Ejemplo n.º 1
    def calculate_absolute_uncertainty(
            *assumptions: List[AppliedPredicate],
            refine: bool = False,
            delta_char: str = '\\Delta ') -> 'Expression':
        """Calculate the absolute uncertainty in the expression (IB way), assuming all args given are independent.

        :return: the absolute uncertainty of this expression
        :rtype: Expression

        >>> Expression([a], c * a).calculate_absolute_uncertainty(sympy.Q.positive(c), refine=True, delta_char='Δ')
        f(Δa) = c*Δa
        >>> Expression([a, b, c], a + b - c).calculate_absolute_uncertainty(refine=True, delta_char='Δ')
        f(Δa, Δb, Δc) = Δa + Δb + Δc
        uncertainty_expr = sympy.Integer(0)  # just in case
        uncertainty_args = []

        for var in self.args:
            d_var = sympy.Symbol(delta_char + sympy.latex(var))
            uncertainty_expr += sympy.Abs(self.expr.diff(var)) * d_var
        if refine:
            uncertainty_expr = sympy.refine(uncertainty_expr)
        return Expression(uncertainty_args, uncertainty_expr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_remove_safe():
    with assuming():
        assert ask(Q.integer(x))
        assert not ask(Q.integer(x))
    assert ask(Q.integer(x))
    global_assumptions.clear()  # for the benefit of other tests
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_remove_safe():
    with assuming():
        assert ask(Q.integer(x))
        assert not ask(Q.integer(x))
    assert ask(Q.integer(x))
    global_assumptions.clear() # for the benefit of other tests
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_global():
    """Test for global assumptions"""
    global_assumptions.add(Q.is_true(x > 0))
    assert Q.is_true(x > 0) in global_assumptions
    global_assumptions.remove(Q.is_true(x > 0))
    assert not Q.is_true(x > 0) in global_assumptions
    # same with multiple of assumptions
    global_assumptions.add(Q.is_true(x > 0), Q.is_true(y > 0))
    assert Q.is_true(x > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert Q.is_true(y > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert not Q.is_true(x > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert not Q.is_true(y > 0) in global_assumptions
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_global():
    """Test for global assumptions"""
    global_assumptions.add(Q.is_true(x > 0))
    assert Q.is_true(x > 0) in global_assumptions
    global_assumptions.remove(Q.is_true(x > 0))
    assert not Q.is_true(x > 0) in global_assumptions
    # same with multiple of assumptions
    global_assumptions.add(Q.is_true(x > 0), Q.is_true(y > 0))
    assert Q.is_true(x > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert Q.is_true(y > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert not Q.is_true(x > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert not Q.is_true(y > 0) in global_assumptions
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_global():
    """Test for global assumptions"""
    global_assumptions.add(x > 0)
    assert (x > 0) in global_assumptions
    global_assumptions.remove(x > 0)
    assert not (x > 0) in global_assumptions
    # same with multiple of assumptions
    global_assumptions.add(x > 0, y > 0)
    assert (x > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert (y > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert not (x > 0) in global_assumptions
    assert not (y > 0) in global_assumptions
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_sympy():
    Using position and velocity data from subscribing to detect_target/target_state topic, this function determines:
    - time of launch
    - time of intercept
    - azimuth and elevation angles for the projectile

    After solving the symbolic system of equations, the projectile is launched.
    # constant variables
    # velocity magnitude
    velocity_mag = 20
    # projectile pos
    proj_x = 1
    proj_y = 1
    proj_z = 0
    # gravitational acc
    g = 9.8

    # test variables
    vx = 15
    vy = 10
    vz = 5
    x = 30
    y = 15
    z = 9
    T = 10
    # declare symbols

    tau, phi, theta = symbols("tau, phi, theta", positive=True, real=True)
    # create assumptions

    print global_assumptions

    eq1 = symarray("0, 0, g", 3)*(T-tau)**2/2 + symarray("vx, vy, vz", 3)*T \
        - velocity_mag*symarray("sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*sin(phi), cos(theta)", 3)*(T-tau) \
        + symarray("x - proj_x, y - proj_y, z - proj_z", 3)
    system = [eq1]
    eq_symbols = [tau, phi, theta]
        print "Started solving.."
        print nonlinsolve(system, eq_symbols)
        print "Done."
    except ValueError as ve:
        print ve
    except AttributeError as ae:
        print ae
Ejemplo n.º 8
def rotate_axa(rxn, lmk):
    # axis-angle (rodrigues) rotation

    v = lmk
    hsq = (rxn.T * rxn)[0, 0]
    h = sm.sqrt(hsq)
    u = rxn / h
    c = sm.cos(h)
    s = sm.sin(h)
    d = sm.ones(1, 3) * u.multiply_elementwise(v)
    p1 = (v * c)
    p2 = s * u.cross(v)
    p3 = (1. - c) * (d[0, 0]) * u
    s = p1 + p2 + p3
    return s
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: abel.py Proyecto: fimay/hedp
def _abel_sym():
    Analytical integration of the cell near the singular value in the abel transform
    The resulting formula is implemented in hedp.lib.integrators.abel_integrate
    from sympy import symbols, simplify, integrate, sqrt
    from sympy.assumptions.assume import global_assumptions
    r, y,r0, r1,r2, z,dr, c0, c_r, c_rr,c_z, c_zz, c_rz = symbols('r y r0 r1 r2 z dr c0 c_r c_rr c_z c_zz c_rz', positive=True)
    f0, f1, f2 = symbols('f0 f1 f2')
    P = c0 + (r-y)*c_r #+ (r-r0)**2*c_rr
    K_d = 1/sqrt(r**2-y**2)
    res = integrate(P*K_d, (r,y, r1))
    sres= simplify(res)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def tick(self, tick):
        unknowns = tick.blackboard.get(
            'unknowns')  # the current list of unknowns
        R = tick.blackboard.get('Robot')
        # get the current assignment
        u = tick.blackboard.get('curr_unk')
        one_unk = tick.blackboard.get('eqns_1u')
        two_unk = tick.blackboard.get('eqns_2u')

