Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: p144.py Proyecto: icot/euler
def main():

    O = Point(0, 0)
    p0 = Point(0, 10.1)
    p1 = Point(1.4, -9.6)
    m = p0.midpoint(p1)
    X = Line(O, Point(10, 0))
    Y = Line(O, Point(0, 10))

    ellipse = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5 , 10)
    sortie = Segment(Point(-0.01, 10), Point(0.01, 10))

    ray = Ray(m, p1)

    reflections = 0
    while not sortie.intersection(ray) and reflections < 5:
        targets = ellipse.intersection(ray)
        print " Targets: ", targets
        origin = next_origin(ray.p1, targets)
        tangents = ellipse.tangent_lines(origin)
        if len(tangents) > 1:
            print("Error computing intersection")
        tangent = tangents.pop()
        alpha = next_angle(ray, tangent, (X, Y))
        reflections += 1
        ray = Ray(origin, angle=alpha)
        print "Reflections :", reflections
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_point():
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)

    assert p3.x == 0
    assert p3.y == 0

    assert p4.x == 1
    assert p4.y == 1

    assert len(p1) == 2
    assert p2[1] == y2
    assert (p3+p4) == p4
    assert (p2-p1) == Point(y1-x1, y2-x2)
    assert p4*5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)

    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half*x1, half + half*x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    #assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == abs(p2)

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) == False

    x_pos = Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5) == False
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_point():
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)

    assert p3.x == 0
    assert p3.y == 0

    assert p4.x == 1
    assert p4.y == 1

    assert len(p1) == 2
    assert p2[1] == y2
    assert (p3 + p4) == p4
    assert (p2 - p1) == Point(y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)

    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half * x1, half + half * x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    #assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == abs(p2)

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) == False

    x_pos = Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5) == False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_point():
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)

    assert len(p1) == 1
    assert p1 in p1
    assert p1 not in p2
    assert p2[1] == y2
    assert (p3 + p4) == p4
    assert (p2 - p1) == Point(y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)

    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half * x1, half + half * x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2
    assert p2.midpoint(p2) == p2

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == sqrt(p2.x**2 + p2.y**2)

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) == False

    assert p3.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [p3]
    assert p3.intersection(p4) == []

    x_pos = Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5) == False
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p4, p4 * 2, p4 * 3) == False

    assert p4.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p3.scale(2, 3) == p3

    assert p4.rotate(pi, Point(0.5, 0.5)) == p3
    assert p1.__radd__(p2) == p1.midpoint(p2).scale(2, 2)
    assert (-p3).__rsub__(p4) == p3.midpoint(p4).scale(2, 2)

    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert p4 / 5 == Point(0.2, 0.2)

    raises(ValueError, 'Point(0,0) + 10')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_point():
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)

    assert len(p1) == 1
    assert p1 in p1
    assert p1 not in p2
    assert p2[1] == y2
    assert (p3+p4) == p4
    assert (p2-p1) == Point(y1-x1, y2-x2)
    assert p4*5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)

    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half*x1, half + half*x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2
    assert p2.midpoint(p2) == p2

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == sqrt(p2.x**2 + p2.y**2)

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) == False

    assert p3.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [p3]
    assert p3.intersection(p4) == []

    x_pos = Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5) == False
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p4, p4 * 2, p4 * 3) == False

    assert p4.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p3.scale(2, 3) == p3

    assert p4.rotate(pi, Point(0.5, 0.5)) == p3
    assert p1.__radd__(p2) == p1.midpoint(p2).scale(2, 2)
    assert (-p3).__rsub__(p4) == p3.midpoint(p4).scale(2, 2)

