provided was not well-formed or did '
                           'not validate against our published schema')

    resp = Response(content_type='text/xml')
    resp.status = error_table[code][0]
    resp.body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<Error>\r\n  ' \
                '<Code>%s</Code>\r\n  <Message>%s</Message>\r\n</Error>\r\n' \
                % (code, error_table[code][1])
    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def create_listing(self, req, out_content_type, resp_headers,
                    metadata, result_list, container):
     container_list = result_list['objects']
     for p in result_list.get('prefixes', []):
         record = {'name': p,
                   'subdir': True}
     for (k, v) in metadata.iteritems():
         if v and (k.lower() in self.pass_through_headers or
                       is_sys_or_user_meta('container', k)):
             resp_headers[k] = v
     ret = Response(request=req, headers=resp_headers,
                    content_type=out_content_type, charset='utf-8')
     if out_content_type == 'application/json':
         ret.body = json.dumps([self.update_data_record(record)
                                for record in container_list])
     elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
         doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
         for obj in container_list:
             record = self.update_data_record(obj)
             if 'subdir' in record:
                 name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
                 sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
                 SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
                 obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
                 for field in ["name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
                 for field in sorted(record):
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
         ret.body = tostring(doc, encoding='UTF-8').replace(
             "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
             '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 1)
         if not container_list:
             return HTTPNoContent(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
         ret.body = '\n'.join(rec['name'] for rec in container_list) + '\n'
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def create_listing(self, req, out_content_type, info, resp_headers,
                    metadata, container_list, container):
     for key, (value, timestamp) in metadata.items():
         if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers
                       or is_sys_or_user_meta('container', key)):
             resp_headers[key] = value
     ret = Response(request=req,
     if out_content_type == 'application/json':
         ret.body = json.dumps(
             [self.update_data_record(record) for record in container_list])
     elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
         doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
         for obj in container_list:
             record = self.update_data_record(obj)
             if 'subdir' in record:
                 name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
                 sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
                 SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
                 obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
                 for field in [
                         "name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
                 for field in sorted(record):
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
         ret.body = tostring(doc, encoding='UTF-8').replace(
             "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
             '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 1)
         if not container_list:
             return HTTPNoContent(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
         ret.body = '\n'.join(rec[0] for rec in container_list) + '\n'
     ret.last_modified = math.ceil(float(resp_headers['X-PUT-Timestamp']))
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def get_err_response(self, code):
        Given an HTTP response code, create a properly formatted xml error response

        :param code: error code
        :returns: webob.response object
        error_table = {
            'AccessDenied': (HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'Access denied'),
            (HTTP_CONFLICT, 'The requested bucket name is not available'),
            (HTTP_CONFLICT, 'The bucket you tried to delete is not empty'),
            'InvalidArgument': (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Invalid Argument'),
            'InvalidBucketName': (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
                                  'The specified bucket is not valid'),
            'InvalidURI': (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
                           'Could not parse the specified URI'),
            'InvalidDigest': (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
                              'The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid'),
            'BadDigest': (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
                          'The Content-Length you specified was invalid'),
            'NoSuchBucket': (HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
                             'The specified bucket does not exist'),
            (HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'The calculated request signature does not '
             'match your provided one'),
            (HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'The difference between the request time and the'
             ' current time is too large'),
            'NoSuchKey': (HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
                          'The resource you requested does not exist'),
            'NotSuchPolicy': (HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
                              'The Policy you requested does not exist'),
            'NotSuchWebsite': (HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
                               'The Website you requested does not exist'),
            'Unsupported': (HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
                            'The feature you requested is not yet'
                            ' implemented'),
            'MissingContentLength': (HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED, 'Length Required'),
            'ServiceUnavailable': (HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
                                   'Please reduce your request rate')

