Ejemplo n.º 1
def fidelity(state1, state2):
    """ Computes the fidelity between two quantum states

    The arguments provided to this function should be a square matrix or a
    Density object. If it is a square matrix, it is assumed to be diagonalizable.


    state1, state2 : a density matrix or Matrix


    >>> from sympy import S, sqrt
    >>> from sympsi.dagger import Dagger
    >>> from sympsi.spin import JzKet
    >>> from sympsi.density import Density, fidelity
    >>> from sympsi.represent import represent
    >>> up = JzKet(S(1)/2,S(1)/2)
    >>> down = JzKet(S(1)/2,-S(1)/2)
    >>> amp = 1/sqrt(2)
    >>> updown = (amp * up) + (amp * down)
    >>> # represent turns Kets into matrices
    >>> up_dm = represent(up * Dagger(up))
    >>> down_dm = represent(down * Dagger(down))
    >>> updown_dm = represent(updown * Dagger(updown))
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, up_dm)
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, down_dm) #orthogonal states
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, updown_dm).evalf().round(3)

    state1 = represent(state1) if isinstance(state1, Density) else state1
    state2 = represent(state2) if isinstance(state2, Density) else state2

    if (not isinstance(state1, Matrix) or
            not isinstance(state2, Matrix)):
        raise ValueError("state1 and state2 must be of type Density or Matrix "
                         "received type=%s for state1 and type=%s for state2" %
                         (type(state1), type(state2)))

    if ( state1.shape != state2.shape and state1.is_square):
        raise ValueError("The dimensions of both args should be equal and the "
                         "matrix obtained should be a square matrix")

    sqrt_state1 = state1**Rational(1, 2)
    return Tr((sqrt_state1 * state2 * sqrt_state1)**Rational(1, 2)).doit()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fidelity(state1, state2):
    """ Computes the fidelity between two quantum states

    The arguments provided to this function should be a square matrix or a
    Density object. If it is a square matrix, it is assumed to be diagonalizable.


    state1, state2 : a density matrix or Matrix


    >>> from sympy import S, sqrt
    >>> from sympsi.dagger import Dagger
    >>> from sympsi.spin import JzKet
    >>> from sympsi.density import Density, fidelity
    >>> from sympsi.represent import represent
    >>> up = JzKet(S(1)/2,S(1)/2)
    >>> down = JzKet(S(1)/2,-S(1)/2)
    >>> amp = 1/sqrt(2)
    >>> updown = (amp * up) + (amp * down)
    >>> # represent turns Kets into matrices
    >>> up_dm = represent(up * Dagger(up))
    >>> down_dm = represent(down * Dagger(down))
    >>> updown_dm = represent(updown * Dagger(updown))
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, up_dm)
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, down_dm) #orthogonal states
    >>> fidelity(up_dm, updown_dm).evalf().round(3)

    state1 = represent(state1) if isinstance(state1, Density) else state1
    state2 = represent(state2) if isinstance(state2, Density) else state2

    if (not isinstance(state1, Matrix) or not isinstance(state2, Matrix)):
        raise ValueError("state1 and state2 must be of type Density or Matrix "
                         "received type=%s for state1 and type=%s for state2" %
                         (type(state1), type(state2)))

    if (state1.shape != state2.shape and state1.is_square):
        raise ValueError("The dimensions of both args should be equal and the "
                         "matrix obtained should be a square matrix")

    sqrt_state1 = state1**Rational(1, 2)
    return Tr((sqrt_state1 * state2 * sqrt_state1)**Rational(1, 2)).doit()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def entropy(density):
    """Compute the entropy of a matrix/density object.

    This computes -Tr(density*ln(density)) using the eigenvalue decomposition
    of density, which is given as either a Density instance or a matrix
    (numpy.ndarray, sympy.Matrix or scipy.sparse).


    density : density matrix of type Density, sympy matrix,
    scipy.sparse or numpy.ndarray


    >>> from sympsi.density import Density, entropy
    >>> from sympsi.represent import represent
    >>> from sympsi.matrixutils import scipy_sparse_matrix
    >>> from sympsi.spin import JzKet, Jz
    >>> from sympy import S, log
    >>> up = JzKet(S(1)/2,S(1)/2)
    >>> down = JzKet(S(1)/2,-S(1)/2)
    >>> d = Density((up,0.5),(down,0.5))
    >>> entropy(d)

    if isinstance(density, Density):
        density = represent(density)  # represent in Matrix

    if isinstance(density, scipy_sparse_matrix):
        density = to_numpy(density)

    if isinstance(density, Matrix):
        eigvals = density.eigenvals().keys()
        return expand(-sum(e*log(e) for e in eigvals))
    elif isinstance(density, numpy_ndarray):
        import numpy as np
        eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(density)
        return -np.sum(eigvals*np.log(eigvals))
        raise ValueError(
            "numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse or sympy matrix expected")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def entropy(density):
    """Compute the entropy of a matrix/density object.

    This computes -Tr(density*ln(density)) using the eigenvalue decomposition
    of density, which is given as either a Density instance or a matrix
    (numpy.ndarray, sympy.Matrix or scipy.sparse).


    density : density matrix of type Density, sympy matrix,
    scipy.sparse or numpy.ndarray


    >>> from sympsi.density import Density, entropy
    >>> from sympsi.represent import represent
    >>> from sympsi.matrixutils import scipy_sparse_matrix
    >>> from sympsi.spin import JzKet, Jz
    >>> from sympy import S, log
    >>> up = JzKet(S(1)/2,S(1)/2)
    >>> down = JzKet(S(1)/2,-S(1)/2)
    >>> d = Density((up,0.5),(down,0.5))
    >>> entropy(d)

    if isinstance(density, Density):
        density = represent(density)  # represent in Matrix

    if isinstance(density, scipy_sparse_matrix):
        density = to_numpy(density)

    if isinstance(density, Matrix):
        eigvals = density.eigenvals().keys()
        return expand(-sum(e * log(e) for e in eigvals))
    elif isinstance(density, numpy_ndarray):
        import numpy as np
        eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(density)
        return -np.sum(eigvals * np.log(eigvals))
        raise ValueError(
            "numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse or sympy matrix expected")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _represent(self, **options):
     return represent(self.doit(), **options)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _represent(self, **options):
     return represent(self.doit(), **options)