Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testAnotherQuasiquote(self):
     self.pe("(define x 42)")
     self.assertEquals(42, self.pe("x"))
                   pair.list(Symbol("quote"), pair.list(Symbol("x"), 42))),
         self.pe("`(x '(x ,x))"))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def ReplaceInTree(self, mask, value):
        """Replace a symbol with the symbol of the value inside the tree hosted by this node"""
        has_replaced = False
        print("FOUND:", self.symbol, mask, value)
        if (self.symbol.mask == mask):
            print("REPLACING:", self.symbol, mask, value, self.sign)
            if (value not in ["T", "F"]):
                sym = Symbol(value)
                if (not self.sign):
                    if (value == "T"):
                        sym = Symbol("F")
                    elif (value == "F"):
                        sym = Symbol("T")
                    self.sign = True
                    sym = Symbol(value)
            has_replaced = True
            self.symbol = sym
            print("CHECK REP:", self.symbol, mask, value)
        if (self.left != None):
            has_replaced = has_replaced | self.left.ReplaceInTree(mask, value)
        if (self.right != None):
            has_replaced = has_replaced | self.right.ReplaceInTree(mask, value)

        print("has replaced", has_replaced)
        return has_replaced
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_equality():
    """Two symbols with the same attributes are identical."""
    s1 = Symbol(1, 4)
    s2 = Symbol(2, 2)
    s3 = Symbol(2, 2)
    assert s1 != s2
    assert s2 == s3
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, lineno, byref=False):
     ''' Initializes the argument data. Byref must be set
     to True if this Argument is passed by reference.
     Symbol.__init__(self, None, 'ARGUMENT')
     self.lineno = lineno
     self.byref = byref
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, symbol, _type):
     Symbol.__init__(self, symbol._mangled, 'PARAMDECL')
     self.entry = symbol
     self.__size = TYPE_SIZES[self._type]
     self.__size = self.__size + (self.__size % 2) # Make it even-sized (Float and Byte)
     self.byref = OPTIONS.byref.value    # By default all params By value (false)
     self.offset = None  # Set by PARAMLIST, contains positive offset from top of the stack
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, value, lineno, offset=None):
        global SYMBOL_TABLE

        Symbol.__init__(self, value, 'ID')
        self.id = value
        self.filename = gl.FILENAME  # In which file was first used
        self.lineno = lineno  # In which line was first used
        self._class = None
        self._mangled = '_%s' % value  # This value will be overriden later
        self.t = self._mangled
        self.declared = False  # if declared (DIM var AS <type>) this must be True
        self._type = None  # Unknown type
        self.offset = offset  # For local variables, offset from top of the stack
        self.default_value = None  # If defined, variable will be initialized with this value (Arrays = List of Bytes)
        self.scope = 'global'  # One of 'global', 'parameter', 'local'
        self.byref = False  # By default, it's a global var
        self.default_value = None  # For variables, this is the default initalized value
        self.__kind = None  # If not None, it should be one of 'function' or 'sub'
        self.addr = None  # If not None, the address of this symbol (string)
        self.alias = None  # If not None, this var is an alias of another
        self.aliased_by = []  # Which variables are an alias of this one
        self.referenced_by = [
        ]  # Which objects do use this one (e.g. sentences using this variable)
        self.references = [
        ]  # Objects referenced by this one (e.g. variables used in this sentence)
        self.accessed = False  # Where this object has been accessed (if false it might be not compiled, since it is useless)
        self.caseins = OPTIONS.case_insensitive.value  # Whether this ID is case insensitive or not
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, value, lineno, offset=None):
        global SYMBOL_TABLE

