Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_issue_11151():
    z = S.Zero
    e = Sum(z, (x, 1, 2))
    assert e != z  # it shouldn't evaluate
    # when it does evaluate, this is what it should give
    assert evalf(e, 15, {}) == \
        evalf(z, 15, {}) == (None, None, 15, None)
    # so this shouldn't fail
    assert (e / 2).n() == 0
    # this was where the issue appeared
    expr0 = Sum(x**2 + x, (x, 1, 2))
    expr1 = Sum(0, (x, 1, 2))
    expr2 = expr1 / expr0
    assert simplify(factor(expr2) - expr2) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_issue_11151():
    z = S.Zero
    e = Sum(z, (x, 1, 2))
    assert e != z  # it shouldn't evaluate
    # when it does evaluate, this is what it should give
    assert evalf(e, 15, {}) == \
        evalf(z, 15, {}) == (None, None, 15, None)
    # so this shouldn't fail
    assert (e/2).n() == 0
    # this was where the issue appeared
    expr0 = Sum(x**2 + x, (x, 1, 2))
    expr1 = Sum(0, (x, 1, 2))
    expr2 = expr1/expr0
    assert simplify(factor(expr2) - expr2) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_evalf_with_bounded_error():
    cases = [
        # zero
        (Rational(0), None, 1),
        # zero im part
        (pi, None, 10),
        # zero real part
        (pi * I, None, 10),
        # re and im nonzero
        (2 - 3 * I, None, 5),
        # similar tests again, but using eps instead of m
        (Rational(0), Rational(1, 2), None),
        (pi, Rational(1, 1000), None),
        (pi * I, Rational(1, 1000), None),
        (2 - 3 * I, Rational(1, 1000), None),
        # very large eps
        (2 - 3 * I, Rational(1000), None),
        # case where x already small, hence some cancelation in p = m + n - 1
        (Rational(1234, 10**8), Rational(1, 10**12), None),
    for x0, eps, m in cases:
        a, b, _, _ = evalf(x0, 53, {})
        c, d, _, _ = _evalf_with_bounded_error(x0, eps, m)
        if eps is None:
            eps = 2**(-m)
        z = make_mpc((a or fzero, b or fzero))
        w = make_mpc((c or fzero, d or fzero))
        assert abs(w - z) < eps

    # eps must be positive
    raises(ValueError, lambda: _evalf_with_bounded_error(pi, Rational(0)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: _evalf_with_bounded_error(pi, -pi))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: _evalf_with_bounded_error(pi, I))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_issue_22849():
    a = -8 + 3 * sqrt(3)
    x = AlgebraicNumber(a)
    assert evalf(a, 1, {}) == evalf(x, 1, {})