Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Server:Server:Init:'
        self.running = True
        # Flower Listener Socket
        self.listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        # Diffie Hellman
        self.exchange = False

        # Stream
        self.stream = Stream()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Bee:Bee:Init:'
     self.alive = True
     # Flower Socket
     self.flower = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     # Deflector Socket
     self.deflector = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     # Diffie Hellman
     self.dh = DiffieHellman()
     self.exchange = False
     # Stream
     self.stream = Stream()
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Bee:
    def __init__(self):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Bee:Bee:Init:'
        self.alive = True
        # Flower Socket
        self.flower = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # Deflector Socket
        self.deflector = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # Diffie Hellman
        self.dh = DiffieHellman()
        self.exchange = False
        # Stream
        self.stream = Stream()
    def fly(self, flower_host, flower_port, deflector_host, deflector_port):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Bee:Bee:Fly:'
        # Connect to Deflector
        # try:
        #     self.deflector.connect((deflector_host, deflector_port))
        # except socket.error as e:
        #     if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, 'Deflector와의 연결에 실패하였습니다:')
        #     if DEBUG: print(e)
        #     return
        # Connect to Flower
            self.flower.connect((flower_host, flower_port))
        except socket.error as e:
            if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, 'Flower와의 연결에 실패하였습니다:')
            if DEBUG: print(e)

        if DEBUG: print('Key Exchange: Start')
        self.exchange = False
        # Key Exchange
        data = self.dh.publicKey.to_bytes((self.dh.publicKey.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')
        self.flower.send(encodeCell(SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_KEY_REQUEST, len(data), 0, bytes(32), data))
        # Catch : Select
        _thread.start_new_thread(self.catch, (self.flower, self.deflector))
#         self.catch(self.flower, self.deflector)
        # Feel : Browsing
        # Die
    def feel(self):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Bee:Bee:Feel:'
            listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
            listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            listener.bind(('', SYMBIOSIS_BEE_PORT))
            while self.alive:
                if self.exchange == False: continue
                # Accept
                conn, _ = listener.accept()
                # Stream
        except socket.error as e:
            if listener:
            if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, 'Browser의 요청을 기다리던 도중 오류가 발생했습니다:')
            if DEBUG: print(e)
    def catch(self, flower, deflector):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Bee:Bee:Catch:'
        data_flower = b''
        data_deflector = b''

        key_data = b''

        keys = []

        aes_recv = None
        timeout = TIMEOUT
        while self.alive:
            # (read, _, exception) = select.select([flower, deflector], [], [flower, deflector], timeout)
            (read, _, exception) = select.select([flower], [], [flower], timeout)
            if exception:
                if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, 'select exception이 발생했습니다:')
                if DEBUG: print(exception)
            elif read:
                for i in read:
                    if i == flower:
                            # Receive Data
                            data_flower = data_flower + i.recv(1024)

                            if len(data_flower) >= 1024:
                                # Raw Cell
                                raw_cell, data_flower = data_flower[0:1024], data_flower[1024:]
                                # Decode Cell
                                cell = decodeCell(raw_cell)

                                if cell['type'] == SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_RESPONSE:
                                    # Decrypt
                                    data = cell['data']
                                    decrypted = b''
                                    while len(data) >= 16:
                                        decrypted = decrypted + aes_recv.decrypt(data[:16])
                                        data = data[16:]
                                    decrypted = decrypted + data

                                    # Digest
                                    digest = SHA256.new(decrypted + keys[2]).digest()
                                    if digest != cell['digest']: continue

                                    # Send Data
                                    self.stream.send(cell['streamID'], decrypted)
                                elif cell['type'] == SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_REQUEST:
                                    # Flower Request
                                    print('FLOWER REQ > BEE > DEFLECTOR:')
                                elif cell['type'] == SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_KEY_REQUEST:
                                    # Flower Key Request
                                elif cell['type'] == SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_KEY_RESPONSE:

                                    # crt:1099, g_y:512, sig:256, h_k:32

                                    key_data = key_data + cell['data']

                                    if cell['streamID'] == 0: continue

                                    # split
                                    crt = key_data[:1099]
                                    g_y = key_data[1099:1099+512]
                                    sig = (int.from_bytes(key_data[1099+512:1099+512+256], byteorder='big'), )
                                    h_k = key_data[1099+512+256:]

                                    key_data = b''

                                    # get public key from crt
                                    pem = crt.decode('utf-8')
                                    lines = pem.replace(" ",'').split()
                                    der = a2b_base64(''.join(lines[1:-1]).encode('ascii'))

                                    cert = DerSequence()

                                    tbsCertificate = DerSequence()
                                    subjectPublicKeyInfo = tbsCertificate[5]

                                    puk = RSA.importKey(subjectPublicKeyInfo)

                                    # verify
                                    hash = SHA256.new(g_y).digest()
                                    if puk.verify(hash, sig):
                                        print("Key Exchange: Verify")
                                        self.dh.genKey(int.from_bytes(g_y, byteorder='big'))
                                        # h.digest() = SHA256.new(K).digest()

                                        K = self.dh.getKey()

                                        h = hashlib.sha256()
                                        h.update(str(K).encode(encoding='utf_8', errors='strict'))
                                        if h_k == h.digest():
                                            print("Key Exchange: Complete")
                                            K = self.dh.getKey()
                                            aes = AES.new(K, AES.MODE_ECB)

                                            # Keys
                                            for i in range(4):
                                                keys = keys + [ str(i).encode() + K[1:] ]

                                            aes_recv = AES.new(keys[3], AES.MODE_ECB)
                                            aes_send = AES.new(keys[1], AES.MODE_ECB)