        Symbol.__init__(self, value, "ID")
        self.id = value
        self.filename = gl.FILENAME  # In which file was first used
        self.lineno = lineno  # In which line was first used
        self._class = None
        self._mangled = "_%s" % value  # This value will be overriden later
        self.t = self._mangled
        self.declared = False  # if declared (DIM var AS <type>) this must be True
        self._type = None  # Unknown type
        self.offset = offset  # For local variables, offset from top of the stack
        self.default_value = None  # If defined, variable will be initialized with this value (Arrays = List of Bytes)
        self.scope = "global"  # One of 'global', 'parameter', 'local'
        self.byref = False  # By default, it's a global var
        self.default_value = None  # For variables, this is the default initalized value
        self.__kind = None  # If not None, it should be one of 'function' or 'sub'
        self.addr = None  # If not None, the address of this symbol (string)
        self.alias = None  # If not None, this var is an alias of another
        self.aliased_by = []  # Which variables are an alias of this one
        self.referenced_by = []  # Which objects do use this one (e.g. sentences using this variable)
        self.references = []  # Objects referenced by this one (e.g. variables used in this sentence)
        self.accessed = (
        )  # Where this object has been accessed (if false it might be not compiled, since it is useless)
        self.caseins = OPTIONS.case_insensitive.value  # Whether this ID is case insensitive or not
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, lineno, byref = False):
     ''' Initializes the argument data. Byref must be set
     to True if this Argument is passed by reference.
     Symbol.__init__(self, None, 'ARGUMENT')
     self.lineno = lineno
     self.byref = byref
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def add_symbol(self):
        symbol = Symbol()
        size = len(self.symbols)

        if size > 0:
            last = self.symbols[-1]

            # if the previous tag has started a script or a style,
            # do not include the contents of those tags as they
            # are large and unnecessary
            # NOTE: this does not skip inline tags
            if last.type == SymbolType.SCRIPT_START or last.type == SymbolType.STYLE_START:
                symbol = self.tokenizer.get_next_symbol()

                while (symbol.type == SymbolType.SCRIPT_START
                       or symbol.type == SymbolType.STYLE_START
                       or symbol.type == SymbolType.SCRIPT_END
                       or symbol.type == SymbolType.STYLE_END
                       or symbol.type == SymbolType.PLAIN_TEXT):
                    symbol = self.tokenizer.get_next_symbol()
                symbol = self.tokenizer.get_next_symbol()
            symbol = self.tokenizer.get_next_symbol()

            # do not add symbols until a start of the document has been reached
            # the start it represented as DOCTYPE tag
            if symbol.type != SymbolType.DOCTYPE:
                symbol = Symbol.empty()

        if not symbol.is_empty():
            # might be empty when the end of the HTML has been reached
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def parse_lexical_symbols(self):
     """Given that the token generator is at the beginning of the
     lexical symbol specifications, read a series of lexical symbol
     specifications, doing name and basic type analysis on the fly."""
     stack = []
     for token in self.tokenizer:
         stack += [ token ]
         if token.text == ".":
             stack[2].must_match('^\\$', "regular expression")
             ## Name analysis
             if stack[0].text in self.GlobalSymbolDict:
                 originalDef = self.GlobalSymbolDict[stack[0].text].defining_token
                 raise Exception("Symbol %s redefined at %d,%d. Originally at %d,%d" % (stack[0].text, stack[0].line, stack[0].col, \
                                                                                        originalDef.line, originalDef.col))
             s = Symbol(stack[0])
             s.is_gla = True
             s.regex = Set(stack[2].text[1:])
             self.GlobalSymbolDict[stack[0].text] = s
             stack = []
         elif token.text == "{":
             raise Exception("Unexpected %s" % token)
         elif token.text == "}":
             if len(stack) > 1: raise Exception("Unfinished lexical specification beginning with %s" % stack[0])
         else: pass
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def SimpleDistribOR(self, leaf):
        if (leaf.symbol.code == "OP_AND"):
            l = leaf.left
            r = leaf.right
            if (l.symbol.code == "OP_OR" and r.symbol.code == "IDENTIFIER"):
                op = l
                ident = r
            elif (r.symbol.code == "OP_OR" and l.symbol.code == "IDENTIFIER"):
                op = r
                ident = l
                return False

            leaf.symbol = Symbol("v")
            opL = op.left
            opR = op.right

            ident2, identt = ident.DuplicateTree()
            self.tree += identt

            nl = Leaf(Symbol("^"), True, leaf, opL, ident)
            nr = Leaf(Symbol("^"), True, leaf, opR, ident2)