    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert p4 / 5 == Point(0.2, 0.2)

    raises(ValueError, 'Point(0,0) + 10')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_2d_point_line(npoints, point1, point2):
    p1 = Point(point1, evaluate=False)
    p2 = Point(point2, evaluate=False)
    line = []

    if npoints == 1:
        delta = (p2 - p1) / (npoints - 1)
        for i in range(npoints - 1):
            line.append(p1 + delta * i)

    return [(float(p.x), float(p.y)) for p in line]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_point():
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)

    assert p1 in p1
    assert p1 not in p2
    assert p2.y == y2
    assert (p3 + p4) == p4
    assert (p2 - p1) == Point(y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)

    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half * x1, half + half * x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2
    assert p2.midpoint(p2) == p2

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == sqrt(p2.x ** 2 + p2.y ** 2)

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) == False

    assert p3.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [p3]
    assert p3.intersection(p4) == []

    x_pos = Symbol("x", real=True, positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5) == False
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p4, p4 * 2, p4 * 3) == False

    assert p4.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p3.scale(2, 3) == p3

    assert p4.rotate(pi, Point(0.5, 0.5)) == p3
    assert p1.__radd__(p2) == p1.midpoint(p2).scale(2, 2)
    assert (-p3).__rsub__(p4) == p3.midpoint(p4).scale(2, 2)

    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert p4 / 5 == Point(0.2, 0.2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(0, 0) + 10)

    # Point differences should be simplified
    assert Point(x * (x - 1), y) - Point(x ** 2 - x, y + 1) == Point(0, -1)

    a, b = Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 3)
    assert Point(a, b).evalf(2) == Point(a.n(2), b.n(2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(1, 2) + 1)

    # test transformations
    p = Point(1, 0)
    assert p.rotate(pi / 2) == Point(0, 1)
    assert p.rotate(pi / 2, p) == p
    p = Point(1, 1)
    assert p.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1, 2) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1) == Point(2, 1)
    assert p.translate(y=1) == Point(1, 2)
    assert p.translate(*p.args) == Point(2, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_point():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    x1 = Symbol('x1', real=True)
    x2 = Symbol('x2', real=True)
    y1 = Symbol('y1', real=True)
    y2 = Symbol('y2', real=True)
    half = S.Half
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)
    p5 = Point(0, 1)
    line = Line(Point(1, 0), slope=1)

    assert p1 in p1
    assert p1 not in p2
    assert p2.y == y2
    assert (p3 + p4) == p4
    assert (p2 - p1) == Point(y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(3, I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(2 * I, I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(3 + I, I))

    assert Point(34.05, sqrt(3)) == Point(Rational(681, 20), sqrt(3))
    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half * x1, half + half * x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2
    assert p2.midpoint(p2) == p2

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == sqrt(p2.x**2 + p2.y**2)

    # distance should be symmetric
    assert p1.distance(line) == line.distance(p1)
    assert p4.distance(line) == line.distance(p4)

    assert Point.taxicab_distance(p4, p3) == 2

    assert Point.canberra_distance(p4, p5) == 1

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)

    with warns(UserWarning):
        assert Point.is_collinear(p3, Point(p3, dim=4))
    assert p3.is_collinear()
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) is False
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p3, p4, p5) is False

    raises(TypeError, lambda: Point.is_collinear(line))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: p1_1.is_collinear(line))

    assert p3.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [p3]
    assert p3.intersection(p4) == []

    x_pos = Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    for pts in permutations((p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5)):
        assert Point.is_concyclic(*pts) is False
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p4, p4 * 2, p4 * 3) is False
    assert Point(0, 0).is_concyclic((1, 1), (2, 2), (2, 1)) is False

    assert p4.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p3.scale(2, 3) == p3

    assert p4.rotate(pi, Point(0.5, 0.5)) == p3
    assert p1.__radd__(p2) == p1.midpoint(p2).scale(2, 2)
    assert (-p3).__rsub__(p4) == p3.midpoint(p4).scale(2, 2)

    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert p4 / 5 == Point(0.2, 0.2)
    assert 5 * p4 == Point(5, 5)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(0, 0) + 10)

