Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_invalid_mpc_pointer(get_clients) -> None:
    parties = get_clients(3)
    session = Session(parties=parties)
    x = MPCTensor(secret=1, session=session)
    # passing sharetensor pointer
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ABY3.truncate(x, session, 2**32, None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_bit_injection_exception(get_clients) -> None:
    parties = get_clients(3)
    falcon = Falcon()
    session = Session(parties=parties, protocol=falcon)

    x = MPCTensor(secret=1, session=session)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ABY3.bit_injection(x, session, 2**64)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_eq():
    falcon = Falcon()
    aby1 = ABY3(security_type="malicious")
    aby2 = ABY3()
    other2 = falcon

    # Test equal protocol:
    assert falcon == other2

    # Test different protocol security type
    assert falcon != aby1

    # Test different protocol objects
    assert falcon != aby2
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def private_compare(x: List[MPCTensor], r: torch.Tensor) -> MPCTensor:
        """Falcon Private Compare functionality which computes(x>r).

            x (List[MPCTensor]) : shares of bits of x in Zp.
            r (torch.Tensor) : Public value r.

            result (MPCTensor): Returns shares of bits of the operation.

            ValueError: If input shares is not a list.
            ValueError: If input public value is not a tensor.

        (if (x>=r) returns 1 else returns 0)
        if not isinstance(x, list):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Input shares for Private Compare: {x} must be a list")

        if not isinstance(r, torch.Tensor):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Value r:{r} must be a torch tensor for private compare")

        shape = x[0].shape
        session = x[0].session

        ptr_list: List[ReplicatedSharedTensor] = [
            session_ptr.prrs_generate_random_share(shape=shape, ring_size="2")
            for session_ptr in session.session_ptrs

        beta_2 = MPCTensor(shares=ptr_list, session=session,
                           shape=shape)  # shares of random bit
        beta_p = ABY3.bit_injection(
            beta_2, session, PRIME_NUMBER)  # shares of random bit in Zp.
        m = Falcon._random_prime_group(session, shape)

        nr_shares = len(x)
        u = [0] * nr_shares
        c = [0] * nr_shares

        w = 0

        for i in range(len(x) - 1, -1, -1):
            r_i = (r >> i) & 1  # bit at ith position
            u[i] = (1 - 2 * beta_p) * (x[i] - r_i)
            c[i] = u[i] + 1 + w
            w += x[i] ^ r_i

        d = m * math.prod(c)

        d_val = d.reconstruct(decode=False)  # plaintext d.
        d_val[d_val != 0] = 1  # making all non zero values as 1.

        beta_prime = d_val

        return beta_2 + beta_prime
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_private_compare(get_clients, security) -> None:
    parties = get_clients(3)
    falcon = Falcon(security_type=security)
    session = Session(parties=parties, protocol=falcon)
    base = session.config.encoder_base
    precision = session.config.encoder_precision
    fp_encoder = FixedPointEncoder(base=base, precision=precision)

    secret = torch.tensor([[358.85, 79.29], [67.78, 2415.50]])
    r = torch.tensor([[357.05, 90], [145.32, 2400.54]])
    r = fp_encoder.encode(r)
    x = MPCTensor(secret=secret, session=session)
    x_b = ABY3.bit_decomposition_ttp(x, session)  # bit shares
    x_p = []  # prime ring shares
    for share in x_b:
        x_p.append(ABY3.bit_injection(share, session, PRIME_NUMBER))

    tensor_type = get_type_from_ring(session.ring_size)
    result = Falcon.private_compare(x_p, r.type(tensor_type))
    expected_res = torch.tensor([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=torch.bool)
    assert (result.reconstruct(decode=False) == expected_res).all()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_eq():
    aby = ABY3()
    falcon1 = Falcon(security_type="malicious")
    falcon2 = Falcon()
    other2 = aby

    # Test equal protocol:
    assert aby == other2

    # Test different protocol security type
    assert aby != falcon1

    # Test different protocol objects
    assert aby != falcon2
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def select_shares(x: MPCTensor, y: MPCTensor, b: MPCTensor) -> MPCTensor:
        """Returns either x or y based on bit b.

            x (MPCTensor): input tensor
            y (MPCTensor): input tensor
            b (MPCTensor): input tensor which is shares of a bit used as selector bit.

            z (MPCTensor):Returns x (if b==0) or y (if b==1).

            ValueError: If the selector bit tensor is not of ring size "2".
        ring_size = int(b.share_ptrs[0].get_ring_size().get_copy())
        shape = b.shape
        if ring_size != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid {ring_size} for selector bit,must be of ring size 2")
        if shape is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "The selector bit tensor must have a valid shape.")
        session = x.session

        # TODO: Should be made to generate with CryptoProvider in Preprocessing stage.
        c_ptrs: List[ReplicatedSharedTensor] = []
        for session_ptr in session.session_ptrs:
                    shape=shape, ring_size=str(ring_size)))

        c = MPCTensor(shares=c_ptrs, session=session,
                      shape=shape)  # bit random share
        c_r = ABY3.bit_injection(
            c, session, session.ring_size)  # bit random share in session ring.

        tensor_type = get_type_from_ring(session.ring_size)
        mask = (b ^ c).reconstruct(decode=False).type(tensor_type)

        d = (mask - (c_r * mask)) + (c_r * (mask ^ 1))

        # Order placed carefully to prevent re-encoding,should not be changed.
        z = x + (d * (y - x))

        return z
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def mul_master(
        x: MPCTensor,
        y: MPCTensor,
        session: Session,
        op_str: str,
        kwargs_: Dict[Any, Any],
    ) -> MPCTensor:
        """Master method for multiplication.

            x (MPCTensor): Secret
            y (MPCTensor): Another secret
            session (Session): Session the tensors belong to
            op_str (str): Operation string.
            kwargs_ (Dict[Any, Any]): Kwargs for some operations like conv2d

            result (MPCTensor): Result of the operation.