            leaf.left = nl
            leaf.right = nr

            return True
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, coordinator, hparams, shuffle):
        super(DataFeeder, self).__init__()
        self._coord = coordinator
        self._hparams = hparams
        hp = self._hparams
        self._offset = 0
        self._symbol = Symbol(hp.vocab_path, hp.poly_dict_path)
        self.input_dim = self._symbol.input_dim
        self.num_class = self._symbol.num_class
        self.shuffle = shuffle

        with open(hp.data_path, "r") as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)
            self._eval_feature = data["features"][:hp.eval_size]
            self._eval_label = data["features"][:hp.eval_size]

            self._metadata = list(

        self.num_samples = len(self._metadata)
        self._placeholders = [
            tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, self.input_dim], 'inputs'),
            tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], 'target_lengths'),
            tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, self.num_class],
            tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, self.num_class],

        # Create queue for buffering data:
        self.queue = tf.FIFOQueue(
            hp.queue_capacity, [tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.float32, tf.float32],
        self._enqueue_op = self.queue.enqueue(self._placeholders)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, symbol, _type):
     Symbol.__init__(self, symbol._mangled, "PARAMDECL")
     self.entry = symbol
     self.__size = TYPE_SIZES[self._type]
     self.__size = self.__size + (self.__size % 2)  # Make it even-sized (Float and Byte)
     self.byref = OPTIONS.byref.value  # By default all params By value (false)
     self.offset = None  # Set by PARAMLIST, contains positive offset from top of the stack
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def GetSign(self, leaf):
     if (not leaf.sign):
         if (leaf.symbol.mask == "T"):
             leaf.symbol = Symbol("F")
             leaf.sign = True
         elif (leaf.symbol.mask == "F"):
             leaf.symbol = Symbol("T")
             leaf.sign = True
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, left, treedef_list):
     ''' Constructor. Requires Symbol S and a list [ ] of
     TreeDefs objects
     self.left = left # Tree symbol (left side of the rule, S symbol)
     self.defs = {}
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, terminal, arglist = None, generator = None):
        self.first = terminal # 1st symbol in the right side
        self.arglist = arglist # Optional arglist

        # If no generator specified, a default one is created
        # which will just return a string of the terminal
        self.generator = generator # Optional generator function
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def render(self, renderer):
     for tile in self.body:
         renderer.render(10 + tile[0], 5 + tile[1],
                         Symbol(' ', blt.color_from_name("white")), 0,
     for opening in self.openings:
         renderer.render(10 + opening[0], 5 + opening[1],
                         Symbol('V', blt.color_from_name("white")), 0,
Ejemplo n.º 18
def setupEnvironment():
    """Sets up a new environment with a bunch of fairly standard
    Scheme built-in primitives."""
        ["car", pair.car],
        ["cdr", pair.cdr],
        ["cons", pair.cons],
        ["append", pair.append],
        ["list", pair.list],
        ["set-car!", pair.setCarBang],
        ["set-cdr!", pair.setCdrBang],
        ["+", schemeAdd],
        ["-", schemeSubtract],
        ["*", schemeMultiply],
        ["/", schemeDivide],
        ["remainder", schemeRemainder],
        ["quotient", schemeQuotient],
        ["sqrt", schemeSqrt],
        ["floor", schemeFloor],
        ["ceiling", schemeCeiling],
        ["=", schemeNumericalEq],
        ["<", schemeLessThan],
        ["<=", schemeLessThanOrEquals],
        [">", schemeGreaterThan],
        [">=", schemeGreaterThanOrEquals],
        ["eq?", schemeEqQuestion],
        ["equal?", schemeEqualQuestion],
        ["list?", schemeListQuestion],
        ["pair?", schemePairQuestion],
        ["null?", schemeNullQuestion],
        ["display", schemeDisplay],
        ["write", schemeWrite],
        ["newline", schemeNewline],
        ["not", schemeNot],
        ["string->symbol", schemeStringToSymbol],
        ["symbol->string", schemeSymbolToString],
        ["number->string", schemeNumberToString],
        ["string-append", schemeStringAppend],
        ["quit", schemeQuit],
        ["exit", schemeQuit],
        ["error", schemeError],
        ["parse", schemeParse],
        ["pow", schemePower],

    initial_environment = environment.extendEnvironment(
        pair.NIL, pair.NIL, environment.THE_EMPTY_ENVIRONMENT)

    for name, proc in PRIMITIVE_PROCEDURES:
        installPythonFunction(name, proc, initial_environment)