        resp = Response(content_type='text/xml')
        resp.status = error_table[code][0]
        resp.body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<Error>\r\n  ' \
                    '<Code>%s</Code>\r\n  <Message>%s</Message>\r\n</Error>\r\n' \
                    % (code, error_table[code][1])
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def create_listing(self, req, out_content_type, info, resp_headers,
                    metadata, container_list, container):
     for key, (value, timestamp) in metadata.items():
         if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers or
                       is_sys_or_user_meta('container', key)):
             resp_headers[key] = value
     ret = Response(request=req, headers=resp_headers,
                    content_type=out_content_type, charset='utf-8')
     if out_content_type == 'application/json':
         ret.body = json.dumps([self.update_data_record(record)
                                for record in container_list])
     elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
         doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
         for obj in container_list:
             record = self.update_data_record(obj)
             if 'subdir' in record:
                 name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
                 sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
                 SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
                 obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
                 for field in ["name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
                 for field in sorted(record):
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
         ret.body = tostring(doc, encoding='UTF-8').replace(
             "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
             '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 1)
         if not container_list:
             return HTTPNoContent(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
         ret.body = '\n'.join(rec[0] for rec in container_list) + '\n'
     ret.last_modified = math.ceil(float(resp_headers['X-PUT-Timestamp']))
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _deny_request(self, code):
     error_table = {
         'AccessDenied': (401, 'Access denied'),
         'InvalidURI': (400, 'Could not parse the specified URI'),
     resp = Response(content_type='text/xml')
     resp.status = error_table[code][0]
     error_msg = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n'
                  '<Error>\r\n  <Code>%s</Code>\r\n  '
                  '<Message>%s</Message>\r\n</Error>\r\n' %
                  (code, error_table[code][1]))
     if six.PY3:
         error_msg = error_msg.encode()
     resp.body = error_msg
     return resp
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_err_response(code):
    Given an HTTP response code, create a properly formatted xml error response

    :param code: error code
    :returns: webob.response object
    error_table = {
        'AccessDenied': (HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'Access denied'),
        'BucketAlreadyExists': (
            HTTP_CONFLICT, 'The requested bucket name is not available'),
        'BucketNotEmpty': (
            HTTP_CONFLICT, 'The bucket you tried to delete is not empty'),
        'InvalidArgument': (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Invalid Argument'),
        'InvalidBucketName': (
            HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'The specified bucket is not valid'),
        'InvalidURI': (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Could not parse the specified URI'),
        'InvalidDigest': (
            HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid'),
        'BadDigest': (
            HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'The Content-Length you specified was invalid'),
        'EntityTooLarge': (
            HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Your proposed upload exceeds the maximum '
            'allowed object size.'),
        'NoSuchBucket': (
            HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'The specified bucket does not exist'),
        'SignatureDoesNotMatch': (
            HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'The calculated request signature does not match '
            'your provided one'),
        'RequestTimeTooSkewed': (
            HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'The difference between the request time and the '
            'current time is too large'),
        'NoSuchKey': (
            HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'The resource you requested does not exist'),
        'Unsupported': (
            HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'The feature you requested is not yet '
        'MissingContentLength': (HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED, 'Length Required'),
        'ServiceUnavailable': (
            HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'Please reduce your request rate')}

    resp = Response(content_type='text/xml')
    resp.status = error_table[code][0]
    resp.body = """%s
    """ % (XML_HEADER, code, error_table[code][1])
    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def GET(self, req):
        Load ring data from .gz files.

        ring_info = self._to_dict()
        gz_file_to_ring_info = json.dumps(ring_info, sort_keys=True)
        ring_info_json_md5 = self._ringinfo_md5(gz_file_to_ring_info)

        resp = Response(request=req)
        resp.etag = ring_info_json_md5
        resp.content_length = len(gz_file_to_ring_info)
        resp.body = gz_file_to_ring_info
        resp.status_init = 200
        resp.content_type = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_err_response(code):
    Given an HTTP response code, create a properly formatted xml error response