    # Point differences should be simplified
    assert Point(x * (x - 1), y) - Point(x**2 - x, y + 1) == Point(0, -1)

    a, b = S.Half, Rational(1, 3)
    assert Point(a, b).evalf(2) == \
        Point(a.n(2), b.n(2), evaluate=False)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(1, 2) + 1)

    # test transformations
    p = Point(1, 0)
    assert p.rotate(pi / 2) == Point(0, 1)
    assert p.rotate(pi / 2, p) == p
    p = Point(1, 1)
    assert p.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1, 2) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1) == Point(2, 1)
    assert p.translate(y=1) == Point(1, 2)
    assert p.translate(*p.args) == Point(2, 2)

    # Check invalid input for transform
    raises(ValueError, lambda: p3.transform(p3))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: p.transform(Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_point():
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)
    p5 = Point(0, 1)

    assert p1 in p1
    assert p1 not in p2
    assert p2.y == y2
    assert (p3 + p4) == p4
    assert (p2 - p1) == Point(y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)

    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half * x1, half + half * x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2
    assert p2.midpoint(p2) == p2

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == sqrt(p2.x**2 + p2.y**2)

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) is False
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p3, p4, p5) is False

    assert p3.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [p3]
    assert p3.intersection(p4) == []

    x_pos = Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5) is False
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p4, p4 * 2, p4 * 3) is False

    assert p4.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p3.scale(2, 3) == p3

    assert p4.rotate(pi, Point(0.5, 0.5)) == p3
    assert p1.__radd__(p2) == p1.midpoint(p2).scale(2, 2)
    assert (-p3).__rsub__(p4) == p3.midpoint(p4).scale(2, 2)

    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert p4 / 5 == Point(0.2, 0.2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(0, 0) + 10)

    # Point differences should be simplified
    assert Point(x * (x - 1), y) - Point(x**2 - x, y + 1) == Point(0, -1)

    a, b = Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 3)
    assert Point(a, b).evalf(2) == \
        Point(a.n(2), b.n(2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(1, 2) + 1)

    # test transformations
    p = Point(1, 0)
    assert p.rotate(pi / 2) == Point(0, 1)
    assert p.rotate(pi / 2, p) == p
    p = Point(1, 1)
    assert p.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1, 2) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1) == Point(2, 1)
    assert p.translate(y=1) == Point(1, 2)
    assert p.translate(*p.args) == Point(2, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_point():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    x1 = Symbol('x1', real=True)
    x2 = Symbol('x2', real=True)
    y1 = Symbol('y1', real=True)
    y2 = Symbol('y2', real=True)
    half = Rational(1, 2)
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)
    p5 = Point(0, 1)

    assert p1 in p1
    assert p1 not in p2
    assert p2.y == y2
    assert (p3 + p4) == p4
    assert (p2 - p1) == Point(y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
    assert p4*5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(3, I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(2*I, I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(3 + I, I))

    assert Point(34.05, sqrt(3)) == Point(Rational(681, 20), sqrt(3))
    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half*x1, half + half*x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2
    assert p2.midpoint(p2) == p2

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == sqrt(p2.x**2 + p2.y**2)

    assert Point.taxicab_distance(p4, p3) == 2

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) is False
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p3, p4, p5) is False
    line = Line(Point(1,0), slope = 1)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Point.is_collinear(line))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: p1_1.is_collinear(line))

    assert p3.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [p3]
    assert p3.intersection(p4) == []

    assert p1.dot(p4) == x1 + x2
    assert p3.dot(p4) == 0
    assert p4.dot(p5) == 1

    x_pos = Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5) is False
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p4, p4 * 2, p4 * 3) is False

    assert p4.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p3.scale(2, 3) == p3

    assert p4.rotate(pi, Point(0.5, 0.5)) == p3
    assert p1.__radd__(p2) == p1.midpoint(p2).scale(2, 2)
    assert (-p3).__rsub__(p4) == p3.midpoint(p4).scale(2, 2)

