Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __iter__(self):
        if self.is_iterable:
            from sympy.core.compatibility import product

            return product(*self.sets)
            raise TypeError("Not all constituent sets are iterable")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def doit(self, **hints):
        """Expand the density operator into an outer product format.


        >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.state import Ket
        >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.density import Density
        >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import Operator
        >>> A = Operator('A')
        >>> d = Density([Ket(0), 0.5], [Ket(1),0.5])
        >>> d.doit()
        0.5*|0><0| + 0.5*|1><1|


        terms = []
        for (state, prob) in self.args:
            state = state.expand()  # needed to break up (a+b)*c
            if (isinstance(state, Add)):
                for arg in product(state.args, repeat=2):
                    terms.append(prob *
                                 self._generate_outer_prod(arg[0], arg[1]))
                terms.append(prob *
                             self._generate_outer_prod(state, state))

        return Add(*terms)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def all_rl(expr):
     if leaf(expr):
         yield expr
         myop = op(expr)
         argss = product(*map(brule, children(expr)))
         for args in argss:
             yield new(myop, *args)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def all_rl(expr):
     if is_leaf(expr):
         yield expr
         op = type(expr)
         argss = product(*map(brule, expr.args))
         for args in argss:
             yield new(op, *args)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def all_rl(expr):
     if leaf(expr):
         yield expr
         myop = op(expr)
         argss = product(*map(brule, children(expr)))
         for args in argss:
             yield new(myop, *args)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def top_down_rl(expr):
     brl = notempty(brule)
     for newexpr in brl(expr):
         if is_leaf(newexpr):
             yield newexpr
             for args in product(*map(top_down_rl, newexpr.args)):
                 yield new(type(newexpr), *args)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def top_down_rl(expr):
     brl = notempty(brule)
     for newexpr in brl(expr):
         if is_leaf(newexpr):
             yield newexpr
             for args in product(*map(top_down_rl, newexpr.args)):
                 yield new(type(newexpr), *args)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def all_rl(expr):
     if is_leaf(expr):
         yield expr
         op = type(expr)
         argss = product(*map(brule, expr.args))
         for args in argss:
             yield new(op, *args)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _density(self):
     proditer = product(*[space._density.iteritems() for space in self.spaces])
     d = {}
     for items in proditer:
         elems, probs = zip(*items)
         elem = sumsets(elems)
         prob = Mul(*probs)
         d[elem] = d.get(elem, 0) + prob
     return Dict(d)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def POSform(variables, minterms, dontcares=None):
    The POSform function uses simplified_pairs and a redundant-group
    eliminating algorithm to convert the list of all input combinations
    that generate '1' (the minterms) into the smallest Product of Sums form.

    The variables must be given as the first argument.

    Return a logical And function (i.e., the "product of sums" or "POS"
    form) that gives the desired outcome. If there are inputs that can
    be ignored, pass them as a list, too.

    The result will be one of the (perhaps many) functions that satisfy
    the conditions.


    >>> from sympy.logic import POSform
    >>> minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1],
    ...             [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    >>> dontcares = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]
    >>> POSform(['w','x','y','z'], minterms, dontcares)
    And(Or(Not(w), y), z)


    .. [1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine-McCluskey_algorithm

    from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol

    variables = [
        Symbol(v) if not isinstance(v, Symbol) else v for v in variables
    if minterms == []:
        return False

    minterms = [list(i) for i in minterms]
    dontcares = [list(i) for i in (dontcares or [])]
    for d in dontcares:
        if d in minterms:
            raise ValueError('%s in minterms is also in dontcares' % d)

    maxterms = []
    for t in product([0, 1], repeat=len(variables)):
        t = list(t)
        if (t not in minterms) and (t not in dontcares):
    old = None
    new = maxterms + dontcares
    while new != old:
        old = new
        new = _simplified_pairs(old)
    essential = _rem_redundancy(new, maxterms)
    return And(*[_convert_to_varsPOS(x, variables) for x in essential])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def POSform(variables, minterms, dontcares=None):
    The POSform function uses simplified_pairs and a redundant-group
    eliminating algorithm to convert the list of all input combinations
    that generate '1' (the minterms) into the smallest Product of Sums form.