    ## Finally, put true and false in there.
    environment.defineVariable(Symbol("#t"), Symbol("#t"), initial_environment)
    environment.defineVariable(Symbol("#f"), Symbol("#f"), initial_environment)
    return initial_environment
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, _type, lineno, implicit = False):
     ''' Implicit = True if this type has been
     "inferred" by default, or by the expression surrounding
     the ID.
     Symbol.__init__(self, _type, 'TYPE')
     self._type = _type
     self.size = TYPE_SIZES[self._type]
     self.lineno = lineno
     self.implicit = implicit
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def make_grammar(self):
     grammar = Grammar()
     r1 = Rule(
         Symbol("NP", {"AGR": "?a"}), [
             Symbol("ART", {"AGR": "?a"}), Symbol("N", {"AGR": "?a"})])
     r1.set_variable_code("?a", -1L)
     # -1L should be default for any undefined variable
     # that is referenced while constructing
     return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def testSchemeEval(self):
        self.assertEquals(42, self.pe("(+ 2 (eval '(+ 30 10)))"))
        self.assertEquals(42, self.pe("(+ 2 (eval '(+ 30 ((lambda () 10)))))"))
                          self.pe("((eval '(lambda () 'hello)))"))

        ## Quick test to see that EVAL'ed expressions are also
        ## expanded, since AND is derived.
                          self.pe("(eval '(AND 'this 'is 'a 'foo))"))
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def define(self, symbol: Symbol) -> bool:
     existing = self.findLocal(symbol.name)
     if existing != None:
         print(symbol.range_, 'Duplicate symbol:', symbol.name)
         return False
     symbol.scope = self
     symbol.minScopeDepth = self.depth
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def testCond(self):
         self.pe("""(define (even? x) (= (remainder x 2) 0))"""))
                       self.pe("""(define (odd? x) (not (even? x)))"""))
         self.pe("""(cond ((even? 3) "not-ok")
            ((odd? 2) "still-not-ok")
            (#t 'ok))"""))
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_attributes():
    """A symbol has two attributes: its index and its weight."""
    s1 = Symbol(4, 2)
    assert s1.index == 4
    assert s1.weight == 2
    s2 = Symbol(4)
    assert s2.index == 4
    assert s2.weight == 1  # default value
    s3 = Symbol(weight=2, index=4)
    assert s3.index == 4
    assert s3.weight == 2
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def testSetCarCdr(self):
     self.pe("(define x '(hello world))")
     self.pe("(define y x)")
     self.pe("(define z (cons 'hi 'earth))")
     self.pe("(set-car! x 'hi)")
     self.pe("(set-cdr! y 'earth)")
     self.assertEquals(pair.cons(Symbol("hi"), Symbol("earth")),
     self.assert_(self.pe("(eq? x y)"))
     self.assert_(self.pe("(not (eq? x z))"))
     self.assert_(self.pe("(equal? x z)"))
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def testLoad(self):
     ## A small test of the stack module in the 't' test directory.
     self.pe('(load "t/stack.scm")')
     self.pe("(define s (make-stack))")
     self.pe("(push s 42)")
     self.pe("(push s 'foobar)")
     self.pe("(push s (lambda (x) x))")
     self.assertEquals(Symbol("muhaha"), self.pe("((pop s) 'muhaha)"))
     self.assertEquals(Symbol("foobar"), self.pe("(pop s)"))
     self.assertEquals(42, self.pe("(pop s)"))
     self.assertRaises(SchemeError, self.pe, "(pop s)")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_init():
    s1 = Symbol(1, 4)
    s2 = Symbol(2, 2)
    s3 = Symbol(3, 7)
    t = Tile({s1, s2, s3})
    assert t.symbols == {s1, s2, s3}
    assert hasattr(t, "hash")
    assert t.leaf_symbol == s3
    assert t.leaf_index == 3
    assert t.weight == 13
    assert t.string == "{1, 2, 3}"
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def add_sym(self, s_type) -> int:
        Add an empty symbol instance to the syms list.
        Returns index for new symbol at end of list. This may not be
        necessary when using python.