    :param code: error code
    :returns: webob.response object
    error_table = {
        "AccessDenied": (HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Access denied"),
        "BucketAlreadyExists": (HTTP_CONFLICT, "The requested bucket name is not available"),
        "BucketNotEmpty": (HTTP_CONFLICT, "The bucket you tried to delete is not empty"),
        "InvalidArgument": (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid Argument"),
        "InvalidBucketName": (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "The specified bucket is not valid"),
        "InvalidURI": (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Could not parse the specified URI"),
        "InvalidDigest": (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid"),
        "BadDigest": (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "The Content-Length you specified was invalid"),
        "NoSuchObject": (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "The specified object does not exist"),
        "NoSuchBucket": (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "The specified bucket does not exist"),
        "NoSuchUpload": (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "The specified bucket does not exist"),
        "SignatureDoesNotMatch": (
            "The calculated request signature does not " "match your provided one",
        "RequestTimeTooSkewed": (
            "The difference between the request time and the" " current time is too large",
        "NoSuchKey": (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "The resource you requested does not exist"),
        "Unsupported": (HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "The feature you requested is not yet" " implemented"),
        "MissingContentLength": (HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED, "Length Required"),
        "ServiceUnavailable": (HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Please reduce your request rate"),

    resp = Response(content_type="text/xml")
    resp.status = error_table[code][0]
    resp.body = (
        '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<Error>\r\n  '
        "<Code>%s</Code>\r\n  <Message>%s</Message>\r\n</Error>\r\n" % (code, error_table[code][1])
    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 19
                (obj_status, objct) = get_object(storage_url, token, cont, obj)
            except ClientException, e:
                resp = Response(charset='utf8')
                resp.status = e.http_status
                return resp
            except err:
            resp = Response()
            resp.status = HTTP_OK
            resp.headers = obj_status
            resp.body = objct
            self.token_bank[token].update({'msg': ''})
            return resp
        return HTTPFound(location=self.add_prefix(storage_url))