    The variables must be given as the first argument.

    Return a logical And function (i.e., the "product of sums" or "POS"
    form) that gives the desired outcome. If there are inputs that can
    be ignored, pass them as a list, too.

    The result will be one of the (perhaps many) functions that satisfy
    the conditions.


    >>> from sympy.logic import POSform
    >>> minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1],
    ...             [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    >>> dontcares = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]
    >>> POSform(['w','x','y','z'], minterms, dontcares)
    And(Or(Not(w), y), z)


    .. [1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine-McCluskey_algorithm

    from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol

    variables = [Symbol(v) if not isinstance(v, Symbol) else v
                 for v in variables]
    if minterms == []:
        return False

    minterms = [list(i) for i in minterms]
    dontcares = [list(i) for i in (dontcares or [])]
    for d in dontcares:
        if d in minterms:
            raise ValueError('%s in minterms is also in dontcares' % d)

    maxterms = []
    for t in product([0, 1], repeat=len(variables)):
        t = list(t)
        if (t not in minterms) and (t not in dontcares):
    old = None
    new = maxterms + dontcares
    while new != old:
        old = new
        new = _simplified_pairs(old)
    essential = _rem_redundancy(new, maxterms)
    return And(*[_convert_to_varsPOS(x, variables) for x in essential])
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _density(self):
     proditer = product(
         *[space._density.iteritems() for space in self.spaces])
     d = {}
     for items in proditer:
         elems, probs = zip(*items)
         elem = sumsets(elems)
         prob = Mul(*probs)
         d[elem] = d.get(elem, 0) + prob
     return Dict(d)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def simplify_logic(expr):
    This function simplifies a boolean function to its
    simplified version in SOP or POS form. The return type is an
    Or or And object in SymPy. The input can be a string or a boolean


    >>> from sympy.logic import simplify_logic
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy import S

    >>> b = '(~x & ~y & ~z) | ( ~x & ~y & z)'
    >>> simplify_logic(b)
    And(Not(x), Not(y))

    >>> S(b)
    Or(And(Not(x), Not(y), Not(z)), And(Not(x), Not(y), z))
    >>> simplify_logic(_)
    And(Not(x), Not(y))

    expr = sympify(expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, BooleanFunction):
        return expr
    variables = list(expr.free_symbols)
    truthtable = []
    for t in product([0, 1], repeat=len(variables)):
        t = list(t)
        if expr.subs(zip(variables, t)) == True:
    if (len(truthtable) >= (2 ** (len(variables) - 1))):
        return SOPform(variables, truthtable)
        return POSform(variables, truthtable)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def simplify_logic(expr):
    This function simplifies a boolean function to its
    simplified version in SOP or POS form. The return type is an
    Or or And object in SymPy. The input can be a string or a boolean


    >>> from sympy.logic import simplify_logic
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    >>> from sympy import S

    >>> b = '(~x & ~y & ~z) | ( ~x & ~y & z)'
    >>> simplify_logic(b)
    And(Not(x), Not(y))

    >>> S(b)
    Or(And(Not(x), Not(y), Not(z)), And(Not(x), Not(y), z))
    >>> simplify_logic(_)
    And(Not(x), Not(y))

    expr = sympify(expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, BooleanFunction):
        return expr
    variables = list(expr.free_symbols)
    truthtable = []
    for t in product([0, 1], repeat=len(variables)):
        t = list(t)
        if expr.subs(zip(variables, t)) == True:
    if (len(truthtable) >= (2**(len(variables) - 1))):
        return SOPform(variables, truthtable)
        return POSform(variables, truthtable)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __iter__(self):
     proditer = product(*self.domains)
     return (sumsets(items) for items in proditer)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __iter__(self):
     proditer = product(*self.domains)
     return (sumsets(items) for items in proditer)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __iter__(self):
     if self.is_iterable:
         from sympy.core.compatibility import product
         return product(*self.sets)
         raise TypeError("Not all constituent sets are iterable")