        :param str s_type:
        sym = Symbol()
        sym.type = s_type
        return len(self.syms)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def count_polY_accuracy(model, num_batchs, sess, save_dir):
    symbol = Symbol(hp.vocab_path, hp.poly_dict_path)
    with open(hp.poly_dict_path, 'r') as f:
        POLY_DICT = json.load(f)
    test_poly_dict = {}
    for key, value in POLY_DICT.items():
        POLY_DICT[key] = sorted(value)
        test_poly_dict[key] = np.zeros((len(value), len(value)))
    for i in range(num_batchs):
        model_inputs, model_pre, mask, poly_mask, model_correct_pred, model_acc, model_outputs, model_targets, model_target_seq \
            = sess.run([model.inputs, model.pred, model.mask, model.poly_mask, model.correct_pred, model.accuracy, model.outputs, model.targets, model.target_seq])
        print("model_pred", model_pre)
        print("model_accruacy", model_acc)
        print("model_outputs", model_outputs)
        print("model_mask", mask)
        print("model_poly_mask", poly_mask)
        print("model_targets", model_targets)
        print("model_target_seq", model_target_seq)
        print("model_correct_pred", model_correct_pred)
        for pred_poly_seq, ta, model_input in zip(model_pre, model_target_seq,
            pred_poly = symbol.sequence_to_label(pred_poly_seq)
            target_poly = symbol.sequence_to_label(ta)
            word_value = symbol.input_to_word_value(model_input)
            if len(pred_poly_seq) != len(ta):
                print("length not equal")
            for p, t, w in zip(pred_poly, target_poly, word_value):
                if t == "-":
                    i = POLY_DICT[w].index(p)
                    j = POLY_DICT[w].index(t)
                    test_poly_dict[w][i, j] += 1
        print("Model Accuracy: {}".format(model_acc))

    poly_accuracy_out = open(os.path.join(save_dir, "accuracy.out"), "w")
    poly_count = open(os.path.join(save_dir, "poly_count.out"), "w")
    for key, value in test_poly_dict.items():
        accuracy = np.trace(value) / np.sum(value)
            key, int(np.sum(value)), int(np.trace(value)), accuracy))
        poly_count.writelines(key + "\n")
        for i, poly_i in enumerate(POLY_DICT[key]):
            for j, poly_j in enumerate(POLY_DICT[key]):
                poly_count.write("{}->{}:{}\n".format(poly_i, poly_j,
                                                      int(value[i, j])))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def train_string(self, string):
     """docstring for train_string"""
     input_sequence = [c for c in string]
     if (0 < len(input_sequence)):
         self.root_production.last().insert_after(Symbol.factory(self, input_sequence.pop(0)))
     while (0 < len(input_sequence)):
         self.root_production.last().insert_after(Symbol.factory(self, input_sequence.pop(0)))
         match = self.get_index(self.root_production.last().prev)
         if not match:
         elif match.next != self.root_production.last().prev:
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self, arglistOrTerminal, terminal = None):
        ''' Creates an argument list, by concatenaing an arglist
        + a terminal. If only a terminal is specified, then
        it is converted to a list.