    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert p4 / 5 == Point(0.2, 0.2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(0, 0) + 10)

    # Point differences should be simplified
    assert Point(x*(x - 1), y) - Point(x**2 - x, y + 1) == Point(0, -1)

    a, b = Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 3)
    assert Point(a, b).evalf(2) == \
        Point(a.n(2), b.n(2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(1, 2) + 1)

    # test transformations
    p = Point(1, 0)
    assert p.rotate(pi/2) == Point(0, 1)
    assert p.rotate(pi/2, p) == p
    p = Point(1, 1)
    assert p.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1, 2) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1) == Point(2, 1)
    assert p.translate(y=1) == Point(1, 2)
    assert p.translate(*p.args) == Point(2, 2)

    # Check invalid input for transform
    raises(ValueError, lambda: p3.transform(p3))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: p.transform(Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])))
Ejemplo n.º 11
                cl.subtarget = name

                cr = mt.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
                cr.target = _obj
                cr.subtarget = name
                # print(mt.matrix_world)


l_eye = bpy.data.objects[emptyList[1]]
r_eye = bpy.data.objects[emptyList[0]]

l_eye_pos = Point(l_eye.matrix_world.translation)
r_eye_pos = Point(r_eye.matrix_world.translation)

global_location = map_tuple_gen(float, l_eye_pos.midpoint(r_eye_pos))

scn = bpy.context.scene

# --- Set Scene camera ---- #

camera = Camera()

bpy.data.scenes["Scene"].render.resolution_x = final_image_resolution_x
bpy.data.scenes["Scene"].render.resolution_y = final_image_resolution_y
    "Scene"].render.resolution_percentage = render_resolution_percent

# Offset the camera by the default camera position along the z-axis
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_point():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    x1 = Symbol('x1', real=True)
    x2 = Symbol('x2', real=True)
    y1 = Symbol('y1', real=True)
    y2 = Symbol('y2', real=True)
    half = S.Half
    p1 = Point(x1, x2)
    p2 = Point(y1, y2)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(1, 1)
    p5 = Point(0, 1)
    line = Line(Point(1, 0), slope=1)

    assert p1 in p1
    assert p1 not in p2
    assert p2.y == y2
    assert (p3 + p4) == p4
    assert (p2 - p1) == Point(y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
    assert -p2 == Point(-y1, -y2)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Point(1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point([1]))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(3, I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(2*I, I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(3 + I, I))

    assert Point(34.05, sqrt(3)) == Point(Rational(681, 20), sqrt(3))
    assert Point.midpoint(p3, p4) == Point(half, half)
    assert Point.midpoint(p1, p4) == Point(half + half*x1, half + half*x2)
    assert Point.midpoint(p2, p2) == p2
    assert p2.midpoint(p2) == p2
    assert p1.origin == Point(0, 0)

    assert Point.distance(p3, p4) == sqrt(2)
    assert Point.distance(p1, p1) == 0
    assert Point.distance(p3, p2) == sqrt(p2.x**2 + p2.y**2)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Point.distance(p1, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Point.distance(p1, GeometryEntity()))

    # distance should be symmetric
    assert p1.distance(line) == line.distance(p1)
    assert p4.distance(line) == line.distance(p4)

    assert Point.taxicab_distance(p4, p3) == 2

    assert Point.canberra_distance(p4, p5) == 1
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point.canberra_distance(p3, p3))

    p1_1 = Point(x1, x1)
    p1_2 = Point(y2, y2)
    p1_3 = Point(x1 + 1, x1)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3)

    with warns(UserWarning, test_stacklevel=False):
        assert Point.is_collinear(p3, Point(p3, dim=4))
    assert p3.is_collinear()
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_2)
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p4, p1_1, p1_3) is False
    assert Point.is_collinear(p3, p3, p4, p5) is False