                                            self.exchange = True
                                            print("Key Exchange: Retry")
                                            data = self.dh.publicKey.to_bytes((self.dh.publicKey.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')
                                            self.flower.send(encodeCell(SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_KEY_REQUEST, len(data), 0, bytes(32), data))
                                        print("Key Exchange: Retry")
                                        data = self.dh.publicKey.to_bytes((self.dh.publicKey.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')
                                        self.flower.send(encodeCell(SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_KEY_REQUEST, len(data), 0, bytes(32), data))
                        except socket.error as e:
                            if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, '알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다:flower')
                            if DEBUG: print(e)
                    elif i == deflector:
                            # Receive Data
                            data_deflector = data_deflector + i.recv(1024)
                            if len(data_deflector) >= 1024:
                                # Raw Cell
                                raw_cell, data_deflector = data_deflector[0:1024], data_deflector[1024:]
                                # Deflector Response
                                print('DEFLECTOR RES > BEE > FLOWER')
                        except socket.error as e:
                            if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, '알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다:deflector')
                            if DEBUG: print(e)
            if self.exchange == True:
                self.stream.select(flower, SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_REQUEST, aes_send, keys[0])
    def die(self):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Bee:Bee:Die:'
        self.alive = False
        self.stream = None
        self.deflector = None
        self.flower = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Server:
    def __init__(self):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Server:Server:Init:'
        self.running = True
        # Flower Listener Socket
        self.listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        # Diffie Hellman
        self.exchange = False

        # Stream
        self.stream = Stream()
    def run(self):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Server:Server:Run:'
            # Listen to Flower
            self.listener.bind(('', SYMBIOSIS_SERVER_PORT))
            if DEBUG: print('Flower를 기다리는 중...')
            while self.running:
                # Accept Flower
                flower, _ = self.listener.accept()
                if DEBUG: print('Flower와 연결되었습니다.')
                # Handle Flower
                _thread.start_new_thread(self.handle, (flower,))
        except socket.error as e:
            if self.listener:
                self.listener = None
            if DEBUG: print('Flower를 기다리던 도중 오류가 발생했습니다:')
            if DEBUG: print(e)
    def handle(self, flower):
        DEBUG_POSITION = 'Symbiosis_Server:Server:Handle:'
        dh = DiffieHellman()
        data_proxy = b''

        keys = []

        aes_recv = None

        timeout = TIMEOUT
        while self.running:
            (read, _, exception) = select.select([flower], [], [flower], timeout)
            if exception:
                if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, 'select exception이 발생했습니다:')
                if DEBUG: print(exception)
            elif read:
                for i in read:
                        # Receive Data
                        data_proxy = data_proxy + i.recv(1024)

                        if len(data_proxy) >= 1024:
                            # Raw Cell
                            raw_cell, data_proxy = data_proxy[0:1024], data_proxy[1024:]

                            # Decode Cell
                            cell = decodeCell(raw_cell)

                            if cell['type'] == SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_REQUEST:
                                # Decrypt
                                data = cell['data']
                                decrypted = b''
                                while len(data) >= 16:
                                    decrypted = decrypted + aes_recv.decrypt(data[:16])
                                    data = data[16:]
                                decrypted = decrypted + data

                                # Digest
                                digest = SHA256.new(decrypted + keys[0]).digest()
                                if digest != cell['digest']: continue

                                # Connect to Squid with streamID
                                if not cell['streamID'] in self.stream.streams.keys():
                                    if self.stream.connect('localhost', 3128, cell['streamID']) == False:
                                        if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, 'Squid에 연결할 수 없습니다.')
                                # Send Data
                                self.stream.send(cell['streamID'], decrypted)
                            elif cell['type'] == SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_KEY_REQUEST:

                                print("Key Exchange: Start")

                                # g_x
                                g_x = cell['data']

                                # g_y
                                g_y = dh.publicKey.to_bytes((dh.publicKey.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')

                                # H(K)
                                dh.genKey(int.from_bytes(g_x, byteorder='big'))
                                K = dh.getKey()

                                # h_k = SHA256.new(K.decode('utf-8')).digest()

                                h = hashlib.sha256()
                                h.update(str(K).encode(encoding='utf_8', errors='strict'))
                                h_k = h.digest()

                                # certificate
                                crt = open("./ss.crt").read().encode()

                                # sig = sign(SHA256(g_y))
                                prk = RSA.importKey(open('private.key','r').read())

                                hash = SHA256.new(g_y).digest()
                                n = int(prk.sign(hash, '')[0])
                                sig = n.to_bytes((n.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')

                                # Keys
                                for i in range(4):
                                    keys = keys + [ str(i).encode() + K[1:] ]

                                aes_recv = AES.new(keys[1], AES.MODE_ECB)
                                aes_send = AES.new(keys[3], AES.MODE_ECB)

                                # crt:1099, g_y:512, sig:256, h_k:32
                                data = crt + g_y + sig + h_k
                                while len(data) > 0:
                                    if len(data) <= 987: end = 1
                                    else: end = 0
                                    flower.send(encodeCell(SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_KEY_RESPONSE, len(data[:987]), end, bytes(32), data[:987]))
                                    data = data[987:]
                                self.exchange = True
                                print('Key Exchange: End')

                    except socket.error as e:
                            if DEBUG: print(DEBUG_POSITION, '알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다:')
                            if DEBUG: print(e)
            if self.exchange == True:
                self.stream.select(flower, SYMBIOSIS_CELL_TYPE_RESPONSE, aes_send, keys[2])