        self.list = []

        if terminal is None:
            self.list += [arglistOrTerminal]
            self.list = arglistOrTerminal.list + [terminal]
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def visitClassDecl(self, node):
     name = node.children[0].children[0].value
     scope_type = "type_decl"
     scope = Scope(node,
     self.scope.scopes.setdefault(name, scope)
     sym = Symbol(node, scope, name, scope_type)
     type_def = Type_Def(node, name, sym.qualified_name, "scalar_type")
     self.type_defs.setdefault(sym.qualified_name, type_def)
     sym.type_def = type_def
     self.scope.symbols.setdefault(name, sym)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def DistribOR(self, leaf):
        if (leaf.symbol.code == "OP_OR"):
            l = leaf.left
            r = leaf.right
            if (l.symbol.code == "OP_AND" and r.symbol.code == "OP_AND"):

                ll1 = l.left
                lr1 = l.right
                rl1 = r.left
                rr1 = r.right

                leaf.symbol = Symbol("^")

                ll2, llt = ll1.DuplicateTree()
                self.tree += llt
                lr2, lrt = lr1.DuplicateTree()
                self.tree += lrt
                rl2, rlt = rl1.DuplicateTree()
                self.tree += rlt
                rr2, rrt = rr1.DuplicateTree()
                self.tree += rrt

                nsym = Symbol("v")

                nll = Leaf(nsym, True, l, ll1, rl1)
                ll1.upper = nll
                rl1.upper = nll

                nlr = Leaf(nsym, True, l, ll2, rr1)
                ll2.upper = nlr
                rr1.upper = nlr

                nrl = Leaf(nsym, True, r, lr1, rl2)
                lr1.upper = nrl
                rl2.upper = nrl

                nrr = Leaf(nsym, True, r, lr2, rr2)
                lr2.upper = nrr
                rr2.upper = nrr

                l.left = nll
                l.right = nlr
                r.left = nrl
                r.right = nrr

                return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def visitExternType(self, node):
     name = node.children[0].children[0].value
     scope_type = "extern_type"
     # TODO support external types with bodies.
     scope = Scope(node,
     self.scope.scopes.setdefault(name, scope)
     sym = Symbol(node, scope, name, scope_type)
     type_def = Type_Def(node, name, sym.qualified_name, "scalar_type")
     self.type_defs.setdefault(sym.qualified_name, type_def)
     sym.type_def = type_def
     self.scope.symbols.setdefault(name, sym)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def testGensymConstruction(self):
     self.pe("""(define (make-counter prefix)
                   (let ((i 0))
                      (lambda ()
                           (set! i (+ i 1))
                              (string-append (symbol->string prefix)
                                             (number->string i)))))))""")
     self.pe("""(define gensym1 (make-counter 'g))""")
     self.pe("""(define gensym2 (make-counter 'h))""")
     self.assertEquals(Symbol("g1"), self.pe("(gensym1)"))
     self.assertEquals(Symbol("g2"), self.pe("(gensym1)"))
     self.assertEquals(Symbol("g3"), self.pe("(gensym1)"))
     self.assertEquals(Symbol("h1"), self.pe("(gensym2)"))
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def __init__(self, grammar):
     super(Rule, self).__init__()
     self.guard = Symbol.guard(grammar, self)
     self.reference_count = 0
     self.unique_number = Rule.unique_rule_number
     Rule.unique_rule_number += 1
Ejemplo n.º 37
def op_function(machine):
    fun_pad = machine.data_stack.pop()
    fun_name = machine.data_stack.pop()
    fun_name_w_ctx = '{}.{}'.format(machine.ctx, fun_name)
    symbol = Symbol(fun_name_w_ctx, 'function', machine.instruction_ptr, fun_pad)
    machine.symbols[fun_name_w_ctx] = symbol
    machine.instruction_ptr = machine.instruction_ptr + fun_pad
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def fn(*x):
     x = list(x) 
     if isinstance(x, list): 
         x = x[0] 
     for i in range(len(arg[0])):
         d[Symbol(arg[0][i])] = eval(x[i], ChainMap(d))
     return eval(block, ChainMap(d))
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def parse_cst(self):
     """Given that the token generator is positioned at the start
     of the concrete grammar, read rules. After this routine
     completes, each symbol in the GlobalSymbolDict has a set of
     productions that contain Tokens, not symbols. Conversion from
     tokens to symbols happens in promote_productions."""
     stack = []
     for token in self.tokenizer:
         stack += [ token ] # Build a stack to process
         if token.text == ".":
             # We've got a rule to process. Start by determining correct syntax.
             ## Name analysis
             production_elements = stack[2:-1]
             for element in production_elements:
             if stack[0].text in self.GlobalSymbolDict: # Redefined lexical sym or add a new production?
                 existingSymbol = self.GlobalSymbolDict[stack[0].text]
                 if existingSymbol.is_gla:
                     raise Exception("Lexical Symbol %s redefined at %d,%d. Originally at %d,%d" % \
                             (stack[0].text, stack[0].line, stack[0].col, \
                              existingSymbol.defining_token.line, existingSymbol.defining_token.col))
                 existingSymbol.productions += [Production(existingSymbol,production_elements)]
             else: # Brand new symbol occurrence
                 s = Symbol(stack[0])
                 s.is_gla = False
                 s.productions = [Production(s,production_elements)]
                 self.GlobalSymbolDict[stack[0].text] = s
             stack = []
         elif token.text == "{":
             raise Exception("Unexpected %s" % token)
         elif token.text == "}":
             if len(stack) > 1: raise Exception("Unfinished lexical specification beginning with %s" % stack[0])
             #pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
         else: pass
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def __init__(self, value, _type = None, lineno = None):
        if lineno is None:
            raise ValueError # This should be changed to another exception