            ValueError: Raised when number of parties are not three.
            ValueError : Raised when invalid security_type is provided.
        if len(session.parties) != 3:
            raise ValueError("Falcon requires 3 parties")

        result = None

        ring_size = int(x.share_ptrs[0].get_ring_size().get_copy())
        conf_dict = x.share_ptrs[0].get_config().get_copy()
        config = Config(**conf_dict)

        if session.protocol.security_type == "semi-honest":
            result = Falcon.mul_semi_honest(x, y, session, op_str, ring_size,
                                            config, **kwargs_)
        elif session.protocol.security_type == "malicious":
            result = Falcon.mul_malicious(x, y, session, op_str, ring_size,
                                          config, **kwargs_)
            raise ValueError("Invalid security_type for Falcon multiplication")

        result = ABY3.truncate(result, session, ring_size, config)

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_truncation_algorithm1(get_clients, base, precision) -> None:
    parties = get_clients(3)
    falcon = Falcon("semi-honest")
    config = Config(encoder_base=base, encoder_precision=precision)
    session = Session(parties=parties, protocol=falcon, config=config)

    x = torch.tensor([[1.24, 4.51, 6.87], [7.87, 1301, 541]])

    x_mpc = MPCTensor(secret=x, session=session)

    result = ABY3.truncate(x_mpc, session, session.ring_size, session.config)

    fp_encoder = FixedPointEncoder(base=session.config.encoder_base,
    expected_res = x_mpc.reconstruct(decode=False) // fp_encoder.scale
    expected_res = fp_encoder.decode(expected_res)

    assert np.allclose(result.reconstruct(), expected_res, atol=1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_bit_decomposition_ttp(get_clients, security_type) -> None:
    parties = get_clients(3)
    falcon = Falcon(security_type=security_type)
    session = Session(parties=parties, protocol=falcon)
    secret = torch.tensor([[-1, 12], [-32, 45], [98, -5624]])
    x = MPCTensor(secret=secret, session=session)
    b_sh = ABY3.bit_decomposition_ttp(x, session)
    ring_size = x.session.ring_size
    tensor_type = x.session.tensor_type
    ring_bits = get_nr_bits(ring_size)

    result = torch.zeros(size=x.shape, dtype=tensor_type)
    for i in range(ring_bits):
        result |= b_sh[i].reconstruct(decode=False).type(tensor_type) << i

    exp_res = torch.tensor([[-65536, 786432], [-2097152, 2949120],
                            [6422528, -368574464]])
    assert (result == exp_res).all()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_bit_injection_prime(get_clients, security_type) -> None:
    parties = get_clients(3)
    falcon = Falcon(security_type=security_type)
    session = Session(parties=parties, protocol=falcon)
    ring_size = PRIME_NUMBER

    bin_sh = torch.tensor([[1, 1], [0, 0]], dtype=torch.bool)

    shares = [bin_sh, bin_sh, bin_sh]
    ptr_lst = ReplicatedSharedTensor.distribute_shares(shares,
    x = MPCTensor(shares=ptr_lst, session=session, shape=bin_sh.shape)

    xbit = ABY3.bit_injection(x, session, ring_size)

    ring0 = int(xbit.share_ptrs[0].get_ring_size().get_copy())
    result = xbit.reconstruct(decode=False)
    exp_res = bin_sh.type(torch.uint8)

    assert (result == exp_res).all()
    assert ring_size == ring0
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def truncate(self, input_tensor: "MPCTensor", op_str: str,
                 is_private: bool) -> "MPCTensor":
        """Checks if operation requires truncation and performs it if required.

            input_tensor (MPCTensor): Result of operation
            op_str (str): Operation name
            is_private (bool): If operation is private

            result (MPCTensor): Truncated result
        from sympc.protocol import ABY3
        from sympc.tensor import ReplicatedSharedTensor

        result = None
        if (op_str in TRUNCATED_OPS
                and (not is_private or self.session.nr_parties > 2)
                and self.session.protocol.share_class == ShareTensor):
            # For private op we do the division in the mul_parties function from spdz
            scale = (self.session.config.encoder_base**
            result = input_tensor.truediv(scale)
        elif (op_str in TRUNCATED_OPS and (not is_private)
              and self.session.protocol.share_class == ReplicatedSharedTensor):
            ring_size = int(self.share_ptrs[0].get_ring_size().get_copy())
            conf_dict = self.share_ptrs[0].get_config().get_copy()
            config = Config(**conf_dict)

            result = ABY3.truncate(input_tensor, self.session, ring_size,

            result = input_tensor

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_invalid_parties_trunc(get_clients) -> None:
    parties = get_clients(2)
    session = Session(parties=parties)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ABY3.truncate(None, session, 2**32, None)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_invalid_security_type():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_session() -> None:
    protocol = ABY3("semi-honest")
    session = Session(protocol=protocol)
    assert type(session.protocol) == ABY3
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_local_decomposition_exception() -> None:
    x = ReplicatedSharedTensor()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ABY3.local_decomposition(x, "2")