    def page_cont_list(self, req, storage_url, token, template=None):
        """ """
        if template is None:
            tmpl = self.tmpl
        path = urlparse(self.del_prefix(req.url)).path
        if len(path.split('/')) <= 2:
            path = urlparse(storage_url).path
        vrs, acc, cont, obj = split_path(path, 1, 4, True)
        lang = self.get_lang(req)
        base = self.add_prefix(urlparse(storage_url).path)
Ejemplo n.º 20
     'X-Container-Bytes-Used': info['bytes_used'],
     'X-Timestamp': info['created_at'],
     'X-PUT-Timestamp': info['put_timestamp'],
 for key, (value, timestamp) in broker.metadata.iteritems():
     if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers
                   or key.lower().startswith('x-container-meta-')):
         resp_headers[key] = value
 ret = Response(request=req,
 container_list = broker.list_objects_iter(limit, marker, end_marker,
                                           prefix, delimiter, path)
 if out_content_type == 'application/json':
     ret.body = json.dumps(
         [self.update_data_record(record) for record in container_list])
 elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
     doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
     for obj in container_list:
         record = self.update_data_record(obj)
         if 'subdir' in record:
             name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
             sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
             SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
             obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
             for field in [
                     "name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                 SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def GET(self, req):
     """Handle HTTP GET request."""
     drive, part, account, container, obj = split_and_validate_path(
         req, 4, 5, True)
     path = get_param(req, 'path')
     prefix = get_param(req, 'prefix')
     delimiter = get_param(req, 'delimiter')
     if delimiter and (len(delimiter) > 1 or ord(delimiter) > 254):
         # delimiters can be made more flexible later
         return HTTPPreconditionFailed(body='Bad delimiter')
     marker = get_param(req, 'marker', '')
     end_marker = get_param(req, 'end_marker')
     given_limit = get_param(req, 'limit')
     if given_limit and given_limit.isdigit():
         limit = int(given_limit)
         if limit > CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT:
             return HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=req,
                                           body='Maximum limit is %d' %
     out_content_type = get_listing_content_type(req)
     if self.mount_check and not check_mount(self.root, drive):
         return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
     broker = self._get_container_broker(drive,
     if broker.is_deleted():
         return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
     info = broker.get_info()
     resp_headers = {
         'X-Container-Object-Count': info['object_count'],
         'X-Container-Bytes-Used': info['bytes_used'],
         'X-Timestamp': info['created_at'],
         'X-PUT-Timestamp': info['put_timestamp'],
     for key, (value, timestamp) in broker.metadata.iteritems():
         if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers
                       or is_sys_or_user_meta('container', key)):
             resp_headers[key] = value
     ret = Response(request=req,
     container_list = broker.list_objects_iter(limit, marker, end_marker,
                                               prefix, delimiter, path)
     if out_content_type == 'application/json':
         ret.body = json.dumps(
             [self.update_data_record(record) for record in container_list])
     elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
         doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
         for obj in container_list:
             record = self.update_data_record(obj)
             if 'subdir' in record:
                 name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
                 sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
                 SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
                 obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
                 for field in [
                         "name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
                 for field in sorted(record):
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
         ret.body = tostring(doc, encoding='UTF-8').replace(
             "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
             '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 1)
         if not container_list:
             return HTTPNoContent(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
         ret.body = '\n'.join(rec[0] for rec in container_list) + '\n'
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _GET_using_cache(self, req):
        # It may be possible to fulfil the request from cache: we only reach
        # here if request record_type is 'shard' or 'auto', so if the container
        # state is 'sharded' then look for cached shard ranges. However, if
        # X-Newest is true then we always fetch from the backend servers.
        get_newest = config_true_value(req.headers.get('x-newest', False))
        if get_newest:
                'Skipping shard cache lookup (x-newest) for %s', req.path_qs)
            info = None
            info = _get_info_from_caches(self.app, req.environ,
        if (info and is_success(info['status'])
                and info.get('sharding_state') == 'sharded'):
            # container is sharded so we may have the shard ranges cached
            headers = headers_from_container_info(info)
            if headers:
                # only use cached values if all required headers available
                infocache = req.environ.setdefault('swift.infocache', {})
                memcache = cache_from_env(req.environ, True)
                cache_key = get_cache_key(self.account_name,
                cached_ranges = infocache.get(cache_key)
                if cached_ranges is None and memcache:
                    cached_ranges = memcache.get(cache_key)
                if cached_ranges is not None:
                    infocache[cache_key] = tuple(cached_ranges)
                    # shard ranges can be returned from cache
                    self.app.logger.debug('Found %d shards in cache for %s',
                                          len(cached_ranges), req.path_qs)
                        'x-backend-record-type': 'shard',
                        'x-backend-cached-results': 'true'
                    shard_range_body = self._filter_resp_shard_ranges(
                        req, cached_ranges)
                    # mimic GetOrHeadHandler.get_working_response...
                    # note: server sets charset with content_type but proxy
                    # GETorHEAD_base does not, so don't set it here either
                    resp = Response(request=req, body=shard_range_body)
                    update_headers(resp, headers)
                    resp.last_modified = math.ceil(
                    resp.environ['swift_x_timestamp'] = headers.get(
                    resp.accept_ranges = 'bytes'
                    resp.content_type = 'application/json'
                    return resp