        Symbol.__init__(self, value, 'NUMBER')

        if int(value) == value:
            value = int(value)

        self.value = value

        if _type is not None:
            self._type = _type

        elif isinstance(value, float):
            if -32768.0 < value < 32767:
                self._type = 'fixed'
                self._type = 'float'

        elif isinstance(value, int):
            if 0 <= value < 256:
                self._type = 'u8'
            elif -128 <= value < 128:
                self._type = 'i8'
            elif 0 <= value < 65536:
                self._type = 'u16'
            elif -32768 <= value < 32768:
                self._type = 'i16'
            elif value < 0:
                self._type = 'i32'
                self._type = 'u32'

        self.t = value
        self.lineno = lineno
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def promote_productions(self):
     """Convert all the elements of products from tokens into
     symbols, meanwhile checking that all of the elements are
     existing symbols. This is name analysis in action: because
     symbol names have Algol scoping inside the concrete grammar
     portion of the input file, we wait until the whose shebang is
     parsed before attempting to promote tokens into symbols."""
     for sym in self.GlobalSymbolDict.values():
         for production in sym.productions:
             elements = production.elements
             if len(elements) > 0: # An empty production has no tokens to promote
                 firstToken = elements[0]
                 for i in range(0, len(elements)):
                     if re.compile("^'").match(elements[i].text): # If the element is a literal, no name analysis needs to be done
                         elements[i] = Symbol(elements[i])
                         elements[i].is_lit = True
                         elements[i].regex = Set(re.escape(elements[i].defining_token.text[1:-1]))
                     else: # Do name analysis: check if the symbol is used without being defined.
                             elements[i] = self.GlobalSymbolDict[elements[i].text]
                         except KeyError, e:
                             raise Exception("Production for %s beginning at %d,%d: %s is not a symbol." % \
                                             (sym.defining_token.text, firstToken.line, firstToken.col, elements[i].text))
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def __init__(self):
     Symbol.__init__(self, None, 'PARAMLIST')
     self.size = 0   # Will contain the sum of all the params size (byte params counts as 2 bytes)
     self.count = 0    # Counter of number of params
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def __init__(self, symbol):
     Symbol.__init__(self, symbol._mangled, 'FUNCDECL')
     self.fname = symbol.id
     self._mangled = symbol._mangled
     self.entry = symbol # Symbol table entry
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def __init__(self, value, lineno):
     Symbol.__init__(self, value, 'STRING')
     self._type = 'string'
     self.lineno = lineno
     self.t = value
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def create_root_symbols(self):
     """Insert magical symbols above the root of the grammar in
     order to match the beginning and end of the sample."""
     RootSymbol = Symbol(Token(None,None,'R00t.Symbol'))
     StartDocSymbol = Symbol(Token(None,None,'%^'))
     StartDocSymbol.regex = Set('%^')
     StartDocSymbol.is_lit = True
     EndDocSymbol = Symbol(Token(None,None,'%$'))
     EndDocSymbol.regex = Set('%$')
     EndDocSymbol.is_lit = True
     RootSymbol.productions = [Production(RootSymbol,[StartDocSymbol]+self.get_roots()+[EndDocSymbol])]
     self.GlobalSymbolDict['R00t.Symbol'] = RootSymbol #XXX this is a nasty hack
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def __init__(self, lineno, expr):
     Symbol.__init__(self, None, 'CONST')
     self.expr = expr
     self.lineno = lineno
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def __init__(self, new_type):
     Symbol.__init__(self, new_type, 'CAST')
     self.t = optemps.new_t()
     self._type = new_type
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def test_create_symbol(self):
     symbol = Symbol('a')
     self.assertEqual('a', symbol.name())
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def test_evaluate_undefined_symbol(self):
     context = Context()
     symbol = Symbol('a')
Ejemplo n.º 50
from symbol import Symbol
from source import Source
from algos import weaver, fanno, huffman, block
from benchmark import benchmark