    raises(TypeError, lambda: Point.is_collinear(line))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: p1_1.is_collinear(line))

    assert p3.intersection(Point(0, 0)) == [p3]
    assert p3.intersection(p4) == []
    assert p3.intersection(line) == []
    with warns(UserWarning, test_stacklevel=False):
        assert Point.intersection(Point(0, 0, 0), Point(0, 0)) == [Point(0, 0, 0)]

    x_pos = Symbol('x', positive=True)
    p2_1 = Point(x_pos, 0)
    p2_2 = Point(0, x_pos)
    p2_3 = Point(-x_pos, 0)
    p2_4 = Point(0, -x_pos)
    p2_5 = Point(x_pos, 5)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2)
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_4)
    for pts in permutations((p2_1, p2_2, p2_3, p2_5)):
        assert Point.is_concyclic(*pts) is False
    assert Point.is_concyclic(p4, p4 * 2, p4 * 3) is False
    assert Point(0, 0).is_concyclic((1, 1), (2, 2), (2, 1)) is False
    assert Point.is_concyclic(Point(0, 0, 0, 0), Point(1, 0, 0, 0), Point(1, 1, 0, 0), Point(1, 1, 1, 0)) is False

    assert p1.is_scalar_multiple(p1)
    assert p1.is_scalar_multiple(2*p1)
    assert not p1.is_scalar_multiple(p2)
    assert Point.is_scalar_multiple(Point(1, 1), (-1, -1))
    assert Point.is_scalar_multiple(Point(0, 0), (0, -1))
    # test when is_scalar_multiple can't be determined
    raises(Undecidable, lambda: Point.is_scalar_multiple(Point(sympify("x1%y1"), sympify("x2%y2")), Point(0, 1)))

    assert Point(0, 1).orthogonal_direction == Point(1, 0)
    assert Point(1, 0).orthogonal_direction == Point(0, 1)

    assert p1.is_zero is None
    assert p3.is_zero
    assert p4.is_zero is False
    assert p1.is_nonzero is None
    assert p3.is_nonzero is False
    assert p4.is_nonzero

    assert p4.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p3.scale(2, 3) == p3

    assert p4.rotate(pi, Point(0.5, 0.5)) == p3
    assert p1.__radd__(p2) == p1.midpoint(p2).scale(2, 2)
    assert (-p3).__rsub__(p4) == p3.midpoint(p4).scale(2, 2)

    assert p4 * 5 == Point(5, 5)
    assert p4 / 5 == Point(0.2, 0.2)
    assert 5 * p4 == Point(5, 5)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(0, 0) + 10)

    # Point differences should be simplified
    assert Point(x*(x - 1), y) - Point(x**2 - x, y + 1) == Point(0, -1)

    a, b = S.Half, Rational(1, 3)
    assert Point(a, b).evalf(2) == \
        Point(a.n(2), b.n(2), evaluate=False)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point(1, 2) + 1)

    # test project
    assert Point.project((0, 1), (1, 0)) == Point(0, 0)
    assert Point.project((1, 1), (1, 0)) == Point(1, 0)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Point.project(p1, Point(0, 0)))

    # test transformations
    p = Point(1, 0)
    assert p.rotate(pi/2) == Point(0, 1)
    assert p.rotate(pi/2, p) == p
    p = Point(1, 1)
    assert p.scale(2, 3) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1, 2) == Point(2, 3)
    assert p.translate(1) == Point(2, 1)
    assert p.translate(y=1) == Point(1, 2)
    assert p.translate(*p.args) == Point(2, 2)

    # Check invalid input for transform
    raises(ValueError, lambda: p3.transform(p3))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: p.transform(Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])))

    # test __contains__
    assert 0 in Point(0, 0, 0, 0)
    assert 1 not in Point(0, 0, 0, 0)

    # test affine_rank
    assert Point.affine_rank() == -1