        # The request was not fulfilled from cache so send to the backend
        # server, but instruct the backend server to ignore name constraints in
        # request params if returning shard ranges so that the response can
        # potentially be cached. Only do this if the container state is
        # 'sharded'. We don't attempt to cache shard ranges for a 'sharding'
        # container as they may include the container itself as a 'gap filler'
        # for shard ranges that have not yet cleaved; listings from 'gap
        # filler' shard ranges are likely to become stale as the container
        # continues to cleave objects to its shards and caching them is
        # therefore more likely to result in stale or incomplete listings on
        # subsequent container GETs.
        req.headers['x-backend-override-shard-name-filter'] = 'sharded'
        resp = self._GETorHEAD_from_backend(req)

        sharding_state = resp.headers.get('x-backend-sharding-state',
        resp_record_type = resp.headers.get('x-backend-record-type',
        complete_listing = config_true_value(
            resp.headers.pop('x-backend-override-shard-name-filter', False))
        # given that we sent 'x-backend-override-shard-name-filter=sharded' we
        # should only receive back 'x-backend-override-shard-name-filter=true'
        # if the sharding state is 'sharded', but check them both anyway...
        if (resp_record_type == 'shard' and sharding_state == 'sharded'
                and complete_listing):
            # backend returned unfiltered listing state shard ranges so parse
            # them and replace response body with filtered listing
            cache_key = get_cache_key(self.account_name,
            data = self._parse_listing_response(req, resp)
            backend_shard_ranges = self._parse_shard_ranges(req, data, resp)
            if backend_shard_ranges is not None:
                cached_ranges = [dict(sr) for sr in backend_shard_ranges]
                if resp.headers.get('x-backend-sharding-state') == 'sharded':
                    # cache in infocache even if no shard ranges returned; this
                    # is unexpected but use that result for this request
                    infocache = req.environ.setdefault('swift.infocache', {})
                    infocache[cache_key] = tuple(cached_ranges)
                    memcache = cache_from_env(req.environ, True)
                    if memcache and cached_ranges:
                        # cache in memcache only if shard ranges as expected
                        self.app.logger.debug('Caching %d shards for %s',
                                              len(cached_ranges), req.path_qs)

                # filter returned shard ranges according to request constraints
                resp.body = self._filter_resp_shard_ranges(req, cached_ranges)

        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 23
 resp_headers = {
     'X-Container-Object-Count': info['object_count'],
     'X-Container-Bytes-Used': info['bytes_used'],
     'X-Timestamp': info['created_at'],
     'X-PUT-Timestamp': info['put_timestamp'],
 for key, (value, timestamp) in broker.metadata.iteritems():
     if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers or
         resp_headers[key] = value
 ret = Response(request=req, headers=resp_headers,
                content_type=out_content_type, charset='utf-8')
 container_list = broker.list_objects_iter(limit, marker, end_marker,
                                           prefix, delimiter, path)
 if out_content_type == 'application/json':
     ret.body = json.dumps([self.update_data_record(record)
                            for record in container_list])
 elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
     doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
     for obj in container_list:
         record = self.update_data_record(obj)
         if 'subdir' in record:
             name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
             sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
             SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
             obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
             for field in ["name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                 SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
             for field in sorted(record.keys()):
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def GET(self, req):
     """Handle HTTP GET request."""
     drive, part, account, container, obj = split_and_validate_path(
         req, 4, 5, True)
     path = get_param(req, 'path')
     prefix = get_param(req, 'prefix')
     delimiter = get_param(req, 'delimiter')
     if delimiter and (len(delimiter) > 1 or ord(delimiter) > 254):
         # delimiters can be made more flexible later
         return HTTPPreconditionFailed(body='Bad delimiter')
     marker = get_param(req, 'marker', '')
     end_marker = get_param(req, 'end_marker')
     limit = constraints.CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT
     given_limit = get_param(req, 'limit')
     if given_limit and given_limit.isdigit():
         limit = int(given_limit)
         if limit > constraints.CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT:
             return HTTPPreconditionFailed(
                 body='Maximum limit is %d'
                 % constraints.CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT)
     out_content_type = get_listing_content_type(req)
     if self.mount_check and not check_mount(self.root, drive):
         return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
     broker = self._get_container_broker(drive, part, account, container,
     if broker.is_deleted():
         return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
     info = broker.get_info()
     resp_headers = {
         'X-Container-Object-Count': info['object_count'],
         'X-Container-Bytes-Used': info['bytes_used'],
         'X-Timestamp': info['created_at'],
         'X-PUT-Timestamp': info['put_timestamp'],
     for key, (value, timestamp) in broker.metadata.iteritems():
         if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers or
                       is_sys_or_user_meta('container', key)):
             resp_headers[key] = value
     ret = Response(request=req, headers=resp_headers,
                    content_type=out_content_type, charset='utf-8')
     container_list = broker.list_objects_iter(limit, marker, end_marker,
                                               prefix, delimiter, path)
     if out_content_type == 'application/json':
         ret.body = json.dumps([self.update_data_record(record)
                                for record in container_list])
     elif out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
         doc = Element('container', name=container.decode('utf-8'))
         for obj in container_list:
             record = self.update_data_record(obj)
             if 'subdir' in record:
                 name = record['subdir'].decode('utf-8')
                 sub = SubElement(doc, 'subdir', name=name)
                 SubElement(sub, 'name').text = name
                 obj_element = SubElement(doc, 'object')
                 for field in ["name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type",
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
                 for field in sorted(record):
                     SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(
         ret.body = tostring(doc, encoding='UTF-8').replace(
             "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
             '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 1)
         if not container_list:
             return HTTPNoContent(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
         ret.body = '\n'.join(rec[0] for rec in container_list) + '\n'
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 25
        if path_type == 4:  # object
                (obj_status, objct) = get_object(storage_url, token, cont, obj)
            except ClientException, e:
                resp = Response(charset='utf8')
                resp.status = e.http_status
                return resp
            except err:
            resp = Response()
            resp.set_cookie('_token', token, path=self.page_path,
            resp.status = HTTP_OK
            resp.headers = obj_status
            resp.body = objct
            self.token_bank[token].update({'msg': ''})
            return resp
        return HTTPFound(location=self.add_prefix(storage_url))

