Ejemplo n.º 1
def proxy_dp(ael):
    """Provision listener with a 'proxy' dialplan app

    # define a chan park callback
    def bridge2dest(sess):
        '''bridge to the dest specified in the req uri
        if sess['Call-Direction'] == 'inbound':
            # dest_url="${sip_req_user}@${sip_req_host}:${sip_req_port}")
            # print(sess.show())

    ev = "CHANNEL_PARK"
    # add a failover callback to provide the dialplan
    ael.add_callback(ev, 'default', bridge2dest)
    # ensure callback was registered
    assert bridge2dest in ael.consumers['default'][ev]

    # attempt to add measurement collection
        from switchy.apps.measure import Metrics
    except ImportError:
        print("WARNING: numpy measurements not available")
        from switchy import marks
        # manually insert the metrics app
        metrics = Metrics(listener=ael)
        for ev_type, cb_type, obj in marks.get_callbacks(metrics):
            if cb_type == 'callback':
                assert ael.add_callback(ev_type, 'default', obj)
                assert obj in ael.consumers['default']['CHANNEL_HANGUP']
        ael.metrics = metrics
    # sanity
    assert ael.connected()
    assert ael.is_alive()
    return ael
Ejemplo n.º 2
def proxy_dp(ael):
    """Provision listener with a 'proxy' dialplan app
    # define a chan park callback
    def bridge2dest(sess):
        '''bridge to the dest specified in the req uri
        if sess['Call-Direction'] == 'inbound':
            # dest_url="${sip_req_user}@${sip_req_host}:${sip_req_port}")
            # print(sess.show())

    ev = "CHANNEL_PARK"
    # add a failover callback to provide the dialplan
    ael.add_callback(ev, 'default', bridge2dest)
    # ensure callback was registered
    assert bridge2dest in ael.consumers['default'][ev]

    # attempt to add measurement collection
        from switchy.apps.measure import Metrics
    except ImportError:
        print("WARNING: numpy measurements not available")
        from switchy import marks
        # manually insert the metrics app
        metrics = Metrics(listener=ael)
        for ev_type, cb_type, obj in marks.get_callbacks(metrics):
            if cb_type == 'callback':
                assert ael.add_callback(ev_type, 'default', obj)
                assert obj in ael.consumers['default']['CHANNEL_HANGUP']
        ael.metrics = metrics
    # sanity
    assert ael.connected()
    assert ael.is_alive()
    return ael
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_apps(self, client, el):
        """Test app loading, unloading
        from switchy.apps.players import TonePlay
        from switchy.apps.bert import Bert
        from switchy.marks import get_callbacks, event_callback
        from switchy import utils
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        client.listener = el  # assign listener manually
        assert client.listener is el

        # loading
        name = utils.get_name(TonePlay)
        assert name in client._apps
        # app should be an instance of the app type
        app = client._apps[name]
        assert isinstance(app, TonePlay)
        # reloading the same app shouldn't overwrite the original
        assert app is client._apps[name]

        # check that callbacks are registered with listener
        cbmap = client.listener.consumers[app.cid]
        for evname, cbtype, obj in get_callbacks(app):
            assert evname in cbmap
            reg_cb = cbmap[evname][0]
            # WTF?? 'is' doesn't work on methods?
            assert obj == reg_cb
            # check methods are bound to the same instance
            assert obj.im_self is reg_cb.im_self

        # add a 2nd app
        # (Bert adds event handlers so a `connect` is necessary)
        bid = client.load_app(Bert)

        # verify unload
        assert TonePlay not in client._apps
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):

        # 2nd should still be there
        assert utils.get_name(Bert) in client._apps
        cbs = client.listener.consumers[client.apps.Bert.cid]
        assert cbs
        cbcount = len(cbs)

        # app reject due to mal-typed cb
        class DumbApp(object):
            def h0(self, sess):

            def h1(self, sess):

            class noncb(object):