a = Symbol('A', 2**-5)
b = Symbol('b', 2**-5)
c = Symbol('c', 2**-5)
d = Symbol('d', 2**-5)
e = Symbol('e', 2**-4)
f = Symbol('f', 2**-4)

g = Symbol('g', 2**-2)
h = Symbol('h', 2**-1)
i = Symbol('i', 0.05)

j = Symbol('j', 0.5)
k = Symbol('k', 0.25)
l = Symbol('l', 0.125)
m = Symbol('m', 0.125)

s = Source(d, b, f, a, e, c, g, h)
c = block(s)

for sym in s.sorted():
    print(sym.name(), ' ', c.codeOf(sym))

benchmark(s, c)
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def __init__(self, text):
     Symbol.__init__(self, text = text)
Ejemplo n.º 52
    "OMSTR": parse_omstr,
    "OMV": parse_var,

OMDICTS = defaultdict(dict)
# logic1 http://www.openmath.org/cd/logic1.xhtml
OMDICTS["logic1"]["true"] = True
OMDICTS["logic1"]["false"] = False

# nums1    http://www.openmath.org/cd/nums1.xhtml1
OMDICTS["nums1"]["rational"] = oms_nums1_rational

# complex1    http://www.openmath.org/cd/complex1.xhtml
OMDICTS["complex1"]["complex_cartesian"] = oms_complex1_complex_cartesian

# interval1   http://www.openmath.org/cd/interval1.xhtml
OMDICTS["interval1"]["integer_interval"] = oms_interval1_integer_interval

# list1    http://www.openmath.org/cd/list1.xhtml
OMDICTS["list1"]["list"] = oms_list1_list

CDs = Symbol.__subclasses__()

for class_ in CDs:
    OMDICTS[class_.dictionary()][class_.name()] = class_
    for subclass in class_.__subclasses__():
        OMDICTS[subclass.dictionary()][subclass.name()] = subclass
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def __init__(self):
     Symbol.__init__(self, None, 'ARGLIST')
     self.count = 0 # Number of params
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def __init__(self):
     Symbol.__init__(self, None, 'BLOCK')
Ejemplo n.º 55
 def __init__(self, symbol):
     Symbol.__init__(self, symbol._mangled, 'ARRAYDECL')
     self._type = symbol._type
     self.size = symbol.total_size # Total array cell + index size
     self.entry = symbol
     self.bounds = symbol.bounds
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def __init__(self, symbol):
     Symbol.__init__(self, symbol._mangled, 'VARDECL')
     self._type = symbol._type
     self.size = symbol.size
     self.entry = symbol
Ejemplo n.º 57
 def __init__(self, asm, lineno):
     Symbol.__init__(self, asm, 'ASM')
     self.lineno = lineno
Ejemplo n.º 58
 def __init__(self, lineno):
     Symbol.__init__(self, None, "STRSLICE")
     self.lineno = lineno
     self._type = "string"
     self.t = optemps.new_t()