    def page_cont_list(self, req, storage_url, token, template=None):
        """ """
        if template is None:
            tmpl = self.tmpl
        path = urlparse(self.del_prefix(req.url)).path
        if len(path.split('/')) <= 2:
            path = urlparse(storage_url).path
        vrs, acc, cont, obj = split_path(path, 1, 4, True)
        lang = self.get_lang(req)
        base = self.add_prefix(urlparse(storage_url).path)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 if broker.is_deleted():
     return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
 info = broker.get_info()
 resp_headers = {
     "X-Container-Object-Count": info["object_count"],
     "X-Container-Bytes-Used": info["bytes_used"],
     "X-Timestamp": info["created_at"],
     "X-PUT-Timestamp": info["put_timestamp"],
 for key, (value, timestamp) in broker.metadata.iteritems():
     if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers or key.lower().startswith("x-container-meta-")):
         resp_headers[key] = value
 ret = Response(request=req, headers=resp_headers, content_type=out_content_type, charset="utf-8")
 container_list = broker.list_objects_iter(limit, marker, end_marker, prefix, delimiter, path)
 if out_content_type == "application/json":
     ret.body = json.dumps([self.update_data_record(record) for record in container_list])
 elif out_content_type.endswith("/xml"):
     doc = Element("container", name=container.decode("utf-8"))
     for obj in container_list:
         record = self.update_data_record(obj)
         if "subdir" in record:
             name = record["subdir"].decode("utf-8")
             sub = SubElement(doc, "subdir", name=name)
             SubElement(sub, "name").text = name
             obj_element = SubElement(doc, "object")
             for field in ["name", "hash", "bytes", "content_type", "last_modified"]:
                 SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(record.pop(field)).decode("utf-8")
             for field in sorted(record.keys()):
                 SubElement(obj_element, field).text = str(record[field]).decode("utf-8")
     ret.body = tostring(doc, encoding="UTF-8")