            # non-function marked obj
            fack = event_callback('CHANNEL_PARK')(noncb)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            client.load_app(DumbApp, ident=bid)
        name = utils.get_name(DumbApp)
        assert name not in client._apps
        # Bert cbs should still be active
        assert len(client.listener.consumers[bid]) == cbcount
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_apps(self, client, el):
        """Test app loading, unloading
        from switchy.apps.players import TonePlay
        from switchy.apps.bert import Bert
        from switchy.marks import get_callbacks, event_callback
        from switchy import utils
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        client.listener = el  # assign listener manually
        assert client.listener is el

        # loading
        name = utils.get_name(TonePlay)
        assert name in client._apps
        # app should be an instance of the app type
        app = client._apps[name]
        assert isinstance(app, TonePlay)
        # reloading the same app shouldn't overwrite the original
        assert app is client._apps[name]

        # check that callbacks are registered with listener
        cbmap = client.listener.consumers[app.cid]
        for evname, cbtype, obj in get_callbacks(app):
            assert evname in cbmap
            reg_cb = cbmap[evname][0]
            # WTF?? 'is' doesn't work on methods?
            assert obj == reg_cb
            # check methods are bound to the same instance
            assert obj.im_self is reg_cb.im_self

        # add a 2nd app
        # (Bert adds event handlers so a `connect` is necessary)
        bid = client.load_app(Bert)

        # verify unload
        assert TonePlay not in client._apps
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):

        # 2nd should still be there
        assert utils.get_name(Bert) in client._apps
        cbs = client.listener.consumers[client.apps.Bert.cid]
        assert cbs
        cbcount = len(cbs)

        # app reject due to mal-typed cb
        class DumbApp(object):
            def h0(self, sess):

            def h1(self, sess):

            class noncb(object):

            # non-function marked obj
            fack = event_callback('CHANNEL_PARK')(noncb)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            client.load_app(DumbApp, ident=bid)
        name = utils.get_name(DumbApp)
        assert name not in client._apps
        # Bert cbs should still be active
        assert len(client.listener.consumers[bid]) == cbcount
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_apps(self, client, el):
        """Test app loading, unloading
        from switchy.apps.players import TonePlay
        from switchy.apps.bert import Bert
        from switchy.marks import get_callbacks, event_callback
        from switchy import utils
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            # need an observer assigned first
        client.listener = el  # assign observer manually
        assert client.listener is el

        # loading
        name = utils.get_name(TonePlay)
        # group id is by default the name of the first app
        assert name in client._apps
        # app should be an instance of the app type
        app = client._apps[name][name]
        assert isinstance(app, TonePlay)

        # reloading the same app is not allowed without specifying
        # a new `on_value` / group id
        with pytest.raises(utils.ConfigurationError):
        # load with an alt id
        client.load_app(TonePlay, 'TonePlay2')
        # and therefore shouldn't overwrite the original
        assert app is client._apps[name][name]
        assert app is not client._apps['TonePlay2'][name]

        # check that callbacks are registered with listener
        cbmap = client.listener.consumers[app.cid]
        for evname, cbtype, obj in get_callbacks(app):
            assert evname in cbmap
            reg_cb = cbmap[evname][0]
            # WTF?? 'is' doesn't work on methods?
            assert obj == reg_cb
            # check methods are bound to the same instance
            assert obj.__self__ is reg_cb.__self__

        # add a 2nd app
        # (Bert adds event handlers so a `connect` is necessary)
        bid = client.load_app(Bert)

        # verify unload
        assert app.cid not in client._apps
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):

        # Bert should still be there
        assert bid in client._apps
        cbs = client.listener.consumers[client.apps.Bert['Bert'].cid]
        assert cbs
        cbcount = len(cbs)

        # app reject due to mal-typed cb
        class DumbApp(object):
            def h0(self, sess):

            def h1(self, sess):

            # non-function marked obj
            class noncb(object):

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            client.load_app(DumbApp, ident=bid)
        name = utils.get_name(DumbApp)
        assert name not in client._apps
        assert name not in client.apps.Bert
        # Bert cbs should still be active
        assert len(client.listener.consumers[bid]) == cbcount