        if (self.BHdebug):
            print "running: ", self.Name, " , input RHS:"
            ulen = len(unknowns)
            print 'tan_id working on', ulen, ' unknowns:'
        # identify unknowns in T where one equation can be solved by
        #          arctan(y,x)
        found = False

        # only if not identified as solvable by tangent yet
        if (not u.solvable_tan) and (not u.solved):
            terms = [sp.sin(u.symbol), sp.cos(u.symbol)]

            sin_eqn = []
            cos_eqn = []

            for e in (one_unk +
                      two_unk):  # spot the ones with common factors as well

                # fix the eqn, but not changing the original equation - DZ
                tmp = e.RHS - e.LHS
                lhs = l_1 - l_1
                if (not (tmp).has(u.symbol)):
                    continue  # only look at equations having the current unknown in them
                if (self.BHdebug):
                    print "\n\n  tan_id:        Looking for unknown: ", u.symbol, " in equation: ",
                    print e
                    print "  which has ", count_unknowns(
                        unknowns, e.RHS), " unknown(s) in RHS"
                    print "     and    ", count_unknowns(
                        unknowns, e.LHS), " unknown(s) in LHS"

                if (tmp.has(sp.sin(u.symbol)) and tmp.has(sp.cos(u.symbol))):
                    continue  # this should be caught by sinANDcos solver

                if tmp.has(sp.sin(u.symbol)):
                if tmp.has(sp.cos(u.symbol)):

            for es in sin_eqn:
                estst = (es.RHS - es.LHS).collect(
                    terms)  # get all the sin(th)s collected
                d1 = estst.match(Aw * sp.sin(u.symbol) + Bw)
                if self.BHdebug:
                    print '---'
                    print "\nsin equ: "
                    print u.eqntosolve
                    print "\nsin(): coefficients are : "
                    print d1[Aw]
                    print '---'
                for ec in cos_eqn:
                    ectst = (ec.RHS - ec.LHS).collect(
                        terms)  # get all the cos(th)s collected
                    d2 = ectst.match(Cw * sp.cos(u.symbol) + Dw)
                    if self.BHdebug:
                        print "\ncos equ: "
                        print u.secondeqn
                        print "\ncos(): coefficients"
                        print d2[Cw]

                    # check some things about potential solvable equations
                    assert (d1 is not None
                            and d2 is not None), 'somethings wrong!'
                    co = d1[Aw] / d2[Cw]  # take ratio
                    # it's not solvable if (simplified) coefficient contains unknowns, or other parts have unknowns

                    print 'tan_id: (', u.symbol, ')   0 =  Aw*sin(th)+Bw , 0 = Cw*cos(th) + Dw '
                    print 'Aw: ', d1[Aw], '   Bw: ', d1[Bw]
                    print 'Cw: ', d2[Cw], '   Dw: ', d2[Dw]

                    too_many_unknowns = False
                    if count_unknowns(unknowns, co) > 0 or count_unknowns(
                            unknowns, d1[Bw]) > 0 or count_unknowns(
                                unknowns, d2[Dw]) > 0:
                        too_many_unknowns = True

                    # a good match / solution candidate
                    if not too_many_unknowns:
                        found = True  # found both terms for at least one variable
                        u.eqntosolve = kc.kequation(0, estst)
                        u.secondeqn = kc.kequation(0, ectst)
                        u.readytosolve = True
                        # u.eqntosolve and secondeqn are already set up above
                        print 'tan_id:  able to solve', u.symbol
                        if count_unknowns(
                                unknowns, co
                        ) > 0:  #cancellable unsolved term, add the nonzero assumption
                        u.solvemethod = "atan2(y,x)"
                        u.solvable_tan = True

                    if (self.BHdebug and u.readytosolve):
                        print '\n              tan_id: Identified Solution: ', u.symbol
                        e1tmp = u.eqntosolve.RHS + u.eqntosolve.LHS
                        e2tmp = u.secondeqn.RHS + u.secondeqn.LHS
                        print '                       ', u.eqntosolve, '  (', count_unknowns(
                            unknowns, e1tmp), 'unks)'
                        for u in get_unknowns(unknowns, e1tmp):
                            print u.symbol,
                        print ''
                        print '                       ', u.secondeqn, '  (', count_unknowns(
                            unknowns, e2tmp), 'unks)'
                        for u in get_unknowns(unknowns, e1tmp):
                            print u.symbol,
                        print ''
                        print ''
                    if found:
                if found:

            #continue #stop looking at equations for the same unknown
        tick.blackboard.set('curr_unk', u)
                            unknowns)  # the current list of unknowns
        if u.solvable_tan:
            return b3.SUCCESS
            return b3.FAILURE